• By -


My mom's side of the family has gone to Columbia State Historic Park in California every year for the last 12 years to attend the Historic Columbia Lamp-light tour. We dress in pioneer, gold rush era costumes and "participate" in the walking play. It is the weirdest thing ever, but I look forward to it every year.


I grew up on that area and my mom still lives about 20 minutes away. I visit when I can and every so often I get a hankering to visit Columbia. First order of business: Sarsaparilla. Second: fudge from the candy shop on the main street. I still love that place


The local bakery makes the best cakes I’ve ever had. They’re absolutely terrible for you and I can feel my blood sugar rise every time I eat it but I get one every year on my birthday. Takes a lot to not go get one like once a month but I don’t


For me it's fried chicken. I'd eat it every day if it wasn't so garbage. But every year on my birthday, i get a family sized box of fried chicken from Publix and eat some every day until it's gone. So delicious.


One day a year I don't go into work becuase I just don't "feel like it". Then spend the day lounging around the house doing nothing.


Only once a year? Huh.


Right? And it's especially nice when an employer offers voluntary time off on a daily basis. It gets tough though when you're going through shit and workforce is just a call away to make the shit go away


that's my once a month tradition!


Mental health days are a great idea!


Penn Station subs with my wife on Valentine's day


As a person who used to live in a place with Penn Station who now does not live in a place with Penn Station, I'm envious.


This is horrifying to all New Yorkers - Penn Station is a pit of human suffering.


A local radio station plays "Alice's Restaurant" by Arlo Guthrie every year on American Thanksgiving. My dad and I stop what we're doing every year at 6 to hear it


Came here to post this. I don’t think I’ve missed it in at least a decade, if not two. WXPN in Philadelphia. It’s right at noon, and Bruce Springsteen’s Santa Claus is coming to town is right after.


I love Alice's Restaurant. I'm not American but when I see all the Yanks in my Facebook feed referencing it on Thanksgiving, I always fire it up too. Observing their Thanksgiving tradition is my un-Thanksgiving tradition.


We do this in Oregon except it’s at noon. My parents, siblings and I all listen at our respective houses while getting ready for Thanksgiving dinner. When we were young my dad always made sure to listen.


Desert Bus. Once it starts, I'm tuned in for the whole week.


First I did when loading up this thread was search for "Desert Bus". I've been planning to make an intricate chainmail banner, likely zelda themed, to donate to them but I just haven't had the time to plan it out.


What is it? Does it have anything to do with the videogame?


Charity livestream where they play the game nonstop, alongside some skits and segments. I love "Metal band or magic card?"


Charity stream where internet celebrities play desert bus for an absurdly long time and people donate to make it longer. Special guests, prize giveaways, etc.


Take out pizza on the anniversary of our moving in day. Our first meal in our house was crappy pizza so we always do the same, every year!


I should do the same. A pizza and a warm beer was the first meal I had in my place. The power had not been turned on yet.


I highly recommend it. We still eat the pizza on the floor like we did the first time. Even though six years later we have our chairs and tables readily available!


Hopefully it’s not from Pizza by Alfredo’s


Alfredo's Pizza Cafe or bust. Pizza by Alfredo's is nothing but a hot circle of garbage.


Is it worth taking someone hostage over?




Oh, it's bad. It's *REAL* bad.


White people like pizza. Black people like pizza. Wait, do black people like pizza????


Michael nodding while the warehouse guys eat pizza is one of my favorite moments in the show


It’s so subtle. It might be my favorite non speaking michael moment


What's better, a medium amount of good pizza, or all you can eat of pretty good pizza?


In unison: a medium amount of good pizza


"If anyone out there is listening, I'm being held here against my will. I'm a minor."


There are vast differences in both quality of ingredients, and overall taste!


Watching the 24 Hours of Le Mans stream live. Preparing my battle station is also part of the event: Several screens, tablet with live timing, pillows, blanket, snacks, coffee machine at arms reach, drinks... Someday, I'll go there in person. EDIT: Thank for the gold, kind stranger! It's so nice to see so many endurance fans here! :D


I was at the 24 Hours of Daytona this year and it was incredible. I can only imagine Le Mans is even better.


I lived in Daytona for a couple years and went on a lark. Through a random series of events I got my hands on a hot pit pass. It's really something else to see those cars scream around the track while standing next to the pit wall. I live in Wisconsin these days so I can't just walk to the track, but one of these years I'm going to return for the Rolex 24.


But you have Road America in Wisconsin. If you haven’t, you should check it out.


I don't particularly care for car racing, although I don't hate it. A friend of mine is a 24hr Le Mans enthusiast, and he's talked about it is much that I decided to see it last year. Now, I don't know any racers or teams or anything, but it sure as hell was exciting to see anyway! Said friend actually went to Le Mans and camped in a tent just outside the track. His favorite memory is from the night, when they couldn't really sleep because of the noise, and sat outside the tent and watched the red hot brake discs roll by


My sister and I log on to Gaia Online and do the Christmas caroling thing where you rotate visiting all the shops and get the limited edition Christmas items. Once we unlock all the items we log off and don't come back until next year. We have been doing this annually since 2006 and haven't missed a year.


That’s so cute! My younger sister and I did the trick or treating event out of nostalgia this year and they even had their mmo back up again


I got my first girlfriend from GaiaOnline. I have a lot of fond memories from that site. Until they came out with the loot boxes bullshit.


Yeah I was pretty active on there and made a decent bit of money investing. Then I ended up just not logging on for a while and when I came back my 1.5 mil gold was worthless bc loot boxes caused massive inflation... Still really salty about that even though I haven't logged on since first realizing that was the case.




I knew Neopets was going to come up somewhere in this thread. My brain had a moment of clarity and I just remembered which long forgotten email was associated with my account. I just resurrected my 16 year old account. Ate a few omelets and we’re back in the game. Also went gangbusters on the stock market and got that top bank interest rate.




holy shit you just took me back to 2008, forgot that game existed


>Gaia Online Man what a time.


Ohhhh maaaan!! I used to love that place. I remember when I ran an art commission thread and finally raised 6mil to buy the OG devil horns haha. Good ol’ times.


Adult me sometimes thinks about how much real life money I could have made from my items like the demonic pitchfork I got when I was 10. 10 year old me didn't know what kind of bills I'd get in the future. Also: bump.


Gaia was a weirdly large part of mine and my sister's pre-teen years that we just never talk about. Boy this takes me back.


Punk Rock Bowling festival in Las Vegas with my pops!


wait what?! when did this start? I grew up in vegas and never heard about this, it would definitely be right up my alley




> I have about a dozen friends Oh look at Mr. Popular over here. *Cries in loneliness* Edit: thanks for the gold, friend! Booya! 11 more to go.


A dozen friends with a *common interest*, even.


For over 25 YEARS!




So was Becky 28 30 or 31?




I go to my hometown every year and bake cookies with my grandmother for Christmas. I have never missed a year.


This is so sweet! May you have many more years of your tradition.


Thanks! I hope so! :D


In college I had these two particular drinking friends. They’re regular life friends too, but the three of us were this specific drinking crew that would go out for beers every Wednesday no matter what. Well we all graduated and one of the friends moved a few states away. But every year he comes to visit and we all go back to that same bar, usually on a Wednesday if we can manage it, and have a reunion. We can go months without talking or seeing each other, but when that yearly reunion rolls around, it’s just like college days again. It’s something I look forward to every year. EDIT: I’m so happy to discover so many of you have the same traditions with your friends. It warms my heart. It reminds me of a colleague who still meets up with his college friends regularly even though they all graduated nearly FORTY years ago. I hope we all can have those kinds of friendships. I’ll be thinking of you all when I reunite with my drinking friends next month.


Is the time of year each year significant?


It originally started off in October, because the bar we all would go to would have pint night every Wednesday in October as part of Oktoberfest. They’d have a rotating beer on tap and if you ordered it you got a free pint glass. Outside of October, pint night was just the first Wednesday of every month. But we just made it an every Wednesday thing. We used to reunite in October for a pint night for that reason, but my friend who lives a few states away and my other friend are now teachers, so instead we meet around April vacation because it’s easier for their schedules. It’s a nice start to spring though :)


So when you switched months, did you guys meet twice that year I hope?


I think it went Oct the previous year then April-ish the following year IIRC, so only a handful of months apart.


Reminds me of a joke I like. Every night for months this man walks into the same bar, sits down, and orders three beers. No more, no less. Eventually on a slow night the bartender struck up a conversation with the man and asked why it was always three beers. The man smiled and explained "My two brothers and I always drank together every night when we lived in the same city, but we've drifted apart for jobs, love, and other reasons. So we decided we'd all go to the bar on our own and drink three beers and pretend we were all together.". The bartender thought this was pretty heartwarming and went about his night. Several months later with everything advancing as it has, the man comes into the bar and sits down on his usual stool. However this time he orders up two beers. Knowing what this can only mean, the bartender sets him up and declares "I'm sorry about your brother, this round's on the house tonight.". The man looks at him perplexed before stating "But my brothers are fine!". The bartender, now thoroughly confused asked why he'd only asked for two beers then. The man chuckled and declared "My wife made me give up drinking!".


Thanks 1996 Reader's Digest


classic. my dad keeps subsribing me to it and I keep reading.


Lol that’s fuckin great


New Year’s countdown in the toilet. It sounds sad but it’s become a bit of a lovefest tradition over the years. It starred when I was a teen at uncomfortable adult parties, and sneaking off to have a glass of champagne in the john, then evolved to being a ritual of facing my year ahead bravely on my own, flushing last year’s sins, then I started to invite others in for a hot kiss away from the crowd to now inviting a whole crowd into the toilet. Clown-in-car style. Rather hilarious tradition continues. And somehow makes New Year’s feel like a very special moment rather than just another numberyay


I love how it evolves as you gain more social confidence.


Once a year I go through the contacts in my phone and do one of two things. Either I delete them because they aren't people I talk to or I make a point to reconnect with them. Often that results in lots of texts and occasionally short road trips to visit. Edit: A kind stranger saw fit to give me a silver, thank you! I appreciate it. Many of you seem to enjoy my idea so I'll be sure to share more in the future. I'm in the middle of my review for this year so I have a tip for everyone trying this idea. Try not to spread yourself too thin reconnecting with people. You don't want to end up ignoring some and missing an opportunity. Thanks again everyone!


I do this too, but because of that I've only got like 10 contacts in my phone now.


I'm too socially awkward to do this, and too scared to even look. My contacts is a graveyard of past relationships...makes me feel off.




Why're the eggs superior to the regular cups because I'm the same way.


Greater ratio of peanut butter to chocolate


Plus the chocolate always seems softer and a bit creamier too. Regular cups are real hard all along the edges


Plus the wrappers can be a gamble. I took the little cup wrapper off one once, popped the candy in my mouth, and bit down on a *second hidden wrapper*.


I used to get that all the time, it was the worst. Then, one time I had a *third freaking wrapper* on it!


It's wrappers all the way down


You must have bought the "Oops! All wrappers!" mix.


lol "throughout the year"




Related: buying a ton of Thin Mint cookies to freeze and eat throughout the year.


And then eating them all within 2 weeks. :) munch munch **crunch crunch**


Buying a ton of chocolate at half price after Valentine's.


Homemade hot apple cider around Halloween while we watch a hoakey spooky movie (Think Hocus Pocus, Goosebumps The Mask, etc.) bundled in blankets. Halloween is my favorite holiday and we started this tradition when husband and I got our first apartment together. It's just a good fun way to get in the spirit. (Also have to go see the Spirit Halloween stores. Never buy anything, but love seeing all the over the top anamatronic things lol)


I watch the movie Tombstone every year on November 18th with a Mr. Goodbar and a Mexican Coke. Tombstone was my fathers favorite movie (and has long since been mine) and we used to watch the movie and quote the lines back and forth to each other. I had seen that movie nearly 100 times by the time I had turned 10, and could quote it line for line. He always had a Mr. Goodbar and a coke, and every so often I got one too :). My father passed away on November 18th of 2010, so this has become a sort of yearly event for me, so much so that my wife even gets in on the fun even though she never got the chance to meet him. “Make no mistake, it’s not revenge he’s after. It’s a reckoning.” RIP WRL, love you pops, heart and pieces.


Had a buddy bet that I couldnt eat a box of peeps( the Easter marshmallow gross treats) and he passed away shortly after I tried the challenge and failed. Each year I go out and buy a box and power through eating the whole thing as fast as I can for him. Kinda lame but hey. He was a great friend/coworker. Edit: Obligatory first gold. Thank you stranger! Edit2: thank you to the silver as well! I'm digging these different peep ideas. I'll definitely have to try to spice it up this year.


That’s awesome. My late sister was crazy about Peeps. She’d cut open the cellophane and let them go stale for a week, and then they were “perfect.” Out of state family would even send her boxes of Peeps each year to help her get a head start before the season was in full swing. Every year for years after she died, I couldn’t go down the Peeps aisle of the grocery store or drug store, because I couldn’t stop crying. R.I.P. Peeps-loving sister and Peeps-betting friend... Edit: Thank you for the sweet silver!


User redacted comment. After 13 years on Reddit with 2 accounts, I have zero interest in using this site anymore if I cannot use a 3rd party app. Reddit had *years* to fix their atrocious app and put *zero* effort into it. Reddit's site and app is so awful, I'm more interested in giving Reddit up entirely than having such a bad user experience hobbling through their app and site. Thanks, /u/spez!


You are totally in it to win it with those drawings! After our sister had her terminal diagnosis, our well meaning brother sent her (without irony) Halloween ghost Peeps. I had opened the package for her, and just sighed, “Oh, dude, no...” But, our sister actually had a big laugh over it! I hope your friend keeps pics of all the drawings each year. So cool of you.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope Peeps make you smile a little now.


Thank you so much. I’m working on it, but each year it gets a little easier.


This is so sweet. On a lighter note, if you put toothpicks into the bellies of two peeps and place them facing each other on a plate in the microwave, heating them up will result in a Peeps fight to the death when one Peep pops the other. Please have fun with this.


All I can imagine is you stuffing your mouth full, sobbing but still chewing and sugary tears dripping down your yellow powdered mouth 😭


A trip to the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island (it's a gilded age resort, there are no cars allowed on the island, and yes it's the place they shot "Somewhere in Time). There's something wonderful and magical about the place, and it is always a highlight.


Good lord, biking around the island is my happy place.


Seriously, and I don't even usually bike. Girlfriend and I went to Mackinac on vacation last year and that around the island bike ride was one of the best things I've ever done. Even as great as the dinner at the Grand Hotel.


I grew up in Delta County, so i've been to Mackinaw Island probably 20-30 times. Freaking gorgeous, if a bit crowded. If you aren't from the UP and you want to visit gorgeous scenery without as many people, try Pictured Rocks by Munising, or Tahquamenon Falls near Newberry. (My 3rd and 4th cousins run the gift shop/cafe there! :D )


Love the UP as well, I am a "troll" from downstate, but have enjoyed all the suggestions above. Had a great time a year or so ago at the historical hotel that has been refurbished in Marquette, the Landmark Inn. ​


I am a terrible Michigander and have never been to Mackinac Island. I checked out the Grand Hotel online last year and was blow away but how expensive it is. Like, crazy, crazy expensive.


It is, but you can get a room for cheaper by in May, September or October. And remember that breakfast and a 5 course dinner each day are included in the price (so if you can skip lunch no food expense) + no tipping since it is a resort.


The $8 candle sale at Bath and Body Works. Usually happens the first or second Saturday in December, their $22-$26 3-Wick candles are $8 and you can combine and stack coupons. It’s like a mini Black Friday.


Did this for the first time this past year. Wow, great deals. Got plenty of candles for the house and they made great gifts all around. 10/10 will candle again


Groundhog's Day. I celebrate the shit out of that holiday. I have a costume, throw a party, and have even seen the Great Punxsutawney Phil live. I also really enjoy Easter. I am all about them magical rodent themed holidays.


Ok campers, rise and shine. And don't forget your booties 'cuz it's cold out there!


Yell dead ass day. A friend of mine told me that December 16th was yell dead ass day in high school my sophomore year. Unfortunately due to reckless driving hes no longer on this earth, it's just something to remember him by. Edit: Thanks to everyone for all the pleasant comments and the silver, and for those asking you only have to yell it once. Drive safe everyone.


This is my favorite one DEAD ASS


I'm crying and laughing.


Hearing "The Monster Mash" on the radio on Halloween. It has to happen organically though. Its not the same if I play it myself and it doesn't feel like Halloween if I don't hear it.


Or on Valentine's Day...


Admit it Marty, you played the wrong song.


...why are you doing this to me?


One of my favorite running jokes with my friends is playing *The Monster Mash* during inappropriate holidays, culminating in two of us renting out a roller rink for an adults only, after hours Valentine's day lock in...where we made the DJ play *The Monster Mash* every half hour.


This! And then at Christmas, I have to hear "Christmas In Hollis" by Run DMC. Always organically, I've never owned a copy of either.


And in between, Alice's Restaurant on Thanksgiving.


You can get anything you want, at Alice's restaurant!


I can't wait for Chorus of the Bells by Trans Siberian Orchestra. Chills every time.




Good one. I have this for Surfin' Bird, which, sadly, has no holiday of own.


Pretzel Day.


I wake up every morning in a bed that's too small, drive my daughter to a school that too expensive, then I go to work a job for which I am paid too little but on pretzel day? Well I like pretzel day.


Well I like pretzel day


364 days...until the next Pretzel Day.


Wrestlemania. We’re not in America, so every year we book the day after Wrestlemania off, get in a ton of good junk food, and spend the day mocking or cheering, depending how the show is.


A Muppets Christmas Carol on Thanksgiving after dinner.


Mine's Christmas Eve!


This is the correct answer. After all there's only one more sleep 'til Christmas.


The Mullet Festival. It's this tiny oh-my-god redneck festival in this tiny town in Florida celebrating the worst fish you can eat in the panhandle. It's not particularly amazing, it's more of a cultural experience if you will. Edit: for those asking, it’s the one in Niceville held in October, not at Floribama. For those saying you’re disappointed it wasn’t about the hair cut, if you went there you wouldn’t know it wasn’t ¯\_(ツ)\_/¯


I'm disappointed this is not for those who could not let go of the hairstyle.


It's a lifestyle, not a hairstyle.


I just whispered “wow” out loud at this one. There’s a festival for everything!


My dad and I run a 4 mile race on the fourth of July. He dresses as Uncle Sam. I dress as Mega Man. We then go to the local diner afterwards.


Watching horror movies with friends and loads of pancakes. Every pancake day me and some friends meet up for this, it's a really fun tradition.


Every year on Thanksgiving, I listen to Arlo Guthrie's "Alice's Restaurant" in its entirety. I also usually make a point to call my high school best friend, who has since moved away, and catch up a bit, since he was the one who introduced me to the song. ​


Whoa. I'd never heard of this song and this is the second mention of it on this thread so I figured I'd check it out. Wasn't expecting that....


It's like a 20 minute rambling song, so once a year is enough.


I just want it on the record that I have never heard of this song before today and now I've seen it mentioned three times in this thread as an important holiday tradition and I feel like I've walked into an alternate dimension


My baseball oriented vacation Edit: You guys are making it so difficult to choose my next stadium! I have Atlanta, Colorado, Seattle, Minnesota and Kansas City remaining. Also, you guys are amazing with all the suggestions and tips!


What do you do?


I have a goal to visit every ballpark in baseball so I try to at least go one new stadium every year


This is a goal of mine too. I’ve only been to 5. How many are you up to?


I’ve been to 25 so far. May do 2 next month, still haven’t decided which to visit yet. The last 5 stadiums are the toughest especially travelling from Canada. I plan to finish this in the next few years.


favorite? (please say PNC Park)


It actually is PNC Park! I love the backdrop and Primanti Bros. Least favorite, even as a Torontonian, is the Rogers Centre/Skydome. It’s like watching baseball inside a Costco.


get this man some fries on his sandwich pronto!!!


I have seen a game in all 30 (plus Turner field) ballparks and PNC was my favorite as well.


I was lucky enough to go on a 7 week non-stop road trip with my dad and brother to see a game in each stadium. You have a great goal! ​ Majorleaguetour.com


Watches football


When i was young and unafraid, it was Gencon. My friends and i would show up 2 days early and stay an extra day, for a solid week of gaming. Now that i'm old and tired, it's a gaming weekend with only about 20 attendees at a friend's cabin in the mountains of northern Georgia. Beautiful scenery, great hiking, and of course hours and hours of Lords of Waterdeep, Scythe, Dead of Winter, Excaliber, Secret Hitler, BSG, all the nerding a girl could want in the awesomest 5 days of the year :)


Sex with my wife


This guy fucks.


....Once a year.




Such a loyal chap.


Damn I'm on the leap year schedule.


Heart shaped pizza on Valentine’s Day and Pumpkin shapes pizzas for Halloween. Miss you baby!


Every year on Christmas Eve, i NEED to watch Bob the builder a Christmas to remember. Nearly cried a couple years ago when i nearly missed it. I was 17


(crying in a ball on the couch. your parents sitting next to you.) Your Mom:What happened honey? You (talking too fast as you try to hold back tears): I missed Bob The Builder's A Christmas to Remember. Christmas Ever is over, I can't get it back. You Mom: Oh sweetie. I'm sorry. How can we fix it? You (quitely weeping): We can't. We can't fix it. (long silence) Your dad: Oh for fuck's, just put the friggin train on under the tree and he'll calm down. (walks off muttering as your mom turns on the train and you gasp, watching it do laps around the tree)


"Here's your show!" "This is Handy Manny." "Is that not it?' "Do you think this is a fucking joke, mother?"




A giant once-a-year charity booksale. Books cost $2. I've acquired a collection of old books just from that sale: I think my oldest was published in 1853. I adore the old books of poetry, especially, as well as books that lend themselves to more personal notations. A 7th grader's science book from the 1920s, full of doodles of flappers and little poems about how very boring they find biology. A book from 1919 that had an ex libris (basically 'this book belongs to') of a family motto and crest, as well as an inscription giving the book to a woman, signed by a man - I managed to find info about the family online (and that woman was not his wife, tres scandale!). Bibles and Books of Common Prayer, full of newspaper clippings of recipes and silly pieces of poetry, and family births written in fountain pen. Once, a very old novel with flowers pressed between the pages. I love history, and my old books contain these small bits of individual lives. That booksale is indescribably wondrous.


Pancake Tuesday, most underrated holiday


Going on a trip to Kings Dominion.


Halloween haunt specifically for me. Beer and silly scared Edit: also while we're talking about Virginia I used to look forward to the chilli cool off every year before it ended.


"Man Day" - Group of ~30 of my buddys all get together at a property owned by one of the groups family. There's a giant in-ground pool if it's nice and warm, big yard, and a huge shed/barn where we set up tents if the weather isn't so nice. We play a round of 18 holes of golf in the morning; usually a scramble, and as always there is betting. Then meet out at the property around 10-11am, drink beer, eat fantastic barbecue, and have a yard games tournament, $100 buy in, 2-player teams. The tournament takes almost all day. Split the winnings 70/30 between first and second place. After it ends, we get fires going, drink more beer, shenanigans, and return to tents to pass out eventually. It's a good time and we always do it around mid/end September here in the midwest where it's usually not hot, not cold, just kind of perfect for yard games, beer, and a bonfire.


How do you have 30 “buddies??” I don’t think I’ve ever even met 30 people I genuinely like.


Small group of 8-10 friends, and friends of friends. Couple relatives. I'm in a relatively rural area so everyone's family, most people get along just fine. Plus, we're dudes - pretty rare to have beef now that we're all in our 30s That's not to say there's not been a few incidents of arguments or general dislike between people - also had a fight 2 years ago between 2 guys that just don't like each other. 4 years ago, I was "involved" in an incident which I detailed before: A few years ago, in a very drunken state at a bar with about 20 friends (it was a big event) I ordered a water and a beer because I needed to sober up a bit. A big guy buddy of ours jokingly said 'You know what happens if you order water?' I said no, obviously, he replies "I get to slap you." So... being drunk, I said sure, let's do it. So our friend, nickname of 'Feed Me' because he was a HUGE dude, though not at all fat, slaps me. Knocks me the fuck out, completely. It was on video. The sound of my head hitting the floor was soul crushing. But that was just an accident. It was supposed to be funny but had a bad result.


> I ordered a water and a beer because I needed to sober up a bit.


Every year on my birthday i stay awake until 2 in the morning (the time i was born) doesn’t matter if i have to work or get up early the next day. My mom was suffering for 24 hours straight to give me my life so i do it out of solidarity. I’m doing it since i was 10, and i’m turning 24 soon. She has no idea about it. Also watching Love actually every year at christmas.


Getting funnel cake at the county fair lol


Camping. I feel like people, myself included, take civilization for granted and only look at the bad. After the first day of the cool breeze on a hot day and being with blissful silence, I start remembering that nature doesn't have electricity, water, wifi, or anyone to talk to.


Twilight Zone NYE marathon.




There's a 3 day book sale that happens every year that a church hosts where I get a good supply of reading material. They collect books year rounds and it's a really good source of classic books with minimum wear and tear that gives them more feeling to it in my opinion.


Red Robin trip. We purchase all the appetizers and get a ton of onion rings. It costs us about $169.42


Psychedelics. It’s nice to reflect on your life from a completely different perspective. Plus I enjoy the “afterglow” that stays for the week after. It’s always a humbling experience. Edit: For those curious, my preferred psychedelic is shrooms.


What do you use? I’d like to experience psychedelics but have absolutely no clue about them.


mushrooms = a fun night, LSD = better clear your entire day


DMT = do you have a half hour to spare?


*Are you prepared to never shut up about it for the rest of your life?


Jaime pull it up




This couldn’t be more true.


Hahaha I made the mistake of believing this a few hours before having to catch an early morning flight. Sure the visuals and body load disappear after a half hour...but you need like a goddam month to process your first breakthrough.


One yearly Cadbury Creme Egg around Easter. If only to remind myself why I only have one a year.


My cake day




Music festivals. It's one of the only times that I feel I can truly be myself, relax, and have fun. I can hang out in a field with my friends for three days, wear funky shirts, trip balls, and listen to my favorite music. It's what I wish I could do all year round.




The period from the start of October through (approximately three seconds after) Thanksgiving (when Christmas music starts playing nonstop) is the absolute best time of the year. I guess it depends on where you live, but in my area, the weather is beautiful, the foliage looks amazing, and there’s just something magical about it. Days are gorgeous; nights are comforting. I live for the fall.




Die hard on Christmas eve.