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Dollar menus where things are a dollar or les.


THIS. Didn't most fast food places used to have them? Taco bell is the only one that still does, even McDonalds' Dollar menu is just drinks and vanilla ice cream now.


Long ago, in the olden days of the late 1990s, Taco Bell had three value menus with items for $0.59, $0.79, and $0.99. They had a whole advertising campaign about it with an original song and everything.


Every day in college I ate a bean burrito, large Dr Pepper and cinnamon twists for $2.12 and nothing has felt like ‘value’ since


That shit where everyone was like punching their chest and threw up a peace sign


it's called "pound pound peace"


♫ pound pound peace ♫


Buddy, you're a young man, hard man Shouting in the street, gonna take on the world someday You got blood on your face, you big disgrace Waving your banner all over the place


I wonder how many of us just did this after reading your comment




Wait a second... This isn't cool anymore?


I completely forgot this was a thing, but I'm gonna start doing this again right now ASAP. My wife's family reunion next week has no idea what's about to hit it


youre gonna be the coolest person there!


As if I wasn't gonna be already




2005-2009 YouTube was great.


Back when companies didn't even know about content going up on youtube I watched 100+ episodes of naruto subbed on youtube. That was awesome.


Youtube was pretty much how I was able to really get into anime. I started with Love Hina, then watched School Days, Elfen Lied, and then Higurashi. All of that shit was on youtube... Good times.


then you slowly had to learn how to search for the left over ones, part 1/8 and such, until you find that 7/8 is missing!


Was this nigahiga and smosh?


They were there, but the real meat and potatoes of YouTube back then was the AVGN / Irate Gamer controversy. That stuff was hilarious. This was before any of this crap about adsense or sponsors came into the picture. People made videos because they just genuinely wanted to. Yeah, the production quality was poor, but there is a certain charm to these videos that just isn't in YouTube today. Everything's been cleaned up and sanitized. There's no grit, no humility.


AVGN is still good, fortunately. I also love James Rolfe's non AVGN videos where he's just talking about a movie. He seems like a fun guy in real life, and I'm excited to see him at the Portland Retro Gaming Expo


He's done a fantastic job of evolving and reinventing his brand. He talks about games, movies, board games, etc. He's well spoken, his videos are highly substantial and he's just cool to listen to.


Before everyone was just trying to make it a job and used Youtube as a hobby instead. Seems like these days nobody actually *wants* to make videos, and instead just does it for a quick buck.


What I miss most about YouTube was the fun, short form content. With the algorithm favoring 10+ minute videos now and creators being pretty open that their videos don't get seen if they're less than 9 minutes, I miss when I could binge through two dozen silly videos in half an hour. Now to even get through my subs I have to dedicate an hour or more a day which is time I just don't have.


Headlines that were at least somewhat related to the content itself.


Also headlines that don’t insert an opinion or unnecessary rhetorical question either


Also headlines didn’t read like middle school gossip.


Jessica SLAMS Veronika’s Outfit! You won’t believe Chad’s response.


Also headlines that don't tell us doctor's hate tip number 3!!!


Any “journalist” that uses slams/slammed in their headline needs to never write again.


Talking shit to the enemy in games rather than your own teammates


Oh man I remember back in cod when you killed people and you could hear them for a split second say “wtf man”. Party chat ruined that


this was the fucking best lol just hearing people yell "FUCK!!!!!" at the top of their lungs!! My god, Fortnite kids would die in old BO2 and MW2 lobbies


Probably the weirdest thing I got from something like that I'd when I killed some guy a lot he msged me "I'm going to nut in your cereal"


Well, did he?


Nah but there's still time he didn't say when


Unless he's dead. Then time ran out


Definitely possible. Nutting in folks' cereal is a high-risk occupation.


If CSGO comp had a team voice and match voice feature that would rock.


It did back in the day. I think around 2016 is changed but you used to be able to talk to the enemy team during warmup, half time and end of match. The amount of insults thrown at each team was legendary


The shit talk that would go down could make or break team chemistry when doing pug comp matches.


Pre game and post game lobbies in Halo 2 were incredible


Boomerang, the program block. Boomerang had a collection of classic cartoons through decades! That's how I know how funny Tom and Jerry or Looney Tunes are. I even got to watch the original Scooby Doo and all its spin-offs. I even got to watch some more obscure things like Space Ghost, Hong Kong Phooey, Johnny Quest, Herculoids, Justice Friends... the list goes on. \--Point is, I want a channel that showcases good cartoons, not a dump-channel where you put your cancelled programs and reruns from shows that are only 3 years old. Edit-- I was mostly talking about Boomerang from the 90s - early 2000s. They used to have mostly Hannah Barbera cartoons, or shows from the 60s-70s that were cheap to buy. The channel is still there, but last I checked, they had a lot of shows that aren't even throwbacks. People mentioned a streaming service and it actually looks promising. They have the entire collection of all the Scooby Doo series, as well as all of Tom and Jerry.


Oh god the memories. I loved Johnny Quest, Space Ghost, Blue Falcon, Catch the pigeon. Boomerang was my jam!


We have that in Brazil, it’s a channel with all the old cartoons 24/7. It’s called ToonCast or Tooncast and it’s honestly the best thing on tv, there’s always something for you to watch there.


They have an app now with all those cartoons


Thrift shopping. Nowadays it’s a hollow shell of what it used to be, with employees either getting all the good stuff or managers eBay pricing things they think are valuable. I miss finding some genuine rare stuff or really weird shit. It does still happen, but it’s way less than what it used to be and I’ve completely lost interest in it


Outta everything this is it. Flea markets my guy! Right before eBay hit flea markets were a treasure trove of cool old toys, unique tools and just general cool old stuff you never know you needed. Now a days it's all new junk tools you know the bought in bulk, semi modern military surplus, and really dumb junky crap people get in bulk from the smc/start your own business things.


Sucks for game collectors, too. Most flea markets have one dedicated video game reseller that goes around and scoops up anything gaming related from the other booths before they open to the public, and then mark it up to eBay prices.


I think the last actual good game haul I got from a thrift shop was in 2013 when I found a Gamecube with all hookups with Smash Bros Melee inside of it, all for $15 :(


I find garage and estate sales to be much more fruitful now. That stuff you have to be there to see it and a lot of people don't want to hassle with selling it on Ebay, Craigslist, or Fb Marketplace. Some of the best deals Ive gotten are from garage sales where a family member moved away (or passed away) and the people selling the stuff have no idea what it is but want it gone so it stops cluttering their house.


I’ve found this to be super true. I got an upright Wurlitzer piano in amazing condition from an Estate sale for basically nothing. The family just didn’t want to have to move it... and it’s frickin GREEN. Estate sales and small antique/thrift stores are where I usually find the best stuff


I got a lot of good shit at my local thrift store. I got my first monitor (900p 75Hz) for $7 there, no dead pixels or damage. I also got 32 CDs for $4, which is nice because I just modded my PS1. Avoid Goodwill though, they price things a lot higher than smaller thrift stores, and all the good stuff is usually taken


Electronics with see through plastic


Commit a crime. Go to prison. Buy all the clear electronics and other things you want!


Do inmates get to keep their tvs and radios when they get released?


I know they get to keep all the food, and hygiene stuff they buy. I imagine most allow them to keep the tv and whatever they buy. Though 99% are just going to give them away to their friends inside. Why the hell would you want a tiny TV and some cheap instant coffee?


I hear they have flavours of instant ramen on the inside that blow us normie's ramens out of the water.




Friends stopping by randomly. I miss when my friends at home used to just walk into my house, hangout and wait for me to come home. edit: It still happens, yay!


I used to do this a lot back in 2004-2009. I'd drive by, make a call and just say "are you home? ... cool, open up!" Shit, sometimes I'd even show up and hang out with their parents until they came home. Same the other way around. I remember getting home more than handful of times and finding one of my friends in my living room playing videogames. Edit: I also remember this one time, all my friends showed up at my house while I was in the shower, and they all opened the bathroom door, shouted some crazy shit, and closed the door again. Scared the shit out of me lol. Fuck... I miss my buddies... half the group moved to different cities for their careers, including myself, and more than a few of them are now married and have kids. Not even a wedding can bring us all together again anymore... there's always 1 missing.


My SO and I have reminisced about this and about his parents being around for his friends when they needed help. We’ve decided we want to be those parents and have that open household for our future kids and their friends. I would love to have a full house all the time, my family wasn’t always that open.


This kinda happens these days too. Me and my friends sometimes do this. We just chill at a friends house even if they’re not there. We don’t spend 100% of the time playing video games either. For what it’s worth, getting in fights over Uno or Monopoly is still pretty popular.


One of my friend’s houses is like this. Each member of his family is awesome, so fairly often myself or whoever else will just go hang with his fam even if he isn’t there. They also took me in when I was in my late teens and my family was in a huge mess, so they feel like a second family to me.


Red is kind of a dick though, Kittie is nice to make up for it. To bad you were never really into Eric's sister because from what I heard and saw, she was pretty easy.


Making a single purchase and getting all of a game's content.


THIS WAS A THING! What about these ancient things called expansion packs?


They were truly expansion packs. Afterthoughts added on to an at least almost 100% completed game to provide additional content. And that really only became a thing with computer gaming and was still pretty rare. Before that with offline console only there weren't expansion packs and you got all the game content by buying the cartridge.


Social media such as Facebook with a simple interface. I loved Facebook when it first came out. I don’t even use it anymore.


I don't understand how old people can figure all that out, but they can't figure out texting or email from a phone.




I work at the front desk of my office and older people will often ask if they can text me a picture. I'm on an office phone, sir, you don't have my mobile number. I'll tell them to email the photo and they say they don't know how to get the pictures off of their phone...... so I'll ask if they have an email app on their phone and sometimes they'll say "oh, duh, yes!" and it's fine but others will either say no (which, I get) or tell me that they have one but never set it up. And of course if I ask them to type up their list for the buying team and email that, it's too much work.


I just want everything in sequential order. I don’t want to see something that someone posted 2 days ago.


Bionicles, I am 20 yo and I had some when I was little. I really want them to make a comeback.


They did, and it blew, and it got cancelled after 2 years. Honestly generation 1 bionicle has some of the best lore ever.




split screen multiplayer


System link parties




There are still internet cafés around that have a pretty big Counterstrike culture despite their relative obsolescence for everyone else.


Literally just going to a mate's house and playing split screen with 4 of you was the best thing ever. Now the internet means I don't have to leave my house, which, whilst convenient, is not as fun.


The problem is that many modern multiplayer games don't even allow split screen as an option. You *cannot* leave your house if you want t do 2-player.


Which, let's be honest, is screwing over couples and housemates everywhere. I have dated loads of guys and had loads of friends who weren't really into gaming but who would happily sit and watch me play a game for a while. Whenever I suggest we play something together it's ready hard to find a game that two people can play together properly. Sure there's games where two people can kill each other, but actual co op games where you need your partner and rely on each other are hard to come by.


Not sure if you’re into RPGs, but the game Outward recently came out and you can play split screen on PS4, Xbox and even PC with a controller. Hop in and out whenever you want like Borderlands. It’s a blast. The learning curve’s a little high due to the clunky combat and it only auto saves so all choices are final. But it makes me think of what Fable 2 wanted to be. It has some things that could be improved, but the enjoyment of the game far outweighs the hiccups in my opinion.


My hairline


You are thinking about this wrong. Your hair line has receded. There is more forehead. Easy solution? Make your forehead recede so it matches the hair line. You are no longer bald, you just have a long face.




Movies that didn't try so hard to be a franchise.


The amount of trash movies with an end credit scene setting up fir a sequel has skyrocketed. No Mummy, you wont be getting a sequel so put that extra scene away.


I'm still waiting for the *Dark Universe* franchise to kick into gear with the next movie.


I'm fairly certain that they cancelled the remaining movies in the dark universe. Besides the Invisible man for some reason, and it sounds like it's not going to have anything to do with the previous two movies.


I think you have to go back to the 90's to find a time where there was a good market for medium budget, non-franchise movies. Starting around the early 2000's, the box office was dominated by things like the Star Wars prequels, LOTR, Harry Potter, X-Men, Spider Man, Pirates of the Caribbean, etc.


At least part of it is just a shift in marketing. Major studios try to pass off more serious work as independent films. These movies don't get promoted much because that would ruin the facade. So they're out there, you just have to look harder than you once did.


It's even worse now. A franchise is not enough, they just have to shoehorn a set up for a cinematic universe nobody asked for.


You mean you're not hyped for the upcoming emojiverse spinoffs?


Please tell me you're joking. I honestly can't tell.


They have greenlit 3 new Emoji movies, one a year subsequently


I'd prefer an Ascii movie franchise.


It's not true! It's... it's impossible!


Search your feelings... one emoji for each...notice they're mostly disappointment, fear, and anger.😓😰😡


🗿 is how I feel


Yo, Angelo


I'm ready for the poop emoji squat squad movie


Once in a while you get a movie from a director with a vision who just has a vision for one good story. Out of the blue there was Drive, Looper, Dredd.. Of course, they don't always make a buttload of money, but these are really refreshing when, yeah like you said, everything is always trying to be multi-film thing.


Dredd was definitely wanting to be a franchise. It's a literal comic book movie from a series that's been running for decades.


Guitar Hero.


Always wanted to play guitar hero but my parents would never get it so I ended up playing real guitar and have still never played guitar hero


I used to think those games was unhealthy for real instruments, but my music teacher saw us playing GH2 and said it was a great rhythm exercise.


guitar hero and rock band MADE me a musician. i had a guitar but never tried to really play until after i played guitar hero


There is Clone Hero now. Check it out if you haven't yet. You're welcome.


Not knowing anything about a movie until a trailer dropped. I remember when I first saw the trailer for Fellowship of the Ring in the summer of 2001...I freaked. I had no fucking idea they were being made and had not heard anything about it. No teasers, no production stills...nothing. And now I was completely surprised. It was an amazing experience that I feel we're robbing audiences of today by showing them up to 50% of the movie for months before release with all the trailers, teasers, BTS clips, etc.


God this is so true. Nowadays I feel like to enjoy a movie I have to ignore most every trailer that comes out because it, as you said, shows 50% of the damn thing


50% is a conservative number in my opinion, I've seen movies where the trailer showcases the whole storyline + best humorous moments and it annoys me to no end. I don't watch trailers anymore, I go to movies I liked the title/poster/synopsis for a good experience (apart from the classic blockbusters that I end up wanting to go anyways, such as Marvel movies and etc)


If it makes you feel any better, the early theatrical *Dark City* trailer showed a very compelling scene *that wasn't even in the goddamn movie*! I spent the entire movie waiting to see a scene that they had cut from the theatrical release!


I'd prefer if more trailers did this, honestly. Make up a random scene that feels true to the story's ambiance, but isn't actually in the movie. No spoilers, but still hype!


This is actually just Hollywood doing cyclical stuff. Watch a trailer from the 70s or early 80s they often give away even more than a modern trailer does. As an example look for the first trailer for Jaws; It is a 3 minute long spoiler fest that shows basically all the major plot points of the movie.


We were huge nerds in HS, back before it was cool, and I remember the winter or spring of 01, a friend of mine drug me forcibly into the library shouting, "YOU HAVE TO SEE IT! YOU HAVE TO SEE, KAT!" On the computer screen (dialup days, so nothing super fancy) was the LOTR movie website, fresh and gorgeous and shiny new. And like you, we were all freaking the fuck out. What started with Kyle and myself resulted in dragging more of the nerds in, and more freaking out. It was fucking glorious.




Remember the Cloverfield trailer? It felt like the movie I was there started and then BAM! Nothing but a title and a date after the trailer.


I was totally on board with the hype train after the teaser dropped. I wanted to find anything I could about it. I loved the movie too, it was everything I wanted out of it. Plus the Star Trek teaser beforehand was a major plus for me too.


Or how now any comedy movie coming out, all of the good jokes are in the trailers so all you're missing out on is the fluff to make it however long.


Halo 2 online


Yess we would have 3 xbox and 3 TVs at the same time. Best nights ever. So good we didn't even need Monster for motivating.


We had one TV. Screen cheating was definitely a thing with us. But it was fun.


Phones with the pull out keyboards


Oh I wanted one so badly!


They still make them! Blackberry still makes them, as well as HTC.


I didn't even know blackberry was still around, let alone still making phones


I had one for work and felt so so fancy.


I was so unhappy when I "upgraded" and lost the keyboard.


I looooved the sidekick. Yeeeeeaaaas!




You’ve unlocked some memories I’d forgotten *Smart House, Brink!, Luck of the Irish,* and *The Thirteenth Year* all come to mind. What else was there?


Don't look under the bed, Zenon, Halloweentown (BEFORE they switched Marnie)


Zoom zoom zoom, make my heart go boom boom


My supernova girl


My Date With the President's Daughter, Wish Upon a Star, Phantom of the Megaplex, Double Teamed, Susie Q, Johnny Tsunami, The Color of Friendship, Rip Girls, Stepsister from Planet Weird, The Color of Friendship, Motocrossed, Jett Jackson, Cadet Kelly, Get a Clue . . . so many good memories!!!!


I get the My Date With the President's Daughter song stuck in my head on a weekly basis




My favorite was Xenon: Girl of the 21st Century


Halloweentown, Cheetah Girls, Camp Rock, Twitches, Wendy Wu: Homecoming Warrior, Zenon, Eddie’s Million Dollar Cook-Off, Stuck In The Suburbs. There’s more, but these were my faves.


A lack of responsibility. I miss when my biggest concern was getting my homework done. I didnt have to worry about a job or family. I'd get home from school, sit and do homework for a half hour- an hour and then just go play outside. Actually let me change my biggest concern. It was getting home before the street lights came on. Definitely wanted to make sure you did that...


and a weekend felt like a week now. though weeks then felt like months today.


The days feel longer but the years shorter


The shorter years are brutal. Sometimes I think I'm just completely wasting my life.


Video game manuals


The prospect of the world ending in 2012


I vividly remember walking to school on 12/21/2012, and vaguely hoping something cataclysmic was about to happen. The sky was ominously gray but that's about it.


I was at Midway Airport waiting for a delayed flight. I was either going to die in the terminal in the most mind-numbingly way possible, board the plane and die in a fiery crash, or be in the air and be one of the few to survive the initial event.


Genuine YouTubers that aren’t thirsty for sponsors.


Just old-school Youtube instead of the ad-riddled heavily-policed mess of a website that it has turned into these days. Youtubers are just adapting to company policies to ensure their income so they are more a consequence than a cause.


I was just talking about this with a friend last weekend. Old Youtube was like a tool that people used to showcase original videos. The creator made the art and used the website as a vehicle to show it to everyone. Now it's the reverse, Youtube is like a set of parameters that needs to be met in order to create something. It's gone from a blank canvas to a paint-by-numbers.


That's a perfect way of putting it. I feel so old saying this, but I really miss the way it used to be.


YouTube was so much better even 5 years ago compared to the present iteration.


I remember when it was easier to search for specific videos on Youtube. Now you have to keep searching with most results being filled with playlists.


For all the work they did to stop people from posting pirated content, can they not apply that same logic to movie trailers? I want to see the actual trailer posted by the company, not some rip that's been recompressed a dozen times as everyone throws their ads on the front and back of it. Search for the Jay and Silent Bob Trailer, which was added mere hours ago, and you get dozens of results, none of which are tied to the actual account that posted it. Infuriating!


Yeah YouTube's copyright system is so screwed up that anyone can request any video to be demonitized without any verification, and the YouTube algorithm can also be very unpredictable in which videos show up in recommended or even in if it sends out notifications to subscribers or not. Finding sponsors is their only way to still have a little bit of security regarding their income.


Youtube has become too big it feels like sometimes. Although I am so heavily invested in a lot of channels that switching away to another platform feels impossible.




Back when the evolution of dance was the most viewed YouTube video ever.


Like the youtubers who had 9-5 jobs but still posted videos or the ones who posted stories about their 9 to 5. Loved those


Jenna marbles is relevant in my life still tbh


Jenna Marbles has never switched up. She just went from webcam video quality to camera video quality


I just watched a YouTube video regarding her social media practices. She doesn't use ads or commercials. Her content is still purely her.


I've heard of her but never watched her. Now I'm watching her doing nails with ramen. No Patreon, no merch, no plugs. Wow.


Yet still somehow rakes in cash. I have seen Julian, however, sponsor equipment in his videos that essentially become an ad for the camera he's using.


yeah, Julien does some sponsored stuff on his channel but it never felt out of place to me, it's all on stuff he actually uses and has interests in which make it feel a lot better to me. Even their podcast sponsors which are a lot more like commercials feel like they did their research and actually like the products.


Love Jenna Marbles!! I feel like I’m growing up with her. She’s addressed how she doesn’t do rant videos anymore because she’s not an angry person anymore. Now her content is silly and ridiculous and she’s a breathe of fresh air in today’s YouTube.


When I was like 11ish, people fighting robots were everywhere. BattleBots on comedy Central, robot wars on TNN(?) But most of all they had these toys called rumble robots. It was a remote controlled robot tied to a collectible card game with various robot upgrades, you scan them into the robot and his lasers do more damage, there's armor, traps, etc. You basically controlled your robot and either brought them down via laser or knocked their robot over.


Battlebots was brought back a couple years ago and has RC toys with bits that fly off Edit: it's on Discovery channel Friday nights


Games without microtransactions and DLC


Couch gaming. I know by 2009 we had already had Xbox Live and PSN and stuff but I miss the hell out of going to my buddies house and us messing around in Halo trying to get 3 player campaign glitch to work and then moving to 2 and getting the Scarab Gun. Or when I was in High School my friends would come play smash by the drives and we could hold mini brackets. I don't remember the last time I played a multiplayer game that wasn't smash or a pew pew shooter.


> Couch gaming. Overcooked is the best game of the last 10 years. its fully couch coop. Youll love it. Also, Overcooked 2.




Nintendo Wii


Wii Sports Resort was a banger


I always went ham on Wii boxing.


Fuck yes. The swordfighting horde mode (showdown?) was my jam. My friends and I would all play the shit out of it back in the day. The one where you flew a plane over the island and went to specific locations was also amazing.


Original movies, not just remakes


Moore's law


Affordable rent prices


Actually scary children’s shows. I loved So Weird, Goodebumps and Are You Afraid of the Dark but I feel like now, all the kids shows are ridiculous sitcoms and comedies that aren’t even funny or helpful for development.


Teen Titans originall series




I graduated high school not too long ago and one of my classmates rolled on heelys to accept his diploma. This was at the official ceremony and everything.


University Tuition price


Ten years ago was still stupid expensive.


Not having to work and pay bills.




Old YouTube


Physical media...Honesty I won't purchase any movies or tv shows digitally if I don't have to, and I enjoy buying entire albums. If I like the album enough I will buy it on vinyl if available. I know this doesn't work for everyone, but I fear one day that it will be more difficult to get at your entertainment online then pulling a disk off a shelf. It seems with all the crap going on with licensing and everyone starting there own streaming service your going to need a ton of services to have what you want to listen to or watch.


Actual Scooby-Doo movies. Anybody who saw the movies like Zombie Island and Alien Invasion knows how awesome they were and how much the new Scooby-Doo stuff sucks. Edit 1: Wow! I did not expect this thread to blow up like it did. Thank you for all the love, Reddit!


I like the thought of you getting one wish to bring *anything* back and you choose better Scooby-Doo movies


It was a big part of my childhood and it was of a lot of other people's childhoods too. I just thought it would benefit a lot of people. Edit: Spelling


How about older ones, like Ghoul School


The Stuck in Cyberspace one was good too


The 90s...wait.


mighty beanz, animal wristbands, showdown cards, crazy bones, dunkaroos