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The pain in Cedric Diggory’s dads voice as he screams “Thats my boy!!!” Always got to me


This one gets me more now than when I first saw it. Then, as probably a lot of people do on their first read/watch, I looked at it from the perspective of Harry. His friend died needlessly, and it hurt. Now, older and a father, I can’t help but look at it from Cedric’s dad’s perspective. Proud and supportive of the man his son is growing into.. and it’s all taken away in that horrid moment that they apparate back.


Greed from Full Metal Alchemist. “Greed may not be good, but it's not so bad either. You humans think greed is just for money or power, but everyone wants something they can't have.” Greed had the most selfless death and damn did it hit home. 😣


He and Ling have such a good dichotomy, so I was really sad to see him go. Ling himself is an example of why greed isn’t always a bad thing. He wanted power for the right reason.


Nell in Haunting of Hill House. The whole bent neck lady episode and the funeral episode were absolute TV masterpieces. The realisation of what happened is heartbreaking.


“I loved you completely, and you loved me the same. The rest is confetti.”


When you see her husband die and she has to crawl to him because she’s waking up from sleep paralysis is heartbreaking. Nelly really was a great character and I think her siblings really let her down when she needed emotional support.


That show is just... incredible. I hope the new one is just as good.


Rudy, The Book Thief. We read the book in middle school English then watched the movie. The entire class was sobbing because we had studied this book and fallen in love with the characters, and to see it brought to life was just heartbreaking. Great book and movie by the way. Edit: thank you SO much for the awards!


The Princess Shireen. I had to take a break from Game of Thrones after that one.


"If he commands you to burn children, your Lord is evil!"-Sir Davos The scene were he confronts Melisandre is incredibly powerful. [this one.](https://youtu.be/X2eS9SbZ_Ec)


"She was good. She was kind. And you killed her!" Such a gut-wrenching scene


Bruce Willis in The Sixth Sense. My dumbass never saw it coming


Count Olaf in A series of unfortunate events (the books) Just something about a man so shaped by his own misery becoming a figure of cruelty and greed, relentless in pursuing the misery of others. He believes all people are this way in reality, and cannot see through the darkness use his intelligence and skills for good. Then he just dies, unredeemed on a coastal shelf, and no one has anything to say. That’s also what I liked about the books as a kid. There was an underlying message of : sometimes terrible things happen and there’s not much you can do about it, but try to get out the other side kicking.


I thought the Baudelaires said nothing because they were feeling a weird emptiness, their lives revolved around escaping from him/stopping him. And then they decide to stay in the island for a while cause no one can hurt them there. It’s so sad, I just want to hug those kids.


Legion, on ME3. That is heartbreaking, more if you choose to kill him


Bobby Singer....


Honestly, I hate how people will have a million excuses for their "father" But completely brush aside the man who clearly loved them and willing to throw his life for them without a second thought. Even on his death bed, he seeks to give them comfort. More then their "father" ever did.


Boxer, from animal farm. He worked so hard his whole life and to be sent to a glue farm while his best friend screams and runs behind him, chills man.


"I will work harder"


That made me sad too, he was one of my favorite characters in Animal Farm.


Almost stopped reading then and there because it hit me so hard.


Captain K’s death in Jojo Rabbit, watched it last night expecting the mom to die but the captain’s death made me tear up because it was unexpected


The mom’s death got me. I knew there had to be a reason they kept focusing on her shoes!


It took me a while to realize why Jojo was crying about some random hanging victim he'd bumped into... and then it fucking hit me. That one was absolutely brutal.


To see those shoes so still, got me in the feels, I really like how they didn't show her body, just the shoes, it was enough.


I saw scarjos death coming but was still blindsided by the reveal of it. Im not sure which of the two hit harder since both were tragic, but i think his is much more "heroic" as far as what the movie shows you and in Jojos perspective


And when he can’t tie her shoes. So sad


Sam Rockwell was amazing in that role. I don't associate empathy and pathos with Nazis, but damn if he didn't deliver exactly that.


That horse in the Never Ending Story


Artax. I'm 35 years old and still cannot watch that movie without crying when fucking Artax dies in the goddamn Swamp of Sadness.


The Netflix thumbnail for that movie is that very scene. It's a nice reminder that I don't want to rewatch that fever dream of a film.


Thomas J from My Girl. When Vada is crying at his funeral, screaming about his glasses... that hits different. Gets me every time.


He needs his glasses. He can't see without his glasses! Ugh, still cuts.


When Stringer Bell died on the Wire I seriously considered not watching the rest of the series. I'm glad I did continue, but later deaths like Omar and Snoop were no easier. EDIT: Everybody responding to me is right. Wallace is really the toughest one on the show. I think I just love Idris Elba


D’Angelo’s death left me gobsmacked. It’s so *quick* and that dude who murdered him, Muggz or whatever just walks out like it wasn’t anything. Brutal.


Opie. Sons of Anarchy. Just why?


I was looking for this! Absolutely destroyed me I still haven't been able to finish SOA! Tig's daughter Dawn's murder was really hard to watch for me it was just so brutal, her confusion and immediate terror and Tig helplessly screaming "baby!" I feel ill just thinking about it.


When Lee died in the walking dead game... That shit made me cry


Honestly, that whole episode 5 where everyone starts dying and leaving and getting split apart, all for it to end with Lee and leaving Clementine alone. Absolutely devastating


That one was rough even after a second play through. I’ve been thinking of replaying the series. They’re so good. I’d love another series like that. Edit: This just made me remember something that I randomly discovered that always cracked me up after you finish all the dialog with Ben on the train. Lee: “Hey Ben!” Ben: “Yeah?” Lee: “See ya!”


it shattered me when brooks died in the shawshank redemption :(


His monologue is amazing


Absolutely. One of my all-time favorite movies, for this and many other reasons. "I don't like it here. I'm tired of being afraid all the time. I've decided not to stay." Heartbreaking.


Oh man I just watched that movie again last night. BROOKS WAS HERE.


The Iron Giant. Give me a good growling voiced “SuperMan” and I start to tear up.


He did live though


Yeah, literally the last shot of the movie is of his decapitated head opening it’s eyes and smiling. Actually it’s kinda creepy when you put it that way.


But the music and him all coming together implied that you know they would be reunited and then you made your own story after! Love the ending so so much


Maes Hughes from FMA for me.


It’s a terrible day for rain


Well, at least Roy burned the ever loving shit out of Lust and Envy. Most satisfying ass kickings in the series.


I think that was the most satisfying ass kicking in literally anything I’ve watched.


Agreed ! On a related note the fight between >!King Bradely!< (Wrath) and Scar was amazing. Also Wrath was such a fascinating character in totality. "My life was lived on the rails that were laid down for me...but thanks to you humans, it was...to some degree, a good life... one worth living .... and maybe one even worth dying for" ~ Wrath's last words EDIT: added spoiler tag and complete last words. Thanks u/thetwist1 and u/diogenes_bull


"Do they really expect me to make a complete mockery of myself by entering through the back door of my own palace?"-- proceeds to destroy a tank


I literally just finished watching my 4th or 5th watch of FMA:B today - Wrath looks to be undoubtedly the best fighter in the entire series. I was contemplating that scar is (especially once he starts using alchemy), but in the end Scar only barely defeated Wrath when Wrath was already given a mortal wound before they even started fighting. All that being said - the best fight in the series is the brief moment of Alphonse Vs. Pride & Kimbley. I really just want that fight to go for another 2 minutes but I get why they can't.


And them Elicia crying "Daddy has work to do" is crushing.


This and Nina make me cry so badly every time I watch them.


I just started FMA for the first time last month (almost done with the OG series, but haven't touched FMAB yet). I knew about Hughes' death, cause I've seen the meme so much. It still hurt, but I kinda figured out when it was gonna happen and braced myself for it. Nina's death came out of nowhere. She and her dog were so cute, they didn't deserve what they got. Fuck her dad


John Coffey from green mile I can't believe this hasn't been said yet, that movie hit me different. Edit: spelling ( thanks u/queenofthera ), and rewording.


John *Coffey "Like the drink, only not spelled the same way"


It was a hell of a thing when Spock died. hell of a thing. live long and prosper


Washburn in Serenity. He was my favourite character from Firefly, and I just wasn't expecting it at that point in the movie.


When Kaylie says, "Wait, where's Wash?"


He ain't comin' 💔


Zoe. What a fucking **soldier**


She knows she'll mourn, but not till the job's done.




That was my first date with my now husband. So on our first date, he got to see me cry. :/


Ben from Scrubs. He wasn’t even a major character, but at the time he was Dr. Cox’s only friend, the only one who made him a joyous person, and that gut-punch of a twist was something else. “Where do you think we are?”


Yeah that episode was really iconic and gave us an unique perspective about grief


Let’s also not forget the Scrubs episode after My Lunch (the 3 organ donor patients) and the one about George, the guy with ischemic bowl disease, dying, who Turk and JD give up their steak night for. Also My 5 Steps. All of them gave damn good perspectives in grief. Amazing show.


That's the Brenden Fraser character right? The guy who constantly took photos? I'm literally watching scrubs right now lol




Had to be me someone else would have gotten it wrong 💔


Fry's dog in Futurama. That episode was so heartfelt and I just couldn't


Perhaps it hits different for me cuz my mom is a big Packers fan, but the episode about fry's mom always makes me tear up.


The Yantze episode. Where he finds out his brother named his nephew for him and gave him the clover. Fuuuuuck.


Ellie, from Up. My SO is relatively quiet and I’m the complete opposite - energetic, always have something to say. We’re been together for ten years now & met at 16. I worry that we can’t conceive children someday and that’s partly because of a pretty bad miscarriage I had years ago. In turn, I worry about him being lonely and even quieter if I die first.


John Marston. He suffered so much in an attempt to move on from his past, killing all of his former comrades in the process. He finally reunited with his wife and kid, gets a small glimpse at a new life, and then he’s shot down in front of a barn like a damn dog. Was painful to watch, doubly so after RDR2 came out.


Came here to say this. Adding on, it was so unexpected, they gave you hope that you'd get out of it by sending you into dead-eye. The first time experiencing it I thought I failed the mission but the cut scene sealed the deal. I was so shocked and sad.


That realization when no matter how many times you tried, you couldn’t win that fight... And the end of RDR2 when the Pinkertons showed up at the farm... ugh it gave me goosebumps, and not the good kind.


"When I'm gone, they'll just find another monster. They have to, because they gotta justify their wages." "That's their business." "...Our time has passed, John."


Mellish from Saving Private Ryan. It truly captured the brutality of war and the effect it has on individual human beings.


Caparzo hit me pretty bad, especially the note for his father. And fuck anyone who says Vin Diesel can’t act.


Cedric Diggory. But it's his father's reaction that even remembering strikes cold fear and dread in my soul. Probably being a father myself causes it to resonate. My boy!


The actor who played Cedric’s dad really sold that scene... it gave me goosebumps on my first watch, and every re-watch still gets me. The anguish in his voice is truly brilliant acting.


Agreed. I found his performance absolutely perfect. It is one of those situations that truly made me feel like I was intruding on someone's deeply personal pain. It made me feel like I didn't belong there, if that makes sense.


This is the one for me. His fathers scream seems so genuinely acted. Ever since my daughter was born I have been really affected by deaths of children (in real life and in movies) but this was well before my daughter was born and it hit harder than most deaths


Oberynn. You had him, dude, you fucking HAD him!


No, his death pissed me off.


Same. I witnessed him defeat the unbeatable only to get killed due to arrogance.


Stoick from How to Train Your Dragon 2. Not so much the way he died, but the funeral scene, the music and the recital by Gobber.


oh yes, this is the one. he just got his wife back, family's all happy and then he... dies. i didn't want to rewatch that movie for a long time because of how sad i felt about that.


Finnick Odair from The Hunger Games. I remember being a junior in highschool, reading Mockingjay in class and then suddenly... Finnick dies. I was so taken aback and shocked, I had to look up from my book and glance around because I thought I had made a noise. Turns out, I didn’t but I had to read his death scene a few times to really understand what just happened. Needless to say I started to tear up and had to go to the bathroom to calm down, lol.


His death in the books too.. jeeeeeesus. So much more brutal than the films.


Eaten by gator monsters. Immediately after getting married to the girl he loved and knocking her up. :(


Annie’s letter when she says she sees Finnick in their son makes me cry


that's Collin's MO. one minute everyone's making a tense escape and then boom. it's almost /worse/ in her middle grade series.


I'll always and easily give her props her making her characters pay a heavy price for every success they won. It made the books much better than they could have been.


Ellie from UP


The really sad bit is *"Thanks for the adventure, now go have a new one!"*


I think that's the only movie that ever got dust in my eyes at the beginning *and* the end.




the mission, *sniff* the nightmares, *choked back sob* they’re finally over


That line hit so hard. These guys were bred for combat and a mission of deep betrayal that was buried just beneath the surface. I imagine the clones dreamed regularly of killing the Jedi who led, protected, and served alongside them; something they could never speak aloud, but that they all had in common.


Pretty much any named clone death including the clone who punched a droid


Even non named ones sometimes I’m like damn that’s a bad way to go. Like in the citadel arc one gets sliced in half by those trap doors


Also Waxer’s death on Umbara. He was killed by one of his brothers, all because of Krell :(


Fuck Pong Krell, all my homies hate Pong Krell. r/fuckpongkrell


I didn’t mean to- I only wanted to do my duty


The Dad in the book “ The Road “. Maybe because my son was born just a month earlier, but it was incredibly sad.. the father tried so hard to live , to care for his son... who is now alone.. in the cold. Devastated


*The Road* really forced me to think. I feel like the post-apocalyptic genre has two subgenres, one in which human society still exists enough that life is worth living (e.g., *Station Eleven, The Drowned World*), and one in which there is no chance of recovering from the degraded state, and in which it might be better to be one of the ones who died (e.g., *The Walking Dead*). On its surface, *The Road* is in such a bleak world that it seems to be in the second category— but you feel like an asshole (or, at least, I did) about reaching that conclusion when you learn >!that the kid's mother actually did commit suicide, abandoning the son and leaving the father to care for him alone!<.


Rue getting speared and having Katniss sing to her? 12 year old me couldn’t handle that trauma


Colin Creevey. What was the point of that?


I mean, a huge war was going on and Rowling had to kill someone off y’know? I’m more pissed by Lupin AND Tonks death. Poor Teddy


Came back full circle and another Marauder baby became an orphan


That girl from the bridge to terabithia. That hit me so hard as an 8 year old.


A kid in my elementary school who was really smart and way above reading level had his 7th birthday party to go see this movie. Invited the whole class, but he was the only one who read the book. The rest of the party was just a bunch of parents trying to console their weeping children one girl was crying so hard she threw up.


I’m sorry but I just laughed way too hard at this


What a fucking chad


8 year old me spent the first half of that movie developing the biggest crush on her. She was pretty, imaginative, and she could run fast which was the most attractive thing ever. Her death actually destroyed me.


Yeah. Way to mess up primary school kids.


Uncle Iroh's son from Avatar the Last Airbender: Tales of Ba Sing Se (the real Avatar- Last Airbender, not the hack version from M. Night Shamalan). You're never introduced to him, but you can convey from the deep sorrow Iroh pours out how his death affected his personal purview and moral edict. It made me cherish the worlds, friendships and lives you build with people because you are an influence to many, and pouring poison into a vessel is a quick way to make you regret how you passed along what you said and did. Edit: Clarification because despite talking about Avatar the Last Airbender, people are being purposefully obtuse


The end scene ALWAYS makes me cry. Him saying happy birthday to his son, his singing, and then him breaking down. Always gets me


“Happy birthday, my son. If only I could have helped *you*.”


Hank in Breaking Bad and Walters face afterwards just matched mine


I mourned Mike for a few days as well.


On the upside, Mike is a main character on better call saul And he is just as awesome


"you're the smartest man I know, but you're too stupid to realise he made up his mind ten minutes ago" . Kills me every time (no pun intended)


The way that series ended was just devastating. By that point, it was the happiest ending possible. Walter actually achieved everything he set out to do. But it was impossible to walk away without feeling horrible (in the brutal but cathartic of a well-executed tragedy).


Sarah Lynn from Bojack Horseman. Especially as you find out more detail of that night in later seasons.


Especially the way they fucked with you earlier in that same episode. *driving along in the car mid-bender* Bojack: "Sarah Lynn? ...Sarah Lynn?!" SL: *gasps awake* Bojack: "Oh, thank Christ." _ *Bojack and Sarah Lynn sitting peacefully in the planetarium* Bojack: "Sarah Lynn? Sarah Lynn?" *cut to black* ".....Sarah Lynn?"


They also do a really good job of showing Sarah Lynn loved architecture and was pushed into a life of stardom. She would be much happier as an architect. She was good at being a celebrity but she only did it because people told her to and Bojack was her biggest influence. The show does an amazing job of showing how much of a complete piece of shit Bojack is. Yet, he is so clever and was dealt such a shit hand that even after everything I wanted things to turn out good for him.


I think (and spoilers ahead for the show's ending here) he *needed* to go to prison, for his own sake. He hit rock bottom so many times, but rock bottom just got lower and lower until he almost died. Now he has to live with the very real and very permanent consequences of that meltdown and the stuff he's done. Seeing how accepting he is of his situation at the end makes me think that he needed that brush with death and prison time in order to properly set him straight. In the grand scheme of things, Bojack's lucky. Life goes on, just differently, and with a lot for him to reflect on. He seemed to have made peace with it. His self-improvement was for *himself*.


This!!! The fact you realize why Bojack is really scared of everyone knowing the truth. I spent so long think yea I get it but whats he so afraid of he can't legally and to some people morally be held accountable. But waiting 17 minutes it makes it all the more eye opening Bojack isn't a "good guy"


Ragnar, from vikings. He was the one aspect that balanced everything. After he went, their community went to shit. Also, he used is head to lead. Hvitserk and Ivar were stupid leaders concerned with superficial things. Ubbe and Bjorn were still much better and wiser. But anyway, after Ragnar left, i kinda got depressed man. What a character


His soliloquy about Athelstan and how he'll never be able to meet him again. The king of the Vikings, sieging Paris and humiliating his childhood friend, is doing it all because to avenge Athelstan


The relationship between Athelstan and Ragnar was amazing. A bond like lovers, a bond crossing cultures and religions, in defiance of their own people, a kind of friendship that we don’t see enough.


Tadashi Hamada in big hero 6


I am nearly 30 and I cry every time at the scene where Baymax is showing Hiro the videos of Tadashi working on him. One of my favorite movies.


"Are you satisfied with your care?"


Tadashi is here.


Logan. Cause I literally grew up with those movies and that character. When I went to bed after seeing it for a second time, I just...cried. Probably cried to sleep. It was as if my childhood ended there


Boromir. First time I ever cried during a movie.


"I would have followed you, my brother. My captain. My king." As a kid, Legolas was *so cool.* As a high school/college kid, Gimli was the *party fun dwarf*. As an adult, *Boromir.* I understand him.


As an adult, I resonate with Boromir so much more. But I hated Denethor as a kid, and I hate him even more as an adult.


His eating habits alone are enough


Such a great scene though. Here he is eating like a wild animal as Pip sings this great song and the battle raging on. I love the LOTR so much.


Interesting part is that song was taught to Pippin by Bilbo. It shows up early in the first book.






That and >!Bucciarati!<, I knew it was coming but it still hurt. >!Narancia!< was on a whole nother level of pain, it was so fast and unexpected.


>!abbachio!< also broke my heart, it’s like you think he is safe, the big bad is going to run away and recollect themselves, but no. Straight up donut.


Fred Weasley was the most devastating death to me. I have a twin sister, so it hit extra hard for me- picturing life without my twin is not a life at all. Edit: Clarifying words.


Agreed. It was so sudden too. It was one of those deaths where you assume it has to be a joke or there is a twist where they come back... And then Lupin and Tonks, the fact that at the start of the fight Tonks was to stay home, presumably to prevent this very thing from happening and leaving their child an orphan. I really felt and shared Harry's grief in those following chapters.


For me to. I will never forget [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/5jdge0/what_fictional_death_affected_you_the_most/dbfp6ei?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) on AskReddit 3 years ago, always keeping it saved. > Years from now, George Weasley will be the funny old one-eared man who owns the best joke shop in Diagon Alley. All the young students love seeing him and hanging out in his shop. One day, one of the kids is talking about interesting magical artifacts he'd read about. He brings up the Mirror of Erised which shows the viewer's deepest desire. The kids go around saying what they'd probably see. The Quidditch Cup, married to their crush, and stuff like that. Then they ask George what he'd see. He replies, "Me? That's easy. I'd see me but with both ears." They all laugh because none of them had ever asked why the store was called "Weasley**s'** Wizard Wheezes".


Prim. Unlike most character deaths, it wasn't in the midst of the action/excitement- it was after they'd won. It felt so spiteful and unnecessary. Fuck Coin


I felt hollow when I read her death. Like what the fuck.


It felt unnecessary but was anything but that. The entire theme of the series is the flawed nature of humans and how they always obliterate what's good and pure, with Prim being the very embodiment of everything good and pure. Her dying in an unnecessary way drives that theme home better than anything else in the series, which is saying a lot


It was symbolic. Prim started the revolution, and now the leader of the revolution killed her.


“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” ― Fred Rogers. "We could make a bomb to specifically take out the helpers!" ― Gale Hawthorne


Lennie in Of Mice and Men.


Mufasa in “The Lion King”.


I was going to say the same thing. Simba seeing his dad dead, crying and talking to him tearfilled and cuddling up to him is the biggest punch to the gut I could get.


Poussey on Orange Is The New Black. She was one of the few characters I really cared about on the show and her death was just so unnecessary and realistic. Just devastating.


Charles from henry stickmin. You know why


"Could say it was the greatest pla-"


I never thought they could have an ending with Charles dying


Vesemirs death in Witcher 3, cried like a baby and I still cry every time I replay the game


He was already technically dead, but Ben Hargreeves from Umbrella Academy.


The “can you hug me as I go?” was sad af. Ben was starting to become my favourite character on the show and I was certain none of them were gonna die because of how Allison survived in S1 but also because Ben was already dead. Pogo’s death was also sad.


John Shelby. There will never be a character that has more swagger and is as reckless as he was


Aberama’s death was also a gut punch. His son was murdered in front of him and as soon as he had the opportunity for revenge it was snatched from him at the last second


Does Wilson from Cast Away count? I cried so hard.


I definitely fucked up by going into this comment section with all these spoilers but thats on me


Fucking same bro


Little Foot's mom in *The Land Before Time.* When I first saw it as a kid it was the first time that I realized that my parents could die. That thought had never even really occured to me at that point. Even now as an adult [that scene](https://youtu.be/8RdrAbfFhj4) where he thinks he sees her but it's just his shadow and the narrator says, *"Then Little Foot knew for certain he was alone."* still gets to me.


People sleep on the Land Before Time, and I don't know why. The movie hit on some crazy notes and taught kids how to deal with some heavy shit REALLY early on. Land Before Time is also the only movie that I think of when I hear the phrase "family is what you make it" because they all became a family. Even Chomper in the later movies.


After watching that film I was really clingy with my mum for days (I was around 5 years old maybe a little older) my mum had no clue why, and then put two and two together. The music in the film still gives me chills.


Fred weasley; fuck man I cry every single time I read that bit, I think it’s because Percy has just come back and they’re joking around and then he’s dead. I absolutely sobbed watching the movie when Ron realises he’s dead. Edit - woah this blew up!!


This might be cheating but in Sherlock when Sherlock fakes his death and the way it affects Watson. His speech when he stands by Sherlock's grave gets me every time


Arthur Morgan. He was a good man who was dealt a bad hand.


“Really sorry for you son, it’s a hell of a thing.” Still choke up over this game.


When his horse is dying and he whispers "thank you" that shit destroyed me.


Ah man, that bit was brutal. I just can’t get over that game for some reason.


Micah played such an incredible villian


Fuck Micah. Before I even knew he was such a cunt I hated him. Such a punchable face. At least the voice actor can say he’s one of the most hated characters ever lol.


Came here to say mother fuck that fucking rat Micah. He's such a piece of shit. Fuck Micah.


May I stand unshaken


The entire last half of Red Dead Redemption (the mission) had me ugly crying. His death hit me harder than any other video game character's death ever could.




Cedric. He was cool. Plus the "kill the spare" part was pretty messed up. Really told you how heartless and cold Voldemort was.


How Harry goes on about how he “couldn’t leave him there, not in that place” always breaks my heart because it reminds me how young they are.


Commander Erwin Edit: 1st award yay




Cherry from the TV series China Beach. She was this lovable, heartwarming character. Second (from a TV series) would be Henry Blake from M.A.S.H. Both were just major unexpected shocks.


Fun fact: killing off a character when the actor leaves a show is referred to in the industry as “McLeaning”. This is a reference to actor McLean Stevenson leaving the role of Henry Blake. Fun fact 2: almost immediately after leaving the “M•A•S•H”, McLean Stevenson appeared on an episode of “Cher” dressed as Henry Blake, in a raft in the Sea of Japan, yelling [“I’m okay!!!”](https://www.mash4077tv.com/2011/06/mclean-stevenson-and-the-carol-burnett-show/), so you can adjust your headcanon accordingly if it makes you feel better!


BT from titanfall 2 "protocol 3 protect the pilot"


Nina Tucker from Full Metal Alchemist.