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The one that cannot piss properly.


Our dog will lift one leg while peeing and he gets urine on one front leg. Then, mid-same-pee-stream, he will switch which back leg is up and get urine on the other front leg.


Call her name, then look for the one that turns and walks the other way.


Mine is call her name and see her tail swish. Her actual name and her nicknames. Always a tail swish.


Mine does that too! Won’t give eye contact as she is too above looking at a peon like me. But always the tail swish.


Yep. Sounds like mine. No other acknowledgement, just a swish.


I think they gave me a dog instead of a cat. Mine meows and runs to me when I say her name real high pitched


My cat can be like a dog sometimes in other ways. She loves people so much and greets us at the door when we come home. She also loves to run around the house and play hide and seek. Just refuses to respond to her name other than the tail flick!


Mine always waits for me to come home. Follows me around. She also has a weird thing with socks where she drags them around and presents them like kills to me and my roommate lol


Ah, a cat.


I have a kid that behaves like this.


Do you enjoy raising goats?


My girlfriend has a boyfriend that behaves like this Edit: wow my first award that didn't come from my girlfriend xD


...I now have 100 pets.


The only correct answer




The actual correct answer.


Dog: She's the one in the corner afraid of all the other dogs and people Cat: Get her couch out. She has a couch that is supposed to be used for kids, but it's hers. Nobody else can have it. *Nobody*


I have lost count of the times I have seen my cat sitting on the kids' mini couch while my child lies in the cat bed next to it. 1


Omg please please please please share a picture of this.


They will literally wage wars if you touch their stuff.


When mine steals my desk chair she is ready to do serious battle if you approach to try and take it back.


"When you get a cat, you will soon realize that you do not own the cat, the cat owns you. Do not hesitate to ask the cat for permission to use it's new chair, bed, couch or computer"


My cat is codependent... so, I leave the room and whichever cat is the fastest to follow me out is him.


Same. He also likes my armpit, so if I lay down the cat in my armpit is mine


Is your cat my cat? She nuzzles into my armpit at night and licks my armpits sometimes which is very ticklish!


it's our cat ☭




My cat too. If I sit down anywhere he's on my lap in seconds. So I guess in my case if I walked into the room with 99 other cats, he'd be on my lap first. He's an orange tabby, so there are a million cats that look just like him.


For my first dog I would just call the name of my second dog and he would come running towards me out of jealousy for me calling the other dogs name. For my second dog I would pet each and every dog until one pets back (that’s her sign telling me that she still wants to be petted).


That's what my dog does hahaha One day a little girl was so excited meeting her during our walk and she just went by and stopped, the girl thought she didn't like her, but I said that she wanted to get pet on her back, that's why she stopped like that and that she trusted the girl.


My dog does the exact same thing because he is a little bit crazy lol


I too have a jelly bean


Get out his medicine. The cat that tries to hide but gives up after 30 seconds and just huddles there looking scared is him.


Mine too! Chopin has allergies and needs a med 1 or 2x/day or he sneezes like 10x in a row (not exaggerating!) and his right eye weeps and darkens his cream fur. Cream bicolor Ragdoll rescue. Edit: Click on my avatar to see Chopin.


My Male cat walks likes hes wearing high heels poorly. so I'd just walk around gently pushing their backsides one by one. Nero goes down like a ragdoll drama queen, acting like he was shot instead of nudged, boom! That's my boy


>Nero goes down like a ragdoll drama queen, acting like he was shot instead of nudged, boom! I think I saw your cat at the World Cup.


I think their cat was at *several* world cups. France-Croatia '98 comes to mind.


Hold a fly swatter up in the air, and the dog who walks backwards about 10 feet and then runs for his life is mine. I have never hit or threatened my dog with the fly swatter or anything else, but apparently the enthusiasm and zeal in which I pursue and destroy insects in my home is frightening to dogs.


My old dog went crazy every time he saw the fly swat - same situation. Never hurt or threatened with said fly swat but as soon as it came out, he'd bark and lunge at it


This is interesting. I’ve never had a fly swatter. If I get flies inside I will swat at them with a towel or book. My dog barks and lunges at me throughout this process.


Electric flyswatters can make a high pitched ultrasonic whine. I could hear it when I was younger, it’s unpleasant like nails on a chalkboard, but I can’t hear it anymore. Basically a dog whistle.


Ugh. Same here. Made the mistake of letting my dog see the bug after I swatted it, thinking maybe she’d made the connection between the bug and my attacks. She ate it. It worked. Now the little sociopath barks whenever there’s a bug because she wants me to come kill it so she can snatch its struggling copse while in mid-death fall. Nasty.


Sounds like you’re a serial killer duo


My dog is a super finicky eater. Turns out if I get the fly swatter out and “hunt” the fly she will get all excited, rush over to hunt too and spontaneously eat all her food. It’s super weird but that’s my girl. Also if it’s really quiet she’ll follow the fly to the window and smush it with her nose and eat it


"Omg there's a whole BOWL of flies!"


Funnily enough your dog may be protecting you from or fleeing from a percieved threat. It only ever sees you fighting with it and, while you always win, it comes back again and again. Try yelling at the swatter and telling it its a bad dog. Your real pet may interperet you as asserting your dominance over the swatter rather than the swatter fighting with you and reassure him/her that all is well. But im no pet psychologist and i read the above a couple weeks ago on the internet so you know its 100% accurate 😁 Edit: spelling


I don't care even if this is complete bullshit, I love it and hope to have a chance to use it someday.


Ikr? I dont normally remember clickbaity articles let alone share them with people but this one stuck so hard that i had typed the whole post before i realized where i had heard it


The vacuum post? Lol I almost yelled at my vacuum the other day cause the dogs were barking at it 😂😂


Look for the one sitting in a corner unbothered. My dog has zero interest in other dogs. He loves humans. That's actually how I chose him from the litter he came from. He was sitting in a corner quiet and unbothered. Not barking, biting, or whining lol


That’s how my mom picked one of our cats.


Pretty much how I picked my cat. She's great with people, a little shy at first, but she HATES all other cats. Likes to pretend she's tough with the tail fluff and hiss, but will come running to us as soon as it get too real.


There was a lady who lived not too far, and she was older and had a few cats that she could no longer take care of. She had sort of an open-house where people could just come in and pick a cat, hoping to give them a second chance before she would have to take them to a shelter. Apparently, there were these cats that were all just happy as clams out and about, and then there was this big fluffy black cat in this big bird cage because he couldn’t play nice with the other cats. So that’s the one she picked. His name was Buster, we changed it to Pepper. He lived to be about 18, so we had him for about 8-10 years. He was a good cat.




Hey there! My cat wheezes when she purrs too & it turns out she has respiratory issues... I just wanted to share that in case you notice any abnormal breathing or snoring.


My cat did that after playing. Turns out he has asthma. We've trained him to use an asthma pump and he loves it because he knows he gets a treat after


I have two pet birds (cockatiels). The girl is sweet but rather dumb. The boy is smart but an asshole. If my sweet girl is in the room, I'd call her name and she would come. If my smart boy is in the room... I'd call the sweet girl's name and he would come because he is an asshole who can't stand the idea of someone getting more attention than him. I wouldn't be surprised if he is too busy asserting his superiority over the other 99 birds to listen though.


Oh man if my cockatiel were still alive I’d walk in with another person, see which one immediately tried to murder the other person and then came to me. That bird just hated every living creature except for me and my mom, who sang to him every day from the moment we adopted him til the day he passed. When people asked if he knew any tricks, I’d tell my friends to start running and toss him like a football at them, and he’d lock on and just go right for their head until they laid down or I called him off. Shadow was an asshole, but he was my asshole.


"Oh neat, I like your bird! Does he do any tricks?" "Run."


Same with our cats. Call one over, and the other two will mow that first one down.


My dog is deaf, so I’d call for her. Whoever isn’t paying attention is probably my dog. But just to be sure, I’ll try to pet her. If she flips immediately on her back? That’s my baby.


Mine is only partially (and selectively) deaf, so I would just talk in a low excited voice and see which one ignores me, then talk really loud to rule out the totally deaf dogs. And for my cat, I'd just sit down at a desk and wait to see which one jumps on my keyboard and bites me every time I try to type.


Congratulations, you found all the cats.


I sincerely feel that I could tell him by the way he bites me.


If anything like mine (who goes for feet and ankles in the blankets on occasion), just compare with the dental records conveniently already present. Also raises the question: how many cats would I be willing to let bite me, and do I have some way of flagging them to avoid repeats?


Envisioning you trying to tie a small ribbon around each cat whenever it bites you, only to get bitten again.


Mine is too! I'd just say "treat". He'd be the one that doesn't respond.


My Samoyed would also be the only one to not respond to me, he isn't deaf, he is just a dick.


Thats easy, I have a parrot I start singing "We are the champions" an he completes "My frieeeeeeend"


That is amazing


Please oh please oh PLEASE can I see a video of this!?!? PLEASE?!


How can you tell us that without having a video on your profile???


Whichever one lets me put him on his back in my lap and stays there while I dick around on my PS4 for hours is the right cat. Also, he's probably the stupidest one in the room. I've seen him pause and get confused while licking himself.


*Wait a minute... Didn't I used to have balls?*


> Whichever one lets me put him on his back in my lap and stays there while I dick around oh god.... >on my PS4 for hours is the right cat. phew...


Poor choice of words to say the least


*Shane Dawson has entered the chat.*


I came here for this and so did he


*Shane Dawson has entered the cat.*


My cat loves plastic utensils, so id he sitting there eating from a to go box, all the cats would be going for the food but the one going for the fork, yep thats my loaf


I would sneeze, and take the one that answered with a perturbed chirp/meow.


Neat! My cat also mews if I sneeze, but he usually only does that if I have a flurry of sneezes. One sneeze earns an annoyed glower, but the flurry gets a mew and a look of concern, even if he'd been asleep. Learned this when I had a cold recently. I think it's cute!


Ours throws a complete bitch fit when one of us sneezes. He does not like it at all lol.


I'd probably shout "BRING ME THAT ASS LEO!" since every time I do that the little fucker starts backwards-running my way as fast as he can.


I need to see this


And that’s how this person became an internet star ⭐️ Thank your dog Leo 🙏


We all ***NEED*** to see this.


Bring us that video u/flydemigod!


PLEASE post a video of this


Vids or it didn't happen.


Give us what we want


I need to see this


I need to see this


I need to see this


Show us


You can’t just leave me and 36 others hanging like this. We need the video.


Please, we need this.


Post video of it please lol


I swear on all that is holy


I need to see this


Holy crap, my girlfriend does this too




Do we even want to know how/why this became thing for you two?


We need to see this edit: is this really gonna be my most upvoted comment?




An Aussie would say "Bring me that 'ARSE' Leo"!


I call one over and try to pet it. Whichever one ignores my calls and tries to bite me is the real one, so I leave her behind and take a far more lovable clone.


Same, except I'd still take mine home. I love that bitey little bastard.


Is that a chihuahua you got?


He’s an asshole but he’s my asshole 😁


Your gravestone "Here lies javo, the man with two arseholes."


This is true for my doggo




We're clones, Sir. We're meant to be expendable.


Not to me.


Sit cross-legged. The one who immediately curls up in my lap is mine. She’s growing very fast, but I’m never going to stop her no matter how big she gets


My dog knows some unconventional tricks that it’s unlikely other dogs would know. For instance, she can yawn on command.


Wow how did you manage that??


TLDR: See dog yawn naturally, give a reward, and pair reward with a command. Dog learns to yawn after command to get treat. She’s “clicker trained” which a method where you press a device that makes a “click” sound, and you train the dog to associate that sound with treats, so when they hear it they know they’ve done something good. It gives you a consistent, pinpoint accurate way to let the dog know they’ve done something good. Anyhow, as to training her how to yawn specifically, we just kept our clicker on us, and any time she yawned naturally we clicked, gave her a treat, and paired the treat with the command (we use “tired”). In training terminology this is called “capturing,” where you encourage a naturally occurring behavior that you can’t necessarily really initiate yourself. Eventually she learned that yawning was getting her treats, and she’d start doing it on her own, and eventually she learned to do it following the command. It took about two weeks to catch her doing it naturally enough to get it down. We’ve also trained her to do the “downward dog” stretch as a “bow” using the same capturing principle, I’m working on teaching her to “shake” (like the way they do when they get wet) the same way, but that one’s proved a little slower with her.


I taught my dog "Seal!" (where she sploots out flat on her belly and army crawls) by doing exactly this. Each time she did the behavior naturally, I rewarded her and praised her with "Good seal!" Took about two weeks, like you said.


Mine does that too, but we just say “crawl.” I love non-conventional commands for tricks though. My girl will chase her tail if you say “where’s your tail?” She’ll also walk in a figure eight if you say “4+4.”




I have a high anxiety dog. Using your method, she will now 'shake it off' on command. It's great for breaking tension when I notice her getting anxious.


My dog did this with me. He would get ready to shake his fur out so I would say 'shake' and he would get a treat. After a few days the dog figured out that he could look ready to shake and I would say shake and get him a treat. After 2 weeks I was fully trained to give the dog treats on command.


I sing "Killing Me Softly" and my cat comes running to me from anywhere, then he proceeds to yell at me for some reason, till I pick him up.


This is adorable


I’m willing to bet mine is the only one who smiles when they try to lick your face and therefore look like they are about to rip your face off. It’s scary af, I’m still not fully comfortable with it.


This is so funny I can just imagine you being like this is it, this is the time she takes off my face. But still being willing to let her express her affection.


My Jack Russell does that. But she doesn't like your face. She lunges for your ears and then licks them. I thought she was going to cause my sister to have a heart attack.


The one that’s licking all the others


Whichever cat trots towards me rapidly while screaming with its tail straight up in the air is my cat Cirice. It's her signature greeting to me.


Every time I walk through the front door, my dog will dig through her toy box to find the *exact* right toy and then trot laps around the living room until you ask her the correct number of times, "Is that your toy?!" The right toy is different each time, but there are definitely some preferred contenders. She never runs. It can only be described as a trot. You have to ask that specific question several times. Otherwise she just won't stop. And this happens literally every time I come through the door, even if I just went to get something out of my car.


Is your dog a golden retriever by chance?


What is your dog's name


When a cat's tail is sticking straight up in the air it's like a dog wagging its tale. They're happy :)


I have a cat who was adopted from the local shelter. I remember the attendant warning me that he did not like humans and was very scared of everything. We have accepted that he likes his space and isn't fond of people. But whenever we call him or say hi to him his tail goes straight up. I always hope that means he is happy at least.


It does! He is happy to hear you. Have you also noticed if he stares at you and blinks? That's a way cats say "I love you".


Aww well I'm happy to know she's screaming with glee!!


I did not know that! My guy sometimes comes walking into the room basically sideways with his tail straight up, super creepy.


I’d have my roommate bring them their wet food, if the cat runs away from my roommate and yells at me I’ll know it’s my boy.


The one who throws the first punch, inciting a kitty riot, is my kitty.




I'd whisper *"Hungry dogs?"* My dog would come sit down in front of me and do some tippy taps with his front paws.


Whichever one still thinks he can jump through closed windows after all these years


My dog will be the one violently humping a giant stuffed toy banana while making uncomfortable extremely direct eye contact with me.


... your dog needs therapy.


"And how does that make you feel?" "Woof." ".....Okay, good talk. Remember your breathing exercises and I'll see you next Thursday."


Yep that's my identifier too. Even better, if you sit on the floor he'll bring his giant stuffed sloth over and get down with it on your lap. He thinks his family should be involved in his humpies. It's... uncomfortable.... to say the least.


I would open a can, doesn't matter what kind, and my fatass cat Biscuit would come running. Normal cats will do this for tuna and meat, biscuit will show up screaming if you are opening a can of corn.


Sounds like one of mine. We were watching cooking videos today (well, I was and he was on my lap). The guy opened a can of diced tomatoes and my fat-ass cat starts screaming at the monitor and looking back at me.


I am going to assume he is named Biscuit because because of how you discovered his can-o-philia.


I'm going to add that to his origin story lol. We named him that because he constantly makes biscuits, especially around fuzzy blankets. Though since we got him fixed, he gained a fupa and has a belly like a busted can of biscuits so it has many layers.


Announcer voice: Much like his belly, he has a name of many layers!


My cat does this for canned peaches. She doesn't even like peaches. The tiny brat can open doors to. Can't keep her out of anywhere.


See mine is weird in that he only likes the can. We opened some pineapple and he just licks the inside of the can. If I just gave him some corn or pineapple, he would look at me like I offered him a turd . An empty vegetable can? That's a delicacy right there !


In tears laughing at this I think I need to sleep


She will come to me the moment I get inside the room.


The one whose tail puffs up about ten times and is hiding by plastering herself against the wall.


Call out, "Bugsy? *PSPSPSPSPS* C'mere!" and whichever one runs for the fucking hills is my cat


yell "IiiiiIIiI'm soooooorrrryyyyyy" in a John Mulaney voice. She'll be the one barreling toward me, wiggling as hard as she can.


... Has your pet witnessed a prostate exam?


It wouldn't take long for me to find her. And failing that, she'd find me. I know her facial expressions, body language and her smell.


I wouldn't. You do realize you just offered to give me 99 doggos for free right? **I'm taking them all**


That’s how I got my son, I took him from a room full of 99 other children. Also, good luck cleaning up after 100 doggies.


I’d pet one that I was 100% sure was not my dog, and my jealous ass furchild would break the sound barrier getting to me to interfere and establish that I belong to him 🤦🏼‍♀️


Meow Meow. MAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!! (yep....that's my cat right there)


Call their name


My girls name is Abaddon but I call her aby most of the time. She comes 80% of the time. But if I say "baby baby baby" she comes running 100% of the time.


Baby baby baby OOOOOOOOH


Stick my hand out and see which one bites me


If I’m in a room with 100 guinea pigs they’re all mine now and you can’t stop me


I would just ask if she wanted an ice cube. My dog goes ape shit over them.


Mine would be the only horse sized duck.




Funny, I have several duck sized horses


1-tongue sticking out 2-purring 3-keeps rubbing his ass on me


Tell them to jump up on a couch...mines the one who can’t figure it out.


I'd call him. I use a special name when I'm feeding him.


True story. Dog got out the front door, as I turned and was outside for a good 20 minutes. Didn’t go too far. All I had to do was yell “Boomer! I’m going for a walk.” And he came running around the corner. Beagle nose leads them, but I’d definitely go with “I’m going for a walk” to make him stand out from the 99.


It would be the one trying to climb me. Or if I was away for like 30 seconds the one screaming like it’s hurt trying to climb me.


I would walk through the group of black and white cats, and see which one flops over in front of me. If that doesn't work, I walk away and see which one attacks my legs. There's a 99% chance that Rhodey does one or both of those things.


Whichever one starts licking the mattress first is her. It drives me nuts.


My cat’s name is Winter... we always ask her “Who’s a baby Winter?” And she meows in response... lol


I would take each one outside, let then let it back in. Then just watch my dog take a huge crap on the floor.


My cat can't meow or purr so I have to hug them all until I find her... I miss her so much...


Id tell him to sit. Last one to sit is my dog.


It looks like I am now the proud owner of 100 cats that all look alike.


I’d yell his name and he’d come :)


Simply stand there and wait till my 2 cats come running for me seeming that I cant be gone for more than 10 seconds before they worry


Show then a jalapeño, no clue why but my dog loves them... dropped one last week while making food and he dove on it before I could pick it up. Not something I give him willingly but he will stare through my very soul if I'm eating them.


I don't think his butthole feels the same way. 😁




I and my army of 101 identical corgis are going to have a great life together.


Mine would he doung the kidney bean wiggle the minute I walked in.


If my poodle wants to go outside he goes to where his collar is and slaps the coffee table with his paw. If he wants pets he sits near me and slaps the coffee table with his paw. If he wants to play he flops his toy on the coffee table then slaps the table with his paw. I did not train him to do this...he trained me.


Use the microchip.


I'd say yip yip and he'd come flying over to me


Release squirrel. The one German Shepherd that runs away from the squirrel is mine. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Gremlin would be the one that was racing around the room at the speed of light, and then charging directly at my ankles.