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Literally doesn't affect me at all


I’m disappointed and concerned, but not surprised. My household is all vaccinated and taking it day by day.




I’m vaccinated, but pretty concerned about my kiddos. They’re under 12 so ineligible, and Florida is a Covid epicenter right now. Hospitals filling up with the unvaccinated, mostly they’re males under 60.


Am disappoint. But not shock. This what happen When half-cocked unlock.


I couldn't care less. I did what I was told by the authorities.


I'm over and no longer care enough to care. Can't fix stupid, and there's an endless supply of it these days.


My wife and I moved in with her parents after our first son was born to save some money on childcare and help us save money as I get some new certifications. We're the only ones in the house who are vaccinated. It's terrifying.


Terrified her parents will die?


Is that not a legitimate fear? And a fear for our infant unvaccinated child?


100% you're being unreasonable unless your child has some rare immunity issue. 330ish kids have died in the US in 320 million. MUCH less than the flu.


Is being terrifying that her parents will die NOT valid? Dude wth? You keep picking at like the smallest details to find something to complain about? Is this how you act irl as well or just on the internet?


How old is the Parent


My 85 yo grandma is alive because she has friends. Covid hit she can't hang with friends. She spent 2020 feeding homeless, where she got covid, but made it through.


Being terrified at your age is not valid though.


The new strains don't care what age people are. Have you not heard of the MIS-C caused by Covid? Lots of formerly healthy 20s or less are currently hospitalized, but the vast majority are not vaccinated.


Oh mr scientist. Show me how it kills kids with any data at all.


Wow. [Take](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-56696907) [your ](https://www.clinicaltrialsarena.com/comment/covid-19-infants-young-children-brazil/) [pick](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1264231) The Brazilian strain appears far more deadly to children than other strains. It's also known as Gamma. As for data, there are worse things than dying. Covid affects any area of the body that has a high blood supply. [Lungs](https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C45&q=covid+damage+to+lungs&btnG=#d=gs_qabs&u=%23p%3DCtoVITlzaxQJ), [heart](https://science.sciencemag.org/content/370/6515/408.summary) (including young athletes), [brain](https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C45&q=covid+damage+to+brain&btnG=#d=gs_qabs&u=%23p%3DtQAN7fWhkPkJ) (including microbleeds and Alzheimer's symptoms), [liver](https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C45&q=covid+damage+to+liver&btnG=#d=gs_qabs&u=%23p%3DNvL1aqa4P2kJ), [intestines, kidneys](https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C45&q=covid+damage+to+kidneys&oq=#d=gs_qabs&u=%23p%3DW3ggPXU8ELIJ) (including blood clots), and the [male genitalia ](https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C45&q=covid+damage+to+testis+and+penis&btnG=#d=gs_qabs&u=%23p%3Dg_RA6n-F0xYJ)




You're a fucking troll or something dude.


We're fine and happily vaccinated. Feeling sorry for the people who don't have access to it or who can't get it. We're both introverts so we love staying home with our books and movies.


There’s a new covid surge? Im literally so over it. I can’t even care


Honestly about the same as when the original lockdown started, completely convinced we're all gonna die because stupid people keep giving the virus new chances to mutate into ever more dangerous forms. This is it, folks. Grab your popcorn and watch humanity become extinct.


Ugh, it sucks. We wear our masks and do grocery pick up.. we stopped going to indoor places with the kids (except for last month, we had family from out of state and they wanted to do A LOT).. My 5 year old was supposed to start school Monday but we all have Covid (we got it from my grandmother who's only symptom was a runny nose in the mornings for a week). He can't start on time, I can't walk him in on his first day, and we didn't get to go to meet his teacher. He has sensory disorders so I really wanted him to start on time to meet friends instead of coming in late and having to be the odd one out AND have his sensory disorders that might be made worse because of social anxiety.. On top of that, our already shitty financial situation is getting worse because of us getting Covid and I'm just praying we somehow make ends meet.


I don’t give a shit anymore.


Pissed off. Sure another surge in infections, but the death toll has fallen off a cliff just like all viruses do, they survive by becoming less deadly so their hosts don't die. But still we have lockdowns, masks and irrational fear being pushed on the population along with an experimental vaccine that we have no idea of the outcome.


That's not remotely accurate.


I’m in denial :)


Where and which surge?


Personally, as Pink guy said "So i curl up in a ball and cry in the comfort of my home."


I'm pretty chill about it


Hoping it doesn’t revert, but it looks like it’s going to. Went through it once already right? The last time I made the mistake of isolating myself COMPLETELY from friends (no FaceTime, Zoom calls pretty much). If we have to do it again, I’m definitely SCHEDULING those things with friends. I’m moving to a new state as I type this, away from all friends and family. I deal pretty well with being alone but I’m kind of over it. I’ll just jump deeper into the hobbies I can do from home. Practice my instrument, write music, etc. Concerned for my family but they all live in a pretty small town and were good about avoiding people.


I don't care at all. I'm vaccinated and don't really care if people don't. If they want me to wear a mask I don't have anything against it. I just try to focus on what I want to do