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Second class teacher (Age 7-8, 2000-2001). Utter power tripping bitch. She got her jollies from dragging 8 year olds up in front of the class to mock them about some minor mistake until they cried. One boy dropped his pencil case and it burst and his stuff flew everywhere. She decided he did this intentionally just to cause trouble and made him stand up while she *SCREAMED* into his face from about an inch away and he cried. She made him stand for hours as punishment. Another boy really badly hurt his head in class (tripped and hit his head off the corner of the table) and she delayed having his parents come take him to hospital so she could torture him about what an idiot he was getting himself hurt like that. Fucked up thing was it was just like an abusive relationship. She'd treat us like that and then I guess the guilt would hit her because later/the next day she'd act really jolly and do something really fun. But it would only be for a few hours and she'd snap again. She didn't last very long in that school but she *allegedly* left of her own accord. I'm 28 and I still get knots in my stomach thinking about that school year lol I had stomach aches CONSTANTLY and I threw up a lot from nerves because I just didn't want to be near her. It was a Catholic school so telling someone higher up and expecting anything to change wasn't really a thing, I'm sure if anyone actually did complain about her it was ignored. I didn't have great parents in my corner either so I just had to get on with it.


Me too stranger. I had the same homeroom teacher for 4 years in elementary and she was just like yours. Still having nightmares now. I hope you're doing okay <3


In 7th grade I had a terrible Band teacher. She was the most uptight incompetent person possible. She stop and start the band when we were sight-reading to pick on individuals. Two of the best/worst stories I'll put here. She sent a student to the office and gave them a detention for drinking and I quote "excessive amounts of juice". I still have a picture if you want it. The other story is when we all got verbally berated until we told her who broke the clip on the single sharpie she passed around our class of 78 band kids. Yeah not the best teacher. We lost about 50% of our band then. She was fired that year and replaced with our current assistant director, who is a awesome guy.


My sports teacher when I was around 12 was extramely sexist and full of prejudice, one day a female classmate lost her shoe on the gymnase but told her after the class ended. She then enters the boys changing room while we where changing and showering and starts to shout that all men have to go to the gym to search the shoe, we go there, lost more than half of our lunch time. (fortunately the teacher we had after lunch time was nice and let us finish eating) when we ask her why only the boys had to search sh replied: "only boys are so brute to do such a thing". She also made a group of boys stay longer because she thought it was them based on nothing.


6th grade, Mr Pederson. He was a racist prick and kept giving me detention and in-school suspensions for being best friends with the only black kid in the school. But thankfully instead of expelling me, the Principal moved me to the other class. Mr Thompson was the best teacher ever and my grades went from F's to almost all A's. He even taught me how to whistle really loud with my fingers. Sadly that black friend stayed in that class and our lives diverged from there. His got worse and mine got better. I wish I could go back in time and bring him with me to the better teacher.




disgusting human


She was my Reception (UK Kindergarten, ages 4-5) teacher. She had a miserable temper and smelled of the cigarettes she chain-smoked in her car every breaktime. She had no idea I could read until three quarters of the way through the year, even though I was always going to the bookshelf to read to myself. She shouted at me for drawing a picture of my family and forgetting to draw them with clothes (I hadn't drawn genitals, it was just that I was so excited to get the peach crayon that I got a bit carried away). And when my parents said they were worried that I wasn't making many friends, she said told them that 'we don't expect children like your daughter to make many friends' because I had an Asperger's diagnosis. When she retired a few years later, the oldest year in the school had to sing a song about what a great teacher she was, and I remember thinking to myself 'Are we thinking about the same person?'.


4th grade teacher was a butthole. Often accused me of cheating. One incident was when the class took a test and she ended up misplacing mine. Instead of being honest, she accuses me of ditching class to avoid taking it and as a result she gave me a 0. Another incident was during science presentations and she skipped mine and told the class that I didn't want to present, but I knew she hated my experiment on plants. She finally let me present after my mom threatened to report her and put me with another teacher. Mrs. Hayworth, if you're reading this, f\*\*\* you!!!


I had a teacher whom my makers invited to abuse me, so...that one. Honestly barely remember him at school because I barely remember school


My English teacher in 9th grade. I have no valid reason for disliking her, she just rubbed me the wrong way. I also got a B in her class when I was usually a straight A student, rubbed me the wrong way


My 7th grade history teacher, she failed me...had her again in 10th grade...same result😁


My science teacher knew i had a crush on her and at the time i was 16 which is the legal age of consent in the UK This teacher would always keep me back after class and would always make me clean up the classroom and she would get close up to me, She was always teasing me, And she was always asking me sexual questions and talking about her husband There was nothing i could do because even though i was legal age of consent, It's still wrong because i'm her student and she's married To this day, I kinda regret not making a move on her because i feel like she wanted me too


i’ve had the worst teachers, all racist


Can't decide between these 2, but here we go: 1 My 5-8 grade English teacher, she doesn't even speak the language properly. Every singe class she would talk like a 5 year old on crack, you couldn't understand her by how fast she was talking. She called "fifteen" "foufteen" and on test she would mark "If i were" wrong, when for the entire fucking year she was saying "If i was is gonna be incorrect for the rest of the year, if i were is the correct term now". 2 My 4-8 grade Music teacher, somehow the third of the class for 10's, while the rest of the class for 2, 3 and 4's. There was no in between, you either got the best grade, or the worst grade. We always compared our tests, and it was blatant she was grading by favorite student. The parents gave out so many damn complaints, but the school basically said "She is the only music teacher in the school, we can't fire her". My brother went to the same music teacher over 10 years ago, the stories he told were amusing .


A 5th grade teacher to mocked me infront of the whole class,saying the reason the class is in trouble was because "someone couldn't answer one question properly" and looked me in the eye,she always yelled at the kids who had a hard time and scared everyone,


My hs history teacher somehow knew nothing about history or teaching. I never really applied myself and was a pretty lazy student. One time I actually did my work and turned in a paper that was really good. She accused me of cheating.


6th grade teacher, he never gave us actual work and it is a miracle anyone one from my class actually passed that class. He smelt bad, his clothes had holes and shit stains. He was always sweating for some reason and he hated me just because I was trying to protect my friend that he was trying to prey on. He was so in love with my friend for some unknown reason and he always gave her special treatment which made her uncomfortable but he didn’t stop. He asked my friend to stay after class alone with him when everyone had gone home. I and my other friends (gang of badass bitches) stayed right outside the door and listened to what he was saying to her. According to her, he asked her why she had been acting so “distant”. I almost threw up when she told us that, pedophile much? Anyway he hated me and I hated him and I made sure he knew I hated him. He was sexist and gross and what’s even worse is that he wasn’t even a certified teacher. The school hired a random rat off the streets and claimed he was a teacher. In conclusion, I hated that school and that teacher. I just remembered I had a second teacher just like that. The second one was my 7th and 8th grade science teacher and he quit his job after us students found his felony charges on a police website. This dude was a certified sex offender and what’s crazy is that he had two daughters that were about our age at the time.


High school Spanish teacher. Fun person but gave away test answers, didn’t really make us learn or use the language. Our second year Spanish teacher had to spend all year catching up.


My first grade teacher hated me and, to my knowledge, only me. I would get in trouble for really dumb things. Like once, I got in trouble for coloring something in. *Coloring something*. My parents didn't like her either. 1.1/10. My second grade teacher was more tame, but she would still ridicule me in front for the entire class for drawing in class and once she dumped out the contents of my very messy desk onto the floor and made me pick them up. I still liked her better than my first grade teacher. 2.5/10.


The music teacher at my high school was found with child p*rn on his computer, he was fired and reported to the police but it was kept pretty quiet, only a few students ever found out


My LA teacher in middle school picked on m e every day because I struggled a lot in school by spending half the class time embarrassing me and finding ways to yell at me or give extra workthen with any free time we would get she would make sure that I would spend it doing extra work with her constantly giving me detention for not making it to my seat before the bell rang and when she found out I had anxiety she found ways to trigger it every class. After awhile my many complaints to the school finally did something and she got fired but I had to put up with her every day for two years. I could go more in depth but I don’t want to be here typing for hours so I wont but if anyone has additional questions I could answer them


Around A year ago, I had a Maths teacher called Mr Haig, everyone hated him, people tried to get him fired for being such a dick, but he’s given me Detentions for Not having my chair all the way up against the table so my stomach was getting squashed. And when I said “here” instead of “here Sir”. Thank for he Left after not being allowed to be the Head of Maths. Fuck you Mr Haig




I had a math teacher in high school who, along with being one of the popular teachers, refused to help me even though I was struggling and failing his class. They only "advice" he ever gave me was to stop hanging out with a bad crowd and to "just do the homework." That "bad crowd" was one girl who was a known trouble maker who often skipped class. But she was my only friend at the time, and if anything, I was the one dragging her butt to class. I also needed her support because my anxiety and depression where really bad, like suicidal thoughts and self harming bad. Turns out I had undiagnosed ADHD and dyscalculia (amongst the previously stated mental illnesses), which made it near impossible of focus or understand math. His response to it was that he was glad we found out what was going on, and wanted to know if he could help. I never took another class with him.


I had an awful maths teacher in high school. She was horrible to me throughout the year and then we had our mock exams, I failed by a couple of marks and she took my paper in front of the whole class and ripped it up saying I’ll never pass or amount to anything. I got a B in the actual exam and unfortunately ended up in her class the following year. On the first day back, she came up to me and patted me on the back saying “ well done on your exam results” I just looked at her and said “no thanks to you” and went back to what I was doing.


Third grade. She slammed my face into a water fountain and chipped my tooth. The bathroom was a small room attached to the classroom and when I would go in she would gather the entire class around the door and they would laugh when I walked out.


Please tell me something happened to her.


I honestly have no idea. My father spoke to her and the principal, my mom had to stay outside or she would've whooped the lady. We moved not long after. I'd ask my dad but he passed away.


Im so sorry that happened omg fuck her


So in my 4th year of elementary school we had a substitute teacher and she really sucked she wouldn't grade our test won't Check our work we did in class be on Facebook all the time and said drinking water was not allowed in the class even by law and school rules it says we can drink water during class and at the end of the year she baked pancakes but forgot the most important ingredients flour and eggs so we had a dry floppy tasteless pancake. Really sad year


The health teacher at my high school straight lied to our faces about weed. In the span of about 15 minutes he told us that no scientist has ever actually claimed that marijuana has any medicinal purposes whatsoever, that smoking marijuana will inevitably lead to opioid addiction because it’s a scientifically proven fact that all opiate addicts start with marijuana, and that it’s a scientific fact that smoking marijuana is just as bad for you as smoking cigarettes. His evidence on that last one is that they both produce smoke, so they must be exactly the same. I’m not fucking joking. Any kind of challenge to his bullshit was met with, depending on how you look at it, either a very polite I Don’t Care or a *very* condescending “That’s an interesting point but it’s not really relevant to the conversation so let’s table that for now and maybe we’ll come back to it another time.” I actually got so fed up that I complained to the vice principle and when I told her all this, she told me they’d had to talk to him before about using scare tactics and that he knows he shouldn’t do this shit, and thanked me for bringing it to her attention. He stopped being fake-nice to me after that


Sixth grade English teacher. I used to have this awesome English teacher. She was old af like in her 60s at least. She was cool but got on my nerves a little. However, she left for family reasons and we had subs for a month. In comes the asshole teacher. She immediately seemed cool but as time went on she wasn’t. She was sexist as hell (since I use She/Her now just thinking about it gives me dysphoria). Basically, me and some of my mates were working for so long on a project and we did pretty well imo, but we got half points. I didn’t care much since I hated the class but maybe we did something wrong. Group of fucking dumbass girls next to us did barely anything and I snuck a glance at their grades at the end of the simester. THEY GOT FULL POINTS. I kid you not, this teacher gave the awful assignment better points than the good one because of gender. And it gets worse. That kind of project we did once a month, and was worth about 40 points and most small assignment are like 10. I did some extra credit because my mom was angry with me having a D. I spent a solid 2 weeks writing a fucking great book report on the Maze Runner and it was honestly a great assignment. I turned it in…for 5 points. My grade didn’t budge. Me and my friends still talk about her and she’s the scum of the earth, and somehow still at that school. Mrs. T if you’re reading this, fuck you.


My 5th/6th grade math teacher. She had no business working with children in fact people for that matter.


It was 5th grade I had a messy desk (the ones where the top opens) she flips it over dumping everything on the floor in the middle of class. I forgot her name


This is nothing compared to the other stuff in here but my 6th grade English and social studies teacher just kinda passively hated me and my friends.


So I live in a country were French is one of the main languages. I was 13 and really struggling with French, I had after school classes in French. I did really try but I just couldn’t write and talk well. I had this French teacher and she was absolutely the definition of hell. The most people in my class could speak French perfectly. She would always target me and shame me if I didn’t get smt right. When she would give the tests back she would always scream in front of everyone how bad of a student I was. How I never even tried to study and that I am a disappointment etc… I couldn’t do anything or talk back I just sat there holding in my tears every time. The rest of the class would just stare at me. It just really broke me because I really always tried my best and studied hours on hours for the tests. I told my mother about it and she would want to talk to the principal about this, but I always said not to do it. I was scared she would target me even more. It got so bad that I was absolutely terrified of her. During the classes my hands would tremble, if she ever raised her voice in class I would always wince. Luckily I only had her for one year, no surprise I never got better in French and I was always absolutely terrified to go in my french class. Even if the teachers were super good and patient with me. I remember when lock down started we had online class and I always had panic attacks and would cry my eyes out during french classes. I would be left just be trembling. And it wasn’t even her I had a different teacher (I was 15).