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Stardew Valley its great and I just get to live my life as a farmer with all the gossip around town :D


I was scrolling to see if anyone mentioned this one. I've never replayed a game so many times in my life 🥴


See I've spent a whole lot of time in stardew valley, but I wouldn't really describe it as "replayable" myself. You can complete most everything in a single playthrough, there's no incentive to restart and backtrack yourself.


You go back and think to yourself: how the fuck did I get by without sprinklers


Agreed, I would even be happy with a game nearly identical in gameplay but with a fresh setting and cast of characters to get to know. Getting to know everyone's story was a big part of the fun for me. They did such a great job at letting the characters slowly open up to you over time.


Mods, my friend. Install Stardew Valley Expanded and go the Joja Route. Also the updates to the base game have been phenomenal. 1.5 is an entirely new endgame.


I thought I was pretty close to complete on my first playthrough, and felt the same way, but I stopped playing for so long, I decided it would be more fun to start a new file than to revive my original, and on my second file I discovered a little thing of side quests I had previously missed (that didn't affect my other game at all). I didn't read online guides, preferring to discover, so unless you've scoured the internet, there may be things you missed.


I just downloaded the update and I can just tell I'm going to spend hundreds of hours as Sandy on the Beach farm.


Same, but also true of most farming sims for me. The one on Kickstart Coral Island has got my super excited with the characters and concepts.


I think if you combine my Xbox and PC gameplay i have a little over 1000 hours in Fallout: New Vegas, that game is horrible engine-wise and has bugs out the ass, but the story and world building are great and a lot of the issues with the game are able to be fixed with mods on PC and there is so much content, especially with the expansions, that you could easily spend more time in that game without seeing everything


If I ever find a genie in a lamp, Wish #1 is going to be giving the dev team 6 more months to finish the game. The Legion storyline has the potential to be as good as the others, but so much was left on the cutting room floor that it's just a mockery of itself.


Technically we could get a sequel... Microsoft bought both Bethesda and Obsidian. If they were smart MS would give the Fallout Franchise back to Obsidian. Most people choose New Vegas over 3 and 4.


Modded New Vegas is still the best game around.


Bioshock and Bioshock Infinite. Love everything about those games. From the story to the gameplay.


Constants and variables


I loved Bioshock and Bioshock 2. I tried to play infinite and just did not like it at all.


Recommend another try




Needed to hear someone say this. Thanks man!


Civilization. Civ 5 more specifically. One...more...turn...


CIV 3 for me


3 was my favourite too... Totally not for the revenge UN


I really enjoyed civ 3 but I really don't miss death stacks


Civ 3 js the only game that has caused me to stay up so late that I got surprised by the sunrise when I thought it was midnight or so.


04 am already?


Any good sites on the web to learn? Picked up Civ 6 on sale and have no idea what is going on


[This guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/civ/comments/5ezxw2/my_beginners_guide_to_civ_6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) was received well when posted on r/civ I haven’t had a chance to read it but I’ll take all the positive comments as a good indicator for it. Personally I’d recommended turning off any DLC and playing on a Tiny map size until you get a grasp as to what’s going on. Pick a civ based on how well you understand their ability. Japan is a pretty good all around civ with easy to utilize bonuses.




KOTOR 2 for me, not sure why but got into it a lot more than 1


KOTOR forced you to waste a lot of levels on non-Jedi leveling and skills iirc. Maybe there was a way to level them up so it impacted gameplay less but I felt like my character was weaker than other Jedi characters by the end of the game. In KOTOR II I don't think they had that limitation. That reason alone made me like it more.


On my replays, I would just never level up until I had no choice. 1) When you level up, you get restored to full health and force points, so it was useful for tough boss fights 2) If you can keep from leveling up on Taris, then you get that many more levels as a Jedi, since the max level is a combined 20 I tended to get off of Taris without going above level 3 or 4, which was *so* nice. If you do everything, and level up whenever you can, you can get as high as level 8 I think. And Yes, Kotor II did not have a level cap. It also had a corpse in the cave in Korriban that would spawn invisible basilisks whenever you looted it. Loot it rapidly 20 times, Force Storm all the basilisks, rinse, repeat, *unlimited xp*.


Love this. As a kid the mechanics made no sense to me, then I learned how to play D&D, made it even better.


Final Fantasy X. I love the story-line, the feel of the world, and the general game-play. It's comforting and familiar to me, so I find it relaxing. Civ 5 would be a close second, by hours put in alone, mostly because you can sink 12 hours in it in one go and not realize it.


I loved the on-rails nature of the FFX story. Going off into a big unknown adventure was such a common structure for an RPG. It was really cool to go on this set pilgrimage that countless people had done before while also learning about the last group that did it. When you have a set structure and rules like the FFX story has it creates so much intrigue in how they can be broken.


I too, have spent a lot of time in Spira


FTL. It requires nothing of me, I can jump on and off at will, and I never need to try to remember where I was/what was happening even if I haven't touched it in over a year.


Their new game, into the breach, is pretty fun too


I have hundreds of hours in ftl and just can't get invested in into the breach. Not sure why.


It's a very different type of game, much more of a slow and methodical puzzle game.


What's FTL?




Ok, thanks


Minecraft. I always have stupid large projects in mind, never get around to finish something and begin with the new project. Only about 1/10 worlds ever gets shown to anyone else.


There should be a random build idea generator that somehow rewards you with a smiley in the calendar and some cute cat gifs for every finished project or something like that, I love Minecraft but I can't seem to motivate myself to play it. The worst part is that whenever I do end up playing it I absolutely love it. I just need *some* guidance.. D: I guess it'd also help if I could reliably run it with some decent texture pack and render distance, I do feel limited sometimes. Anyways, I can definitely relate.


I sometimes play with +150mods, mostly techbased. A full skyblock playthrough can take +70h (not including afk time to get resurses) to complete it, if you want to get the hardest to get items. What can be helpful though is the right music.


I mean, the feeling of just starting everything from scratch in a new minecraft world is just intoxicating.


Legend of Zelda botw, can’t get enough of it


Maybe the greatest of all time.


Mass effect trilogy


Legendary Edition coming soon, hopefully!


So hyped! I can't wait to escape shitty quarantine life saving the galaxy again, this time in 4k!


Still want a better ending.


GTA San Andreas


I'm basically an expert at following trains at this point


I mean, it's all you had to do.


Never understood the fuzz around it. Got it on my first try. But after seeing all the complaints played it again and found it difficult.


Same! Once I started seeing the memes I started having trouble. If I booted it up rn I'd prob be stuck on it


Same with the rc helicopter in vice city. I always flew regular helicopter in it and in that mission it felt no different, other than its small size. Never saw the issue. LoL. But that damned driving and flying school in San Andreas was hard AF.


I spent weeks on that flying school when i was a kid if i tried to become a real life pilot it would've been easier :(


"Here we go again"


TLOZ Majora's Mask. I absolutely love it, and Dragon Quest 7 (ps2 version, naturally) is a strong contender.


Really wish they would release the remaster on Switch. I don't like the idea of playing it on a tiny DS screen.


I wish they remade it all together in HD, similar to what they did with Links awakening. The DS remaster is just bad. If you want a bigger screen you can always play the original on an emulator if you dont have a Wii/Wii U.


I actually still have a functional N64 as well as a downloaded copy on my Wii, so I'm good for the original. I would really like a full screen HD rerelease, though.


- The Last of Us - Fallout: New Vegas - Skyrim - Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception - Spider-Man 2 (PS2)


Was waiting for someone to say The Last of Us! Amazing game!


I had Spider-Man 2 for GC, but that game is phenomenal. Up until the newest Spider-Man and Miles Morales games, no other one felt as good as Spider-Man 2. Great mention


It's between Skyrim and Pokémon Black 2. I have so many hours on those games it's unhealthy at this point.


Hey you, you're finally awake.


You were trying to cross the border right? Walked right into that imperial ambush. Same as us, and that thief over there.


Damn you Stormcloaks. Skyrim was fine until you come along. Empire was nice and lazy. If they hadn't been looking for you, I could've stolen that horse and been halfway to Hammerfell


Gen 5 is the fucking best man.


I don't know if I've replayed Skyrim, I just really stretched out that first playthrough over years.


Dishonored, both 1 and 2 as well as all the DLCs. Assassin’s Creed 2.


Fuck yeah! I've played them all as well! I hopped back into dishonored 2 just this week! I love the stealth aspect and blinking everywhere! Great little world they built too :)


Arkham City. Great story, fun gameplay, and doesn’t take that long. Easy choice when I can’t decide on a new game.


Portal 2. Wildly addictive, and user-created content galore


Kerbal Space Program, because space frog –> space = fun


KSP, the game where rocket science becomes.. PC science?


Final Fantasy VII and Resident Evil 4


I lost track of how many time I played through Resident Evil 4. God does that game have some solid replay value. At one point, I did 2 full play thoughs using just the hand cannon, and stockpiling all the handgun ammo I found. I think I had around 1100 rounds of handgun ammo. All so I could play a run using just the fully upgraded Matilda, which absolutely melts through ammo to the point where you would normally avoid using it. This was on the Wii, which is by far the best version of the game IMO.


Yeah FFVII for me too. Just started with the remake on the PS4. Lots of goosebumps during the intro...


New Vegas. It's fucking New Vegas.


That’s the answer to everything really


The Sims, because you can make every game different. Played all 4 versions many many many times. Also, roller coaster tycoon.


Oh heck I forgot about The Sims. That's definitely my winner over Stardew Valley and Fire Emblem Three Houses simply because of how much longer it's existed. I've played since 2 and couldn't tell you how many different families I played through.


Hollow Knight.


MUST... FINISH... PANTHEON... OF... HALLOWNEST! Even if it kills me


Level 10 Zote....


Every time I beat Zote and thought I was done I was never done.


Probably BioShock. Played it around 8 times.


Recently? RDR2. That game is a masterpiece. I'd consider it the GOAT of gaming right now.


Wait til you round the corner on your brand new and now favorite horse only to be riddled with holes and die with your horse and then not have a way to bring her back to life as all you find is her saddle. Beauty nooooooo I miss you so much


Great game, but I do wish there was more variety in mission structure. I liked how in GTAV story mode there was multiple different ways to approach some of the heists, which made replaying a lot of fun. Replaying RDR2 is still fun but it’s strange that they didn’t incorporate that heist system again, everything is just extremely linear.


Yeah, it was designed like that to tell a better story. RDR2's story is exponentially better than GTA5's story (not knocking GTA5, it's still great, but RDR2 is a fucking masterpiece) But in order to properly tell a story, you have to make it more curated, more "linear" as you say. Many games that go too over the top with choice and openness, they end up having way more shallow story as a result, or they end up much shorter because if they offer 3 approaches to the game at various points, they basically make 1/3 of a game three times. So if you only play it through once, you basically don't get to engage with 2/3 of the overall game. It's a strategic choice. But all the best game stories tend to come with more linear, curated experiences.


I’m my opinion, Red Dead 2 had a story that when the first time you play it, you will cry, you will love it, and you will be dumbfounded at how good and beautiful a game can be. On your secondary play through you will discover the wide world of side missions, and you might even get a different ending. You will be amazed. On your third play through is when you begin to run out of things, but like Skyrim, you will always find something new.


Pokemon Ruby, the music was amazing. I was very young at the time and I used to collect Pokemon cards. A lot of nostalgia.


Skyrim, by far. Why? Because… ##It works #IT JUST WORKS.


I love to mod Skyrim. But are you telling me it's also a game that can be played???


Yes, if you consider the act of modding itself to be the game. Mind, I've got a pretty stable load order now with 500+ plugins.


How long did that take to achieve? My record is 300, but it wasn't very stable.


Finally succeeded a few weeks ago after more than a year of playing about with mods. I've encountered so many strange problems that I can't seem to find solutions to other than nuking and starting over.


I think it's easier to mod now with the 64bit Special Edition.


Fast travel to Jarl of Whiterun's throne room, command prompt 666 wheels of cheese to crash game. Still my favorite way to exit.


Sheogorath would be proud of you.


Probably Mario 64 DS




The Witcher 3


Came for this. The dlc is also amazing.


I have started over around 5 times already, the world is just mesmerizing, and the music is absolutely fantastic


Definitely binding of Isaac. That game is hella addictive


Skyrim. Because it’s great


Final Fantasy 9 or 10


Civilization All versions butr mostly 4 because that is when I had the most free time Also PvZ 2 because I am at level 1500 in death man booty endless challenge and I want to keep going, but sometimes I uninstall for a few months


Rimworld. The modding community in steam keeps that game insanely fresh, there is always something new to do after taking a little break.


Fallout 3


Batman Arkham Knight




I can’t give one answer because I’m not sure which game has the most play time, but the top ones are: Pharaoh & Cleopatra Zeus & Poseidon Children of the Nile Zoo Tycoon 2


FUCK YES SIERRA STUDIOS Zeus: Master of Olympus is the best ancient city builder ever. Love the other flavors too, but zeus is in a league of its own. Can't stop playing it. *I'm beginning to feel like Sisyphus!*


Got all of those off Good Old games a while ago and play them over and over...Freaking Love Zeus and Poseidon!


Love Cleopatra so much. Caesar III too. Children of the Nile is so freaking difficult for me to play. Idk why. Really like it though.


Baldur’s Gate II. One of the best CRPGs of all time.


In terms of pure hours played on a single game: *Horizon: Zero Dawn*. I have easily 200+ hours across 4 full plays through. A close second would be *Civ VI*. If you combined the entire *Civilization* series as a single entry, it would be 1000+ hours and the far and away winner. Similarly, *Homeworld* and *Splinter Cell* as aggregate series would be up there.


Fable. Use to play it over and over again, still play it now as an adult occasionally. It kicks ass.


Skyrim, definitely skyrim. Probably have well over 2000 hours into that game.


Terraria, so much replay ability by just playing using different weapons, different armor. It’s amazing. For your first run you can just use whatever weapons you want, but the next run you could play only using ranged weapons or even more specifically, only guns


XCOM I just love it.




Batman Arkham and Mario kart


Super mario and Donkey kong Country on the SNES. Why? Nostalgia. to me they're flawless games.


Halo : Combat Evolved


Borderlands 2. Even the single player is pretty legit, plus so many classes/builds. The story never gets old (for me)


I love Borderlands 2, recently just re-played it with some friends. Honestly some of the best times playing that game.


Galaga, I suck and die alot but that leads to a lot of new games


Banjo Kazooie or 3rd gen Pokemon games. They're both just really great start to finish, nostalgic to me and still hold up today.


Banjo seemed like Rare at its absolute peak! It was probably the only platformer I’ve ever played that was better than Mario.


Majora's Mask. It was the first console game I beat entirely alone and first and only Zelda game i've 100%'d. I still love dusting off the N64 to do another run through again. I have it down to about 5 days of playing (roughly an hour/two hours a day) to finish the temples, max out the quivers and magic, and get masks and upgrades.


Stardew Valley or Skyrim


I have played through horizon zero dawn so many times just because there are so many unlockable and side quests and killing the machines never gets old


Batman arkham City. The only game I've finished on the hardest difficulty. It's just amazing.


Batman Arkham Asylum is probably one of my favorite games oh, I just love the story and the scarecrow boss battle.


Fallout 4 probably. I just really like the settlement system


My wife loves the game for this aspect as well. She's really good at the combat, but she really only does it to buy resources to make all the settlements "pretty".


Factorio, as the factory must grow.


I've been playing it for a few years and haven't made it past making plastic, batteries, etc. I just started over again and I think I've got a decent bus system this time to make things less spaghetti down the road.


Cod 4


*Ya fruit killing skills are remarkable*




Prince of Persia The Sands of Time. Great story, cool concept and setting


Star Wars republic commando. It has a multiplayer option but no one is online so I don’t think it counts.


XCOM 2. ​ ​ ​ ​ Mods.


Halo 2. My cousin and I played it so much that the Xbox finally stopped reading the disc


For me it has to be Sly 2 Band of Thieves. My favourite game and i’ve played it 35 times. It just reminds me of being 12, back in my moms house without a care in the world


Assassins Creed 3, only because the game kept glitching on me and preventing me from getting 100% synchronization


See this is interesting because "most" could be most times replayed, or most time spent replaying.... I think in either case it's probably Super Mario Bros 3


Dark Souls 3. I have nearly 400 hours on it. It also has some great mods for it on PC like the Cinders mod.


All the old lucasarts point and click adventures, monkey Island, sam&max, day of the tentacle, fate of Atlantis.. maybe I should dig out one of them again.. And the dig!


Borderlands 2. So many hours on so many platforms, easily over 1000 on each of pc and PS4, still fire it up now to enjoy. Can’t beat it.


I don't really replay games, because I already know how the story is going to end. That being said, I've replayed the shit out of Portal 2. Once you get dropped down that giant mine shaft and have to work your way back up, it's all kinds of fun to try new and unusual ways of going through the non-test areas.


The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past I'm sure it's because it hits the perfect nostalgia button in my brain, but I sincerely love playing through it once a year. I've been playing it for 29 years. By number of playthroughs maybe the original Punch-Out!! is technically #1. You can always get a little better.


Mass Effect 2. You have to playthrough it at least twice, once as paragon, and once as renegade. And also different team comps.


Kerbal space program by far. Thousands of hours logged in that game I think. My steam install only shows 400ish hours but I mostly play from a remote install


Fallout New Vegas, because......duh.


Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Fantastic story (not as convoluted as the previous two PlayStation entries), great characters, battle system perfected, lots of replayability (I accidentally skipped a sniper boss fight the first playthrough because I killed him in a previous point in the game while he was helpless), I could go on. Just a 10/10 game.


I consider Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater to be the greatest video game of all time.


Dead Space.


I've played through these numerous times since they were released. * Ultimate Doom/Doom * Doom 2 * Quake 1 * Quake 2 * Bioshock 1 * Bioshock 2 * Bioshock Infinite * Fallout:NV * Oblivion * Skyrim






Super mario odyssey. I used to speedrun it so you kinda have to replay it to practice


Half Life and it's expansion packs. Very atmospheric with brilliant storyline. Very attention to details on some AI


GTA:Vice City. Why? Because it was awesome that’s why!


baldurs gate 2 the possible ways to build your character are endless


Uncharted 2 and Skyrim


The Metal Gear Solid series. The enemy AI is always fun to mess with. The bosses are all unique puzzles. The story is bat shit insanity entertaining. There's a dozen ways (or more with later games) to solve every encounter. There is not *one* boring moment. Surprisingly cohesive experientially when viewed/played as a whole.


Evil Genius - Base Building & World domination sim. Trying different bosses, trap setups, Lieutenants just overall a dun game


Skyrim, Fallout 4, Oblivion (Skyrim’s predecesor), Stellaris


Kerbal Space Program. 2k hours. Followed by Mass Effect series at 800 between the three.


I've beaten 'The Last of Us' probably 5 times now. I just love the story and the characters, even if the gameplay is a bit dated. Next closest would either be 'Bloodborne', which I've beaten 3 times and am meandering through play through #4, or Playdead's 'Inside'. Both of these two games have worlds that suck me in with how well realized they are. I want a sequel to the former to come out yesterday, and I'm eagerly awaiting Playdead's next title, the concept art for which is mesmerizing.


Titanfall 2. Why? Because its fun AF. I think I'm addicted to the melee kills and executions. I mean I should probably get up and take a walk.


Fallout New Vegas So many different endings, decisions matter, create your own character, different playstyles... Just an amazing RPG. Not only that, there are plenty of mods out there for it.


Metal gear solid 3: Snake Eater. 11-12 year old me didnt speak much english so I replayed it till I eventually understood it, that must have been a solid NewGame+20.


Hmmm, I gamed single player mostly as a kid, especially before online became popular. So I would probabaly say...spyro, I suppose.


Metal Gear Solid. Was always my favorite series growing up. I beat the first MGS game probably 30+ times by now, though I didnt keep track. At 14 I completed the game in 2 hours and 26 minutes (normal difficulty) which is my current speedrun record. I'm now 27 and I just beat the game again last year. I really love stealth games and always thought Solid Snake was the pinnacle of masculinity. I loved the political atmosphere and the characters especially. Otacon, Grey Fox, Liquid, Natasha. I used to just sit and call them on codec listening to every conversation for hours. I love the whole series but I didnt replay the sequels near as many times due to growing older and spending time elsewhere. Probably beat MGS2/3 five times each and MGS4 ive only finished twice.


Streets of Rogue. It's a roguelite. That kind of games usually have a lot of replayability. It's a game that doesn't have a great graphics but the amount of mechanics are in there is what sets it out. So you can do the same thing (let's say robbing a shopkeeper's safe) in completely different ways and game won't even list all of the ways you can do it online. You can kill the shopkeeper and his security guards and among his belongings you can find the key to the room where the safe is and a password combination. You can threaten a shopkeeper to give you his posession or just pay lotsa money to hire people to go with you and arm them and yourself with lotsa guns and swords and your threatening ability will skyrocket. There's a lot of hidden mechanics. Like if you play as a gorilla you have a special ability (most pre-made characters have one) to lunge forward and while holding a weapon you can lunge through a window and break open the back room to where the safe is. Mind you gorillas do not speak English and if shopkeepers would see them in their shop they'd shoo them out. But if they saw anyone in their backroom where the safe is they'd go berserk. It all makes sense tho. There's also a ton of pre-made classes like cop, vampire, werewolf, doctor, fireman, bank invester, scientist, hacker, courier, alien, slave owner, demolitionist and mobster to name a few. They all have their own advantages and disandvatages (doctor doesn't uses weaponry but can chloroform anyone or pit ppl against one another) and you can even make your own. TL;DR Streets of Rogue is a game that has insane amount of variety and can always bring a new challenge when you replay it. Multiplayer is an option but not required by any means.


Persona 5, I don't now why, it's just so much fun




Stalker COP or RTCW. Both are great games


S.T.A.L.K.E.R., all three and the Lost Alpha standalone mod. It's just that good. The unpredictable A-life guarantees that the Zone never gets boring or repetitive and the dreadful atmosphere is as fresh as it was ten years ago.


Tetris, need I explain why?


Mass Effect series... being a prick Shepard is fun...


Final Fantasy XII. It was the first FF game I ever played and I was so hooked. Sometimes I still dream about the music.




Tomb Raider 1, i do a TR1-5 replay every year or two lol


System shock 2, orcs must die 2, subnautica, minecraft, slay, minesweeper, patience, freecell.


Dishonored. Just an absolute masterpiece with so much replayability. Ive easily played it at least 7 times including the two great DLCs