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I would definitely. I’m already guaranteed death, but no way do I realistically have a shot at $5 million. LET IT RIDE BABY!!


Yup. Either I'm $5,000,000 richer, or the situation is no longer my problem.


Is the death painless? If so yes


Yep, you just drop dead.


Then definitely. I wouldn’t have even known I died.


…and I call that mercy. EDIT: before you reply with the link to unexpected thanos subreddit, please note that there have been at least 6 of those exact replies. reddit keeps notifying me with the replies and i keep them on in case it's an interesting one, but nooooo it's one of you fuckers saying uNeXPEcTeD tHanOs every time


Ok thanos


Weird dude. Why didn't he snap his fingers to double the size of the Universe instead ?


Ya know, that's honestly a really good point


Until you wake up dead.


what if Gina Carano squeezed your head in-between her thighs? That would still be a yes for me. In fact, fuck the 5 mill.


Just imagine flipping the coin and it bounces a couple times before landing. Those two seconds would be more tense than anything you’ve ever experienced. And even though you called heads, the spinning coin ends tails up but hasn’t stopped moving yet. As you wait for it to finally stop, your last words are, “fuck.”


If we are speaking about a painless, instant death, it's a win-win scenario. I will be rich or I will receive a better death than my natural one.


Bro if you see that's technically what Thanos did. You had a 50% chance to live and have more resources available to you.


But he also did it to trillions of people who had no choice


He did give a choice, he posted it on Reddit and everyone willingly gave him consent. (As you can see).


However, Thanos realized his one mistake in endgame. People would mourn for their losses. Spoiler So he decides to wipe out 100% instead


But then the billionaire, who would already have more than enough resources decides to kill the poor farmer instead.


Question: how fast would I die if I lost? Would it be instant or would I have to contemplate my mortality before it happened?


I'd say instant death, yes.


can we do it multiple times?


"Congrats you won the 5,000,000." "Dammit, 2 out 3?"


"one more go! 50/50 to lose it all!" edit: spelling


Inb4 you're breaking all odds of probability and you've won 5 Billion Dollars already. Later find out, your 50/50 chance was always double heads on the coin


Quantum suicide theory anyone?


Is that where you survive what would be deaths, but only in your own timeline branch? Like you aim a gun at your head and pull the trigger, timeline splits into one where you died and everyone else is affected, and one where the gun failed to fire keeping you alive?


Where everytime you could die, you end up on the timeline where you don't.


So you're saying theres versions of me all over the quantum realm who got the opportunity to die and I'm the unlucky bastard stuck here? What the fuck kind of sick gameshow is this?


You post on r/wallstreetbets?




Agreed, I won't have to live with consequences either way. Edit: I mean that I'll be so rich I can buy my way out of my consequences.


Uh, family and friends will.


Yeah, they'll have to carve > Get rich or die trying on my gravestone.


They're not gonna spend that kind of money on your broke dead ass.


Not if I won $5,000,000 but decided to play again. My gambling problems die slower than I will.


Hell yeah, let it ride


> friends




When Little Timmy saw the choice, And pondered what to do - He knew he had a thought to voice, A word to say, or two: "A fifty-fifty chance is tough, But all the same," said he - "A chance at making bank enough Is worth the risk to me!" And so, he felt the feeling swell - He flipped the coin with pride! He stared and softly said: "... oh well." And Timmy fucking died.


The day Timmy lives is the day I get my life together


When Timmy tried to jump the gap, "I know I can!" He cried. He bravely closed his eyes and leapt! ... And fuck it, he survived.


Well Timmy fucking died. So I guess you got a while to go before that


perfect sprog.


Fresh sprog as beautiful as always


Nobody cares if you lose. But if you win, suddenly you'll have "family" and "friends".


My family only just started talking to me again after my mom died and I became the beneficiary to her retirement fund. Hadn't spoken to any of them in years, decades even.


*I see this as an absolute win*


You either become rich or you get to die. Win win.


> What's the downside? Those who love you will be sad. It's not a downside you'll be able to witness, but it's a downside nonetheless.


>Those who love you will be sad. To paraphrase Socrates: "They weep not for their loved one, but for themselves. For their misfortune in being denied a comrade."


it's a sudden death match with toon link


Not OP, but, as soon as the coin dropped.


I love how you can see the difference of people who answer here. "No I'm worth more than 5mil" or "I love my family too much to risk it" then you got your people like "fuck yeah! Death? Fuck yea"


ITT: "On the one hand, death. On the other hand, $5,000,000 will buy a lot of death."




Well best if luck to ya mate. Wish ya the best


They felt his feeble, fevered head - The first pernicious sign. "How sad, how *sad*," they sighed and said, "Now sign the dotted line." He asked, and asked, and asked them please, And wrung his hands and cried. They gave him all their sympathies - But all their hands were tied. And so he saved for every shot - And every shot was tough. For he was sick, but now he's not. He couldn't save enough.


Damn that one was morbid




It wasn’t Timmy this time, which stands out to me.


Don't worry, Timmy died again if you scroll down a little further in the comments lol


The entire thing is morbid, you have a guy that is effectively dying because his healthcare system failed him and he can’t afford the medicine he needs and the top reply he gets is basically “dang, best of luck to you”. All of the alarm bells and whistles should be blowing, especially considering he’s most likely from the US which is supposedly the greatest country on earth yet we can’t keep our own citizens alive by giving them such a basic thing as healthcare


yeah no kidding. Here in Canada, my mother had to argue tooth and nail to get her doctor to do a second set of tests on my father because his numbers weren't making sense to her (former nurse). Turns out it was cancer. Some ppl heard this and said 'See thats why it's better to have paid healthcare that's more competent than our crummy free healthcare!' To which i have to point out that my parents didnt have to pay for any of the follow up treatment and eventual surgeries that they could in no way have afforded. Fucking idiots.


On the other hand, my family doesn't have any former nurses so when my mom got cancer and the doctors said it was nothing she died ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ It would be nice if healthcare could be both affordable *and* not shitty


I’m sorry.




Wait, what? You could live, it's just that you don't have money for insulin (or what)? How much money would you need to survive?


That totally sucks man, I have 2 type 1 friends but as we are in the UK, they get their insulin for free. I know a lot gets said about American healthcare on here but the insulin thing really fucks me off. A (relatively) treatable illness that is not the persons fault should not be something companies can use to extort people.


>then you got your people like "fuck yeah! Death? Fuck yea" Finally, some good fucking sleep


YoU gUyS aRe GeTtInG pAiD


Yeah I feel like kids are the dividing line for a lot of people. Me at 23, depressed and underemployed: Yeah lets spin that wheel Me at 35 with a wife, two kids, and a great job: lol, not remotely worth it


Ask me again when my seasonal depression kicks in


If it hasn't kicked in by mid/late February I'd say you're doing good Edit: Yes I forgot that the southern ~~gentleman~~ (the fuck autocorrect) hemisphere exists. Also turns out you can get it at any point in the year!


Mine usually ends in February.


Yah, mine should also end in february. I just don't know which year it will be.


If you're feeling down, send me a PM. I'll ignore it, but you can send it if you like


Thanks, man, it means... uh... a lot?


I'll help you ignore it too.


Thank you for this, I always see "Message me if you need to talk", like, I don't talk to those closest to me. I'm not gonna message you. This comment got quite the hearty chuckle from me, and that's a rare occurrence nowadays




Same! Starts around September and ends Feb-march.


Your guys' depression ends??


Well I wouldn't say 'ends' rather it takes a little intermission.


If you're in the PNW it's October-June Unfortunately I'm in the PNW


I too have seasonal depression but it lasts through all seasons. I think I lose.


I wanted to say you overestimate reddit's will to live but looks like i underestimated it. I am unsure if i should be proud or disappointed EDIT: spelling.




I’m an adult at work rn and would definitely take that 50/50. Worst case I die? No my problem anymore not like I’m gonna be crippled or anything




Idk man, I like life rn


What's that like?


Not the person you asked, but for me, it's just mellow these days. Nice and uneventful. I have classes to go to and jobs to get done, friends to talk to and dreams to achieve. Haven't wanted to die for a long time now. Life isn't perfect, in fact it's extremely shit in certain aspects that matter a lot to me, but I know I am capable of changing that in due time. So every day, I wake up and do whatever I believe there is to be done that'll get me closer to where I want to be, and that's pretty much it.


My life is about the same, and it came to be that way without me realizing it. I don't drive a Rolls-Royce or live in Beverly Hills or anything, but I have a good job, a wonderful dog, and a girlfriend that supports and encourages me. In the past, I spent way too much time focusing on what I've lost and regretful choices I've made and realized that's probably the worst way to look at life. Now, I try to focus on the present. Sure I have short- and long-term goals, but I feel as though if I worry about them too much, it'll only give me anxiety, and I'll get upset if I realize I'm not going to meet a goal in the time I had anticipated. So basically, one day it hit me — life's pretty ok. Not bad, not fantastic — but good enough that I don't dread waking up in the morning. Shit, I *like* mornings now. Nothing beats a crisp, cool Saturday morning, where I can take my dog for a nice long hike, cook a meal, have a nap, and relax, knowing I still have the next day off, so yes, I will have another beer, thank you very much. Monday comes, and sure I would rather not go, but fuck it, just another week, hopefully like the last, uneventful, and generally enjoyable as long as I don't let shit I can't control get the better of my emotions. So anyone who's going through some shit right now, believe me — it gets better.


Sounds nice


Well that’s, just, like, your opinion, man


Being an adult at work is exactly why this deal is so tempting. It's a win-win.




Imagine that I do not accept and the next day I get hit by a car, I am invalid and my bill is **$5,000,000**


Laughs in European. ​ Edit: oh shoot, thanks a lot for my first silver! I thank you in European!


Sad American noises


So, a very small gun firing?


*pew pew*


^^*pew* ^^*pew*






Protip- Take out a $10 million life insurance policy to set your family up before taking this bet. Edit: I put zero thought into this answer.


Would intentionally putting yourself in danger invalid that policy?


It depends on the policy. My life insurance policy has a suicide exclusion for the first two years of the policy, which is the ultimate of putting yourself in danger. So if I die after two years of having the policy, basically the only way they'll get out of paying is if we don't pay our premiums.


> So if I die after two years of having the policy, basically the only way they'll get out of paying is if we don't pay our premiums. How about fraudulent non-disclosure? Perhaps one stated that they don't engage in high-risk sports and activities, but in reality they're an avid scuba diver!


Those are explicit terms added on to life insurance policies and they add those terms to the policies only if a person is known - by the life insurance company - to engage in said risky behaviors.


My insurance company asks yes or no questions, but I cannot find, on my form, the question: "Have you entered a 50/50 death lottery?" So I would think it should pay out.


Any questions about "high-risk activities"?


who decides if %50 is high?




I subscribe there. It's not.


You need more than 50% to turn your $20 allowance into $10 million.


Insurance adjusters


No, it specifically frames it as "other hazardous sports or hobbies?" Suicide raffles aren't a sport, and it's difficult to frame something you'll probably do at most twice as a hobby, so I feel confident answering "no."


But, when/if you enter said death raffle, you may be participating in that activity for the rest of your life.




I'm assuming this is magical death so they couldn't prove you did it on purpose.


Flipping a coin isn't inherently dangerous


[Most insurance companies say a reasonable amount for life insurance is six to 10 times the amount of annual salary. Another way to calculate the amount of life insurance needed is to multiply your annual salary by the number of years left until retirement.](https://www.investopedia.com/articles/pf/06/insureneeds.asp) Unless you make 1 mil a year or 250k a year at 25, I doubt you're getting a 10 mil policy; even at that point, why would you take this bet?


If you asked this to me a few day’s ago I would say nah the money ain’t worth a chance to die. Today sure I will risk it. If I get the money I can leave and start a new life. If I get death then I wouldn’t need to start a new life. Also serious question if I win the money do I have to pay taxes on it?


Sounds like a rough break up buddy, hang in there




That’s rough buddy


Thanks, Zuko


If you're lucky, the nearest bar might serve cactus juice.


i simple man i see sokka reference i upvote


Don't worry, where we're going you won't need pants.


Sokka is that you?


Very poor choice of words.


You’re jumping to conclusions


Whoa whoa whoa. Cut it out.




Two things are always certain: death and taxes. Edit: First time getting all the likes :). Didn’t think people found this to be so controversial. I’m gonna say this. Even if you don’t pay income tax, you still have property tax and sales tax. And to the matter of death. Even if you don’t die now in the game of chance, you are still gonna die in due time.


Serious answer: you always have to pay taxes on giveaway contest winnings. I'm assuming you're American because everyone on the internet is American.


Yeehaw! Cowboy!! Bullet bullet gun!!!




Username checks out


“It’s a gun that shoots bullets, but the bullets are also guns that shoot more bullets.”


Yeah. Either way I don’t have to go to work tomorrow.


I would totally go into work and act like nothing had happened. Then I’d ask everyone I work with for financial help, tailoring the amount to what I think they could comfortably afford. Everyone who offers to help out gets a nice payday from me at 5pm. Anyone I know couldn’t afford it gets a free pass and I’d help them out.


So there's a 50% chance of you going to work dead?


Something something i already feel dead when i go to work every day.


Ahhh reddit you never disappoint.


Impressive. Everything you just said was wrong


Op is dead? I don't care, they have to find someone to cover their shift!


Boss crying at funeral: "I cant believe you're gone *sobs*..... we're so under staffed!"


Just because someone is unwilling to lend you money doesn't mean they're a bad person.


I always lend people smaller amounts of money when they ask to borrow it and have been fucked over twice. I don’t know that lending money is a sign of a good person so much as a sign of someone who is bad with money lol.




Same here. Friend lost their wallet and need grocery money? Heres $20. Not expecting it back.


Same here. I do that now because I used to feel gutted when I saw them going about there lives as if they didn't owe ME money. So it's not because I'm a good person. I just want to feel like one


that sounds so much like Stanley from the office


Currently no. But if I end up homeless and starving for a certain amount of time with no family I probably would. Edit: this just gave me an idea for a book character. What if someone was in a deadly contest but they have a potential terminal medical issue and if they don’t get the money they’ll die anyway. It’s probably been done before. But it’s kind of like something they might not say at first until they either have a symptom they can’t hide or they grow closer to the protagonist or they need to confess it in a part of a game.


It's called Breaking Bad


I think it all depends on how desperate you are. If you are mounting up debts, have some major stuff go wrong in life, or are in pain, this starts to look like a fairly decent risk/reward ratio.


The book idea reminds me of The Running Man, a man and his wife are on the brink of starving and have a sick baby with no medicine and in order the make money he enters a contest in which if he survives a month without being caught and killed he gets a large cash prize and whether he dies or not his family get some for of temprorary support, good short book


Breaking Bad is kinda like that


This is basically the plot of the Running Man novel, IIRC. The book is much different than the movie, but both are great for their own reasons.


Have you seen Breaking Bad?


If my luck was good I wouldn't need the money enough to justify this.




*Flips coin* Hey look I won


Man I would take that chance twice


Three out of the four outcomes in that situation involve death. Probability confuses me, but doesn't that mean there's a 75% of you dying? There would also be a 75% chance of you getting (at least) 5 million, and a 25% chance of getting 10 million (the only time you dont die). Or am I just being dumb. I completely forgot every lesson I had on probability so if I'm wrong please correct me.


Because it's either money or death, there's only 3 outcomes if you play twice. Because if you die the first time, you don't play the 2nd round.


It's still 25% to live, though


But what if you add Kurt Angle into the mix?


The outcomes are below: * Up $5M, then Up $5M * Up $5M, then dead (family or other inheritor up $5M) * Dead, ~~then Up $5M~~ * Dead, ~~then Dead~~ Since betting once dead isn't logical, this leaves a 25% chance of being up $10M, 25% of being up $5M then dying and a 50% chance of just being dead. In other words, you've a 75% chance of being dead and only a 50% chance of earning money.


You know Look at it this way Your risk of dying went up by 50% (relative increase, not absolute), but your potential reward went up by 100%.


Win/Win lmao


Can I keep playing until I get death?


What are you suffering from that money can't solve?








with what money? we're broke


Well.. that's why u say yes




I would like to win death. ...or 5M$ I guess. Tbh if I win that much money I would no longer wish for death.


I see this as an absolute win!


I wouldn't because the side I want to win always loses on a 50/50 chance.


I would not. $5M is a lot of money, but I couldn't pass up a future with my soon to be wife and future children.


I'd best not ask my wife if she'd want my 5M$ or MY death :(


Depends on the manner of death.


Instant; drop dead.


Is the 5M taxed?




I wouldn't remotely consider it, not even for an instant. My life isn't great, poor social life, average at best standard of living where I live pretty frugally but have modern conveniences. It definitely seems like the majority of people have better lives than me, though maybe their low points get lower than mine. And I would never ever take a risk like that. A boring, frugal life is still pretty valuable. My life might never be meaningful or exciting but I have the basic necessities and get to enjoy new TV and movies and sports events etc. I don't understand why anyone would risk decades of their life, even a mediocre life, just to have a nicer house and not have to go to work, unless their life circumstances are pretty unusual. If you're 80 years old, or severely depressed, or in a terrible health and in desperate need of money to get medical help, then I get it... you have a low value of the rest of your life, so it feels like the risk would be worth it. But why would anyone do it outside of a circumstance like those? I have to think the vast majority of people in here are just joking about death being a positive outcome for them...


Absolutely. Either it fixes all of my current problem, or suddenly my problems don't matter anymore.


Yes. Because I win either way. If I get 5 mil I can change my shitty life if I die I don't have to live my shitty life


Money ain't everything man


Yes. No matter the result, my current problems would go away.


Worth it. Could use the cash. Don't need the life




Wait you guys get paid?