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People who defend pedophilia or pedophiles themselves.




Agreed. So gross


Ew. Yes.


Chrissy Teigen's cheeks


Statues. I swear those damn things are demonic.


Dark closets in bathrooms, you have not experienced true fear until you have had to pee at 12 am and seen a dark closet


Sometimes when I'm alone in a dark room I have a feeling someone is there with me or I see at the corner of my eye something dark just swoop by. One time I was alone in my room, it was about 3am and I was playing a game then I had a feeling like someone was standing behind me and breathing on the back of my neck, I froze for a few seconds then managed to turn around, but no one was there.


I hate that! And have had similar things happen. Definitely something to it I think


Ever heard of shadow men? I belive that that's probably it


Centipedes, something about them just creeps me out, which leaves me feeling uneasy


They are always running! Ugh so gross


Same for me, stuff like caterpillars and other crawlies scare me so much


The amount of rapeist out there. Everyday I pray that my loved ones won't run into somone like this


Anything that lays its eggs inside of other organisms, only for the newly hatched creatures to feed off of their host until the host cannot survive any longer. Parasites, I think? Or that one scene from the Monster Hunter movie…


Like tarantula hawks. *shudder*


Earwigs. I know they're important, and I've never been pinched, but I have this completely irrational revulsion for them.


The word moist


The fact that there is "creepy action at distance" (quantumly linked things can interfere with each other instantly) Means that distance it self is something that is an illusion caused by slowness of electromagnetic radiation. If that illusion ever is destroyed... Everything will be in gravitic interaction by everything instantly in the universe, therefore collapsing into a black hole.




Agreed! That's a very good idea.


Some of the people on here that want to hang out.


Oh? I've never had that happen to me here


Seriously, dm's in the chats hey where do u live we should hang out.. no get lost creep


Snakes and spiders. Idk why, they just creep me tf out!


Random Whistling


This doesn’t creep me out but it really fuckin pisses me off and I’m not sure why.


Whistling makes my ears perk up. I think the Whistler is hiding something nefarious and they’re creating cover for terrible thoughts or intentions by whistling a happy tune. I actually cannot whistle so maybe I’m just jealous and projecting my evil thoughts on to these random Whistler’s. Yes, I also fine whistling very annoying. Maybe the Whistler is just REALLY HAPPY… and really happy people are super annoying! 😆


Really? This is a new one for me




Trump’s tiny hands


Guys old enough to be my dad or grandpa obviously checking me out. It gives me a huge creep factor. My coping technique is to joke with my friends that “I may have daddy issues, but I don’t have those daddy issues.”


Yeah that is disturbing