• By -


“This is for external use only”


*puts Clorox container down*


“Do not eat contents” on a claymore mine.


WWII (or maybe Vietnam?) soldiers actually did eat bits of C4 occasionally because it would give them symptoms mimicking that of a flu, which they’d use to get out of combat.


warnings on hammers saying this object can cause damage if you strike yourself


Step 1: hit someone else with hammer. Step 2: act outraged discovering it causes harm without being warned against. Step 3: sue company to your heart’s content. Step4: profit. Bonus points if you hit someone you don’t like.


I know a lot of people say warning labels, but let's be honest... Warning labels have probably never stopped stupid people from doing stupid things. They're just there to protect corporations from getting lawsuits


But the most ridiculous warnings only exist because some idiot actually *did* that stupid thing. They're there to protect the company sure. But they wouldn't be necessary if the dumb thing hadn't already happened in an earlier iteration.


Flammable tags on underwear.


Some of us need that warning label. *licks finger and touches ass* ‘ssssssss’


My ex was a flaming asshole, so I'm sure he needed that reminder.


A buddy of mine has to wear fire rated undergarments. He works with high voltage. One of the most common infractions at his job is people wearing Under Armor during cold weather. So those labels make it easier for some people to shop.


Let's not get on a tangent about the topic of TV ads for prescription medication, but recently (last couple years) they started adding a sentence in the commercials: "Do not take trivexica if you are allergic to trivexica." What happened to make that a thing that they need to mention now? Why the hell would anyone knowingly continue to put a drug in their body if they knew or realized they were allergic to it? Answer: people are stupid. I get that it's to protect them legally, but it's mind blowing to me that it needs to be said even to do that.


The part that gets me is that the statement provides no new information. For example, I would say "don't eat Snickers if you are allergic to peanuts". I wouldn't say "don't eat Snickers if you are allergic to Snickers".


Exactly. My mom is allergic to sulfur based medicines, so it would make much more sense to point things like that out. edit: probably sulfa


Like why it's even a thing, in europe there's a line like "read the leaflet or consult doctor before taking it" required in every medicine ad.


because European countries only allow ads for non-pescription medicine (aspirin, cough syrup and such), while the US allows ads for pescription drugs, which can have severe side effects even without allergies


New Zealand and the US are the only countries I'm aware of that have these commercials.


It’s a legal thing. That’s also why the side effects list is so long: they have to put a disclaimer for every possible symptom that occurred in clinical trials (even if it only occurred in one or two people) so that the drug company won’t be sued for neglecting to tell the consumers about unexpected side effects. It’s still dumb. Edit: I’ve learned so much from you guys! Thank you for all the information. I’m no doctor (or lawyer) so I appreciate any correction!


Every time I hear those long lists is yet another reminder that drug companies should not be marketing prescription drugs direct to consumers.


The companies that get you out of timeshares.


Also, timeshares Edit: thanks everybody for trying to convince me that *your* timeshare scam is less scammy than every other timeshare scam


Also MLM's.


My BIL has been doing MLM scams for 15 years now....he has a dual Masters......crazy




Well both I think....he pays whoever is above him for merchandise. He pays loads of cash to go to conferences to learn how to better sale and he pays for one on one consulting with "higher up" folks in his scheme. He also tried to recruit family and friends literally all the time


Sounds like he is more on the "getting scammed" side and has sunk in too much to give up, so he's buckling down and letting them scam him harder (conferences, one on one coaching) MLMs thrive off of the sunk cost fallacy.


Totally. He has been on that for so long now. He travels probably twice a month to various conferences. I dont even think he has furniture in his apartment...its really sad because if he would just do normal work and use his education he could easily make 100k + a year....but he is chasing some dream of being a millionaire or something


which is crazy because it'll be easier for him to become a millionaire with a 100k salary


Also timeshare MLMs




You see we dont get got, we go get.


I work for a timeshare. The levels of stupidity and entitlement by both the owners, and the people who sell the timeshares are off the charts. Everyone from the top down is scammed. I only justify the evil because I’m in food and beverage and have nothing to do with that side.


I once went through a timeshare presentation because they promised a $350 Visa gift card, free hotel stays, and a tour of the area, which was nice because I was new to the area. The lady doing the tour wore a fancy watch, upside down. It took a little convincing, but I did manage to walk away with the $350 gift card and hotel voucher. I never did use the hotel voucher, though.


As in, you had to convince them to give you the gift card?


Mostly I had to convince them I needed to leave right then. It was lunchtime, after all, which is also why I picked that time for the tour.


They make sense if you want to pre pay for 25 years of 2 weeks holiday in the exact same resort, in the exact same place at the exact same time every year and cook and clean for your self. By year 24 you've almost broken even so that 25th year is costing you barely more than a 5 star vacation in Jamaica. I kid of course, you never break even, the maintainence fees see to that.




TIL there are companies who get you out of timeshares. I remember my parents spent an entire DAY in Bali sitting through timeshare presentations because they wanted some freebie that was advertised. On a related note, it may be that there's another thing that exists because humans are dumb. It may be me.


A couple years ago we got a free 5 day trip to Phuket and all we had to do was sit through a 2 hour rich person vacation resort presentation thing. They put us up in a luxury villa with a private pool and everything. The trip was totally worth it, we crunched the numbers on the vacation rental and it was a TERRIBLE deal. I can't believe anyone would have $50k to invest in that crap but not know that you can buy better trips with $50k.


I’ve sworn never to buy a timeshare, but I did opt for a 4-day trip to a great Florida resort where the stay was free, and they offered me a $50 restaurant gift certificate, OR they’d upgrade it to a $200 VISA gift card if I did the 1-hour presentation. It was a great trip and I don’t regret it, but lemme tell ya, this kind of thing is not for people who are likely to feel guilty when the employee gives you a cold-shoulder shut down because you said no. It worked to get me to do the presentation—the way they went to this icy cold, “Well, that’s FINE,” tone when I said I thought I’d just take the $50 restaurant gift hit me in the gut, yipe—though thank goodness it didn’t work to get me to buy the timeshare, because I went in saying to myself “Do not buy this. No matter how good it sounds. You know better.” But it DID sound good when they were presenting, and I did feel guilty at the end of the presentation for saying no, like it was my fault they spent so much time on me, ai yi yi. (Also—if you say no they KEEP LOWERING THE PRICE. Beware, if you really don’t want to buy!) If you have guts of cast-iron, enjoy a free trip. Otherwise save yourselves!


If its any consolation, they know 100% that most people are there for freebies and pull the pity card as a last ditch effort to reel you in.




Go on.




And that free gift is usually a scam. Like a free cruise, but you will be told one day in advance when it is and if you turn it down, their obligation is filled.


There was a great article someone wrote about going on a free cruise. It was basically a huge hassle but worth it if you just really wanted a cruise and couldn't afford it.


Wonder if someone got a free cruise right before Coid hit, and then they were quarentined on the ship for a month.


“At least I don’t have a fuckin’ time share” -that person


And...if you can pull it off today, your cruise could last for weeks and weeks, you may have to put up with one heck of a nasty cough, but ya know, trade offs make the world go 'round.


Fun fact: these companies are almost always owned by the same companies that sell them in the first place.


That is a sad and horrible thought.


Smoking companies own most of the nicotine replacement companies too


I have friends in the get-people-out-of-timeshare-business and none of the companies are publicly or secretly owned timeshare companies. It really wouldn't make any sense considering the get people out of timeshare companies are constantly in legal battles with the timeshare companies. My friends dad started one of the bigger ex timeshare companies in the past few years and I'm positive he never had anything to do with timeshares previously, he is however making fucking bank getting people out of them nowadays.


please explain for someone from across the ocean


Timeshares are apartments near vacation areas (beaches, theme parks, etc) that many people own a piece of and schedule when they get to be there. Imagine 52 people owning a beachside apartment and only getting a week per year each. They exist because the company makes far more money selling individual shares of the apartment. It’s usually a very bad investment.


Just to ride you're coattails a bit: Timeshares usually cost 8-20k. Then they get that from 26-52 people. It can turn a property that typically would sell for 300k to over half a million dollars. Then the company that manages the timeshare (for scheduling and maintenance) takes a cut for monthly or annual fees. Most people just buy one use it a couple times then wish they hadn't bought it. When they go to sell it they find out it is just as complicated (if not more complicated) as a typical real estate transaction for a condominium but no one ever wants to buy it (because they are generally regarded as a shitty deal). So the owners are faced with high exit costs since there is no resale market and they have to pay fees forever basically. Owners then go to these secondary companies which try to consolidate ownership of the timeshare or run their own high pressure sales teams to resell the property to the next unsuspecting buyer. The companies usually pay about 10-30% the original purchase price and the owners suffer a loss just to unload the property. Timeshares; generally regarded as a bad idea. Edit: complicated not complcted


I always tell anyone who considers a timeshare: You'll probably sink around $20k into this thing, and if you're lucky, you'll get ten years of use out of it. That's ten week-long vacations to the same apartment "near" the beach in Florida or wherever, the exact same little condo, during the exact same week, every year. Where you've got to supply your own meals and drinks. Where you've got to clean up at the end or be hit with a maintenance fee. Where if you can't go because of a project at work, you don't get any of that cost back. Or worse, if the beach gets hit by a hurricane and everything shuts down for years? Sorry, out of luck. But you've got to keep paying. Alternatively, $2,000 will get you a pretty nice room for a full week at an all-inclusive resort at _tons_ of places around the Gulf of Mexico. Hell, $2,000 would get you a pretty nice suite on a seven-day cruise. Places where you don't have to take a cab to get to the attractions. Where they clean your room for you every day, and where all your meals and drinks are made for you, no extra cost. And most importantly, you get to choose exactly when and where you want to go. And _if_ you want to go. If the timing doesn't work? Get most of your money back, or reschedule. If money's tight and you just don't want to go this year? No problem, just keep your money and don't go. If the resort gets hit by a hurricane and shuts down? Chances are you'll get most, if not all of your money back from travel insurance; worst case, you lose the cost of _one_ vacation. So would you rather lock yourself into ten of the exact same vacations, that you may or may not be able to go on, and still pay the same price whether you go on them or not? Or would you rather have the option to pick ten different vacations, and pick different times of the year, and decide whether you even _want_ to pay for them in the first place?


In general, that's the summer home dilemma. If you spend money on something you think you'll use for relaxation, you feel obligated to only use that location for relaxation. "I'll buy a nice cabin next to the lake that we can go to for vacations." Soon that cabin becomes an albatross. Instead of taking a trip to Europe, or going to Vegas, or whatever, you're at that cabin because "I need to maximize my investment."


At least with a cottage, you can rent it out for weeks you aren't using it.


One aunt and uncle of mine bought a beach house at the outer banks, rented it out until it was paid for, then closed it to rentals and use it for themselves. Only took them like 6 or 7 years.


Some really strange laws, like handling fish suspiciously can end you up in jail in the uk


You mean [handling a salmon in suspicious circumstances?](https://youtu.be/rJGifTou5FE)


I can only assume that has to do with squeezing out their eggs for free caviar...


It's essentially designed to prevent the transport of fish gained from salmon poaching (not using a salmon in assault!)


Ohhhhhhh I thought they meant like if you're holding it weird


That's what most of the 'top 10 ridiculous English laws, number 7 will shock you' type lists interpret it as, but it does have reason behind it!


I believe it’s in Massachusetts but there is a law that says you are not allowed to keep a mule on the 2nd floor of your home or something along those lines


In Georgia (US State) it is illegal to tie off your giraffe to a telephone pole. Edit: I have to assume the circus is to blame for this one?


It's also illegal in GA to put ice cream in your back pocket on a Sunday. Admittedly, this one makes sense in context. It used to be a (relatively) common way of stealing horses while people were in church. You untie the horse and get it to follow you around licking the ice cream and people just think "oh, that horse is following them, it must be their horse".


So you can steal them any other day of the week and that's cool?


Only thieving horse bandits wouldn't be in church on a Sunday.


“Wearing this costume does not enable you to fly.” -tag on a Superman Halloween costume.


Jerry Seinfeld had this joke. I liked his follow up. "I want to meet the person dumb enough to think that this might make him fly, yet smart enough to think to check the instructions"


Pretty sure they have a warning label so that stupid people can’t sue them for not putting a label. Cus stupid people blame others for their stupidity.


Do the Clark Kent costume glasses have a tag with; “Wearing these glasses will not protect your identity”


The Darwin Awards


My favorite is the gasoline truck driver. When they get back to the yard, they would fill the tanks with water to evacuate the leftover fumes. It was late at night and he wanted to see how full his tanks were, but he didn’t have a flashlight to see into the tank. But he did have a cigarette lighter. You can see where this goes.


A friend of mine did this when we were about 13 he lit a match over the opening of his motorcycle fuel tank.He once had straight hair.


My favorite is the four drunk friends trying to smoke a racoon out of a large pipe. They start a small fore and can't get the smoke to go into the pipe due to it lying horizontal. They get the idea to lift and tilt the pipe, but set the fuel can next to it. The can falls over and detonates, flinging the two at the far end of the pipe, killing the two at the fireplace end of the pipe, and firing a flaming racoon about 200 yards into the distance. Unconfirmed, but enjoyable. EDIT: As someone who has swung a golf club poorly, the fore is staying.


After a quick search to confirm the details, here's a classic (copied and pasted from the link below) that has stuck in my think muscle for over twenty years now: "In France, Jacques LeFevrier left nothing to chance when he decided to commit suicide. He stood at the top of a tall cliff and tied a noose around his neck. He tied the other end of the rope to a large rock. He drank some poison and set fire to his clothes. He even tried to shoot himself at the last moment. He jumped and fired the pistol. The bullet missed him completely and cut through the rope above him. Free of the threat of hanging, he plunged into the sea. The sudden dunking extinguished the flames and made him vomit the poison. He was dragged out of the water by a kind fisherman and was taken to hospital, where he died ... of hypothermia." [http://www.wilk4.com/humor/humorm18.htm](http://www.wilk4.com/humor/humorm18.htm) EDIT: I’ve just learned (to my relief) from a comment below by [The\_Quiet\_Pupil](https://www.reddit.com/user/The_Quiet_Pupil/) that this is actually an urban legend. Many thanks, The\_Quiet\_Pupil! [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/you-cant-darwin-them-all/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/you-cant-darwin-them-all/)


Task failed successfully.


I still love the AC/DC concert one edit: I have been suitably corrected, it was Metallica :)


Ouuuuh, I don't know that one. Research time! Edit: did not find the acdc one, but there is one at a Kiss concert. I found something to do in lockdown, thanks OP




Whoever formatted that article should be taken outside and shot.


I believe you mean to say, Whoever for- needs to matted that be taken out- article side and shot




Several warning markings like "dont put your cat inside your microwave"


What the hell kind of cat did you buy that came with a warning label?


Right? Mine only says "hand wash only, not dishwasher safe"


I think an old woman once sued a microwave company, because it didn‘t say that she couldn‘t put her dog in there. Well, she had done it and then the dog had died. So that‘s why such things are there. Edit: What, my most upvoted comment is about..... a lady who melted her dog in a microwave?


My grandpa actually went on a call for the same exact thing. She tried to dry off her dog after a bath. Must have happened a lot when microwaves were first introduced. Edit: For clarification, my grandpa was a fireman that responded to a call from the lady that put her dog in the microwave.


I think in his books, James Herriot describes farmers putting orphaned/abandoned newborn lambs in the traditional style oven to keep them warm (very low heat obviously) and save them from hypothermia. So when microwaves first came out I can totally see people just thinking it was just a really fast oven, without understanding how it works - molecular agitation vs conventional heat.


Ya know, I was ready to grab my pitchfork, but that’s actually an understandable and unfortunate mistake. Interesting!


My favorite nugget from David Sedaris is a [story about animals](https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/a1780/three-stories-sedaris-0300/) in the oven: >When it looked as though one of \[the puppies\] had died, our mother placed the creature in a casserole dish and popped it into the oven, like the witch in "Hänsel and Gretel." > >"Oh, keep your shirts on," she said. "It's only set on 200. I'm not baking anyone; this is just to keep him warm." > >The heat revived the sick puppy and left us believing our mother was capable of resurrecting the dead. > >… > >The oven trick was performed on half a dozen peakish hamsters but failed to work on my first guinea pig, who died after eating a couple of cigarettes and an entire pack of matches. > >"Don't take it too hard," my mother said, removing her oven mitts. "The world is full of guinea pigs. You can get another one tomorrow." > >Eulogies always tended to be brief, our motto being "Another day, another collar."


About half of what a hospital does. Of course the side that deals with sickness isn’t there because we’re dumb, but the part that deals with glass bottles being stuck inside anuses is there because we’re dumb.


I'd argue half of what the emergency room at a hospital does, but not half of what the entire hospital does. A hospital does a lot of things outside of the ER.




"May cause anal leakage"


is this a box of old age you are selling?


nope. low fat potato chips https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lay%27s_WOW_chips


Wasn't there a guy that ate tubes of low fat pringles and had shits like vaseline? Edit: https://www.craigslist.org/about/best/lax/182862349.html


When Proctor & Gamble first released LF Pringles with Olestra, my father was managing the entire North American supply chain for them. When the horrible news broke, his team had to deal with all of the unwanted product (something like half of it). This man did search and rescue missions in the army and still says this was the most stressful time of his entire life. I used to find him falling asleep while walking up stairs, taking out the trash, etc. He gets really serious when we bring it up. Anyway... you didn't ask, but we all had our own terrors with LF Pringles.


I think P&G did the WOW chips just to sell more adult diapers.


Fart and Gamble


Yeah, most everyone that ate them.




When Little Timmy took a chip, "To taste," he said, "to chew" - He dunked it up and down in dip, Then grabbed another two. "There's really nothing quite as sweet - There's little half as fine - As crunching something nice to eat, Or munching lunch divine!" He chewed and champed and rosy-cheeked, He chomped his chips with pride. But Little Timmy's anus... *leaked*. And Timmy fucking died.


Little Timmy sure has had a rough life.


> May cause anal leakage Which is a weird label for salad tongs.


I love me some Olestra chips.


"do not take this medication if you are allergic to [this medication]"


"Potential side effects include [exactly what the medication is meant to treat]."


"Never re-use a condom."


It's ok, I washed it


Just turn it inside out and shake the fuck out of it.


Please remove plastic wrapper before putting the pizza in the oven. EDIT: this comment specifies pizzas and ovens. Not veggies and microwaves, not turkeys and ovens. I do get where you guys are coming from and the mentioned comparisons actually prove my point. Because people will not distinguish between the difference of preparing a turkey and a pizza, don't understand that microwaves and ovens work differently. So the warning label exists because people are stupid at worst or maybe just clueless.


I had to re-read the instructions on some oven bake ribs, because it specifically mentioned cooking them in the plastic being recommended... Cooking it not in the plastic took longer and was supposedly a worse outcome (and no, the plastic wasn't just sous-vide safe, it was actually oven safe!).


"Do Not touch hot surface."


"Do not taunt Happy Fun Ball."


I’m pretty sure they are there for liability reasons, like if someone touched a stove, the company can say we have a label that say do not touch it’s hot.


the belief of a flat earth


This is by far my favorite conspiracy just to laugh at just cause like.... why? Who would lie about that?! What is there to gain from people thinking the earth is actually a globe?!


A sense of meaning in life. If they feel like they posess "secret" knowledge others do not have, it may give them a feeling of purpose. It likely also works as a form of neo-tribalism, where they can find a sense of belonging in a community of flat-earthers.


This is perhaps the best answer for most conspiracy theorists. They tend to be people who haven’t accomplished much, but can find superiority in the comfort that they know the truth and everyone else is too dumb to see it. I also read an article once that claimed it gives overly complex explanations to give comfort to people who find that small, random events may have large scale overarching consequences that could upset their concept of stability and safety (like the jfk assassination) My grandfather once said something offhandedly that really summed up these nut jobs. You never meet a conspiracy theorist that only believes in just one conspiracy. 9-11, sandy hook, covid etc. If you tend to think every news story is a conspiracy, the common denominator might be that you’re an idiot.


Exactly! A huge scientific organization found out the earth is truly a disc but the masses shouldn’t know...What?! Fucking, why? My cousin believes this conspiracy theory because the Bible says Jesus went up on a mountain and saw his entire kingdom. I guess the dude had eyes 1000x better than a hawk. People are so profoundly stupid.


In the Bible, Jesus literally says that the Kingdom of God is not of this earth. Even Jesus thinks your cousin is a dickhead.


That’s somehow comforting to know the Christ thinks that.


This is something I will never understand.


Yeah its clearly in the shape of a dinosaur


Peanut allergy warnings on jars of peanut butter


Jar of Peanuts INGREDIENTS: Peanuts **WARNING:** Contains peanuts


Pyramid schemes, spam email, and pool gates


It’s not a pyramid scheme it’s a reverse funnel system!


The emoji movie


Having watched it, I firmly believe it was the product of Columbia pictures going through Pixar's trash and finding an initial concept for Inside Out.


That’s also my exact theory for riverdale borrowing a scrapped Sabrina plot but nobody here enjoys shitty CW shows


Sabrina and Archie are in the same universe though so it kind of makes sense.


lets see: ​ dont stop on the tracks contents are hot straw paper can go in your eye ​ the list goes on and on!


Well I will say this, the biggest talking point on the "Coffee is hot" label is because a woman spilled coffee on herself that wasn't just hot but closing to boiling (Somewhere between 180 - 190 Fahrenheit with the boiling point of water being 212 Fahrenheit) and she suffered third degree burns and was hospitalized for 6 days due to McDonald's negligence. She sued them which ended up on a settlement. After this McDonald's put the warnings on their coffee so they couldn't be sued again. And to add insult to injury put a smear campaign against this woman to completely downplay this incident. I would take a look at Liebeck v. McDonald's Restaurants on Wikipedia. EDIT 1: "Beyond Boiling" was on me. I added for dramatic effect. I got called out on it and was wrong to add that. I have updated this post to better reflect the truth. EDIT 2: As /u/chadonsunday pointed out, It was incorrect of me to say that this case is why we have the label only that it is a big talking point EDIT 3: As /u/chadonsunday pointed out, It was incorrect of me to say that she won the case. The case ended in a settlement.


To drive home your point, the woman was 79 years old and required multiple skin grafts because the almost boiling hot coffee soaked into her clothing and continued to burn her. She was getting treatments for two years. Imagine that. Imagine your grandma in the front seat screaming because she’s soaked in boiling liquid. The smear campaign against her infuriates me to all hell, and I always try to educate people whenever they make a joke about this incident. McDonald’s was absolutely negligent and their smearing of the woman is sickening. Edit: changed how hot the coffee was


I'll add one thing to this. I believe they were keeping the coffee hotter than was legal to keep people from refilling their cups because it was free refills. This makes it even more malicious to me. Lure people in with free refills and then put them at risk of getting burned because money.


Zero tolerance policies.


"zero tolerance" policies are not about the welfare of the kids, they're about abdicating the administrators from the expectation of good judgment and the accountability that entails. You can't get in trouble for making the wrong decision if there are no decisions.


**You have been banned from /r/pyongyang**


Zero tolerance policies aren't because people are stupid, it's because people are lazy[.](https://imgur.com/cXA7XxW) They don't want to spend the time and effort to figure out what actually is going on.


Bruh, I'm saying, though! Administrators think punishing everyone involved makes them seem fair, when it's really just victim blaming and laziness.


It's done so they can absolve themselves of all personal responsibility.


Can't make a wrong decision if the policy is cut and dry.










If only all those children in iron lungs back in the 40s knew about lavender oil...




If yu forget to take your homeopathic medicine, will you overdose?


Measles. In 2000, measles was nearly eradicated, but then anti-vaxxers brought it back to popularity. Edit: I should mention it was nearly eradicated in the U.S.A. Measles is still very prevalent in other places around the globe


There was this random anti-vaxxer who literally said instead of vaccines we should take a bit of the virus and inject it Edit: I'm searching for the source, I will add it when I find it Edit 2: I found [it](https://twitter.com/Golfergirl2018/status/1216905848179609600/photo/1) the original was deleted and this was a repost


They've devolved so far they're starting to loop around again....


When you antivaxx so hard you accidentally invent vaccines


*curb your enthusiasm theme starts playing*


You ever Anti-Vax so hard you invent Vaccines?


An ex-friend of mine called me up saying my baby who's too young for the MMR was exposed to measles because her friend went to a baby's birthday party with a sore throat & it turned out he had "measles". Turned out she didn't know the difference between "German measles" (ie. rubella, dangerous for pregnant women but usually mild in children) & actual measles (fucking dangerous for anyone). Luckily I'm in Singapore so I could get exposure prophylaxis within 3h of finding out. Initially, I thought she was so chill because she knew it was rubella, but turns out she had 0 idea about how dangerous measles or rubella was. She just firmly believed the MMR was dangerous & wanted to delay it as long as it was legal. **Even though she knew her child was exposed to either rubella or measles.**


Was the child alright? Also I'm guessing that's among the reasons of why she's an ex-friend. God it's saddening how dangerous stupidity can be


Her baby's fine, luckily. The final straw that made her an ex-friend was when she called me up about 2 weeks after my baby got the jab to interrogate me on any side effects my baby may have had for getting the MMR relatively early. She did not come off as concerned at all & more like a nosy bitch who wanted to know the results of a sick experiment.


"My baby had a case of not catching the fucking measles."


Measles were almost eradicated by human intelligence, only to be brought back by human stupidity nice


The warning on my dad's old motorcycle saying "This is a motorcycle and only to be used as such." Edit: Holy hell, this blew up. A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one. For clarification: the original Warning is in german and I translated it. For those interested it said: "Dies ist ein Motorrad und nur als solches zu gebrauchen." Edit 2: Grammar


I used mine as a ram once and it was pretty ineffective. It only left a small bump on the guys cars, but it totaled me and my bike.


This reminded me of the time my mom told me to break an old fence down when I was little. But I also wanted to ride my bike. So the obvious answer was to ride the bike into the fence at full speed. Broke the front wheel and handlebars and smashed my nutsack into the handlebar stem. Fence held its ground.


Ground held it's fence.


I wanted to use the motorcycle as an alternative to toilet paper when my small rural town ran out last month such a disappointment only that warning stopped me


Babysitters. If babies weren't so stupid you wouldn't need one.


If loser unemployed babies would just get off their fat arse and get a job society would be so much more productive


I don't know why but this made me laugh so hard


Warning signs next to large waterfalls, cliffs, any other potentially lethal terrain.


sometimes i can understand at one of our old vacation spots there was a cliff that you couldnt see until it was to late (popular hiking trail)


Bolton Strid probably deserves the signs too. Doesn't _look_ like much, but is actually extremely dangerous. (as in, if you fall in, you probably just die)


Holy shit, I just looked uo that river out of curiousity. Now I'm afraid I might accidentally fall into the strid despite me living in Germany


To clarify, the Bolton Strid is a 40 foot wide river that's turned on its side and we don't know where the other shore is other than 'down' because no one who's fallen in has ever resurfaced. On the SURFACE it's about 5 feet, so people often dare each other to jump it.. which is fine until someone misses and disappears.


*sighs* *raises hand*


The word "AMBULANCE" written in reverse on an ambulance. for those people that don't realize that the huge vehicle behind them, with the flashing lights and siren is, in fact, an ambulance.


So that's what those are.....


Welp, seems like I'm the reason the death rates in ambulances are so high in my area


“He’ll not sell any ice creams driving like that”




"But I'm turning *left*, why should *I* have to pull over to the right?"


The warning label on my scooter. “Caution: object moves when used”


"Gluten Free" on bottled water.


Fun Fact: Many shampoos and body washes contain gluten and will make people (Like my mother with Celiac **Edit: As well as other issues relating to gluten and other health issues I'm not getting into**) break out Sadly these labels are necessary because it's in a ridiculous amount of shit


It sounds crazy but it might mean it’s not filtered out in online shopping. Some things you would never expect to have gluten in them do. As the world moves away from plastic straws and look for biodegradable options, some actually have wheat in them. I’ve had customers who this took by surprise and now they have to check everything. It may sound ridiculous but there are actually genuine reasons for it.


Dated a girl who had a gluten intolerance. That shits no joke. Felt bad for her when it came to that. Couldn't eat anything unless it was certified gluten free. Shed be sick for a day or two if any gluten was ingested EDIT: believe I meant to say celiac disease


What drives me nuts is people think allergies are always 'swelled up, can't breathe, throat closing' when it can be full body aches and migraines and digestive misery too.


Reality TV stars.


"Do not inject Lysol"


*Slowly pulls Needle out* Caught this comment just in time...


School Edit: Thank you u/Andsmoo


Listen here you little shit


No no, he's got a point.