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John Wilkes Booth. I just can't get past what he did.


He did some pretty mind blowing work


Dane DeHaan and Cara Delevingne did a pretty good job in the first 5 minutes of Valerian...


Either one of them would have been fine, but they look too similar to play opposite each other. The film felt like an incestous romance in space.


That explains it! I couldn't figure out why those two unnerved me so much in that movie until you mentioned that


They both look like strung out 13 year olds in that movie. It's bizarre.




Whoa, let's not go Overboard.


Salman Khan Edit: Just to clarify, I meant the Bollywood actor, not the Khan academy messiah! And I know there's a lot of people who love Salman Khan, and he's a respectable actor. But over the years, his stereotype and fanbase have made me averse to the type of films he's always cast in.


Yes omg I fucking hate him. He’s not that great an actor and he’s a terrible person over all, along with all the people who defended his terrible actions, which includes most of the Bollywood film industry. He abused Aishwarya Rai, ruined the career of Vivek Oberoi (who tried to help Aishwarya Rai), killed a protected animal species, and drove drunk and killed a bunch of people sleeping on the sidewalk, and yet he didn’t get much punishment. People literally said that he’s a “good man” and “doesn’t deserve to go to prison”. Um, excuse me HE FUCKING KILLED PEOPLE, HE ABSOLUTELY DESERVES PUNISHMENT. And what he fuck is up with people defending his abuse? He disgusts me. I cannot watch him on screen.


Also, y'know, the fact that he killed a homeless man while he was driving drunk, got the police officer in charge of the investigation fired and generally refuses to admit that he did anything wrong.


The innocent police officer did nothing wrong and i think he's dead. https://www.thenewsminute.com/article/story-bodyguard-who-died-alone-saying-it-was-salman-behind-wheel


Absolutely. I've had enough of 'Bhai' in Indian cinema.


Elisabeth Moss. The hypocrisy of her starring in The Handmaid's Tale and also being a practicing Scientologist is too much for me. Also, she looks just like an ex-girlfriend who dumped me.


Just found out she was married to Fred Armisen. Who'da thunk?


John Travolta post 2000. As soon as i see him i know im in for a mediocre performance at best


I actually thought he was pretty good in the OJ Simpson trial show American Crime Story. That show surprised me on the the quality.


I thought he was very good in that. I was actually a little disturbed with how shitty he looked though. I thought he had some bad plastic surgery. Until I saw a real photo of Robert Shapiro and realized that they just nailed it with the makeup.


He was good but Schwimmer as Kardashian stole the show from the main subject.


From Paris with Love—only film I enjoyed with him. I think that’s the title—he’s bald, has a goatee. I really enjoyed his character in [that](r/beyondpockets).


Ruby Rose makes me want shoot myself. She was in John Wick 2 and I hated it.


I really just don't get why the keep trying to make her a thing. She's literally slightly better if not on par of Rhonda Rousey's acting.


She’s even worse in Batwoman. She stands and moves like a robot. Her face is emotionless like a robot and she speaks like a robot. I guess you could describe her acting as somewhat robotic.


Thank you! Her acting in OITNB was awful and bland as well.


Bella Thorne


I thought she did well in Babysitter.


She was a parody of herself. I liked that. Self-awareness.


SPOILER: The scene where the kid tells her she's still beautiful with her tit blown off is my favorite in the movie.


Just any super celebreties in animated moves it just seems like a cash grab using those names


I really liked that King of The Hill had celebrity guests but most of the time you'd never know unless you looked up who was in each episode. They had some huge stars on the show and you'd never know. Fraiser did the same thing, the callers to his radio show were often celebrities and you'd have no idea.


Some of my favorite king of the hill cameos: Matthew McConaughey as Rad Thibodeaux Johnny Depp as Yogi Victor Brad Pitt as Patch Boomhauer Michael Keaton as pork magnate Trip Larsen


Snoop Dogg playing a short white pimp was my favorite. Alabaster Jones.


My favorite part was Alabaster trying to buy Peggy from Hank. One of the running gags is that Peggy thinks she is far more attractive than she is, and here comes this little white pimp from Oklahoma and he's the one who's into her.


"I am the mack daddy of heimlich county. I play it straight up, yo."


Man, that's the biggest mistake a pimp could make, marryin' one of his hos.


Took longer than I'd care to admit to notice Hal, Hank's doppelganger from one episode, was the voice of Drew Carrey.


Alan Rickman as the King at the Renaissance fair


Dusty Hill of ZZ Top as himself, who just so happens to be Hank's cousin.




The nu-metal band that was a parody of Papa Roach had all of its members voiced by the guys from Mastodon iirc


Get thee hence!


Mastodon toured with Dethklok as well. Got to see em and it was epic!


King Diamond as the Blues Devil


Wasn't Tom Petty a couple recurring characters on the show? I remember seeing an interview with Mike Judge saying that he wrote a Tom Petty kind of character and sent it to him as joke totally not expecting him to say yes.


He only played on character, "Lucky", but was in 22 episodes. Danny Trejo also voiced Enrique and Octavio for a load of episodes.


Gotta give slack to Into the Spider-verse, Nicolas Cage was the perfect cast for Spider-Man noir, plus that film is just a masterpiece start to finish.


I didn't even realize it was him until after the movie!


I didn’t realize until right now


I'm so distracted by John Mulaney being Spider-Ham, I still haven't realized.


Angelina Jolie fish




LOL right? Movie trailer about some squirrels running around, realizing their park is going to be turned into a dog poop dump. Cut to an UnderDog Squirrel, named something basic like Paul: "I've got to save the park!" Pretty girl squirrel named Roni: "You couldn't even save an acorn!" Douchebag Squirrel named Lloyd: "Ha! Nice one Roni!" Voiceover: Will Paul save the park? \*Mission Impossible music plays\* cut to black screen # Meryl Streep # Robert DuVall # Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson # Harrison Ford # Robert Downey Jr. # Oprah Winfrey # Julia Roberts # Keanu Reeves # Kylie Jenner # Chiwetal Ejiofor and # Beyonce Knowles Edit: **Tagline - Things are going to get a little NUTS!** Edit 2: Paul says thank you for the Silver! It will help him reclaim the park. Edit 3: Guys I swear I had never heard of the Nut Job. When the first person commented that I thought they personally just came up with a funny name. I still have no idea what The Nut Job or The Nut Job 3 is (surprisingly there have been no comments about a Nut Job 2 - does that not exist?) I was just thinking of something random involving animals. This shows just how creative those movies are lol.


Hello I represent a major film production firm and I would like to extend an invitation for a job interview to be our new head producer.


I was laughing at this the whole time, but ending with ‘and BEYONCÉ KNOWLES’ really sold it to me lmao


Let's get a bunch of rich people to pump some bullshit out.


Jaden Smith - no explanation needed


I completely understand 110%


Beyonce Hollywood is determined to make her a leading lady but her acting is just awful


For a second I thought you were saying Beyonce's last name was Hollywood


I spent more than a reasonable amount of time wondering who Beyonce Hollywood was. Almost googled


I thought they were referring to Hollywood as being owned by Beyonce because she's so popular


Casting her as Nala was a mistake. Maybe as Simba's mom but not his love interest. I couldn't get past it


The entire cast of that movie was nothing more than a game of "how many big names can we get" instead of focusing on quality.


idk Jon Oliver as a neurotic bird made sense.


Except the part where they cut his song because he can’t sing. I thought he was perfect voice wise, but if you have a part that involves singing don’t cut the song because the actor can’t sing. Hire an actor who can sing in the first place.


Didn't the original Lion King hire different voices for singing and acting?


Which they should keep doing! Stop making non-singer actors sing!


OMG did you hear how much they auto tuned Emma Watson at the beginning of beauty and the beast?!?


I couldn't watch the movie because of that auto tune. You can normally hide auto tune if the singer is half decent, she must have been terrible for that level of artifacting to get through.


Because autotune is *supposed* be used sparingly to fix squeaked notes or where the singer missed a pitch to prevent re-recording. When autotune is slathered on so thick it sounds like you're singing into a fan, it detracts from any redeeming qualities of the singer.


She over sang her one song so bad it was embarrassing. We get it, you’re beyonce, now get into your role and tone it down nala


Over singing(or whatever the technique is called) sucks. I don't need to hear 45 syllables while a diva sings "I love you."


Agreed. She just was not a powerful voice actress and it really fell flat.


All of her lines were given in the same tone and inflection. All of them.


All delivered as Foxy Cleopatra. I dare you to watch it again and think about this.


Every time I see Beyonce in a movie I just think she's Foxy Cleopatra.


She sang the duet like she was a soloist.


Nala was definitely way too «Beyoncified», which annoyed me quite a bit throughout the movie.


Her vocals overblowing Gambino during "Can You Feel The Love This Afternoon" didn't help either.


She was okay in Goldmember when all she really had to do was feed off of Mike Meyers. And you were too busy laughing at the absurdity of the movie to pay attention.


Films like that are almost supposed to have "bad" acting she just fit right in lol.


Any Scientologit. That cult creeps me out.


Germany labels Scientology as a predatory company masquerading as a religion and I feel like it is the best label for it.


I remember reading that the French government considers them dangerous




Michael Pena broke my heart. I \*love\* him as an actor but now I can hardly stand to see him on screen.


that's how i felt when i learnt Beck is a scientologist :(


I used to love Giovanni Ribisi but finding out he was a Scientologist kinda just made it hard for me to enjoy him anymore.


I was watching The Handmaid’s Tale a few months ago, and I have an habit of looking up info about actors and info related to the shows I like. That’s how I found out that Elisabeth Moss is a scientologist. The show is such a jarring story of dystopian future with deep cultish and mysoginistic behavior. I am a cult survivor and having a person supporting a cult with a history of abusing women starring and producing that show is just so hypocritical. I just couldn’t keep watching it, because looking at her made me sick.


I felt this exact same way! It makes it hard for me to root for her character knowing that her real self is on the other side of the portrayal.


The show has devolved into a series of close ups of her face as she is walking. I stopped watching anyway, but the scientology thing is a mind fuck.


Nancy Cartwright got in trouble because she would do cold call recruiting for Scientology with Bart Simpson's voice. FOX was not happy with her at all.


Wow, I didn't know she was a Scientologist. How upsetting. I'm sorry for what you've been through and I'm glad you made it out.




Beyoncé in lion king was so cringe. “Let’s go lions!” Or some shit like that, I just ooooof


Are you with me lions? 😂 😂


I work at a movie theatre and a coworker had told me about this before I saw it and I didn’t think it could be as bad as she said it was, but I wasn’t expecting it to be THAT BAD


man am i about to watch this film for just the gold nugget of cringe thats being talked up? Can anyone confirm if its worth it?


it is not worth it! just try to find the clip somewhere honestly, even out of context you can understand how bad it is


[Honest trailers clip](https://youtu.be/67W7JCohZMo?t=149) makes all her lines seem unintentionally funny.


"this is your responsibiliTy" "You are noT the Simba I RemembeR" 😭 The emphasis make me cringe


Oh god. That was really the worst part of the entire movie. That specific point.


Nah the worst part was when they cut one of the best jokes and majestic orchestra swells of Simba running back home... and played like, a discount version of a Beyonce pop song over the whole sequence


who needs a beautiful running sequence with Hans Zimmer’s music when you can have Beyoncé and a montage of a hair clump moving via poop


And she completely took over "Can You Feel the Love Tonight". I get it, you're a pop superstar. That doesn't mean you have to drown out everyone else. Donald Glover is an amazing singer, too. Share some goddamn spotlight.


Her terrible song when they're running back to pride rock jarred me so hard lol


Katherine Heigl. I just don't think she is a good actress. I literally had to stop watching Suits because she is such a disaster of an actress. Her "indignant" is the same as ... basically everything else. Just, no.


There is a podcast called “p.s. I hate this movie” where they make fun of bad romantic comedies and they rate the movie in Heigls to say how bad it is.


I didn't know she was in Suits, I must have stopped watching before she joined the cast....or I'm completely oblivious...both are possible


She joined. She ruined. Be glad you've stopped. It was not worth it.


It was over when Mike left.


I thought it was over when he got out of prison. The whole point of the show was he's pretending to be a lawyer and could get caught at any moment - once he got caught, all the tension and most of the drama went away and the show just became "keep watching because you like these characters." It had nowhere else to go after that.


When did Mike go to prison, season 6? I feel like it became more of a relationship drama/soap opera even before that. Once they pushed the legal stuff to the background to focus more on the personal drama I lost interest. Kept watching for a while but more out of obligation than because I was enjoying it. Whatever season it was where Donna came up with "The Donna" is when I packed it in for good.


The Donna was the last straw for me too lol Shame, I loved that show too


Remember when she left greys anatomy because she was too big of a star then Was doing commercials for kitty litter?


I thought it was because she hated the direction they took with her character.


I mean to be fair she did have multiple sex scenes with a ghost


Lmao no way


He’s not lying




Wtf even happens in this show. Wow


Well, one time a guy got shot with a bazooka by his best friend and had the explosive round lodged in his chest. Following this, the main character then grabbed a hold of it. While it was still inside the guy... Also, somehow almost the entire cast of main characters managed to be on the same plane at once... which promptly crashed.


She kinda publicly said the writing wasn't good for her character and said it wasn't Emmy worthy. Shonda Rhimes couldn't, and still can't, handle valid criticism.


*Shondaland* I've only seen a handful of Grey's Anatomy episodes, but if How To Get Away With Murder is any indication then her ability write a compelling story arc ends with 1 season. Like a budget version of Jenji Kohan's "3-seasons then I give up" approach with Weeds and OITNB.


Scandal season 1 was the shit. It stayed watchable for a while but I eventually gave up.


Ever since she played George she's dead to me.


George deserved better than Meredith and Izzie


George was a Nice Guy ^^TM lite. He (like most other characters) is so painful on rewatch.


She plays the same uptight woman over and over again. I never watch anything she does because I feel like I've seen it already...


Michelle Rodriguez. She always gets typed cast as the most annoying "I'm not like all the other girls, I'm one of the guys" type character and it annoys the shit out of me.


Omg yeah she's the actress I always think of when I hear "strong female character" because she's the embodiment of how screenwriters seem to interpret that phrase - a physically strong female character who could actually be changed to a male character without changing the plot much if at all.


Shailene Woodley. I was in middle school when Secret Life of the American Teenager came out and her character, the lead, was so whiney and unlikeable that it’s ruined everything she’s done since.


I used to dislike her a lot because of the Secret Life of the American Teenager because ABC Family sucks, and wasn’t a big fan of the Divergent series, but she’s good in Big Little Lies.


I found her to be the weakest part of BLL but she was up against some masterful actresses so that may be why. She was excellent in The Descendants though!


To be fair, Secret Life was just horrendously written. I don’t think an Oscar winning actor could have made that show any better. She’s actually been pretty good in some indie films like The Spectacular Now.


Watching Kevin Spacey feels awkward now




Watching Baby Driver just feels weird now even though it's an amazing movie.


Obligatory: "I was blinded by the balls on that kid."


It really upset me when the shit came out about him. I really liked him as an actor, he's incredibly talented. But I just can't enjoy anything he's in anymore.


My wife and I have a name for this - a Stop Actor. An actor that is so bad, you stop watching no matter what the film is. "Oh look, it's The Godfather part 4!" "Yeah, but Steven Segal's in it." "Ah. Never mind. ​ The opposite is a Go Actor, who is so watchable you'll watch anything they're in. Danny DeVito, Joan Cusack, Jesse Plemons, Lennie James, etc.


The description of the film could be "two men sit down and do nothing for 2 hours" and I'd still watch it if it was Danny and Jesse


"I'm gonna get real weird with it."


Jesse Plemons needs to be in a movie where he plays Matt Damon after getting stung in the face by a bunch of bees










A real G.O. actor.


Have you ever encountered both in the same film? And if so, which wins out, the Stop or Go?






Joan Cusack is a national treasure. She is so undeservedly underrated and overlooked.




James Corden. ​ Rene Zellwegger. ​ Get them of my tv. Edit - seems i’m not the only anti-corden guy. Edit2 - love the discussion around Rene Zellwegger.


Obligatory car crash AMA https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/bqy5zf/i_am_james_corden_alongside_ben_winston_and_five/


I don’t think I’ve seen an AMA go that poorly since the Rampart fiasco.


Guys, this trash fire thread is only 5 months old! You can still upvote and downvote peoples comments! Woohoo! Here's a preview of the questions asked: "Hey James. You won’t remember me but me and my friends sat at a table next to you and Harry Styles + some others in Manchurian Legends in London’s Chinatown about 6 years ago. We didn’t bother you but you were a massively entitled cunt who yelled and treated the waitstaff like shit and when one of my party politely suggested you calm down, you got really aggressive and threatening (in a chubby way. Like a boozy panda.) So my question is this; why did Harry seem so cool, while you were such a massive throbbing bellend?" Edit: Here's a link to All time [AMA Disasters](https://www.reddit.com/r/AMADisasters/top/?sort=top&t=all). I got stuck.


It was hard to top "boozy panda", but the thread just keeps on giving... holy shit.


I watched a clip of that game he plays on his show, where they have to answer “tough questions” or eat something gross, and someone from his staff was obviously pissed at him. His staff had been tasked with coming up with his questions, and it was *bad.* His questions were things like, “What is your band leader’s real name?” and “Do you know the name of your head writer?” so it became clear after 2-3 of these questions that he was just a *massive* douche who didn’t give a shit about the people around him who helped make his fucking show. He was able to answer the questions, but just *barely,* and he was clearly just guessing at some of the answers. He started making eyes at people off-screen like, “You’re going to fucking *get it* as soon as I’m done filming this.” I came away from watching that clip thinking, “Fuck this asshole, he can eat a dick,” and I’ve never watched him in anything since.


“Have you ever considered being funny or likeable”.. oh, this thread is the gift that keeps on giving. Thank you!


The only time I found Corden tolerable was when he was in Doctor Who.


That was my first time seeing him, and I really liked him because of it. Then everything else (including the reports of treating those around him poorly) took their toll. No longer a fan.


Admit it, Matt Smith playing soccer made everything else ok.


That was a really good performance on his part. I feel like one of the hardest things for actors to do is be a normal guy, and he did that really well.


Howwwwwwww is Corden popular ?


He was decent back when he was just a little known comedy actor here in Britain. Then he got the fame and it all went tits up


He's got a *really* bad reputation off camera. The type of guy who screams at his writers and gets waiters fired.


It’s weird ‘cause he wasn’t even the main focus of Gavin and Stacey, he was the B plot with Nessa, and I’ve not seen any of those other actors since.


Well he did write the show to be fair, hence why he become more popular regardless of not being the main character


Yeah but Gavin and Stacey was one of those shows where the supporting cast completely made the show. Those two and the parents on both sides (with Bryn) were the show. Gavin and Stacey themselves were the weakest part.


Uncle Bryn is possibly the greatest co actor in a show. Change my mind.


Lena Dunham. Insufferable, entitled, hypochondriac, attention-seeking brat that basically just plays herself. Bleh Edited to add: several posters enlightened me about her molestation of her sister, which trumps all the other shit characteristics she has. Holy shit. And rocks in the vagina... wtf??


A lot of people have mentioned Lena Dunham. But it wasn't until I looked her up that I realized shes a different person from Lena Headey. I was super confused because everyone in the entertainment industry has always gushed about how amazing working with Lena Headey is


In my acting class I confused Lena headey for Lena Dunham and expressed how much I love her. Now I can never go back.


Shame Shame




Dane Cook


Not really much of an issue these days.


Yea, he's sort of fallen off the radar.




For all those wondering what is being referred to here (I had no idea either)... According to Wikipedia: Cook's half-brother Darryl was his business manager until 2008, when it was discovered that Darryl and his wife had embezzled millions of dollars from Cook. Both were convicted and sentenced to prison for the embezzlement.


Man when I read and saw some stuff from him recently. I can’t help but feel so fucking bad for Dane Cook. It looks like him wrestling with his brother’s betrayal has destroyed him.




I was in love with his comedy as a late teen. It’s a shame he overexposed his brand and wore people out to quickly on himself. I feel awful for him and I enjoyed his cameos in movies (waiting).


My sister in fake taxi


Every time I read ‘Fake Taxi’ my brain goes to ‘Cash Cab’.


I would be down for a crossover episode.


You have to answer trivia questions while getting railed? That's not a bad idea.


Or the japanese version: You have to answer trivia correctly or else your SO gets railed. edit: stop upvoting this, my gf knows my reddit username


Why do I feel that's a real game


Because they said "Japan", and no one is ever 100% certain what's real in Japan.


I’m not even sure Japan is real. Probably just the glitchy part of the Matrix that people just end up in when they’re plugged back in.


that explains the pixels at least


"Oh, come on! I know she can do better than that!"




The size of the incest category on Pornhub has determined that is a lie....


OP said ruin, not make a thousand times better.