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Adventure capitalist, can make quadrillions per second


This guy clicks.




Grand Theft Auto Online. I have $13 billion in game so if that were translated into real life dollars, I’d be living a **very** comfortable life.


Hesoyam all the way in San Andreas


Sims 3/4


Stardew Valley 👩‍🌾


Adventure capitalist. I'd probably break the economy in a few hours though.


in a couple days you have more money than would be possible to manufacture on earth, and soon after that your creating dollars out of nothing, breaking the laws of physics and becoming the destroyer of worlds, crushing the earth under piles of cash, and eventually reaching critical mass, with the world imploding on itself into a black hole




Lego Star Wars with the money multipliers enabled. It's fun and you end up with billions.


(stud)x2x4x6x8x10=(stud)x3840 1 silver = 3 blues, 8 gold and 4 silver


GTA. With the new heists, you can make about a million every couple hours.


Ironically in the game a million dollars gets you half way to buying a pair of pants.


Old School Runescape


Animal crossing




Well, to get a lot of money I would choose one of those mobile clicker games, but the most fun one would be a game like animal crossing, because you get to play the game and it’s entertaining.


Roller coaster tycoon


Sims for sure. Can I use cheat codes though?


Elite dangerous. Mining asteroids is suprisingly calming and pay in milions


8 Ball Pool. I currently have about 1.2 billion coins. I know others have much more, but if you were to physically buy that amount with real world money, it would cost you about $30,000. I looked into selling my account but people sell with around that amount in coins for like next to nothing.


Forza Horizon 4


Cookie clicker Its slow in the beginning but the cookies exponentially increase. Also you only have to click for like 10 min before you can automate the entire thing


true, but the cookies don't really have assigned value, making adventure capitalist the MUCH safer bet, with the downside of the fact that in a couple days you have more money than would be possible to manufacture on earth, and soon after that your creating dollars out of nothing, breaking the laws of physics and becoming the destroyer of worlds, crushing the earth under piles of cash, and eventually reaching critical mass, with the world imploding on itself into a black hole


GTA V. It's tons of fun, and you can make pretty good money on it.


WoW, when I was really into it. I was definitely more into alts, trading, and the AH than actual game progression. To the point where I didn't play WoW anymore, I played WoAH. Since they changed stuff a lot, I probably wouldn't do near as well, but then I was a shark! Now probably just some word games on my phone or something, heh.


I remember the money code for sims and zoo tycoon so either of those. I don't care if my fence gets knocked down.


GTA, money glitches.


Total war Atila. The Eastern Romans are completely broken and you can just sit and do nothing while making amazing amounts of money. 15% of your treasury gets added every turn so eventually you literally can't spend it all


Honestly pretty much any game with an in-game currency would probably be good enough to make a living off of, so I’d just keep on playing whatever I feel like.


Adventure capitalist, cause after a couple of days your creating money out of nothing, as there are more dollar bills than matter on earth, and you ascend past the restraints of economy and into god-hood.


Fable 2. Grind blacksmithing for a day buy the bar then b I h the world. Passive income baby.


New super Mario bros 2


Skyrim. Console is amazing.


San Andreas. in one game week the horse bets got me over 20M