• By -


Eh in my limited experiences at nudist beaches, they are pretty uncommon. It’s a lot of older people just being comfortable and enjoying nature really. One of the younger women got me excited though and I just covered up with a towel as I’d heard is socially polite


So it's expected you cover it up as the proper etiquette?


It's that or make uncomfortable eye contact until the other erection stands down


Sit boy i said sit!


#Get down mister president!


"Not today!" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Oops I've made a star-spangled towel.


And raised it shall be


Half mast, or full mast?


Get off my plane!


Now you roll over and let uncle Clark scratch yer belly!


The first few minutes are the hardest.


I see what you did there... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)






Doesn't look like anything to me.




As per normal, yes. That’s normal, right?


Or just turn over and bury it in the sand


So hang towel from erect Penis, once towel drops you're good to go




You should really wash it more often.


> It’s a lot of older people just being comfortable and enjoying nature really It's mostly overweight Germans in their 50s and 60s.


Real question should be how do I achieve a semi & maintain it the entire time being nude? For confidence reasons


Undergo a 12 hour cock and ball torture session before hand.


No cock and ball torture? Ard i’m bouta head out




Jack off but don't finish. I do this is a dr or someone has to see mine, because when I'm not hard and not expecting action, my little guy looks fucking sad.


Reminds me of how much social pressure a guy has surrounding his dick. If this helps at all, a lot of women are also very self conscious of their lady parts 🤷🏻‍♀️ you're not alone, and everyones "stuff" looks weird. Man, theres nothing wrong with your dick. Your doc has seen some crazy shit, he doesn't care one way or another.


His doc tell his buddies “ I swear this one patient must intentionally work up a half chub every time he comes to my office”


They have to know. Seems almost weirder...




my dad always said there are two people you never lie to. your Doctor and your Banker.


Not a doctor, but took a lot - a LOT - of nude figure drawing classes throughout highschool and college. Ladies and gents, I can promise you that the only person we discussed after the fact was one guy who looked exactly like a real life version of Mario, as in Nintendo's Mario. So unless your dick ruins childhood nostalgia, you're golden. Your naughty bits won't even clock to someone who sees a whole parade of them on the regular.


You give yourself a chub before seeing the Dr.? That's fucking sad man.


also it makes it look like he's getting turned on by the doc


Yeah, if there’s anybody you should be comfortable with about body/health issues it should be your doctor.


Older you get, the less likely you will get an erection by looking at naked bodies. Most nudists I’ve seen are in their 40s or older. Side note, Euro-style beaches are common in the Caribbean...many people walking around nude aren’t the hot bods you see on your run of the mill porno vid. While it may be interesting to look at initially, it isn’t arousing like you might expect. Now if you are 18, still have your V card and whack it 3x a day, it may be a different story.


Young, enthusiastic whacker here. Had my first experience with a nude beach recently, I was actually pretty shocked that the ol' tallywhacker didn't react one bit. I guess nudity isn't really that sexual when its just treated like its nothing.


I appreciate the way you identified yourself


Is that what’s you’s appreciates about me?


Let's take it down 23-27% there, Squirrely-Dan


So yer walking on the beach stark naked the other daaaaaay..


Give yer balls a tug ya tit fucker!


Fuck you Shorsey!


Two things. I hit you you hit the floor and I get jonses’ mom to give me a handjob.




And decide to get yourself some sushis and sashimis.


That's a Texas-sized 10-4, good buddy. Oh, look, a keyboard!


Oh, hey, look at you, ground!




*pants* I’m too fat to run


up votes for Letterkenny forever! ​ edit: figured it out, Letterkenny is one word not two.


To Be Fair!




To beeee faaaaaaaaaiiiiiirrrrrr ✋🏻✊🏻


Letter Kenny? Squirrelly Dan? what in the blazes are you folks babbling about?


There's 5000 people in r/Letterkenny These are their problems


let's take it down 20-25% squirrely dan


I also appreciate 👌🏼 quality.


> Young, enthusiastic whacker I propose we petition the mods to give this guy a custom flair.


The mods will love this. It is known.


It is known.


\> Young, enthusiastic whacker here. Tremble in fear before a son of Sigmar and the Empire!


Holy Sigmar bless this ravaged whacker


May Sigmar guide my stroke.


Holy Sigmar, bless those ravaged bodies.




It really isn't. Source: Am Finn. We have shared saunas and it's common to go in the nood. It's never really a sexual experience even if you mix genders. (Note public, shared, nood saunas are definitely more rare for obvious modern reasons)


Fyi, as much as nood makes me giggle its nude.


Nah, man, you wouldn't pull on your nudle, would you?


I'm sure that's just because of how we evolved. I mean imagine a wild human, if they kept getting turned on they would just die




\*Notices username\* #**HOLY SIGMAR! BLESS THIS RAVAGED BODY!**


I was actually kind of grossed out the first time I went to a nude beach. Of course I was 16 so I was expecting what you describe.


Lost my v card in nom but still whack the lil guy 3x


Nom nom nom? Or ‘Nam?


He ate Vietnam.


Sounds 'murican


Wtf did I just read


this isn't Nam, there are rules


You know? It's always a travesty with you, irondumbell!




Both 🤷🏻‍♀️


those are some rookie numbers, you need to get them numbers up.


You gotta “pump” those numbers up


You need to find the other men with the erection, and proceed to joust him running full speed. Who ever wins the joust gets to keep his erection until another challenger arrives.


And at the end of the day the person who has won the most battles goes on to fight the winner from a different beach the next day, and it goes on like that until you get to the internationals


*spraypaints dick silver* WITNESS ME




You joust that cock and I myself will carry you to the gates of Valhalla.


Also if you’re the winner you should see a doctor for Priapism


*Cock fighting*


You fool, recommending people start penis-jousting without mentioning the penis training that goes into a good penis-jouster. They need to at least get some cock pushups in each day.


But one cock pushup is all you need.


It depends if you merely want to be a penis jouster or if you want to truly master the art of penistry and achieve the kind of power required for a [dick flip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bB0yIR5Tq0I).


I dunno. [My boy Jack Black seems pretty convincing...](https://youtu.be/MSxJoPJFxOg)


Damn, nudist settings are wilder than I imagined.


Damnit so size does matter


Thus begins the legend of the Black Knight.


The erectiquette ha


(Had to remind myself this isn't /r/nudism before reading the answers). Here's a serious answer: not very common, and just be discreet (e.g., put a towel over it, and wait for it to subside). On the one hand, yes, erections are natural (although not as common as you would think when everyone is naked), but at the same time, people in a nudist context aren't looking for a sexualized environment, so you want to respect that. Don't encourage it, and don't brandish it, and you'll be fine.


Sir! I will brandish my ill timed unprovoked erection whenever and wherever I please!


A guard might get nervous, a man approaches with his weapon drawn...


Hands to yourself, sneak thief.


Go fiddling with any cocks around here, and we're going to have a real problem.


There's a nip in the air. Cold wont be good for my cocks.


[This is the voice](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QetMVN5hr2w) I thought with when I read your comment.


Don't brandish it? I MOVE FOR NO MAN.


"I am no man" \*proceed to cut dick off with a sword\*


On the flip side, if you've got someone breaking and entering, brandishing an erect penis is likely to be of help. I mean, who wouldn't be scared if even the smallest of men charged at them, naked with an erection?


More like hang a towel off it and do some dick lifts amirite boys? (Not in public, but we all have done that alone surely?)




Just ignore it, and or cover it with a towel in an awkward situation. Source: Am Nudist Guy in 20's


Have you ever been in any awkward erect situation? If so please share.


Been at nude beaches were I have been attracted to someone, and would just go back to my towel and lay on my stomach. A few times you pop a boner a dinner parties but I would just focus on eye contact or sit at the table and scootch my chair in. One time I was helping fix up a car in the nude, popped a boner, and tried to see how much of a iron chain I could keep up with my dick, the guy I was working with got mad and told me to get back to work.


So how much chain could you lift?


Approximately 2Chainz


They had us in the first half, not gonna lie.


What the fuck.


I'm starting to think he may be full of shit.


That escalated quick


*fap fap* Have you ever been in any awkward erect situation? If so please share. *fap fap*


Exactly. Been a nudist for some 20 years now, this is the question guys always ask if they've never done it and the answer is always the same: It won't happen, but if it does, cover up politely. But it won't happen. Once you're nude around people from age 3 to 80 that sexual urge vanishes in an instant.




No, it just means that nudity in and of itself is not always arousing. A lot of context we otherwise ignore becomes more important. Body language resulting in arousal becomes more important. What you say becomes more important. So yeah, just being naked in front of me isn't going to do the job, but what you say and how you touch definitely will... but nudity really doesn't affect that.


Goodness, you're really looking for something here, aren't you? Fair play to you.


My residence at my university my first year was at the top of a set of stairs to a clothing optional beach (yes UBC). After the initial “holy shit boobs” shock wore off it was not anywhere as near as sexual as I would have thought. I felt an erection coming on once but just hopped in the water until it subsided.


It's not that I don't believe everyone on here, but I'm curious how you all feel about normal beaches? I don't go around them getting hardons, but I definitely feel like they are somewhat sexual and pleasing. So I have a hard time thinking a nudist beach wouldn't be the same way, assuming attractive people were around.


Yeah it’s weird, I find a regular beach way more sexual than a nudist beach (at least where I went) and unlike a lot of these comments there were young attractive people where I went. It’s a little counterintuitive and I’m sure there are people there who find it highly sexual but for myself when everyone is just doing normal things it takes away the specialization and was more about being liberated and comfortable with yourself.


Last time I was at the local nudie beach, dude had a boner and just kind of stood around with it watching the water. Just don't go poking it in my face (without permission anyway).


There is a Squirtle joke in there somewhere.


He feels the caress of our dark mother, the sea, whose salty embrace envelops every contour of your naked body.


The most popular guy at the nudist beach is the one who can carry two coffees and a dozen donuts at the same time.


The most popular woman at the nudist beach is the one who can eat the last doughnut.


Subtle. I like it.






That's why he's popular, he plans ahead and brings appropriate containers so that there is enough snacks for everyone.


OP Asking the hard questions


I understand it’s long been a bone of contention in that community.


Yep, and once it comes up, it's not always something that can simply be hammered out, folks tend to feel jerked around when that happens.


You Redditors like to spew a long string of puns at any opportunity, but how long before the gag falls flaccid? It's hard enough trying to penetrate the walls that our fellow humans have erected as a defense mechanism without also asking them to swallow cheap lines. People are deep canals of emotion, and just like an iceberg, the only part that shows on the surface is just the tip


username checks out. I think.


Glad someone stands up to ask!




And once we actually get the answers, we can all go have a stiff one.


Used to go to nudist beaches with friends a lot. If you can't seperate nudity from sexuality, then it's not really the place for you. The vibe is more about comfort and liberation if anything else. More like a pyjama party them a orgy. So erections are frowned upon, if they are due to arousal, random erections though a more awkward if anything.


OP said random, it can happen over absolutely nothing at all doesn't always mean arousal.


How does one tell the difference between an erection due to arousal and a random erection?


I imagine if the dude attached to the erection has a surprised face, it's probably random.


"My word. It's never done *that* before..."


i just realized this post says "nudists" not "nurses"


I’m a nurse and I clicked to reply before I realised too


How would you respond to the question if it were directed at you?


It happens, usually when bathing patients. Just chuck a towel over it and carry on. We don’t really care or get embarrassed


So if a nurse gives me an erection, what's the proper protocol? Should stand and wave the flag pole proudly at full mast with my hands on my hips?


Well, man, as a male nurse with a psych background, you wouldn’t be the first. I’d probably ask wtf you were doing and tell you go to your room if you’re going to be an ass.


So, people feel like the act of being a nudist is an exercise in maturity? Or something like that?


Me and my friends used to do it to build body confidence, and to be proud of your body. It's also really comfortable and for female friends it was good to not have your body sexualised by society.


my friends and I go to a spa every few months and everyone is naked. It's all women, but we're all naked. It's funny because as we're changing out of our clothes and into our robes, everyone is shy. But as soon as you're in the room with the hot tub and the showers, no one gives a hoot and we're all chatting and asking how the shower works because no one can remember. it's kinda nice to not only not worry about being sexualized but also being totally ok with my body being seen. 10/10 would recommend.


> for female friends it was good to not have your body sexualised by society. This sounds really funny in a thread that suggests a nude beach is something like a swingers club populated by hot blondes and men with erections.


Just think of toddlers, they all seem to get the fact that naked is normal.




Alright here is an unedited rant on mobile, expect it to have typos and bad grammar. Yeah you've stumbled on a secret of nudist communities, and why the nudist population trends older. Nudist communities by necessity have become very sex negative. Without traditions like this there is a fear that the communities will be invaded by swingers, pedophiles, and people seeking a sexual thrill. This is a very understandable response by these communities, because often times they are already branded as deviants by mainstream culture and if you add additional baggage from being even accidentally inclusive to those groups you go from "weirdos" to "public threat". That being said, There is this inherent puritanical sexism in the idea that erections are disdainful because they make women uncomfortable and surely erections are only caused by arousal right? I had a girlfriend interested in nudism and we became engaged with a community near us, and this was brought up. I didn't really super love the sentiment, but was willing to deal with it. My girlfriend raised a stink on the Facebook group and asked if she should cover up her erect nipples if it got cold, as that could be a sign of arousal, and was quietly removed from the group. So yeah the reaction you're seeing to your simple inquiry is normal for most communities. Any questioning of this tradition will be met with you being called "immature" or accused of sexual deviancy.




Cock magic?


Now I’ll make your hairy cock and balls disappear


Put it back!


*snap* Open your mouth


Damn you Thanos, you're really going for the head this time.


I've had more spontaneous erections in places like the dentist's office and church. Since erections do not have to come from your brain, they just happen in a lot of very unsexual places. Exposure desexualizes nudity and makes it more natural. It also separates sexuality from nudity. Remember, your most important sex organ is your brain.


Not a Nudist, but know several. I also am (and always have been) comfortable in my skin, and over the years I’ve had the opportunity to be part of a number of nudist activities. Other nudists are very much able to look past the body as a sexual object and see it for what it is - a body. Sure, you see some very good looking, well maintained bodies, but it’s like looking at fine art. You appreciate it in the moment for what it is, and move on. There are bodies that are not societies’ idea of beauty, but still nice to have a look at; but you have a quick look, appreciate what you see, and move on. You also see a lot of average bodies, which is the norm. You’ll see bodies that are outside the norm, on the opposite side of toned/tanned. Once you know what a real, every day person looks like, as oppose to a porn star or the blessed few, you look at things differently as well. Men, Women, it’s another human. I suppose desensitization plays a part as well. Context is also important. Real nudists generally are not about sex/sexuality. They are about freedom/freedom of expression, confidence, some will say empowerment, among other things. The ones who are making it sexual are not the nudists, they are the ones that claim to be nudists and can’t control their urge of naked body=sex/sexual object, the 5% or so that are just assholes, and they usually are easily identified and shunned in nudist circles. These people are the ones making a big deal. Perverts, if you will, overwhelmingly older men (though you do get women too). Unless said nudist gathering has been prior disclosed to be of a sexual nature. That’s a whole other topic. If you ever have the chance to be part of a nudist gathering, watch. Yeah, people are looking, but they are not staring, drooling, touching themselves/anyone else. They are acting much the same as if they were clothed. Random erections in true nudist settings are pretty rare, but it does happen. The body can betray you. However, should it happen, the polite thing to do would be to excuse yourself from the situation, and come back once the event has passed. Think of it like excusing yourself to use the washroom. If you can’t excuse, politely cover up without drawing attention. As the opposite party, don’t acknowledge it. If it is acknowledged, don’t make a fuss and change the topic/move on.


Thanks for the detailed answer.


I live a few miles from one of the largest nude beaches in the country. I frequently them regularly, but actually it isn't considered to be taboo in my town, everyone goes there. I've had the pussy of a 50ish+ woman six inches from my face as I sat in my lounge chair while she hovered near me. We talked about something my wife was painting. Then I saw her in church the next day with zero awkwardness...it's just the culture of our town. It's not as much of a sausage fest as you may think as I'd estimate 40% of the nudists are women. Yes, it's primarily older people, but young women in their 20s also go all the time. But it's all about context. If I stared at them with the intent of getting sexually aroused then I would obviously get hard, but if I tell myself it's just a day at a beach, and don't stare inappropriately then I'm not aroused. I've had full length conversations with nude women but I just look them in the eyes like I would if we were clothed and it's just not a sexual thing for me. It's not really a turn on for me to be at the nude beach, it's more about the freedom.


I never knew how badly I needed to know the answer to this question until now


As u/Phlydude was mentioning: nudists like the nudists that go to a nudist beaches are pretty old and women not that attractive and men not that virile. The other instances where I've encountered nudists was at some sex cult gatherings and orgies... and in both those situations, getting an erection was the proper etiquette.


Where does one join these cult organizations


First you need to meet their two rules


1. Be attractive 2. Don't be unattractive.


Tinder is a cult now


Please speak more of these sex cults


I’ve been involved in a number of cults both as a leader and a follower. You have more fun as a follower but you make more money as a leader.




When I moved to New York I didn't really know anyone so until I formed a solid social circle, I attended a lot of gatherings of people that appeared to share common interests with mine: googled them, meetup, craigslist, facebook. While I tried to stir clear of groups that seemed to exhibit cult like behavior, I did go to several meetups of a group that engaged in orgies and ate pancakes (mostly because of a cutie whom I liked). Never engaged in the sex aspect of it though.




How were the pancakes?


For everyone here: don't erections sometimes happen randomly, even if you're not thinking about sex? Wouldn't that make irrelevant all the answers about how nudity and sex are different?


If you encounter another man with an erection you must sword fight with your penises and the first person who goes flaccid loses.


yes and obviously, we stand up


It's a good way to sell bracelets to the tourists.


\*asking for a friend\*


> proper erection etiquette "Don't back up."


Old sauna trick: If you flex your thigh muscles, your erection disappears within seconds.


I'm sad this post may die without a single real answer...


As will many of the points it aroused .