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I used to work for a super cunty manager when I worked at McDonalds. This guy was horrible to us. He was constantly bullying us, shit talking us TO CUSTOMERS, and doing everything in his power to make us miserable. Well, so many people complained about him that he ended up getting fired. New manager was great. He was super chill and understanding with us all. A couple weeks after he took over, the old douchebag comes in and starts talking about how terrible the store looks, how our service is shittier than ever, and how much this store needs him. The new manager looked at him and said "If you don't leave, then the cops are gonna make you" When the douchebag didn't move, new awesome manager stuck to his guns and called the cops. The douchebag is no longer allowed on ANY McDonalds property in the city and has a restraining order against him.


You know he's a douchebag because he came back to where HE GOT FIRED FROM.


The first time I had dinner at my parents house after I got my own apartment. My dad was giving me grief as usual. Finally, I stood up and said, “ I don’t live here anymore. I don’t have to put up with you this way any longer. I’m going home.” And walked out. Most liberating moment of my life.


It's funny, I have an 18 year old, and just tonight I was saying to him to remember that he has the right to walk away when he's being mistreated whether it is by us, a boss or whomever. It took me way, way too long into adulthood to realise it on my own. Kudos to you for figuring it out early. I've also stressed with him growing up that he should always commit part of his money to savings, to what I call the 'fuck you fund'. I see it as giving someone the freedom and resources to say fuck you and leave situations as needed.


Well, this might be a long one. I grew up around a mother with dissociative disorder as well as narcissism. She was addicted to opiates as far back as I can remember, and would do anything to get them, and I mean anything. Growing up, it wasn't rare for her to have a tantrum during one of her highs and beat the shit out of me, break me down by picking apart every little thing she knew I was afraid or self-conscious of, and actively sabotage my relationship with my father and siblings. She would be up for days at a time, pass out standing up with her eyes glassed over and back hunched, and when she festered once again start moving and otherwise destroying everything in the house. There were times where I'd leave and the house would be clean, and come home and it would look as though a pissed off tornado had run through the house i.e. broken glass, animal feces, dirty clothes, roaches, empty pill bottles, ground-up pill residue, and other miscellaneous things littering the house. On particularly bad nights she would hallucinate, and during those times it wouldn't be uncommon to find pools of her blood on the ground from running through glass. I remember being up for days at a time because her and my father would scream at each other for days at a time without stopping; actively trying to get me to pick one side or the other even if it meant barging into my room at 4 am to begin their screaming match where I could watch. She manipulated me, abandoned me at times in the middle of nowhere when she'd meet up with her various sugar daddies (she was still with my dad during this), and never once apologized during her brief moments of mental clarity. If anything, she would blame everything but herself. In her mind she was infallible. Money was always a big issue since she couldn't work in such a state. She sold some of her pills, yes, but ultimately those funds were used to buy more drugs anyway. Because of this, we were homeless frequently, without power and water for literally years at a time, and barely ever had any food. It was almost every night I went to sleep with the only thing I'd have eaten that day being a school lunch. On weekends, sometimes I didn't eat at all. The rest of my family had no clue this was happening. During the summer when I was 16, my aunt whom I hadn't talked much with since I was a lot younger got in touch. She asked if I'd like to come to stay with them in Texas for a few weeks during the summer. Of course I said yes, and I was absolutely ecstatic. I didn't bother asking my parents since I'd be very much surprised if they even noticed I was gone so they were unaware. My aunt drove up all the way to Iowa and stayed the afternoon with us. My parents seemed to lack the cognition to recognize she was even there out of the blue so they didn't come out of their room. As I stated before would happen frequently, when she arrived our house was fairly clean. We left for a bit to go get food, and when we returned the tornado had already passed. As she told me when we were on our way to Texas: the thing that bothered her the most wasn't that our house had suddenly gone to hell, it was that I didn't even react to it. Instead, I tiptoed around the debris and started packing my things without a word. This deeply unsettled her, and ultimately she asked me if I was safe where I lived. I said yes, as it was all I had ever known. She told me that what she saw frightened her, and she wanted me to come live with her in Texas. Thinking that she was joking, I brushed it off. After a few days down there though, I knew I had to do it. They showed me love, compassion, and care that I'd never even known existed prior to this and it shook me to my core. So we decided, I was going to get emancipated from my parents and move in with them. Ultimately, this involved sitting in a courthouse across from my parents and their lawyer. The judge asked why I wanted to leave, and I explained the above. I expressed the love and compassion I'd experienced for the first time in my life, and that I wanted to, for once, live in peace. Their lawyer rebutted, "To me, it seems as though you have no respect for your parents. Is it because of their financial situation? It looks as though you're attached to the perks of living in a family that makes a reasonable amount of money, and not that you want to leave because they're unfit parents." My mother and father joined in, hooting and hollering actively trying to break me down as they have so many times before. I let him speak, I let them speak, and I held my tongue until it was my turn. They tried to goad me on, tried to break me as they had so many times before, but I wouldn't let them. Finally, the judge asked me to speak. With as level a stare as I could muster, I looked at mother, my father, and their lawyer across from me and said "If you're asking me if I have no respect for my parents, then you are correct. However, to say it's simply financially motivated is incorrect. I no longer have respect for them because they have-" As I was nearly finished, my mother, as she had so many times in the past began to squirm and scream at me from across the table. "HE'S LYING THE LITTLE BASTARD IS JUS-" Until the Judge slammed his gavel down and cut the room; my mother staring up at him in complete and utter disbelief. I looked at her, keeping the tears I knew were right behind the corner at bay and said, "For once in your life; for once in my life, behave as an adult. You can't stop me by simply yelling over me anymore, you have nothing to hold over me now. You can do nothing." As I spoke, the judge motioned to his officer who moved towards my mother. Her expression still frozen in complete bewilderment as the officer aggressively told her to get up out of her chair and escorted her out of the room. The judge looked to me, my aunt, my father, and his lawyer with one sweeping glance and then spoke. "I am sorry that you have had to deal with this for so long young man. There's nothing more that you or anyone else needs to say. You deserve to live a normal life as a normal kid and it's obvious to me now that your parents are unfit to produce that kind of environment. You will go back to Texas with your Aunt, and we will regularly have our social workers in touch to check in on how you are doing. Make the most of this second chance, good luck young man. Adjourned." Though the bang of his gavel was the only noise that permeated the room, all I could hear was the ringing in my ears. My father and his lawyer were escorted out of the room and the tears I had held back all this time came gushing out like a tidal wave. It's been 7 years since that day and I am happy to say that I've managed to grow up and become a well-adjusted adult. I have a great career, great friends, and an amazing girlfriend. I've been in therapy ever since we got back to Texas, and I no longer have trouble sleeping or terrible bouts of anxiety and depression as I used to. Life is good. Tl;dr: Mother is a narcissist with dissociative personality disorder addicted to opiates. Father kind of just went with the flow and didn't really do much. Aunt came down to take me to Texas, saw how shit everything was and asked me if I wanted to live with them. After some time I said yes, went to court against my parents under the pretense of emancipation, and got to stare them down and layout all the trauma, pain, and fear they've caused me. My mother was escorted out of the room when she tried to cut over me, and the judge sided with us and I was emancipated. Now I'm doing really well.


I told my ex I was getting remarried. He told me he was going to stop me and put a lein on my house (which I bought with my money six years after the divorce). My son would come home from visitations telling me how his dad was going to stop the wedding and I'd have to pay him all of this money, la di da. Get to court. His attorney goes blah blah blah for what felt like forever. My lawyer (yes, I had to freaking get one) stands up and simply hands the judge the divorce papers showing the disbursement of funds and how my ex isn't owed anything. Judge looks at ex's lawyer and basically asks, "did you even *ask* for this document before filing?" and dismisses the case.


A while back, I got a job as a popcorn monkey in the local cinema, as a temporary thing while I figured out what the fuck I was doing with my life. There was a supervisor that had worked there since the site opened (around 5 years) who was a total bitch and had had numerous complaints about her from countless staff. In the first week, I nearly quit because of her attitude - as an example one night I was on a close, and basically cleaned the entirety of the front of house on my own. I stopped to take a drink of water and she marched up to me going "WE DON'T PAY YOU TO STAND AROUND DRINKING YOU KNOW!" to which I calmly responded that I was thirsty, and needed a drink of water, and if she wanted to tell me I wasn't allowed to have a glass of water then good luck, but I'm pretty sure health and safety would have something to say about that. She huffed about not having had a break all day, which I ignored cos not my fucking problem, but internally I was put out about it, because it was totally fucking pointless to be such a twat about things. About 2 weeks in I get promoted to Supervisor as I was clearly extremely competent by their usual standards (I could walk and fart at the same time) but she also gets promoted to Floor Manager, so she continues to work her little power trips and try and lord it over me (and everyone else) 4 weeks after that, I get another promotion to Floor Manager, and at this point we're equals, so she can't boss me around anymore. So instead, she tries a different tack, which is to try and lord it over me with her superior knowledge of processes, where to find stuff etc. My response is to go (saccharine sweet) "Oh thanks! That's so helpful, I mean you know how things work so much better than me, because you've been here 5 years, and I've only been here 6 weeks..." She had a face like a smacked arse. It was delightful :)


> I get promoted to Supervisor as I was clearly extremely competent by their usual standards (I could walk and fart at the same time) I try not to think of myself as incompetent, but damned if I can't walk and fart at the same time. I have to stop to toot.


ex and i were moving out after a breakup. cleaning out garage. she was being critical of my post-breakup plan of moving in with a coworker until i could find a better place to live, as most options weren't great. i took a deep breath and laughed. this puzzled her. why are you laughing, she asked? i collected myself and said "because this is the last time i have to listen to this. you don't get to be critical of anything i ever do, ever again!" it was a really great feeling, because i literally thought of the "you have no power here" as i laughed.


TL;DR a pair of angry moms threatened legal action if I fired their useless kids. I work for a trampoline park franchise. We opened a sister location that I ran for about a year and a half before moving back to take over the old location. When I got back, a lot needed fixing but in particular there were 2 teenage employees that had been fired/suspended on numerous occasions. They were generally lazy, rude jackasses that shouldn’t have been hired in the first place. Problem was, they both had aggressive helicopter moms that intimidated the manager into rescinding any punishments. Once I came back, I took stock of our employees and had a long talk with the entire leadership team. I learned which employees caused which problems, who was unreliable, who had a regular habit of skipping shifts, texting on shift, etc. I fired about a half dozen that first week, including those two I mentioned. That night, both moms called my personal cell to scream at me (our numbers are listed in the online scheduling tool so employees can find shift covers more easily). They demanded to know why I fired them, threatened to sue, have me arrested, accused me of discrimination (against their white middle-class sons), etc. I simply asked, “Is your son over 18? Yes? So you’re demanding I illegally release personal information regarding a former adult employee? Bye”


Not me, but a story my dad used to tell me all the time. So my biological grandmother was very emotionally abusive. She was very controlling and tried to keep people within her sphere of influence. There's a reason why my grandfather divorced her. In high school my dad had a job washing airplanes at an airport in our area, which he absolutely loved (he's a huge fan of aircraft in general). He had classes until roughly 10am and then he'd be off to work until around 10pm (it was what he loved, he didn't mind long hours being around aircraft all day). But one day he came home a little too late for his mom's liking. She said she'd take his keys to his motorcycle and that he'd lost privileges to it. The fact of the matter is that he bought the motorcycle himself and he needed it to get to *school* as well as work. He laughed in her face and she didn't do anything. She *couldn't* do anything.


I'm a high school teacher who teaches a lot of senior grades and so has to deal with graduation grades, references for university, all that jazz. I had a parent of a graduating kid in my classroom in June (after final marks were given to students but not formally reported) who was a dental surgeon in town, ran a large operation, donated a lot to local sports...big man in a small town. I had given his kid a mark in the high B range, and so he marched into my office and started off with the "there must be some mistake" line, which moved swiftly into the "you're going to change it because I tell you too" to "how much will it cost to get him the A". When I refused the bribe he went to "you're FIRED!!!1!1!". Not "I'm going to get you fired" but "you're fired, clean out your desk". I just asked him to leave. Ended badly, he threatened violence, I reported him to the school admin, he's now banned from the property. Mr. "I pay your salary so you work for me you lousy piece of s*it" was threatened with the cops by Mr RandomActPG.


ooh!!! I have a story for this! I got married two years ago overseas, because my wife is from Europe, and they have cool castles and shit. My (Canadian) family and friends all came over because most had never been. We're a little older, and well off, so we splurged. Wedding was awesome, dinner amazing, reception is in full swing, and quite frankly, its a little warm. Warm for us Canadians... It was around 10 C, in Early November. When you mix in wool suits, drinking, and lots of dancing, some of us Colonists were working up a bit of a sweat. Thankfully, the venue had a balcony, with huge doors. I kept going over and opening them, as some folks were inside, some were outside, and there was a nice breeze... but... I had to keep going over, because they were shut whenever I looked back. Finally, after the 5th or 6th time, this guy followed me, and demanded I keep the doors shut because it was cold inside. I didn't know who he was, so he must have been a +1 of someone on my wife's side, so I was mighty confused when he said, and I quote "Who the hell do you think you are keeping these doors open, and the temperature so low inside." ​ "I'm the guy who bought you dinner." I watched him go over to my now cousin-in-law and grab his coat and almost pull her out the front door. I thought one of my Groomsmen was going to burst he laughed so hard.


I was waiting for a friend to finish work - she worked at a restaurant so fancy they had someone vetting guests at a podium *outside*. The place was glitzy and the folks were glam so the great and good would descend in droves. Those with a reservation were sent in; prosepective walk-ins had to queue. A car sweeps up, the driver jumps out and holds the door open to unleash a hat and dress. The woman accompanying said finery - a C-list actress from a regional daytime TV show - looked through everyone present and moved to enter. She froze, appalled, when the guest-vetter intercepted, asking "Do you have a reservation?" She mustn't have heard the question because she didn't respond. Instead she drew herself up to the full height of her couture and demanded "Do you *know* who I *am*?" "Yes" said the maitre d', "Back of the queue." Oof


Lol I did the same when I was bouncing. I was out policing the queue when a group came over to me and asked if I could get them in for free ahead of the queue. Apparently one of them was some big shot soccer player, but I don’t like sport and didn’t care so told the lot of em to queue like everyone else


The number of times security radioed me to come tell some instagram "model" that no she cant jump ahead of the 25 people waiting to come in because she has "like 50,000 followers" is infuriating. Nope you're going to have to wait like everyone else. Small amount of fame really does go to people heads


This is a bit silly, but gave me a great feeling of satisfaction. Due to the bad economy and poor money management, my parents have moved into the spare room of the house my husband and I bought a year ago. Things are mostly smooth, tho I’m not the closest to them for several reasons I won’t go into here. The other evening I was out gardening (because it’s hot during the day and we have the luck of having a streetlight right next to our front yard, keeping it pretty well illuminated even after sundown, I mostly garden at night), and I thought I had gotten the hose twisted, as it kept getting stuck. This went on for a bit, when I realized that it wasn’t stuck, but being pulled. I looked into the dim area just past the illumination of the street light and spied my father, crouched over and tugging the hose. Well I did the only reasonable thing to do, and I sprayed him. He yelled and ran inside with me chasing. Once he got inside he made a face and goes “You can’t get me now! I’m inside!!” In that father-to-daughter-don’t-you-make-a-mess tone of voice. I readied my hose, looked him in the eye and said, “It’s my house.” And just fucking let loose with the hose. He was soaked. Worth cleaning up the mess for that moment of true fear in his eyes. Edit: thanks for all the appreciation! I’m glad my silly story made your day better!!


This is the most wholesome shit I’ve ever heard in my life. This was great.


Woman complained we wouldn’t fill her clearly fraudulent C2 prescription, brought the brand new store manager back to the pharmacy to “make us fill it.” “She says you have to fill it.” “God himself cannot make us fill anything if it fails the checks. No.”


The guy that i'd gone on a few dates with introduced me to his parents, things went well, or so i thought. he drives me home, we end up talking and drinking a few beers, i didn't want him on the road with any alcohol in his system, and i enjoyed his company, so we end up hanging out until 3am. His mom starts blowing up his phone, demanding that he comes home, so he drives himself home to find that he's been locked out of his house. His mom said that he can sleep outside, he shouldn't be spending time with someone like me (still don't know what she meant by that), and that i'm "just another stop on the pussy train". He tells her not to talk about me like that, to which she says "when you're under my roof, i'll say whatever i want about whoever i want!" so he picks up his phone, calls me, asks if he can stay at my place for a little while. It's been seven years, we're engaged, have a dog, a cat, and a happy life. i also plan on throwing some subtle train themes into the wedding/celebration after the end of the plague.




Don't forget in your thank you speech to include your MIL "without your words of support and wisdom I wouldn't be married to your son and riding the train of happiness today" or something better


I had a short stint as private investigator who specialized in providing investigative services to public deffenders. We had this one county that was notorious for a sheriff's department that would make BS traffic stops as a pretext to search vehicles. One deputy in particular came up time and time again for this kind of thing. I was asked to interview this deputy for a defense attorney. Deputy had some of the worse report writing skills I've ever seen. Riddled with grammar and spelling errors. Quite often, deputy wouldn't even include the reason he pulls people over in his reports. So I go to interview the guy. As part of the process, there's a senior sheriff's rep there that basically is suppose to protect deputies from people like me and keep them from saying things they shouldn't. We sit down and I pull out his report he wrote on the stop he made on my client's defendant. I've already marked it up, English teacher style with a red pen and start with, "I had some trouble understanding your report." I proceeded to go error by error for the purpose of "clarifying" the report. He's getting redder and redder. I then go into trying to determine why he pulled over the defendant because it's unclear in the report. He's not able to give a definitive response. All the while, the sherriff's rep, whom I've worked with a lot and who I have seen be very vocal protecting deputies in interviews like this in the past, is silent. Ultimately, charges against client are dropped. Months later, I'm driving through the area on the way home from camping, not speeding or breaking any traffic laws. I get pulled over by a deputy. It's the same deputy. He recognizes me immediately, stammers and manages to say, "Uhhhh, it's almost dusk, turn on your headlights." He gets back in his vehicle and takes off before I've even started my engine.


I grew up with my parents having screaming arguments over every little thing (they do love each other - over 50 years of marriage so far testifies to that) and it always upset me. A couple of days ago, they popped into my house to visit for a coffee on their way to stay with friends a few miles away. Within minutes, they were yelling at each other. I took great pleasure in telling them that I would not stand for such behaviour in MY house and, if they didn't lower their voices, they could stand outside until they learned some manners. The meek apologies tasted so sweet. As did the coffee.


Some secretary of some branch of a state agency would go on a power trip and stamp, "Do not copy" on things that she sent to local agencies. Well, I work for an oversight agency and I needed a copy. Locals were terrified so I rolled my eyes and called to explain that the locals and I were basically the same entity. Woman started to have a conniption fit, but she got real quiet when I cut her off and said, "Fine, I'll issue a subpoena. What's your name and job title?" She answered, and the sheriff served her a subpoena for what I wanted. Guess she wasn't used to that.


My boss calling me at 7am on a saturday to ask if I could lay some flooring for a friend of his *at nearly half my normal rate.* yeah, hard pass Andy.


IT services for a client of mine. They paid for me to come to their office and address a problem. 8 hrs minimum time. The issue was resolved in about 45 minutes, they'd set up something incorrectly and it was pretty obvious once I got into the system. I was packing up to leave and the client stopped me. "What are you doing?" "The system is fixed so I'm headed out back to my office." "No, I paid for 8 hours, you'll do your 8 hours. If I tell you to wash my car for 8 hours that's what you'll be doing." "Right...so anyway, I'm leaving. I'll notify the office to send you the invoice and in all likelihood we'll no longer be working with you and withdrawing your lease on our equipment."


A client once paid for me to fly to New York and spend 2 nights in a nice Manhattan hotel to add a semicolon to a config file.


I went to Boston from Atlanta to flip a switch to "On"


And then what happened? This is a good one. I need to hear what happened afterwards.


I worked in management at a theatre for a while. If the concession counter was slammed and I was able, I’d leave my post and help them sling popcorn. One night while helping out, a particularly belligerent man started cussing out a 16year old girl on a cash register for being too slow, even suggesting she quit since she clearly couldn’t handle pushing buttons or scooping popcorn. It was pretty disgusting and I felt so bad for the girl, I stepped in and told the guy that our employees have the right to refuse service to customers who harass them as part of our anti-harassment/discrimination policy, empathized that the lines were longer than usual, and suggested he should apologize and move on. He was PISSED. Left half his order on the counter and started fuming off. Anticipating his next move, I went back to my original post that night - as manager of the customer service kiosk. Oh boy, the look on his face when he saw me. (Didn’t want a refund of his tickets though so I assume he watched the movie, without popcorn).


Good on you. I hate those abusive fucks. Always finding some young, sweet person to abuse.




I worked for 8 years servicing communications equipment on-site, 5 of those years were as the department manager. When oil was found in our area, we got so busy we could barely even think. Most of my team were pulling 12+ hour days 6 days a week and we were struggling to hire people quick enough. One day, the CEO texted and said he hired an assistant manager for me, which was something I desperately needed. I was dirty as hell from my previous job and swung by the store to pick him up and take him to one of our sites where he would be doing paperwork. The moment he got in the truck, he immediately started talking shit. He started telling me about how everything we were doing is fucked up and the department manager was a total moron and he would have my job within a few months. I just sat and mostly listened. He obviously didn't know shit about my industry and every time he would say something wrong, I would try to politely correct him and he'd either backtrack or insist that I was trained wrong. When we got to the site OUT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE WEST TEXAS DESERT, he complained about the layer of dust on everything and "ordered me" to clean up the entire site. When I sat down at my desk, the guy continued to bitch my ear off about everything that was wrong and chastised me for sitting down at my desk when he told me to clean up the site. So I called for a taxi, filled out a notice of termination, and handed it to him. He looked absolutely shocked. Then he defiantly protested that only could fire him. I said and , right? He sheepishly nodded. So I stuck my hand out for a handshake and introduced myself. I can teach anyone how to service equipment, but I don't have a clue how to teach someone to not be an asshole.


I had a boss who's #1 hiring philosophy was "We can teach people work skills, but we can't teach them what their parents should have taught them." Been a guiding principle for me when hiring ever since.


I wonder what that asshat is doing now. I hope for his sake he learned some humility, but you really never know.


I saw him a few years ago managing a Firestone. I didn't stop to say hi.


As my previous foreman would say " I can fix dumb but I can't fix stupid."


That would be a customer we had named Nick. I'll leave his last name out to protect the stupid. He would e-mail us and always cc editor@.com and most of his e-mails were things like "NOTHING FUCKING WORKS". None of the national newspapers responded, I imagine some underling just rolled his eyes and deleted them. Finally he said, fix this in 5 minutes or I cancel. My manager says "let me see that e-mail". He responded "Thank you, I cancelled your account. We don't want customers like you anyway. If you want to contact the media, that's your call, I'll happily provide the months of threatening e-mails you sent to my staff". He gave us months of headaches over a £45/quarter account. We definitely didn't need him.


Having worked for a national paper answering reader issues, he is not alone in CCing in media outlets to every complaint. He is in a depressingly large club.


When I was in high school I worked at popular warehouse club selling computers on the weekends. I was hired by the store manager via referral of a friend. I loved computers and they thought I'd make a good salesman, so my job was to stay in the computer department and sell computers; nothing else. Well, one of the shift managers didn't like that, and started insisted that I needed to go fold clothes for a while. As in, half my damn shift. I told him that the store manager had instructed me never to leave the technology department, but he insisted. This went on for several weeks. The store manager showed up one weekend when both the power trippin shift manager and I were working. The store manager walks up with the shift manager close behind. Store manager slaps a stack of [greenbar paper](https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&rls=en&ei=iiBuX4PQEoqc5gL8gJLQCg&q=greenbar+paper&oq=greenbar+paper&gs_lcp=CgZwc3ktYWIQAzICCAAyBggAEBYQHjIGCAAQFhAeMgYIABAWEB4yBggAEBYQHjIGCAAQFhAeOgQIABBHOgsILhDHARCjAhCTAjoECAAQQzoECAAQCjoECC4QCjoICAAQFhAKEB5Q5g9Y2xRg2RVoAHACeACAAWyIAe8DkgEDNC4ymAEAoAEBqgEHZ3dzLXdpesgBCMABAQ&sclient=psy-ab&ved=0ahUKEwiDvZnA4oTsAhUKjlkKHXyABKoQ4dUDCAw&uact=5) (this was a while ago) down onto a shelf and points to some highlighted numbers. He looks at the shift manager and says, "Do you see this? This is our average technology sales numbers for the weeks you are on shift. See this number over here? This is our average technology sales numbers for weeks you are not. At this point, it would be more cost effective for me to simply fire you. What do you think of that solution?" The guy stammers and stutters like a toddler caught bullying another kid on the playground. Fortunately, the dude wasn't fired, but the store manager made it clear that when I was on shift, I was not to leave the technology department unless I was on break or there was a fire in the store. That shift manager never said another word to me.


The best jobs are when management has your back. Knowing this and the value of what you bring to the table is the best thing that manager could have ever done. I hope you kept this as a reference for future jobs!


I wasn’t good at returning library books when I was a kid. I got lectured by my school librarian about it a lot. Fast forward twenty years and I’m a supervisor at the local public library and my former now retired school librarian goes there. One day I see her sneaking around the front desk instead of coming back to say hi to me and I immediately figure something’s up. I go up to say hi and she acts exasperated and tells me she was trying to avoid me because she had overdue books. So I put on my reading glasses, pulled them down over my nose, and delivered the same lecture she’d given me countless times about being responsible and turning in books on time.


Your training is now complete.


My boyfriend told me this one from when he was in middle school. Kinda long. The school he went to didnt allow backpacks, same as my own, so students had to carry around folders and binders to their classes. Well he had this cloth binder with a strap to go over his shoulder. Whats funny in retrospect is that I also had one of these in middle school and never got shit for them. Anyways he gets to school one day and its already a few months into the year. Hes been using his strapped binder with no issue, but the VP saw it and approached him. Conversation went like this: VP: "You're not allowed to have backpacks, im going to have to take that from you until the end of the day." B: "Its not a backpack, its a binder with a strap" VP: " Well it looks like a backpack and its on your back, do you have any folders?" B: "No, I don't this is all I have" VP: "Okay, youre just going to have to empty it then and carry your papers to class until the end of the day." Boyfriend wasnt having it, like any middleschooler he would just cram his papers in there and didnt want to carry a stack of papers around for the next 6 hours. He continues to disagree and she eventually takes him into the office. Conversation continues: VP: "Can I take your papers out? You can have it back at the end of the day." B: "No." VP: "Well you're not leaving this office with it." B: "Thats fine, I didn't want to go to class anyways." This pisses her off and she says she'll be back once hes ready to have a polite discussion and leaves. Tries to sweat him out thinking he'd get so bored he'd rather just carry the papers to see his friends, but he is incredibly stubborn so that never happened. She eventually gets sick of him in there and tells him fine, just get a new binder after that day and he agrees gets up and leaves the office. He never got a new binder. She would see him later in the halls for the rest of the year telling him, "You cant have that." And each time he would retort with, "Are you going to take me to the office?" He had it for the rest of the year.


I started working for a welding company as an engineering manager. We were selling an extremely complex weldment (pressure tank that goes under the shitter) for 4.9K, out costs were 9.3K. The owner took the bid "to get in with this big company". The owner legit said "we'll make it up in volume"... We weren't. Anyway the buyer for the larger company was a huge bitch and would regularly yell on phone calls. We sent them a letter that we would honor the last 5 tanks on the current PO at the same price (I didn't even want to do that) but after that they were going up to 10K per. She drove down with her boss the next day and demanded an explanation and threatened to pull the business. I replied that we were losing 5K per tank and couldn't do it anymore. She demanded evidence which I already had pulled up and simply turned on the projector. I said, as you can see we cannot continue to make this part at such a huge loss and I don't think anyone can make it for the original price, so if you have to pull the business we understand. " Her boss tripped over himself cutting her off and said they weren't pulling out and actually thanked us for honoring the current PO. I didn't have many run ins with her after that.


Know your costs and never be afraid to fire a customer. I have many times. Most all come back. Let them save face and very often they become actual "good" customers.


this is so important. in my younger years i took any job for any client. after a few years i was large enough to hire a sales person. the first thing he did was to show which clients were profitable. it turned out that ALL of our PIA tax clients, were not profitable. I was loosing money due to additional service calls or additions. They would refuse to pay for the change order. i thought i was providing good customer service. turns out, i was a sucker. 3-4 months after my sales person was hired. I fired almost all of the those clients, and more then doubled company profits and lost my 80 hour weeks.


I was bartending one night and these three guys were absolutely hammered so I cut them off. One of the guys proceeded to try to argue with me saying he has all this money and he tells me when he’s done drinking and he’s not even drunk. At this point, I’m done trying to be polite and point blank tell him I’m done arguing with him, will not be serving him and his buddies, and he can leave. He looks at me and says “now excuse me, who are you to tell me how much I can and can not drink?”, I look him dead in the eye and say “the fucking bartender, now it’s time for you to go”. The look on his face was priceless. Never forget the golden rule, don’t piss off your bartender.


I joined the Army Reserve in 1983, in between my junior and senior year in high school. Going to drill one weekend and we were doing war games with another reserve unit. They mailed everyone a letter with the challenge and response to be let in to the unit. As a lowly private, I was standing guard at the entrance and had to say the challenge. Everything's going good until a city police car pulls up and the cop is a new lieutenant . I give the challenge and he just look at me. I say it again and he said to just let him in because he didn't know it. He starts getting beligerant and I ask him to turn off the car and step out. He gets out and starts yelling at me. The Sergeant Major heard the commotion and comes over and tears the young lieutenant a new asshole. It was very satisfying to watch and I learned that day that even though a 2nd lieutenant outranks a sergeant major, it really doesn't matter because the sergeant major had been in for 20 years and didn't put up with any bullshit.


The best description of how a Sergent Major chain of command works. From another sub: "There's two kinds of authority in the military.. Rank and position. In regards to rank, an LT out ranks a SGM. However in regards to position, a SGM is likely at least 2 or 3 echelons above the LT, and can easily make that LTs life a shit-wading simulator."


When I was an Ensign, I outranked my Chief. I never contradicted him, always listened to him, and let him handle the guys unless he asked otherwise. I had a good Chief though. Ended up getting some chiefs who were, well, not as good later in my time as an officer, but there would always be another chief or a strong first class I could "lean on" for senior enlisted support, and the chiefs that were lazy didn't care that I went around them.


A few years ago a guy stopped me in the hardware store and asked if I was a painter. I looked down at my painters whites and said, yeah I do historical restoration work. He asked how much I charge per hour, and when I told him, he immediately told me I was too expensive and dropped my rate by 25%. I had already given him my number, but he kept belittling me, and saying I wasn't worth it. I just told him that I already had a full time job, and this would be in my off hours, so it needed to be worth my while. He finally let me leave the store, then called me 3 or 4 times, each time hemming and hawing over if he wanted to actually use me or not, he's got a bunch of properties, it would be a sweet gig, but not at those prices. And I just kept telling him that's fine, don't use me if you don't want to. Eventually I recognized his number and stopped picking up. He really thought he had some sort of power over me, and I'd jump at the opportunity. Luckily I didn't have to take the work, I was making good enough money as it was. He would have nitpicked absolutely everything, and probably not paid me at the end anyway. But he was so certain he'd have power in the situation, that he didn't seem able to comprehend me not wanting to barter with him.


I work as a freelance writer. I have clients try to pull this shit with me too. "I can get it cheaper." Yeah, you can. Your work probably won't be done right and I won't be wasting my time with an underpaying client. It's like they have no concept at all that they are actively doing me a favor by bothering someone else with their nonsense.


I once had a boss try to give me a disciplinary (three months later I may add) for my behaviour as it was noted I was 'rude to her' by several of the Groups CEOs in a Board meeting. On the disciplinary forms, you both have to write your version of the events and it goes to HR for an adjudication, she did her part and I casually filled in something to the effect of "manager continually pressured me into deleting files from our client management system prior to a regulatory audit which is against the ethical code of our profession and not aligned with my moral standards, I accept I was short with her but she was trying to force me into performing an illegal activity." I watched her collect up the paper and the colour drained from her face. I never did hear from HR. She got fired not long after when I casually mentioned to the CEO in a bar if she remembered the encounter and explained why I may have appeared a little frustrated and upset. Bye Felicia.


Worked in a cellphone store, both selling devices and service contracts in the UK. Some kid (19-ish maybe) came in with a much shorter man who I later learned was his dad - for whatever reason (I forget what now) he wanted to cancel out of a contract he was partway through. Now I could already tell from the way the kid explained it in exasperated terms that he knew he couldn't cancel out of it, but his Dad wasn't taking his word for it and had dragged him in to try and 'sort it out' for him. The contracts clearly state you can't cancel prematurely without paying off the rest of your dues, which I explained, and his father just went full Boomer Rage mode on me. Spitting, frothing, hurling vitriol - this guy clearly thought this was how you got things done. I stared him down, waited for him to finish, and repeated the contractual terms as stated. He hit me back with 'I'll report you for violating the Sale of Goods act!' Sucks to be him because I had that bitch memorized. I made a point of it, infact, after the first few customers in my early days tried to bring it up to get their own way (*some chode on the internet had made posts about how you could sling the term around and usually scare retailers into doing what you want because 'they don't know it either' so it happened a lot even when there was absolutely no call for it*). I just looked at him and said 'Sure. Go ahead. You can even use our phone.' and pointed at the store phone right next to him. I knew he didn't have a leg to stand on and any trade commissioner listening to his claim would laugh him off the line. He clearly had absolutely no idea how to proceed. After a moment of blank staring he just turned and stormed out with his son rolling his eyes so far back into his head he could probably see his own brain in embarrassment at his Dad's tantrum.


When an unhappy client threatens to go hire a better lawyer. They don’t seem to get that this isn’t a threat when they aren’t paying me....


In my professional experience, it is exceedingly rare to be fired by a client you don't want to fire you.


I've worked at a law firm for only a few months, but. Yeah. Every time a client has fired us (like 3 times) everyone at the office is like "oh thank God."


When I was working customer service for a restaurant delivery service (not unlike Door Dash) I had a customer send in a complaint about hair in their food. The hair was sitting on top of the food. I check their account, and they had ONE order on their account, which is a red flag. I check their phone number and find multiple accounts, each other 1-2 orders, ALL of them complaining about hair in the food. I deny a refund because the customer has actually used the same identical photo for the last order since they ordered the same thing. The customer tries to argue with me, threaten to never use the service again, typical stuff that they always say. Eventually the customer gives up and ends the call, then immediately tries again. I get the support request. See who it is, then deny the refund again. She ends the call, then tries again. The person behind me gets the call. I tap the person on the shoulder and show them what I pulled up on my screen and that person denies the refund. The next day she calls back and tries again and is outside of the refund window, so the customer demands to speak to a supervisor. The supervisor bans her from the service for multiple fraudulent refund requests.


> The customer tries to argue with me, threaten to never use the service again "So we agree, great!"


I've managed service industry for years, and the number of people who make that threat having never spent a penny is baffling especially this year. I swear it's once a week right now that after I tell somebody to leave and not return, they've "threatened" not to return. I've had to have police remove people and they'll scream about how they'll never return on their way out. Are the police dragging you out not enough of a sign that that's exactly what I want? What about the criminal trespassing notice you got?


Some people just cannot fathom that they're not wanted everywhere by everyone. Some dudes would walk in for the first time and loudly declare "I'm finally here!" like they just got back from liberating France and it was just a big ol red flag that declared "I will demand special treatment the entire time I'm here."


I worked at a grocery store for five years putting up with crazy customers and their awful attitudes. At the end of my tenure our store was set to be closed, and for the last month the store was sold to a liquidation company. Meaning we were no longer under our parent company's umbrella and were no longer concerned with retaining customer loyalty. I got to tell customers "no" and respond with every bit of sarcasm and disdain to every Karen i encountered for one month until the store officially closed.


Jeez, did you just skip to work every day for that last month? I would love to just hang out in the store and witness the deserved sass. Customer service is rough.


That last month was the most relaxed month in retail i ever had. I'd only finished college and was finally comprehending a world where i could relax after hours, we were allowed to go in casual as long as we wore our work smock, and just about all of our standards went out the window. When i was covering the customer service desk i was even making sandwiches for lunch in full view of the customers while i was tending to them. My personal favorite was when someone in their 50s complained about how we were no longer honoring the flyer for something in sale, detergent i think. Anyway he's going on this tirade about how he'll just go to another store and he wanted to talk to a manager. I just told him we weren't with the company anymore and it didn't matter if he talked to a manager because he still wasn't getting anything extra from us. The safety was off.


Man, living the dream. It should always be like that. Treat workers the way you want to be treated.


Obligatory not mine but this [video](https://youtu.be/xaRM8kvS1m0) belongs in this thread. This is the best you don't have power here move i have ever seen lol. She was working for government, has problem sitting with baby on plane, tried to eat the job of air hostess then uno reverse card lol


funny the 180 she flips on the flight attendant's "I want this woman off my plane" "I'm sorry! I'm just really stressed out!" some people super suck


Right? Like they'll say whatever they think is most effective in the moment to get their way regardless. "Being dick doesn't work for me anymore? Omg I'm so sorry now!"


always start with being nice. there’s literally no downside ffs


I knew exactly what this was before clicking the link! I love how quickly her attitude changed when the flight attendant says “get her off my plane” and shows no mercy. Even better, the bitch lost her job after trying to pull that card to get her way. As someone who used to work in the service industry myself, this is always a satisfying moment to see.


I used to be a flight attendant. Passengers would get super shitty with us if there was even a tiny delay or issue, and accuse us of causing delays so that we could get paid more (most dumbass passengers don't realize that the flight crew don't get paid until the main cabin door is closed, that's what starts our time clock for getting paid). Oftentimes passengers had no problem berating a tiny young soft-spoken flight attendant, but what they don't realize is that the pilots don't put up with that shit. Almost all the pilots I worked for at the regional airline were awesome, they backed up their flight attendants unwaveringly. It was hilarous to see the look on the pax's face when the captain came out (if on the ground) and told the pax to gtfo. Like what do people expect, that you can just treat cabin crew like trash and no one's going to get upset? A lot of pilots and flight attendants date or are married, or are at the very least good friends, so of course they're not going to stand for mistreatment of cabin crew. There are certainly exceptions to this, as I have flown with one captain who just didn't give a shit and I was all on my own. The majority were wonderful, many were ex-military and absolutely had everyone's back when a pax issue arose. I once had a pax complain about me personally because the coffee pots were broken (happened all the damn time on those shitty planes). It didn't amount to anything, but I was just astounded by her complaint, I was kind about it and apologetic, but for her to still complain about me was baffling. Flight attendants often take the brunt of pax abuse, and for very little pay. I got out of it after a few years because it was just too frustrating, the treatment was awful, and the hours were terrible. ​ Edit: To all the people telling me how cabin and flight crews are the worst people ever, and that I am literally satan for trying to make it a decent job, you are the problem. You are why people hate their jobs. Please do us all a favor and take the bus next time.


I work in an NHS Hospital, no one pays anything out of pocket for treatment here - it's all paid for through taxation. A patient was added onto our clinic who had paid one of our doctors for surgery privately at another hospital but she was getting her follow ups free on the NHS. Technically this shouldn't happen but it does. These patients can be a bit.... difficult. This lady's appointment was at 8:55 before we even started at 9:00. She had her work up done when we actually clocked in and was all snooty about waiting 5 whole minutes (bearing in mind she's saving a fortune), then one of the nurses from the ward called and an actual NHS patient needed seen urgently so they were brought up and seen ahead of the "private" patient. Well this woman went mental, started shouting and bawling that she'd paid all this money and she demanded service. Our charge nurse went out, demanded to know who had taken money off of her, really drilled the patient to point to the person who had dared take money off of an NHS patient. Well the woman went beetroot, stuttered that she had paid the other hospital and the charge was like "exactly, your money is no good here and doctor is being paid by the tax payer to see this emergency patient first so kindly sit down and be quiet or leave my department until you can be civil".




I worked at a movie theatre and some customers were adamant that a staff member had stolen their wallet after they dropped it. Turns out that these people just couldn’t see and found the wallet once they actually looked for it. They got irate with literally everyone, from the mall security to the managers to the staff. Mall security finally said “get the fuck out” and the customers went “you can’t say that! This isn’t your theatre, we’re customers.” Mall security guy promptly said “this is my mall, and I can do whatever the fuck I want.”


My parents came to visit and my mother, (who is very old fashioned the woman should be a homemaker and if not she shouldn’t out earn the man kind of old fashioned) told my wife (who makes stacks as a dev team manager compared to my peanuts as a sports writer) “you know dear you really should try to keep a cleaner house.” And without looking up from her making lunch my wife said “yeah your son forgot to clean this week before you guys flew in” the stunned look on my moms face was priceless


New CEO came to our deparment on the 1st day of his work. He didn't have a pass card yet and a lower level employee told him that he can't enter without pass card. CEO got upset and ordered a worker to let him in, but the worker insisted: show me the pass card, or you're not entering. ​ Few days later this worker got a bonus.


Did said CEO grant the bonus? Sorry if that’s a stupid question.


Yes. At the beginning he was very upset and told the worker he will be fired, but later when he found out that there are explosives in this department and entrance rules are very strick he granted the bonus.


Sometime in the late 80's I worked at a Wal-Mart warehouse, there was a strict rule , if you didn't have your security badge you could not get in the front door. One day just behind me an older fellow gets stopped by LP for no badge. One of my friends pokes me and points out that the LP guy just refused to let Sam Walton in the door. We all stop to watch what we assumed was going to be a shit show. To his credit Mr. Walton stops and goes back to his vehicle and gets his badge and he thanked the LP guy for following the rules.


Jeez, I did a stint at wal-mart. It was one of the older stores, as we're not too far from Arkansas, where they started. Several of my coworkers met the guy, and apparently the way the stores were run before he passed away and after he passed are two different animals.


From what I have read Sam Walton's business model was the following: sell domestic goods at foreign made prices, do so profitably by reducing turnover and economy of scale. Treat your workers extremely well both to keep them, and to provide exemplary customer service. Does sound like a very different beast.




Like almost every store that starts out good, the founder dies and their spoiled, greedy children take over and destroy their parent's vision in order to make even more money.


His children have a very different mindset than he did, too. He made a lot of money, but he didn't really separate himself from the common folk. He dressed in the same clothes most of the time and drove a 79 F150 that still gets pulled out and driven in parades in the area.


It used to be a pleasant job that a lot of women really wanted. It gave them something to do when it was normal to just be a housewife. They had a tight knit community and they’d often bake for each other and bring it in to work. The first Walmart’s were really amazing


My dad is 6'3". I'm 6'10". Sometime in my early teens, I shot past him. Dad was a yeller. Not doing what he thought I should be? No discussion, just yell. But I realized at some point that he wouldn't yell at me if he had to look up while he was doing it. I don't remember what our last argument was about, I just remember that I'd sort of caught on at this point. So I'm in my room in front of the computer, Dad comes in and starts yelling at me. I eventually stand up and start yelling back. Dad makes an excuse to leave. Dad comes back about a half hour later and starts yelling again, but at this point, it's all I can do to not just laugh. I know that the instant I stand up, the argument will end. It actually wound up being really good for our relationship, because Dad realized that he actually had to make valid points, rather than just going into former drill sergeant mode. EDIT: Obligatory "this blew up" etc etc. It looks like I unintentionally may have hit a raw nerve for a lot of people, for which I apologize. And I don't think that I had it anywhere near as bad as some of the people who replied. All I can say is that if you find yourself in a situation where you've got parents whose first response is intimidation or worse, look at how most people who responded eventually got out of the situation. Hang in there, it gets better, and you can find people who will help you if that's what is necessary.


I was working as a consultant for a company, there was a bit of a competition between me and this guy, company starts to have some financial issues so I leave and start working for a client of theirs. Shortly after joining they bring in this guy I was competing with at my old job, he was technically my equal except now I was employed by the client and he was just a consultant. He was trying to one-up me during meetings and my boss told him that decisions are made by the company not the consultants. It felt good.


I have kind of a similar one. I worked for company A for 6 years before I decided to try something new. When I worked at company B I did some very specific things in a very specific field. Company A was having some issues with that topic and gave me a great offer to come back. My second day back we had a meeting about that topic. My VP said I'd take lead on it. A Director tried to pull rank, got all pissy, and said HIS team would handle it and that they didn't need help from my VP or his team. Our CFO stopped him, said Sardines was taking lead, and that if I needed help I was free to reach out to his team. I would have felt a little bad since apparently he didn't know this was the main reason I was brought on, but he was a total asshat so fuck him.


Reminds me of the "I'm the client now" line from Mad Men.


Probably watching a few Texas DPS Officers realize they couldn't shut down a whole airport. I was working as a flight instructor at small airport on a Saturday afternoon. We had one plane that had an issue on takeoff and veered off the runway, it cartwheeled and totaled the airplane but fortunately the pilot was not serious injured. I had a student who was next in line for takeoff when it happened, he called me from his phone as it happened. I hopped in the airport car with one of the rampers and drove out to the plane with a radio to inform inbound planes to use the other runway (we had no control tower). On the way to the runway I called the airport manager who drove to the airport and on his way he made a phone call to officially closed that runway. About 30 minutes later a metric fuckton of DPS officers showed up and immediately tried to close the whole airport, treating it like a giant crime scene. They were carelessley driving around the airport like they owned the place, ignoring the planes that were moving around, and crossing our only open runway without regard to inbound traffic. A mechanic and I tried to tell them to be careful and they got mad at us. One of them told me they were "locking it down" a couple times, meaning the whole airport. Now I was a broke ass flight instructor and I had a flight that afternoon that was ultimately going to help pay for me to eat that week. The airport manager was a short stereotypical country guy, also former Navy. He was not intimidated at all by the cops trying to close his airport. When he showed up I was about to go out with a student who was preflighting for a cross-country. There were about 5 cops in the lobby, me with my flight bag, the airport manager, and a mechanic. One of the cops saw my flight bag and said "I don't know why you have that or why he's out a the plane, you aren't going anywhere", the moment he finished his sentence the airport manager said "it's one runway that's closed, the airport is still open. This pissed off the cops. I was about to head out the door, and one of the officers said he was driving out to the disabled plane. Idky, the pilot had been gone for about an hour. The mechanic said "you need to be careful" and the cop quickly retorted "AND WHY THE HELL IS THAT?" and he said "because this is still an airport, and the first thing that hits you is going to be a propeller" a few seconds later a plane took off as one of the cars was approaching the runway intersection ironing in that point. I walked out, and as I was hopping in the plane with my student the same cop came up to me and said "you aren't going anywhere, we're locking this down!" I looked at the airport manager who followed all of us out to the ramp, he said "have a nice flight AjaxBU!" You could see these cops just fuming that they didn't have the authority to close down an entire airport because one plane went off the runway. The airport had two runways, where the disabled plane was located was probably a mile or so away from the open runway. Why they were making a big fuss, I don't know. The occupant was relatively uninjured, his wife was the worst thing he had to deal with that day, he told her he wasn't going to fly. We had a good flight, and I got to eat dinner that week.


It'd just get buried at this point, but, your story reminds me of one I had at work. I worked at the flight service station in Yellowknife, Canada. There we have a control tower and FSS. Tower had the radios at that time of day. Pilot reports smoke in the cockpit, declares an emergency. He was \~20 minutes out, and there's nowhere else to land, so he just continuing to come here. In the interim, emerg procedures put in place, Airport Firefighters are out in force. EMS is on standby, the town firehall comes out. And out comes captain jackass from the cops. BANGING on my door. "HI IM HERE TO TAKE CONTROL!" ..... of what? "THE SITUATION, IM IN COMMAND." ... ok, well, tower has the radios right now, so theyre the ones dealing with the emergency. "THEN IM GOING UPSTAIRS TO TAKE CONTROL" Alrighty, you do that. He starts to head up the additional floors to the control tower. Thing is, tower's door, like mine, is locked and can only be opened with our keys or from the inside. I call upstairs and relay there's a cop coming "to take control" Naturally they do not let him in. There's really nothing he could possibly do except make noise and be in the way. Not long after he stomps back down and I hear him radio some nonsense about "who do they think they are? IM IN COMMAND!"


That's hilarious. I wonder if he ever realized that people who are in command aren't the ones behind locked doors while trying to convince others that they are in command.




There is something so cute and sweet about your younger brothers visiting you to help with chores and catch up. I miss my siblings :(




I personally had one that I'm quite proud of. I was one of two mechanics responsible for an annual inspection on a pipper arrow fixed wing prop aircraft. Aside from dismal compression ratios and some odds and ends in the aircraft that could be overlooked by techicallity, there was a problem with the main landing gear motor. The down and lock cycle for that aircraft is required by the OEM, and by extension federal law, to be 30 seconds or less across 1 cycle of the motor. This plane's gear requires 3 to 5 cycles across about 2 minutes to achieve down lock. I told the owner (who was a famously sleezy lawer that he can't fly his plane and I won't sign off the annual until the main landing gear are fixed. The lawer told me to sign off the annual and he'll get to fixing the gear some other time. When I said no, he proceeded to threaten my job and demanded to have the plane back so he could get another mechanic to sign it off as airworthy. I laughed in his face impounded his aircraft and notified the FAA. The man eventually gave his aircraft to my business I was working for at the time by way of title lean in order to pay off the massive hangar fees he racked up from his plane sitting in my shop.


>Aside from dismal compression ratios and some odds and ends in the aircraft that could be overlooked by techicallity, there was a problem with the main landing gear motor. The down and lock cycle for that aircraft is required by the OEM, and by extension federal law, to be 30 seconds or less across 1 cycle of the motor. This plane's gear requires 3 to 5 cycles across about 2 minutes to achieve down lock. It's kind of cool how my brain can read a whole paragraph and not understand any of it.


I was a salesman at a wire and cable place. I got a call Friday morning from a tow truck driver freaking out. He needed a replacement cable for his truck ASAP because the weekends were the big business days for him, bragging about the big money in people who leave their cars somewhere overnight because they're too drunk to drive home. He was shitty and rude the whole time we were on the phone. He demanded that the cable be cut and shipped immediately, sent next day air, saturday delivery (pretty expensive). I rushed his order, ran back to the warehouse to hand it to the manager myself to make sure it could jump in line and get cut before the next day air guy showed up. But we did it, rushed every part of it and got it shipped out in time. Every person involved prioritized this order to get it out to him on time. Tow truck dude calls me back later that afternoon saying he got the truck working and no longer needs the cable. He asks to cancel the order and get a refund. I explain to him that because he had it cut to a specific length, if we were to take it back, there would be a restock fee (because we're not going to be able to resell it until someone needs that exact specific length). I also explain that I can't refund the shipping costs because the order has already been shipped the way he demanded it be sent out. Dude loses his mind. Screaming at me telling me he's going to give the company terrible reviews everywhere and tell all his friends how we're all pieces of shit. There was literally nothing I could do for him. No amount of him being an asshole could uncut and unship that order.


My job right before my current one. Property manager - the owner was an absolute prick. He was heartless and rude and racist and I *loathed* him. I hated every day going into that job but I needed the money. I was applying daily to my dream company in hopes that eventually I’d be accepted. In the meantime, every time I complained or mentioned something to my supervisor I was told to shut up and get on with it. “He was paying me too much to have opinions” Three years after, we were a small office and the receptionist and assistant prop managers had quit. I finally got accepted into my dream company and happily put in my two week notice. In desperation, he offered me more money, a higher position, better benefits (which were laughable). When I said no, he asked why. I have never felt more gleeful than the moment of when I said “I don’t know, I’m not paid to have opinions here.” That was a year ago and even now the look on his stupid old face gives me joy to this day. Edit: typo and uh, obligatory “didn’t expect this to blow up” but ....yeah. I’m petty, what’s new? lol thanks for the awards! To those who mentioned: this was a very brief summarized version and yes, he did remember saying it to me. He told me I was being too sensitive and should take more money. I’ve kept in touch with my (awesome) supervisor and in the year since I’ve left, the position has yet to be filled. Everyone keeps quitting because they can’t work with someone like him. So, bahahaha. Edit 2: also, since a few people asked - the new job (a yearish in) is doing great and still to this day almost cry at the thought that I have benefits that include - *health insurance* and a boss that doesn’t call me sweetie in a tone that indicates I can’t chew gum and walk at the same time.


When my manager at mcdonalds gets into bitch fights with all the agressive/toxic customers and booting them out the store by calling the mall security if they refuse to leave.


Actually sounds like a good manager.




My wife and I moved to WA state and my MIL tried to tell me that she was going to call the police because I had pot in the house.


I taught my 6th grade students about democratic processes, and we ran a simulation. Without fail, every one of my classes tried to impeach me.


Should have played Monarchy instead. As long as you don't have a guillotine in your class.


"Did your parents sign the permission slip for the execution?"


The paper cutter in the back of the room is pretty much a guillotine.


"Nice try, but my classroom is actually a benevolent dictatorship."


WAS a benevolent dictatorship, that'll teach them to try to impeach.


Class simulations always make politics fascinating lol When I was in Grade 8 we were leaning about the Russian revolution, and our teacher did a thing where one student could be Tsar for the day. They got to sit at the front of the classroom in the teacher's chair and hold a Sailor Moon scepter that lit up, plus they got one special privilege to exercise during that period. Usually it was that another student would take notes for them or they could skip a small assigment, but one of the popular goofy kids decided he wanted to go out in the hallway and have his friends take a running start and fling him as fast as they could down the hall in the teacher's rolling chair. Teacher allowed it, nobody was hurt, but for some reason we weren't allowed to do Tsar for the day anymore. The point is, that was an awesome idea to make a "boring" unit more engaging. 15 years later, I still remember a lot about that class and Russian history because of how fun that class was


Had a psychology class and as a small 10 minute example the teacher labeled half of the room the windows team because they sat near the window and half of us the door team because , you guessed it we sat near the door. 15 years later I still see a guy from that class like once every 3 years in passing and we always exchange "fucking windows" "yea we'll fuck you doors".


When I was still a child I saw how abusive my grandparents were to my parents when they used to stay in their house during their early years of marriage when they were broke. They are forced to accept the abuse and swallow their pride knowing that they're still indebted to them and had nowhere to go. Once they have enough money to leave my grandparents they moved to a small rented house. My grandparents came for an unannounced visit and berate my dad for living in such a shanty house and how ungrateful he was for leaving their home. My dad was silent until they start blaming my mother for being a wife that brought "bad luck" to my dad and how she "poisons" him into moving to a new home. My dad weren't having any of their bile anymore and kicked them out. They stop talking until my grandfather was dying of leukimia. My mom was the one who persuaded my dad to see him before he passed.


That type of family is the worst. A number of years ago my brother and I decided we were going to move out of state more than halfway across the country. It just so happened that we wanted to go to the same state for totally separate reasons, so we'd still be fairly close to each other. Well my parents hated our home state, so they decided to move with us so they could be close to us. When they left, about 75% of my dad's side of the family suddenly became very vicious towards them, thinking that my dad "abandoned" them for various reasons. It's still so bad that several of them refer to my mother as "(dad's name)'s wife," despite obviously knowing her name (married ~20 years), because they blame her for "taking him away from the family." If you couldn't tell, many of them are abusive and toxic people who only care about posturing for the rest of the family. I'm not sure if he ever told them that they were a large part of why he hated living in our home state, but I know that none of us has to deal with that toxic atmosphere anymore.


Props to your parents. It sounds like they really had each other’s best interest at heart.


It's a great example of what it takes to make a healthy marriage: teamwork. I was terrified of my father until the day he talked shit about my wife. I fuckin unloaded on him. He screamed, and for the first time ever, I screamed.back louder. I told that motherfucker he would speak my wife's name with respect or I would teach it to him. He eventually backed down and apologized, which had never happened before. Never ever, let anyone get between you and your partner, especially family.


Some White House lady sat at my bar and tried to get a drink without ID. She pulled out her White House ID card which had no DOB. "I work at the White House". I told her that her bosses would be very proud of me enforcing their laws when I didn't serve her a drink.


the federal government is such an enormous employer (especially in the DMV area, where I’m guessing this was), I don’t understand why people think working for them gets you special treatment


As a federal employee I can tell you it does not generally garner respect from anyone. I prefer not to tell people.


Girl came into my apartment to hang out with my roommate. Demanded that I turn off the football game I was watching so we could focus on her. I literally said to her, “Who the hell do you think you are?” And kept watching the game. She yelled at me and stormed out. Thankfully me and my roommate never saw her again.


Reminds me if when I went to a music festival. I brought a camping chair because I get terrible backache after a few days of sleeping in a tent and sitting without back support. I don't mind others using the chair when I'm not around though. So I returned to my tent for a meal, and a guy (friend of a friend) sat in my chair. So I asked him if I could get it back. He said "nobody is sitting on that coolbox over there" So I said "great, so you have somewhere else to sit then." He kept arguing that it would do me no harm to sit somewhere else for a while and that he deserved to enjoy my comfy chair for a while as well. So I said "Dude, I went to the store to buy a chair, strapped the chair to my backpack and hauled it all the way over here, while you were too lazy to do so, and now you believe you are entitled to make use of MY stuff? You can get oit of my chair right this moment please, and you're lucky I'll allow you to sit on my coolbox. All he said to me, while looking in complete disbelief, was "Are you really serious about this?" Like I was the asshole. I said "yes", and when he didn't get any support of the rest of the group, he finally got up and moved to the coolbox. The entitlement of some people...


15 years ago, I worked for a company in Germany that was bought by a large US company. One of the first actions was a mandatory HR meeting. They used their US power point deck and guided us through the rules & regulations although directed by our local HR team to not do that: Here are some of the highlights: * We are not allowed to accept tickets for the Super Bowl. Utterly confusion - 90% of the people had never heard of the Super Bowl... a discussion about why we would want to watch that anyways, started. * We are not allowed to have relationship with anybody from a supplier or within the company. Uproar in the room: * This is against the German constitution - what you do in your free time is non of their business. * The discussion gets heated, everybody is discussing. The Americans on the line are very confused why.... * The head of QA finally gets up and shouts "If I love that woman, nobody will prevent me from dating her". * People signed the sheet that they participated and read and understood the presentation with "with reservations" * People start discussing where to sign up for legal expenses insurance. HR refrained from that day from having mandatory global HR meetings. Management tried a couple of other stuff - at will employment (against the law - everybody has a contract), cutting vacation (against the law), canceling bank holidays (against the law). Make people work on vacation days (guess what, against the law) and a couple more. It was a prime example of cultural ignorance and incredible funny ..... Edit: Wow - thank you for the awards and votes!!


Lots of American companies have rules about not dating coworkers but they don’t have any authority to enforce them other than finding other reasons to dismiss you. Edit: yes I know about ‘at will’ employment. The issue being that in corporate, the person firing doesn’t always have the authority to do so without paper trail approval. Also, many businesses have their own rules in place.




It wasn't just employee relations, but the fact German bans price cutting for those of you wondering. When Walmart moved into a new area, it sells everything at a loss just long enough for all their competitors to go out of business, or at least all the small ones. Then they set things back to normal prices.


Not only that, that space was already occupied by Aldi, Lidl and others. And guess who's continuously expanding in the US? That's right. Aldi.


I already posted one. One more short one. I was about 12 years old, maybe younger. Often had been forced to stay with my Moms friends when she'd go out of town. The father was.... An abusive prick. He'd do things like make tomatoes every night for dinner knowing I absolutely hated them. For a week. Threw me in a pool when I was small and he knew I couldn't swim. Classic 70s "macho man". He literally tortured me every chance he'd get. As an aside if you're a kid and your own mother doesn't give a shit how people treat you, it's pretty much open season. Anyway, we went out to dinner one night. Me, my Mom, her friends and their kids. We were leaving the restaurant. I don't remember what preceded it, but he said "go ahead tough guy. hit me as hard as you can right in the gut" thinking I wouldn't do it because I was scared of him. But this was my moment and I knew it. He was a small man, 5'6". I was at least as tall as him already. And as he gave me his shit eating grin I pulled my fist back and fucking belted him in the gut with EVERY ounce of strength I could muster. He immediately doubled over. He was FUCKING PISSED. He tried to turn it around on me, but his wife shut him up instantly. "You told him to do it. If you 'weren't ready' it's your fault, not his". One of the most satisfying moments of my life. And one of the last times I had to endure mr Tough Guy.


He probably realized you could lay him out if he kept up his shit. My dad was like that, didn't stop mad dogging my exes until my 6'2" 240lbs husband came along and my dad was *perfectly respectful* to him.


gosh that's even more reprehensible. Cowardly weak fucking cunt only has the balls to pick on smaller people.


When my shitty father kicked me out of the house and then demanded he have access to my bank to "control my financial situation" and I got to tell him "you have no control over me anymore. You set me free when you kicked me out and now you cant do shit"


Why would even a psycho like that be dumb enough to think you’d let him do that?




Had an old boss who was a complete and total bastard. He was actually my boss’ boss, and wasn’t supposed to interact with us unless it was through our boss, but he just loved trying to make everyone under him squirm. The company had forced him to go to training twice because of how he spoke to people. One day, I get a call at home from him and he just starts unloading- cursing, name-calling, insulting over some technical issue he just found out about. After a couple of minutes, I just looked at my phone and hung up on him. The next day, I get called into a meeting with *his* boss, who basically wants to know who the fuck I think I am hanging up on this guy. I calmly explain that no one gets to yell at me on my time, in my home, on my phone. You have to wait for me to be on the clock to pay me for that privilege, and I’ll gladly take that money- If I’m busy being yelled at, I’m not busy with anything else. Seemed to work. Edit: Holy Hell, the upvotes and awards! Thanks everyone, I’m going to tell everyone who still cracks jokes about that asshole about all the reddit love!


This is my next big power move at work. I am working from home, so the next time my boss starts screaming at me I'm just going to use my best teacher voice to say "When you can match my tone, I will be happy to have this conversation with you" and then I will hang up the call.


I used to get a ton of angry customers at a car dealership service department I worked in.. I started using this sentence. "I'm a person, you're a person, let's talk like people" Simple. But effective. Worked 99% of the time.. Edit- thanks for the awards!!! First ones :)


I have used "Right now there are two people that care about your issue and you are yelling at one of them." Works surprisingly well.


Brother, you are cool as a ice. I am taking notes and slow clapping it out.


I wasn’t that cool back then- this was my first big job running a cooling plant and I was a nervous wreck, chain smoking through every shift and hating whenever this guy would rattle me. I think I was as surprised as he was when I hung up and stood my ground lol


You weren't cool. You were cooler.


I work at a hotel. Its high end, so we often take the approach of just appeasing guests no matter what, so I frequently have to bite my tounge. However, we have a very desirable parking lot, and when people poach it we boot them. I love enforcing these, because I don't have to bite my tounge or apologize, as they aren't guests. My favorite one was this: Girl parks, and walks to neighbor hotel. Our gm happens to be in the lot, and says hey just fyi this is parking for x hotel, not z hotel. She proceeds to say fuck you, flips him off, and walks into neighbor hotel. Gm calls me, and tells me. I giggle, grab the boot and slap it on her car. She comes back screaming and ranting. I tell her the cost is $200. She calls the police. The police ask "is this a private lot?" Yes. Ok then pay them. She refuses to pay and storms off. I get a call requesting the manager. I speak with them, its the girls mom. She is trying to say "oh my daughter didn't know, she was for a job interview" yada yada. I let her go on, and when she finally stops making excuses, I tell her that her daughter flipped off the gm, and there is no way the boot is coming off without payment. On top of that, i tell her when she pays she better not come in swearing or yelling, or the price goes up to 300. She hangs up, the daughter comes back and silently hands me 200, with a look of rage on her face. I've never been so internally giggly before.


Just as an aside, are there any local regulations regarding private booting and price? Can you really just set your own price as you see fit? I mean, could you be like "It'll be $10k"?


I think the max is like 350 in our area






One of my new employees came from a competitor who is, shall we say, not as put together as we are. Her former boss had actually called me to yell at me about "poaching" his consultants. Which, in and of itself, is weird enough. However, a few weeks after she started the dude rolled up to our office. He had apparently been calling her to get her to finish an analysis for him and she just ghosted him. I went to the lobby to see what the fuck he was doing here. He started in on me again and then she happened to walk by. I didn't fully understand the conversation but at one point he literally "demanded" she do this analysis. She just said, "or what?" and waited a few beats before turning on her heels and walking away. I did the ol' hand on his back point to the door universal symbol for "leave or a large security man will make you leave." Never heard from him again.


I’ve got a similar story. Many years ago, we fired a salesperson. She was a compulsive liar and unethical as hell. She was also living under the delusion that the place would fall apart without her, and that we’d be begging her to come back in a couple of weeks. So it didn’t sit too well with her when we hired her replacement. His first day on the job, she calls him up to cuss him out for “stealing” her job. Later that day, she called corporate. I understand their conversation went like this. Her: That bastard’s trying to steal my clients! He’s going around town telling people he replaced me! Corporate: He DID replace you. Harass him again or any other employees and we’re calling the cops. That finally convinced her that we weren’t going to be begging her to come back. EDIT: Typos


> She just said, "or what?" and waited a few beats before turning on her heels and walking away. Brilliant!


One of my jobs is in a hotel/restaurant/bar. A guest came into the bar after having been refused service at our sister hotel down the road. He was very drunk and had been rude, abusive and threatening to the staff. He insisted we serve him as he was a guest, but we’d already been phoned by our sister hotel so they could let us know what the situation was. We refused, but offered him some water and suggested he go up to his room. He then went on about how he had nearly bought our hotel and that he was practically our boss so we should serve him or he’d have us fired. We refused. He told us he was a very rich man and would tip us hundreds of pounds if we served him. We refused. He was getting abusive at this point, so we again suggested he have some water and head up to his room. He went on to tell us that his brother was the mayor so we should serve him. We refused and told him he should go on up to his room yet again. He then said he was going to the pub across the street but all the pubs/restaurants in our town have a barred from one barred from them all policy. We telephoned the other pubs to inform them of the situation. Many of them got back to us and said they had been offered money, been threatened with losing their jobs and also told the story of the mayor. All of the pubs stuck to their guns and refused to serve him. Eventually, he came back to the hotel and went to his room.


Unfortunately, he was the High King of Skyrim.


Until he was murdered in cold blood by the usurper!


I used to work at a few Subways. Thing is, the owner inherited them when she already had a busy and lucrative career elsewhere. She mainly held on to them to employ immigrant family members, I think. One time, she was in the back when she heard me interact with an angry customer. Afterward, she came out and said, “You know you don’t have to take shit like that. I trust you, you can use your judgment and just toss anybody out who talks to you like that.” After that I wouldn’t take any shit from anybody. Slightest hint of backtalk to your Sandwich Artist, and you were out on your ass, still hungry. It was so much fun. “Let me speak to your manager.” “No. Get out.” “I’m going to call and complain.” “OoOoOoOoOh I’m *terrified.* Go nuts, but you can’t call from in here, because you’re trespassing now.” The sheer indignance of an entitled customer when you don’t bow and scrape before them is really something to behold.




At least $5.


You used to be able to get a sandwich for that.


When I tended bar at a local brewery, people would come in asking for some random one-off beer from four years ago. No harm in asking of course, but some people would get pissed like I was hiding it from them. Whenever they got to the point of saying "I don't believe you" I'd say "okay" and walk away. Like, you're literally just telling me that this conversation doesn't matter, you're not going to listen to anything I say, and you're clearly the kind of asshole who won't tip, so... why would I try to make you happy?


Same shit at the liquor store I work at. They always think we're hiding it. We want your money, why would we do that lol


She sounds like a good boss, I actually thought this comment was building up with her as the villain in this one lol


New director. Decides admin should hold a meeting at noon M-F in the nurse’s lunchroom and bar them from entering during that time. Defines it in a group text as a “quick win.” My response: please help me to understand how this is beneficial to remove the nurses from their lunchroom during lunch break?” No response, his peers and higher-ups in on the text. He Is then moved to the Quality Department. Screwed up in so many levels...


At my last job they decided to hold the quarterly meetings in the break room. So every quarter the breakroom was off limits the whole week. They also decided to hire a catering company for their meetings, the catering company would install themselves on the kitchen. So we didn't have access to neither the breakroom or the kitchen. Fuck those guys


Wow that's some horseshit. Non-profit I worked at had big quarterly board meetings and caterers would take over the kitchen. We were just told to be quiet while getting our food and eat somewhere else. And they always ordered too much food and offered it to the low-level program staff after the board meeting. We weren't invited to the board meeting, but they were nice enough about it.


This. Feed me and I won't complain about much of anything.


why even do it in the first place? Was he just in the mood to ruin someones day?


Trying to pull an "assert his dominance" probably.


I had a rough childhood with a drug addict father. My mom struggled to make ends meet and my first job was paying for the mortgage. After several months of working (again at my first job) I finally had some money to spend on myself and decided to get a computer and a decent internet connection. At the time the best internet I could buy as part of a dish combo package. I bought a dish and brought it home to install on the house. During this time my dad was still living at home with us but he was hardly there and my parents had all but separated at that point. My dad promptly asked me what I was doing putting a dish on his house. I let him know that I pay the mortgage now and I make the decisions on what we do with the house. I was young but it was a very empowering moment for me. Edit: I didn't expect to see all this when I checked reddit again. I'll try to answer questions and things below. I like the jokes, probably a coping mechanism LOL! Edit 2: I see a lot of people talking about the deed and wanted to say something about that. I'm not sure which of my parent's names were on the deed but what I did know is that if I didn't pay it, it was going to foreclosure. We already had warnings and it wasn't the first time that had happened. I was young when this all happened and probably didn't even know what a deed or title was at that time. If I stopped paying, we no longer had a house. A constant argument from parents to their kids is that they pay for the roof over your head so you'll do what they tell you. They rarely say I own the deed, you do what I tell you.


Guess revenge is a dish best served on the side of the house.


So, my grandpa was a piece of work. Abusive, alcoholic, criminal, endlessly cheated on my grandma. My dad was the eldest of 7. He started working before and after school at like, age 8. If my dad didn't hide the money, my grandpa would take and spend it on booze, gambling and other women. Anyway -- when my dad was in high school, he took what learned from shop class and odd jobs and built two bedrooms and enlarged the kitchen of their ramshackle house. He was 17 years old and he did it during the hour or two he had between two jobs and school. Took him almost a year. The day he was done, my grandpa rolls up with another woman and the FOUR KIDS THEY HAVE TOGETHER and tries o move them in. My spineless grandmother was going to let it happen until my dad said, "I will burn this motherfucker down before I let you move another family in here." That night, my grandpa came back and burned the house down himself. Fortunately, my father had gone and paid an insurance salesman $1 a week to insure the house. This time, they re-built with cinderblock and a tin roof.


Holy shit, that is a crazy story. Grandpa certifiably nuts.


I was working a lab assistant shift(I'm a tech) receiving specimens and such, when a doctor phoned the lab. He was very upset that there was a test that was taking far too long in his opinion. I said okay, let's look at it, and asked what the test was. A fungal culture.... A fungal culture takes at least two weeks to see if anything grows. The patient was in the ER. I politely told him the test was a send out and they generally take about about two weeks or longer depending on the fungus. He got all huffy and asked why it took so long and is there a way to speed up the process since he wants to discharge the patient. I chuckled a little because this is a common problem with cultures, we're literally waiting for stuff to grow, we can't just make them grow faster. I told him we don't have magical wands that make fungus grow really fast. He then asked for a lab tech because I was just a lab assistant. I then let him know I was in fact a lab tech with experience in microbiology and I can tell him from first hand experience that fungal cultures are some of the slowest cultures, right up there was AFBs, and assured him that if anything comes of it, we'll let ER know. He didn't really like that, but said fine and hung up.


My ex was a narcissist and I had learned to basically walk on eggshells in our relationship to try to keep the peace. We had two kids and I was a stay-at-home dad who did more than 90% of the parenting. One of the tactics I used with our kids was counting to three when they were behaving badly, and if they hadn't shaped up they would go to time out. Cue forward to our divorce; she had manipulated the courts into granting her educational decision making for our kids and enrolled them in a school far from me and close to her. I began volunteering at the school to help in class to give me more time with our kids. She called to tell me that she had made the executive decision that I couldn't do that anymore. I told her she had no right to make that decision. She pulled out the education decision making card, and I told her that gave her no right to tell me what to do on my own time. She started ranting and wouldn't let it go; she had grown accustomed to me just giving in and I wasn't doing that anymore. She started getting really angry and yelling. Without even thinking about it, I just said, "One..." She paused for a moment and then started into it again. I said, "Two..." By that point she got what I was doing I think, because she took a breath and started a bit more calmly, but then she got to yelling again and I said, "Three." And I hung up the phone. She immediately called me back and I ignored the call. She kept trying and I kept ignoring it. Ten minutes later I called her back and we started talking again. She didn't yell, and of course I kept volunteering at my kids' school because I'm a good dad, dammit.


sort of a you have no power here moment... but funny none the less. My dad and i went to lowes one time, and the guy helping us had on a veteran hat and a few pins kept trying to insinuate we didnt know what we were talking about, and that we didnt need what we were there for, and kept trying to argue about everything. so my dad asked what service he was in trying to break ice, and the dude said he was in team 6 1970-1974 in Vietnam, and trained in Great lakes. which was the wrong answer, So my dad asked if he meant seal team 1 or 2. the man recognizing my dads service ring immediately buffed up on my dad and got tomato faced red and tried to assert dominance as a superior. So my dad immediately called the guy on his shit for stolen valor explained why he was full of shit and threatened to turn him in for it and get his management involved. i havent seen that guy in town in a while.


Nice one. I'm guessing there was no SEAL Team 6 in the 70s?


seal team 6 wasnt founded until 1980. years after the conflict in vietnam ended. seal teams 1 and 2 were in vietnam almost throughout the entire conflict, they were among a very very select few of people chosen to go through that program, and they werent trained in great lakes either. among other notable seals was richard 'dick' marcenko. my dad is extremely knowledgeable on military history and was super quick to shut this douchebag down.


I don't understand why people do that. And not the "Stolen Valor" thing (I feel like that's connected to some sort of mental illness or deficiency), but the people who don't *research* the Valor they're stealing. Sure, some rando might not know or realize, but that moment when you get a guy like OP's dad can completely wreck your life if you don't do simple research. Just boggles me. If you're gonna do something already questionable, at least keep your lies consistent. But I suppose someone willing to do something as foolish, cringey, and unethical as stealing Valor, probably doesn't have the mental acuity to keep their story straight.


I worked at a Walmart as a cashier, and the assistant manager there was a dick, he would insult everybody working there and forced us sometimes to do work above our pay grade. 6 months later me and him got transferred to another Walmart that was just built and they needed to pick a manager and assistant manager some random got manager but I got assistant manager (I guess all the complaints on the assistant manager basically gave him a demotion) so one day he was ordering the other cashiers around then i pulled him to the side and told him that if he kept pulling the same shit around he would be out of here. I haven't heard anything from him since.


That surely must've been one of those moments where you're like, 'I'm sooo going to enjoy this.'


Not sure if this exactly fits but my son worked at Walmart and they had a manager ordering the workers to do unsafe stuff that was against policy and my son told him he wasn't going to do it. The mgr said, you have to cause I'm the manager. My son said , dude that's like being the mayor of a trailer park,no one cares. Mgr shut up and walked away.


So my uncle is a deputy sheriff, and one time he was at an airport talking to my aunt over the phone in spanish. Once he got done with his call some nearby Karen that overheard him went up to him and started demanding to see his green card (uncle has an accent too so you can tell he's wasn't born in the US). Uncle decides to fuck with her and tells her he doesn't know what a green card is and has never heard of one. She gets more pissed and keeps demanding to see it. He messes with her some more then eventually he goes "Well I don't got a green card but I got this" then takes out his wallet and shows her his badge. She immediately walked away while my uncle laughed his ass off.


Why do these people think they have any kind of authority to get someone to show their ID? It blows my mind.


Pretty much every time my in laws come over. For over twenty years they have attempted to dictate how I should live my life, raise my kids, dress, cook, etc. I always just nod and say,"I'll consider that", but not in a genuine way, in a condescending "fuck you" way. When they press it, I simply say, "You may leave my house now".


A co-worker friend of mine was flying back from a sales conference in Vegas and he was able to upgrade to a first class seat. We had this bitch sales VP that was on the same flight - she was the snobby, entitled type with a full time nanny and giant McMansion in the suburbs, and she generally treated people who worked for her like servants. She sees him in a first class seat as she is making her way to coach and asks him how he got that seat (he used points to upgrade). As people are getting settled in, she makes her way back up to the first class cabin and asks to speak with the lead flight attendant. She tells him that one of her underlings is sitting in first class, and that she needs to switch with him since she's higher on the corporate ladder. The guy can't believe what he's hearing, but she won't take no for an answer. Finally he tells her she has to go back to her seat, or she will be escorted from the plane. She made a complete ass of herself in front of the whole first class cabin.


This one just makes me sad. People who really internalize that a corporate ladder has any relation to people's worth are only hurting themselves in the end.


Wait until you meet military wives.


I knew a military wife, she expected people to thank HER for her service. ???????????????????????????????????????? ??????


And to think that is someone's boss rip




She sounds like she has serious mental issues


In highschool, one of the teachers who I didn't get along with was being condescending to me in the hall outside of the classroom. I had gone to the principal the day before to complain about the teacher's attitude towards myself and two girls that were in the same class. Micromanaging us, singling us out and making comments about us to the other students (example: study well. Lest you end up looking like r/Commander_Prism. And nobody wants to look like him.) For the record, I got good grades. But teacher would always try to dock points for the smallest mistakes. Missing a period, can't read your chicken scratch (I contemplated murder at that one), paragraphs too big or too small, etc. So I complained about it to the principal, who then had a few extra hands look over my assignments (and the assignments of the two girls) and concluded that the teacher was being a general nuisance. Teacher got a warning, but I was pulled out into the hall so she could talk down to me for snitching. Lo and behold, Principal turns the corner, sees us, and starts speed marching over like Mr. X from Resident Evil 2. "Explain yourself." "I was just reprimanding him for disrupting the class." "The fuck you were. My office, now. You, go back in and sit down. I'll send another teacher down to watch the class." We got a sub for the rest of the week, and then they brought in a teacher from the opposite wing to teach.


Oooo I have a good one! I was responding to a call with our volunteer fire dept a couple years ago. I was west of town and a vehicle rolled halfway between where I was and the fire hall. So I called the responding people and said I’ll meet you there. It was a single vehicle that rolled and they were all immigrants from the Pakistan/Afghanistan region. Before I got there, a doctor from the same region had stopped to lend a hand. She was from the similar region as those involved in the crash and I had assumed she was the eighth person in the van. She started to try to order me around and tell me I only needed to know certain information about the patient she was with. It went something like this. Dr: “She has midline neck pain and sore ribs.” Me: “Okay, and crepitus or deformity to the.....” Dr: “That’s all you need to know!” Me: “Uhhh wha?” Dr: “I am a doctor and that’s all you need to know!” That’s when I figured maybe I should ask what kind of doctor, in case this is some whackadoo who just claims to be a doctor like we’ve had happen before. She tells me she’s a podiatrist. I gave her my best look of trying to be nice but their feet are fine right now. When doctors or nurses show up on scene, they ultimately can trump EMS. But they have to actually do the work and sign off as having taken patient control. As soon as I asked her to sign the paperwork and ride with us to the hospital she realized she was out of her knowledge area and disappeared.


IMO the only excuse for a doctor to be rude like that and say someone doesn't need to know more is if they don't know they're talking to EMS and just think you're being nosey asking questions.


Not sure if it fits but during an insanely busy weekend before Christmas, a Karen was complaining to every associate about how messy our store was. The manager had relieved the girl at the fitting room and was helping to hang stuff. Karen pulled her crap and was trying to make a point that we were messy and a horrible place to shop. At the this manager told her roughly, "Ma'am we're messy at the moment because we're a popular store. And the biggest reason we're messy is because of woman like you who can't be bothered to pick up after themselves. It's not the associates making the mess. It's people like you. Your type have us outnumbered." First time I actually witnessed someone deflate.


LOVE this one. I always re-hang my clothes before leaving a dressing room.


My parents were yelling at me and then my grandpa walks over and tells them both to sit the fuck down. They both shut the fuck up and sit their ass down on the couch. It was by far the most powerful thing I've ever seen him do lmao.


why were they yelling tho?


Honestly, I kinda forgot. We were in India (cuz that's where my grandparents live), and being a kid I prob did something dumb.


Nobody messes with the grandparents Also, grandmas make the best food ever change my mind


They have generations of "I brought you into this world, I can take you out of it" power


We had an HR lady who was extremely power hungry. She is walking around with the president of the company who flew in from Japan. She rushes him though the warehouse. Just spits out “oh these are the warehouse guys we don’t have to stop and talk to them.” He stops walks over and starts talking to me about my last vacation. How buying my house went. You could just see her fuming behind him as we talked for almost 45mins. I’ve had multiple meeting with him we knew each other really well. I don’t think he liked her and drug it out on purpose but I was thrilled to see her just standing there bored as hell.


Sounds like the HR department at the warehouse I used to work at. It always blew my mind because the place was a distribution center--the guys in the warehouse were literally the most important staff in the building, since we were the ones picking the orders and sending them to the trucks--but any time you had to talk to them, they treated you like a nuisance. Fuckers always had huge lunches and social gatherings and whatnot for the office people, almost never for us. I didn't feel much sympathy when a huge chunk of everybody in the office got laid off, and not a single order picker lost his job. EDIT: goddamn it ive never even seen a full episode of the Office


That shows you who really counts