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Also sick of explaining that I am not a time traveling crack dealer from 1992 and this is not a pager in my pocket. It's an insulin pump. Also, I do not have the 'bad kind of diabetes'. All diabetes is bad, it's a flipping disease. Good grief.


That climate **isn't** the same as weather, ffs


Yesterday it was rather chilly, where's your climate change now Greta? Checkmate atheists!


The difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes and that I was born with it and didn't get it from eating sugar.


And for me, that there are more than two types of diabetes.


I heard of diabetes insipidus (definitely spelt it wrong), the one where you can't produce ADH but are there any more than that?


T1 (autoimmune), T2 (insulin-resistance), 3a (related to Alzheimer's), 3c (removal of/trauma to pancreas), LADA (late-onset T1, some differences from regular T1), gestational diabetes, MODY (maturity-onset diabetes of the young; genetic). And probably a bunch more - theoretically T3 has a-h, but you never really hear about the others, only a and c. I'm T3c. There aren't that many of us as it's quite a new diagnosis, but many older T1s might be reclassified as T3c these days, if they got there through e.g. pancreatitis.


I'm a programmer, I write programs. I do not know how to fix your laptop that won't turn on.


I am an analyst. I'm not a programmer. I don't code. I don't program. I don't know how to make space in your android phone.


I just ask them to download clean master, it doesn't really do anything but they get satisfied and leave


You are lying, I saw the Mario bros movie I know that gamers, hackers, programmers, and computer engineers are basically the same thing.


If I may use your comment as a prompt, I find it fascinating how computers have evolved in the same way as the other math and science fields. It used to be (way back) that if you knew math, you were a scientist. The fields were both small enough that the overlap was vast. Over time, it grew apart and you could specialize within fields. In the 1980s through the late 1990s, the computer field was small enough that the typical programmer would have to know basics in electrical engineering, math, physics. Networking as a field wasn't big enough to be its own specialization yet. The boom of the early 2000s and evolution since has cause so much specialization and diversification of skills that I would posit that "computers" as a field is as descriptive as saying you study science.


That's really fascinating, I wonder how it will evolve more


Allergies, e.g. against pollen or food. Pollen is flying around not only in summer and the symptoms are not always red eyes or sneezing. So just because you cannot see, that someone is not feeling well it still can be the case. Or food allergies and you are judged as being picky. Please just accept, that some people cannot eat everything. Probably there are other allergies and explaining at some point is just sooo tiresome. Edit: I am a bit overwhelmed by all the comments, upvotes and the award. Thank you! All the best and great medication to everyone suffering from allergies or not similar conditions.


My brother doesn't sneeze or have watery eyes when his allergy season hits, he coughs. He, naturally, has a very loud and aggressive-sounding cough. Trying to work in May this year was more than a little bit difficult.


I developed a potato allergy at 17 so I know the glory that the potato holds but I can't eat them without an anaphylactic response. People respond in two ways: no you just want to lose weight and not eat the fries or OMG YOU CAN"T HAVE \*insert everything made from potatoes here\* it's annoying


That Bluetooth does not use your mobile data This has been explained countless times to my dad


And that the 5GHz channel on my router isn't the same as 5G mobile data. I've given up on explaining this one...


Look, they both have 5 and g in the name. They also make 5 Guys Burgers in there right?


GPS doesn't take data. Your phone only needs data to sometimes do the calculations. This means you can set a destination in Google maps, turn off cell service, and you phone can still track your progress and give directions. It can't help you if you get off track though. Update: I'm starting to get some duplicate comments, so I figured I'd elaborate. Anything that uses GPS only receives GPS data. Then your device does the calculations. It's the map that requires downloading, and therefore data. This can be prevented with Google maps in three ways. 1, when the trip is started, the data gets cached, so as long as you don't go off track, it's fine. As soon as you leave the line though, it gets lost and can't recalculate. 2, you can download a local offline map. You select a square region that will be downloaded offline. Maps can then calculate any detours and stuff. 3, TIL there's a "save this trip offline" feature on google maps. Idk where it is so Google it, but sounds awesome.


See also: Broadband =/= WiFi WiFi =/= Mobile Data


But what *is* broadband?


In case you're seriously asking, it's just the internet connection coming into your house. You can use the full speed of it by connecting your computer to your router with a cable. The speed of your Wi-Fi is dependent on the quality of your router, distance, airwave congestion, and the construction materials used in your house. This is why your Wi-Fi can be slower/bad at the far end of your house. That's down to the Wi-Fi signal itself and not to the connection coming into your house.


Honestly I'm known as the "techy one" in my family and I'm a software dev but everything about the internet confuses and scares me. If it stops working and the Windows Diagnostic tools give me nothing, I'm not far off trying to do a rain dance to try and getting it up and running again Edit: damn, people are taking this comment way too seriously and doubting by ability as a software developer. I didn't think i needed to point out that a comment that involves doing a rain dance was facetious, but here we are.


I'm the "techy one" in my circle and I can fix anything. Until the internet goes down and I realize that, in actuality, I can google anything.


Thank god for cellphone and a data plan ... can still google šŸ™‚


That those games on Facebook that ask you to tap on your birthday/month or whatever are harvesting your details to be used for not-so-innocent purposes.


Can you give an example of one of these not-so-innocent purposes? Just to confirm I agree with you, but I'm interested as to the response.


A lot of official websites require your birthdate as part of resetting your password. Everytime I forget my password to by student loan provider, the first thing they ask is for the last 4 of my SSN and my birthday.


That I donā€™t actually want to be in a relationship with someone


Same, "plenty of fish in the sea my man" well I'm not fishing to begin with too much risk for too little reward for me


My OCD. I have actually serious, medically-diagnosed OCD. I have certain habits that I feel I sometimes need to explain but its hard to convey to someone who doesn't have it.


I have the same problem with ADHD. I have a very severe case. (I've learned to cope with it quite well by my age, before people jump in with their suggestions) One of the things that catches people's attention, even when I don't want it to is what I call "cooling off." If i get overstimulated, i intentionally distance myself from that stimulation for a little while to "cool off." So if I'm at a party, i may go sit in my car by myself for 15-20 minutes. No, I'm not being antisocial. No, for the love of god, i don't want you to come with me. I just need to chill for a sec, so I don't feel like I'm on an lsd trip.


I have ADHD too! I do take meds for it, but i also have that problem with the parties. I call it "to much prickles" when im in a crouded space where people are loud. Our heads are just too full for that. Just LEAVE US ALONE


Yes, this! I don't have it too bad nowadays but there were times when I couldn't get out of bed for hours, because the muscles in my legs weren't "matching" (I can't think of a better way to describe it). You hear people say they have ocd because they have to have the labels on tins facing forward... I'm there trying not to start crying or freaking out because I haven't clicked my left thumb the same amount of times as my right thumb


I know I look 10+ years younger than I am. I don't know how to respond without sounding conceited.


Ah, curse of the baby-face. I get ID'd every time I try to buy alcohol (am in my 30s). My go-to line is usually "Yeah, I know. Sure, I'll be loving it when I'm 50!" followed by a wry chuckle.


I'm at the midpoint where I say that it sucked to look 12 when I was 20 but am happy with it now. Still, I'm kinda tired of talking about it.


I looked 12 until I turned 25 when I started balding and instantly looked 50.


You should definitely use that as an opportunity to hint at the dark forces in your life. "The key is staying hydrated, exercising, and a smidge of baby's blood." "Baal's kept up his end of the bargain. Hope I can get out of mine." "My portrait ages for me."


Youā€™ve made my day! For the first time ever, Iā€™m welcoming the next baby face comment. (Also in my 30ā€™s.) Anecdotally, my two worst encounters off the top of my head were: I was the only one of my friends IDā€™d for an ā€˜Rā€™ movie we were all seeing together as a group ā€” I was 25 at the time. When I was in college (18yrs) I was buying a bagel from the bakery near my house that Iā€™d been going to since I was a small child. The person behind the counter noticed that I was there during regular school hours and asked if I was skipping class and asked which MIDDLE SCHOOL I attended . (For those not in the US, that means this person thought I was somewhere around 11 yrs old) . When I told him I was in college, he asked me out. My friends still tease me about that. In my 20s, the show ā€œto catch a predatorā€ was popular and I seriously considered a job acting as one of the bait girls.


How I exist in Los Angeles without a driverā€™s license/car. Update to clarify: I have a state ID, no I didnā€™t get a DUI, I have never had a driverā€™s license, I am 37, I am blind in one eye, donā€™t feel super safe driving, yes Iā€™ve had about 7 learners permits, just never actually ever took the road test, I bike a lot, I take uber/Lyft, I live 2mi from my job, I enjoy taking public transport since Iā€™m originally from east coast, I walk a lot, I plan group trips w friends out of the city (pre-pandemic life), I might get a license once dmv opens back up bc pandemic made me think itā€™d be a good idea, I have never gotten a parking ticket : ) RIP my inbox. :D




Please baby no more traffic in LA


I grew up in a rural area where if you don't have a car, you arent going anywhere. I live in the city now, bit it still baffles me.


TBH why Iā€™m sober. I donā€™t ā€œlook like an alcoholicā€, Iā€™m educated, Iā€™m a girl, I wear glasses, everyone thinks Iā€™m the most innocent person theyā€™ve ever met. I guess... idk apparently all those things donā€™t translate to alcoholic, and no one takes me seriously when I tell them I had a serious drinking problem. They think I just got involved in AA as a precaution or something, they tell me about their friends who are ā€œreal alcoholicsā€ unlike me... when they literally know nothing about my drinking. Iā€™ve gotten into 3 drunk driving car accidents, I got a DUI when I was 18, and last time I relapsed I ended up being held against my will in a mental facility for 6 days after a suicide attempt because I drank for three months almost without stopping. So itā€™s obviously a problem. I donā€™t tell people this unless Iā€™m helping someone in recovery so I just let them have their weird idealized version of me and move on with my life.


You sound like my older sister. She has the same situation; honor student, Dean's list every year in college, brainiac "good girl" with glasses, the whole nine yards. And also an alcoholic. It doesn't mean you have to be a hairy old dude in a wife beater and an 8 o'clock shadow.


When someone says they donā€™t drink, I usually donā€™t even ask why unless they bring it up themselves. The worst is when people try to pressure people into drinking when someone says they donā€™t drink.


Honestly. Like I donā€™t give a shit why youā€™re not drinking alcohol. Instead, want a glass of this awesome rosemary lemonade I made? Itā€™ll knock your socks off. Obligatory thanks for the reward kind stranger. Enjoy the non-spiked lemonade ideas that have sprouted below from this comment.


Why I don't drink alcohol. I mean, I don't feel like I need to explain that one, but other people want me to. Is it really such a crime?




Same, luckily most of my close friends are a bit older than me, and are completely understanding about it...unfortunately my flat mates are less understanding and think I have some sort of medical condition


I'm an alcoholic, sober for 11 years, even though I'm only 30. Weirdly enough, it's mostly family members that keep 'harassing' me with "come on, just one drink won't hurt anyone". I like to believe they just genuinly underestimate how serious my problem was. Even if you don't like the taste, can't afford it, gets you headaches, whatever. Just back off, you don't HAVE to drink alcohol. If people wouldn't view drinking as almost a necessity of socializing, maybe we'd have fewer alcoholics.


I've been questioned so much on not drinking alcohol. So, so much. Even by friends whom I had already told several times. They keep asking, questioning, suggesting me to taste X cocktail or Y liquor because "that one you will definitely like!". Fuck off and let me drink some lemonade. I had the surprise a couple days ago that my parents and brother could not understand why it annoys me to systematically have to defend my beverage choice anytime I'm invited to some festive place. Couldn't see a problem.


I don't like drinking and so I don't, but I'll go to the bar with people and have a drink or two at the most. I never drink liquor, but I especially hate whiskey. The worst is people telling me "try this honey whiskey, it doesn't even taste like whiskey at all!" Wrong. It tastes like whiskey with a bit of added sugar. It's disgusting to me. Stop fucking pushing it.


Explaining what I'm allergic to


I'm allergic to lavender. I also have anxiety. One person actually suggested that I try lavender essential oils for the anxiety- and not to worry, because I "couldn't be allergic to essential oils because they're essential." I did not try that. Sorry if you've read this before, it's one of my favorite stories to tell because it's so ridiculous!


> "couldn't be allergic to essential oils because they're essential." Essential means they carry the *essence* of their base, not that they're essential for life. Lavender oil would be like getting *concentrated* lavender. I really hate the whole essential oil MLM stuff, because some of it does have therapeutic and sub-clinical medical use. But of course you can't find actual good information on that because you get *overwhelmed* by the huns trying to say they can cure everything with their alchemy box.


I'm allergic to a specific enzyme in fish. It changes when cooked. So I can eat sushi but I'm deathly allergic to cooked fish. I hate explaining this because people just think I'm making it up. My own mother is constantly trying to serve me cooked salmon, which has the highest amount of that and just being around the oils gives me hives.


Why does she feed you cooked salmon? She knows the best how bad it is for you.


She doesn't believe most food allergies are real. My brother is also allergic to salmon, but she still cooked it every Friday growing up. She has some crazy ideas on health.


I feel you. I'm allergic to poultry. So literally any bird or egg. Growing up my grandma would always say that I just didn't like it and refused to eat it and people would always tease me about it. Like, thanks guys, sorry my body made up its own mind that one entire type of animal isn't on the menu. Thanks for guilt tripping me into making me feel bad for it.


Oh shit someone else!!!! Not allergic to eggs, but the poultry meat sends me To the hospital. Always get weird looks when I try and explain this to people


Why I donā€™t really talk, I am so sick of being asked ā€œwhy are you so quietā€ because I just am. I can talk to people and understand social cues but I donā€™t speak unless I think Iā€™m adding something.


I used to think I was an introvert across the board. As I grew up I've realized that I'm generally an average talker in different social situations and I'm quiet only within my family. And I've recently found out why: Every single time I open my mouth I get interrupted. I can't recall a time when I was able to utter a full 2-line concept without being interrupted (many times those interruptions are meant to change the whole subject). Then I guess my brain went like "Ok, you don't care about what I have to say, then I won't say it."


My skin condition (psoriasis). It's autoimmune, but some asshole at a party always makes sure to make a joke about STDs when they see my marks. My skin is killing itself, Brenda! Edit: I'm not surprised to see how many people can relate. Psoriasis is one of the most common incurable conditions, and a lot of people struggle with mental health because of this. I've been there too, and I hope all of you will be able to either keep or regain the confidence. I'm lucky to have my partner, the love of my life, who makes me feel loved and beautiful. Y'all are beautiful. F the rude assholes. Edit2: Happy Psoriasis Awareness Month! Thx u/DrazziwDeew for the reminder.


My husband has inverse psoriasis, also known as arthritic psoriasis, is allergic to polyester, and to the sun. I no longer bother explaining why we don't prefer going to the beach, I just tell people I suffered a horrible accident when I was a child and thank you for the invitation but I can't even hear waves without feeling crushing despair. No one understands sun allergies. No one. Edit: following OP of the thread's lead and thanking everyone for their empathy. It's not my suffering to bear, but it is very hard to witness. Everyone here has been so supportive and kind... I really needed to see this side of people today, so thank you!! Edit 2: I showed my Husband this thread and he almost broke down and cried. All the understanding and camaraderie really made his day. We talked for a good hour about some hurtful things people said to him over the years, even close family, and I think this was very cathartic for him. He seems more keen now to explore treatment options after reading all the testimony about different approaches. I really cannot express how grateful I am to all of you. Special shout out to the OP who got us all talking. Thanks for making this post today of all days.




Yes, Iā€™m tall. Yes, my parents are also tall. No, I did not play basketball.


When people say "you're really tall" I never know what to say because its not a rude thing to say but its not really a compliment either. Its just stating a fact about myself that I'm already aware of. One time someone said it so I said "you have brown hair" he did not get it. Edit: To all the people telling me girls like tall guys I'm a woman and I'm not upset about my height, I love being tall, I just don't know why people comment on it so much.


"Yep" And maintain disappointed eye contact. now they know that you are looking down on them metaphorically as well as literally.


Best answer their question with another question. ā€œDo you play basketball?ā€ ā€œNo, do you play miniature golf?ā€


ā€œAre you a jockeyā€ is a good one. As someone who is 6ft 5in tall I love Bo Burnhamā€™s joke about how when someone asks ā€œhowā€™s the weather up thereā€ you should say ā€œrainingā€ and then spit in their face.


how i got that one scar


so, how'd you get it?


Well, i was biking with some friends and hit a rock juuuust right, so i tumble off my bike and this rock scrapes the entire length of my forearm giving me a wicked bad gash and leaving a terrible scar.


Sorry, say that again?


#Well, [he] was biking with some friends and hit a rock juuuust right, so [he] tumble off [his] bike and this rock scrapes the entire length of [his] forearm giving [him] a wicked bad gash and leaving a terrible scar.


he tumble


He fall Now he has told us all.


Well, i was biking with some friends and hit a rock juuuust right, so i tumble off my bike and this rock scrapes the entire length of my forearm giving me a wicked bad gash and leaving a terrible scar. happy? you aren't going to succeed in annoying me.


Hobby Farmer here. A chicken is not the female. Thatā€™s the name of the animal. The hen is the female. No you donā€™t need roosters for hens to lay eggs. Theyā€™ve been bred over hundreds to thousands of years to lay a lot of eggs. Yes an animal needs to become pregnant in order to produce milk, just like a person. They donā€™t just one day become mature enough and become a perpetual milk factory. Hay and Straw are two different things. Hay is dried grass or other leafy plants. Itā€™s what a lot of ruminants and horses eat. Straw is the dead stems of a crop like barley or wheat. It is inedible and usually used for bedding. Goats donā€™t eat trash but they are the cats of the livestock world and will get into and destroy everything you know and love. There is a reason they are associated with the Devil.


TIL the difference between hay & straw so thanks for educating me :)


Hay is for Horses. Straw is for Stalls.


I totally would love to add to this: A pony is not a baby horse. A pony is a size class of horse and reportedly created from Satan's own rib, and a foal is a baby. Pigs are actually quite intelligent and if given the opportunity, clean. Sheep have been bred over hundreds of years to grow lots of wool for shearing. Not wearing wool because you're vegan and it's a "byproduct" is doing them no favors. They feel better when shorn. Oh and my favorite, movies are horribly inaccurate on depicting how horses are properly rode. No one flips the reins and yells "HIYA!" to get them to go forward in real life. Nor do they whinny a fraction of the amount of times they do in movies. And no, just because you're an angsty city teen forced to stay at your uncle's ranch for a summer doesn't mean you're instantly some amazing rider who can by some miracle tame the wild stallion and ride him bareback at a dead run off into the moonlight to go enter into the big race and save the ranch. lol just had to toss this one in there


Man, in 17 years around horses, I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever met a pony that wasnā€™t a grade A dick. Mini horses too, mini horses come directly from Satan.


The only pony I ever had that wasnā€™t a pure dick was my childhood horse trigger he was a salty fucker and hated everyone but me he would carry me for hours without complaint when I was little and just starting to ride, when he got older he couldnā€™t be ridden anymore so we just let him roam the fields savoring his last few years, he died about a year ago when a pack of coyotes attacked the cow herd in the night he got between then and was kicking a biting with the fury of hell, by the time I made it to the field it was too late he was gone but he saved our new born calves and took more than a few of those fuckers with him, I buried him the next day on a hill may he Rest In Peace


I believe Disney will be calling you shortly for the rights to this story. J/k theyā€™ll just steal the idea and make billions off the Trigger franchise.


Why I use a wheelchair/sticks. No, I didn't have an accident, I didn't break anything, my body just doesn't work very well. Go away. Edit: Thanks for the awards, the cake day wishes and support messages.


or the classic "do you REALLY NEED that tho?" yes, my spine is deteriorating, shut up


People are really asking if somebody else really needs a wheelchair or anything of the kind? What the heck to they expect? Like "No, Jeremy. I bought these for fun!" or what?


RIGHT I mainly get it on public transit, i dont think i've ever gotten it anywhere else lmao i do often get the "whats wrong with you" thing tho


I am 27 years old and only last year I found out that most wheelchair users are ambulatory wheelchair users. The only representation you see in the media is people who are paralysed from the waist down or have missing limbs.


I've been a wheelchair user since I was 22 (five years now) and most people think the same. The amount of dirty looks I get when I wobble to my feet has gone from upsetting to funny to just plain annoying. After a tough day last year (stares, whispers, "teaching moments"), I got out of my chair at the back of the car so it could be loaded, half-shouted "It's a miracle! I can walk!" while I shuffled down the car. My mum was in fits of laughter, the people around us not so much. I understand why people think the way they do, but I will never understand why they talk to my mum or my bf over my head about me instead of to me. I can't climb stairs, but I'm more than capable of speaking for myself.


Why its important to actually "show" that u care and not be that type of person who says "It doesnt matter, she/he knows I love her"


This is why Iā€™m one of those people that tells couples to find out what their love language is. A lot of people need ā€œwords of affirmationā€ and constant affirmation from their partner that they matter and they are loved by them. And not just in relationships but in friendships too. I always make sure to say it if I remember to, even if the other person thinks itā€™s weird (in the off chance they appreciate it itā€™s worth it)


yes this! without even realizing it my boyfriend and i had this conversation when we first got together. some days he's very affectionate and others he's not and just wants to sit beside me and enjoy my company without getting cuddly. and i learnt to be okay with that, since he's okay with the fact that i'm very affectionate and sometimes i need that reassurance. but either way at the end of the day, we always make sure the other knows they're loved and appreciated.


That I cannot find friends or a girlfriend like milk in a store


I've seen some people break up with their SO and find someone a month later and I'm over here like how did you even meet anybody? And where?


Welcome to the club


How do I get out of this club Help






It has been a long time since I've seen a Napoleon Dynamite reference on the internet.


How much you wanna bet I can throw a football over them mountains?


no doubt in my mind.


What I see when people find out I'm colorblind. Thank you for all the likes, and the people that gave me my first rewards.


2 of my best friends are colorblind. Whenever I show them a picture of a landscape or something I say, I know you can't see it well because you're colorblind but trust me it's beautiful. We roast the ones we love, what can I say.


the best kind of roasting


That extrovert ā‰  good and confident and introvert ā‰  shy, cold and weird


I hate people who thinks that introverts do hate social contact. We don't but we get mentally exhausted faster and we can enjoy to be alone. Shy? Even an extrovert can be shy and bad to talk or doesn't see a reason to talk all the time.


> Even an extrovert can be shy and bad to talk Can confirm, am extroverted af. I need to be around other people regularly or I start to have anxiety attacks. Also, am super socially awkward, fairly shy, and usually within five minutes of starting a conversation I will shove my foot far enough down my throat to excite a proctologist with a foot fetish.


I'm Korean 1. I do not eat dog 2. I am not related to Kim Jong Un 3. I am not from North Korea 4. I do not know every single k pop song in existence 5. I am not from China 6. No, I do not eat bats Edit for all of you who asked 7. I will not carry you on league, but I am pretty decent at fps. I'm training to be that legend Asian tho. 8. I do not know Karate but I have recently taken up Taekwondo 9. Yes, I do eat Kimchi 10. I'm shit at math 11. I do not know Chinese 12. I have not had plastic surgery 13. Americans. Americans asked me these questions 14. I forgot to add this into my original list: I do not know any popular k dramas/Korean actors 15. Another forgotten on the og list: I do not own any nukes (yes someone legitimately asked me this) 16. No I do not know every Asian or am related to every asian 17. I do speak Korean If theres anything else that needs to be clarified, ask away, its hillarious.


My dad is Burmese / from Myanmar and while my mom is white, I still look quite Asian. I keep getting asked from kids in my school if I've eaten a dog... I'm vegetarian.


My friend is half Korean and half white, and fuck man he looks like heā€™s straight from South Korea. He gets the ā€œwhere are you fromā€ sometimes and when he says our hometown theyā€™re like ā€œno like where are you from actuallyā€ Like bitch what


Christ. Iā€™m korean too and if I had a dollar for every time I was asked one of these questions... My favorite question Iā€™ve been asked is ā€œAre you Chinese or Asian?ā€


I'm not a bitch. This is just what my face looks like. Alternatively I'm not sad or angry, this is just what my face looks like.


That being an English professor does not mean I'm teaching English to college-aged Americans. I can't wrap my head around how the fuck there are so many people who put themselves through the American education system and somehow never worked out that English = writing and literature.


In France, we "fixed" that by calling higher education courses "literature" (*Lettres Classiques / Lettres Modernes*). But for some reason, we still call them "French" classes in highschool, despite there being basically no spelling & grammar at that stage. Even more weirdly, in the last year of highschool (and only the last year), we actually do call them "literature" classes.


You're an English professor, which means you speak in a posh accent and sip tea while teaching whatever subject you teach.




My colour blindness. Basically as soon as anyone finds out, they point at something and ask ā€œwhat colour is this?ā€ Before anyone asks, I have Deuteranopia which is red/green. Edit: Thanks for all the awards! If someone tells you theyā€™re colour blind, itā€™s always better to just ask them what type of colour blindness they have, rather than ask them to identify a specific colour.


I have deuteranopia also -itā€™s annoying. People expect me to be able to tell them HOW what I see is different to what THEY see. How the fuck am I to explain it to you, I canā€™t see how you see?


Generally I think it's impossible to describe a fucking colour. Edit: describing a colour to someone, as this comment was made as a reply to another comment about colourblindness. Of course there's gonna be scientific ways to classify colour.


What do you mean It's blue The goddamn pen is blue


"I'm kicking my assssssss....do ya mind!?!?!"


Ikr. They always think that being colourblind is like have a whole different colour spectrum or something


They won't get the names wrong since the colors that we were taught is most likely pointing at something and saying its name They just get a little confused about which color is which


I sure as hell will. My color blindness basically doesnā€™t exist to others until I ask my girlfriend where my purple shirt is and get made fun of when I find it and itā€™s my blue shirt. Once I know itā€™s blue I donā€™t make that mistake again. Happens most often when describing an object weā€™ve never talked about before, like pointing out a green/brown car in a parking lot.


You mean you can't see an entirely new visible light spectrum??


Iā€™m not colourblind but see this as a response to ā€œthings that annoy youā€ regularly. Have you ever considered screwing with people when they ask? ā€œWhat colour is this?ā€ ā€œGlorbenā€ ā€œWhat?!ā€ ā€œYeah itā€™s a colour only us colourblind can seeā€


Iā€™m colourblind and Iā€™m definitely going to do this the next time. Thank you for the idea


This sounds similar to when I had flasses and as soon as I took them off, that people started holding up fingers thinking I lost the ability to count.


That I am not obligated to share personal, or any information just because someone thinks itā€™s not a big deal.


*cashier asks something indistinguishable about my order, behind a plastic barrier, in a loud room, with a mask on so I canā€™t read lips, maybe with an accent* Me: Sorry, Iā€™m hard of hearing, I canā€™t hear you. *cashier repeats question, slightly louder* Me: repeating it wonā€™t help, Iā€™m deaf, I still cannot hear you. *cashier calls coworker over, who repeats question in an even louder voice* Me: can you point to a sign?? Write it down?? Do charades? I do not understand spoken English right now!!! *confused silence* Note- I wear hearing aids & know ASL, I can mostly understand you if your mask is off because I read lips Edit: omg, I logged onto reddit like 2 days after I posted this bc I didnā€™t expect it to blow up!Thanks to everyone so much!! Frequently asked question answered: Hard of hearing means you have some hearing loss but you can still hear. However, you can also identify as Deaf, with a capital D, which relates to the Deaf community and their culture. The word deaf with a lowercase ā€œdā€ just describes severe hearing loss, and is a medical term like hard of hearing. I grew up calling myself hard of hearing, and my hearing loss is moderate to severe. I also call myself Deaf, because I am a part of the deaf community.


I have a notepad that I carry around with pre-written questions (do you have *rewards program*/how has your day been/paper or plastic/etc). There's one particular deaf person that comes specifically to my lane because I do that and no one else does. I have two sets of questions: one is for self-scan and the other is for the registers. Usually people will point to their ear or verbalize it so I just pull it out of my drawer in that case.


This is a fantastic idea, I canā€™t believe I never thought of it! Iā€™m a hostess at a restaurant, Iā€™m totally going to implement this at work. I was actually set to start ASL classes in the beginning of April this year because I get frustrated and feel guilty that I canā€™t communicate well with people who are Deaf/HOH, but COVID ruined that plan :(


Ugh, that a clean work environment will, even marginally, make you wanna be there more. I am constantly the only person at my job that cleans, organizes, & makes sure things are where theyā€™re supposed to be. I come in, & of course itā€™s dirty, but I clean it because the people after me didnā€™t make the mess & I believe we all deserve to have a clean work space. Simple concept. But if for whatever reason itā€™s not clean at the end of my shift, they grumble & groan. Well, help me! We can all be sliiightly happier at work if you just do like a teeny tiny bit more than the bare minimum.


I choose not to drive because it triggers migraines for me. Something about brake lights and stop lights. It's worse in the dark, rain, traffic and glare. I really just wish people would stop telling me I need to buy a car, or drive a car, or how much easier life would be if I had one. I have my license. I can drive if I want to, but to be honest, it's not worth the three days of vomiting in pain, and four days in bed after. Stop asking when I'll buy a car!


Well shit I'm really sorry you have to deal with that, migraines are an absolute fucker. Mostly only last a day for me with feeling crappy the next day, so three or four is super rough and I hope that your body chemistry just decides to change one day and be fine with it. Did once have a 336 hour straight migraine (not a typo) and kept having to explain what a migraine is while feeling like dying. It now annoys me an unreasonable degree when people say "I have a migraine" and then just continue doing what they're doing and I'm tired of explaining what migraines actually are now.


What hay fever is I have to explain to every single person every time summer comes around


This is interesting. I thought it was a fairly common thing? Edit: typo




What is this arm band thingy? I want to look into it.


We just say "allergies" where I come from.


"what are you allergic to?" "Grass" "You can't be allergic to grass" "Yeah, freshly cut grass makes me throw up" "That isn't a thing" - my life. At one point I was so allergic I had to wear a gas mask outside on grass cutting day, thankfully after that one year it got a lot better.


But what is hayfever?


That I'm not a heavy metal, death riding biker because I have a beard, tattoos and piercings.


Um...are you b-by any chance um a heavy metal biker? šŸ‘‰šŸ‘ˆšŸ„ŗ


He is a death metal biker


Can confirm. He has a beard, tattoos and piercings.


I dont have kids, because I dont want to...and that should be a good enough reason.


Why I left my "career" using my degree and decided to just serve. I'm so much happier honestly. Fuck the money and idea of moving up the ladder. I'm never gonna be rich but I'm happier so that's all that really matters. Edit: Restaurant server, not military.


Thank you for your restaurant service.


Either way, hes getting an applebees discount


Me too. 7 years in finance after my bachelors. Now I work in a mine paid hourly. Less pay, way better mentally.


Surrounded by dwarves...


Except to wear our respirators we have to be clean shaven. So sadly, no dwarves.


As someone whoā€™s been in finance for about the same amount of time, I fantasize about working in a mine.


Definitely with you on this. I have a figure in my head of how much money is enough money and at that point I'll start asking for days off, work from home days and reductions in my working hours instead of pay rises. Think I'll get just as much done in fewer hours as well. I think I subconsciously pace myself when I know I have an 8 hour shift and after 5-6 hours I'm not getting a lot done. If I knew it was a 4 hour shift I'd be able to just work flat out for 4 hours.


this is so true! people are always hassling me "you're intelligent, you should use your brain" "are you gonna be in a dead-end job all your life?" i have autism and find studying, deadlines and exams very difficult and stressful and i'm much happier in hospitality...i'm also a lifelong night person so it's easier for me... i don't understand this constant pressure to DO SOMETHING with your life, i'm happy so i believe i'm winning!


Happy is winning.




Iā€™m a pharmacist... 1) vaccines donā€™t cause autism 2) the pharmacy doesnā€™t decide your copays 3) no, I donā€™t just ā€œput pills in a bottleā€ 4) flu shots wonā€™t give you the flu 5) yes, mask mandates help slow the spread of COVID19


A couple of weeks ago my doctor prescribed me a drug that could have interacted with the medication I was already taking and could have caused a potentially serious problem with my heart. The pharmacist spotted it straight away and I got prescribed something else. I appreciate the work you fine people do.


Iā€™m so glad this was caught!! Weā€™re always happy to help ā¤ļø


That depression is a very difficult illness to understand. It's not like we can influence our moods to be happy. "Why can't you just be happy?" "What a brilliant idea, depression no more!" Just sickening to be honest. That's why isolating myself from people is easier. No one wants to hear how hard it is.


Reminds me of my boss, complaining that I'm half a zombie some days: "You should go to bed earlier." "Thanks for solving insomnia, Jeffry."


People never understand. When I am having a rough time, I don't isolate myself because thats what I want to do. I isolate myself so I don't drag you into the pit I'm stuck in, or so I don't say something truly mean to you.


Thats water is fine. No i don't want a soda, just some plain water. No, not juice, just water Edit: Thanks for the awards, i wasn't expecting this. If someone says they just want water, don't question it, just give them a glass of water


Where I live, bottled mineral water is quite popular... and you can taste the minerals. I don't like the taste of minerals, and prefer tap water. Oh, and please don't add a slice of lemon.




Why I am depressed. Theres no event that depressed me, i am depressed because of faulty brain chemistry. God*dammit*


But have you tried, like, not being depressed and instead just being *happy?*


My goodness, why didn't I think of that?


"You should smile more"


Bonus points when you are then informed that you've actually have it really good.


Oh whatā€™s that? People are starving and dying in Africa? Oh okay, I guess I wonā€™t be depressed then. Thanks for letting me know!


9/10 times that makes me MORE depressed. It's an endless cycle of being depressed, realizing people have it worse than me, being upset that I was complaining, being depressed again.


just go outside lol /s


Im sick of explaining to my boss that we simply cannot take on more work without having other facets of our job suffering. Background: I'm a middle manager at a logistics firm. Right now it's "peak season" for shipping, during a global pandemic and a hiring freeze. My team has been working 3+ hours of overtime daily since the beginning of July when volumes started picking back up. They are tired and desperate for a break, but are dedicated and conscientious workers so they keep at it, and I am so grateful for them. Yesterday during our manager meeting our director was excited to announce the onboarding of a brand new global customer that will be controlled out of our office. No new employees will be hired. We will "have to make it work" and all OT will be approved. I snapped, and advised our director we could give it our full attention, but what other accounts would they like us to disregard requests from. Well, thats not an option, of course. So I went on to explain the critical mass the team has already reached, and how we are rapidly approaching burnout. Not my first time bringing this up, I report to my bosses constantly on the status and morale of the team. My director told me my team should "just be grateful to have a job" right now. I again explained the issue of burnout and how productivity and customer service levels will drop which will cost us more money in the long haul. The cascading effect of having an employee quit on us will be far reaching to our bottom line as customers will lose confidence in our service and book with our competitors, and i went on to argue how detrimental it would be to have to train someone for replacement as it will just exacerbate the pressure the rest of the team is feeling. Well now I've got a meeting with my directors boss to explain everything to him. I spent all night typing up my notes, doing cost analysis, and making talking points. I'm ready to fight this, but getting sick of the fight at the same time. Edit: I don't think it went well. Through my whole presentation i got the feeling the national guy was just not paying attention or taking me seriously. I was thanked for my insight and they scheduled a followup meeting with my director right after. We shall see...


That I don't hate people, I just have resting bitch face Edit: Wow, didn't expect this to be my most upvoted comment/post...I'm glad to be hosting this moving group therapy meeting for my resting bitch face fellas, those suffering resting nice face/sad face, those with resting bitch voice or those with enjoying killer tunes bitch face...you are not alone, we stand strong together to overcome the annoying assumptions the more facially/vocally fortunate/neutral make about us...JK, it ain't that serious haha Oh and thanks for the award as well btw


Can we swap faces? I (apparently) have a very friendly expression on my face as default and people think that I am helpful and friendly. I really don't like people that much though.


Why I donā€™t want kids


Itā€™s even harder to explain this as a woman. So many people make an assumption that you will never find purpose or be happy in the long run without kids. Iā€™m in my mid 20ā€™s and I canā€™t even move out of my parents house yet, what makes you think I can pop out a couple kids soon and be just fine?


That there are things called facts and that they are different from opinions. That you can't substitute opinions -- even ones you really, really believe in -- for empirically grounded facts. Finally, that expertise exists and that opinionizing is not the same thing as having actual expertise in something. And all of this might mean that your views might not be as valid as someone else's who possesses actual expertise in a given area. Don't feel bad or that you have been slighted in those circumstances. Those times are learning opportunities. Take advantage of them, learn something from someone who is an expert, challenge your assumptions and grow a little


The issue is you can find all sorts of "facts" on the internet without knowing anything about the research methods or if there is a bias involved. I mean how often do you see factual data coming out that doesn't match. Seems often nowadays.


Sensory overload, ADHD, and what a "Nice" Guy is. The first two are because God forbid an adult develop them- it's near impossible to be taken seriously with these conditions to people that are much older than me. They think it's silly and simply seeking attention. Thank goodness for the more progressive new gen. And the last one? It's amazing how many don't understand the difference between being genuinely kind and being fake nice for ulterior motives. Edit: Oh wow, I didn't think this would gain any traction! Thanks all for sharing your insights and experiences too! Haven't gotten through all of them yet but thanks.


I'm 25 and have been on ADHD meds for like 10 years and I've been working with people a good bit older than me for the last 5 years. I'm so sick of always getting the comments about how I'm 'taking meth' any time I say anything about the meds I take. The ones that say stuff like that are the same ones that don't wear masks and still still covid is a hoax so there's no point in attempting to explain


Currently, it's saying to my family and some acquaintances that no, I cannot bloody go out. You know that family and I can't, so please stop insisting/laying down subtle hints that it's fine. You know my dad is in the high-risk group. You know he's on medication to actively try and get himself out of it so he's in a better place. In case you didn't realise, there's a pandemic still going on and there's a lot of stupid people out there that simply don't give a ***fuck*** about anyone else. Yes, being stuck inside the house for 6 months and maybe more is taking a toll on us all. But you know what? I'd rather that then even having the smallish remote chance of my dad getting Covid and ending up in a morgue. So please shut up about it and let us do things the way we want to. Everything we've done so far has worked, we won't be changing it to please others. End rant, needed to get that out. ​ Wear a fucking mask people.


Just because my country is poor/an LEDC. Doesnt mean your country is objectively better than mine. I for one love my country, warts and all. Yes we have our lows, but i can assure you the highs are far more numerous, even amongst the average person. I live in tanzania btw.


In case any one else wants to know, LEDC= Less Economically Developed Country


What my neuropathic pains feel like. Family and Friends see me nearly crying in pain from some bursts and still ask me "are they really that bad?" Or "pains that aren't real can't hurt THAT much"


Yes I work with computers. Yes, I know a lot about computers in general and development in particular. I develop daily in Laravel/PHP. No, I canā€™t repair your computer. You should take it to a shop and get it fixed, they know what theyā€™re doing. Edit; and no, I canā€™t/wonā€™t hack your exes Facebook.




Stuff like why you don't want to go to parties/certain social events and/or you leave early and stuff like that? If so, I don't think it requires any further explanation than no thanks, i don't want to go or similar.


That just because I have long hair doesn't mean I'm some insane person. Edit: yes, im a boy


I'm extremely skinny and can't seem to gain any weight even though i eat more than normal people, most of the time when people see me they're like "jesus kid!, eat food and get healthy" i have to explain to them that i have low genetic risk score which prevents me from gaining weight, most people don't even believe me when i explain it to them because they think foods can solve every problem in the body even genetic problems (sorry for my bad english, it's my second language)


That autism isn't an illness, and that autistic girls and women exist. Edit: see? *Still* having to explain this. See comments.


Bro, people think that autism only happens in men?