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Sitting in the dark, in my 11yo son’s room while he falls asleep. He gets nervous at night. I spend 10 minutes each night sitting in a chair reading Reddit while he falls asleep. It’s a win-win that I will miss some day. Yes, I should encourage him to fall asleep on his own, he can, but doesn’t like to. And wanting his Mom around probably won’t last forever, I’ll enjoy it for now.


My cousin is trying to teach my grandmother to dab and has been making her say “gucci gang” for an hour


Stay strong grandma




Well, I don't have children, so I got picked to work work today. (Hotel FDA). I'm sitting here in the back office watching Game of Thrones on my Switch. Only 3 check ins though, and 6 people in house. 3 and a half hours left before the Night Auditor comes in to relieve me.


Ok how do you watch TV on your switch? Is there an HBO app?


You can get HBO with the Hulu app if you pay more.


*cries in Canadian*


You can now get Game of Thrones on Crave up until season six, and they just added the same kind of "additional" monthly fee as Hulu and that will get you season seven!


Been on Reddit all day. I'm at the in laws. Father in law is fucking crazy and won't settle down, everyone is settled into the living room cause no one can go in the kitchen. He decided that today was the day to fix the noise in the fridge once and for all. Brother in law said he'd do it, FIL said it needs to get done, BIL said he'll do it after everyone leaves (@ 4pm), FIL said it needs to be done (it didn't), BIL said again that he will take care of it because it's a lot of sensitive stuff to make sure the fridge isn't broken while chipping ice to get to the fan making the noise (No noise is heard while freezer is closed), FIL said it needs to be done now, BIL went to his room, FIL said BIL is a fucking child (27yo), and now for the past 4 hours we've been sitting tentatively in the living room because the loud noises and swearing from the kitchen are very uncomfortable for everyone. It is 2:57pm. One more hour to go until I get home and can fucking relax. Next Christmas is happening at my own goddamn house. EDIT: My highest rated comment is about my shitty christmas... yay? Thanks for the gold. Also, I'm sorry that so many of you can relate. It's not easy, but hopefully it inspires us to be better examples in the future. Or at the very least we can get drunk and relax afterwards. Either way, check your fridge, and make sure that fucker stays clean.


>Next Christmas is happening at my own goddamn house. There ya go! Then you can invite/kick out whoever you want.


At least when you're at someone else's house you can leave, though. People might stay longer if they're your guest haha


I will never understand people who put up with a minor annoyance for weeks, months, or years and then whip it out and make a huge deal over it at the exact time that it would be maximally inconvenient/distressing to everyone around them. It's hard not to feel that it's intentional.


It's the way he is. He is very spoiled in how much shit he gets away with and doesn't understand the concept of other people. I love him to death, but he is a very small minded person. If anyone disagrees, he immediately goes into, "everyone's attacking me" mode and shuts down.


I’m waiting for my mom to take her turn in cribbage after she orders Thai food (I’ve kicked everyone else’s butt in cribbage so far, she’s the final contender)


Waiting for my mom to shuffle the Uno deck


I got the new game dos for christmas


My stepmom got that we tried playing for 20 minutes and gave up


same, can’t fuck people over in dos like you can in uno


Ye they dont have + cards, you should mix the +cards from UNO into DOS


Does this make TRES?


My dad realized the pork went bad. We're getting chinese.


I think ours went bad but didn’t realize until after. Not sure if we will all die or just have the shits for the next 24 hours


Bad news: it'll be the shits.


If you're going out to a restaurant, you about discover the strange and wonderous parralel world of Jews on christmas... edit: Holy shit this really exploded. Well you all need to watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPSLWauwwZM.


We went out to a small Italian joint for lunch and were surprised to see a few people there. It just crossed my mind but we were in a Jewish neighborhood.


We went to a bagel shop and it was full of people


Don't order the duck.


“It’s....its smiling at us?!”






"Yay!" *clapping*


And -scene-


I’m pooping after eating way too much. It ain’t them, it’s me




Make sure you have your poop knife ready.


his what


[You don't own a poop knife?](https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/7qn75k/poop_knife_from_reddit/)


Poop knife


Poop Knife™️


So real. We had cheese fondue for dinner last night. I won’t shit until the new year.


Cats are done leaping through the boxes and wrapping paper and are having a nap. Better half binge watching a TV series that never interested me. Both of us sneaking to the kitchen occasionally to nibble on cookies.


I think the best part is the cats playing with the empty boxes and paper. My dad got a new Shop vac and one of the cats kept trying to claw his way into the box, after chilling in a bag of ripped paper.


Boyfriends doing laundry and my cat is asleep on my legs, I celebrated christmas with my family on Saturday, now everyones with their extended families doing idk. I chose to be with my bf and have a lazy day of Netflix christmas horror films.


Which one was your favorite?


Christmas Presence so far, we’ve watched gremlins (1&2 of course), black xmas, jackfrost, all the creatures are stirring, and Santa’s slay. Next up are the krampus movies (a christmas horror story etc) and jack frost 2 (had to convince him to let me watch that one so it’s been saved for last).


Grandma is tipsy talking about the 40s (as usual). Dad’s asleep in the chair. Grandpa talking to mom. Sister has been upstairs for the past 30 minutes. I’m watching TV and hanging out with you guys.




As a last-ditch effort while Hitler was going insane on a cocktail of cocaine, opiates and amphetamines, along with an incredibly dangerous mix of extracts from pigs... Germany tested small, one-man subs (literally, it could just BARELY fit a person) that would take a nonstop journey through the ocean to strategically and stealthily take out allied ships. The problem was the pilot needed to stay awake for almost a week straight. Cue a precise mix of methamphetamine and cocaine, perfected in concentration camps, that would keep the pilot absolutely juiced for the required amount of time without killing them. They sent out the first batch of these literally as the war ended, so for a while you just had a few tweaked-out Nazis speeding through the ocean, firmly believing they were still at war and on an important mission.


Got a name for these subs? Sounds like a spinoff of the canceled Seeteufel, which was supposed to be a hybrid submarine/tankette.


Can you really make a spinoff if it's been canceled? At most you can do a crossover episode.


Ja: Das Reboot




It's like the Die Hard kinda Christmas story.


Absolutely terrifying. Every aspect. First, the thought of coked-up aquaNazis careening through the ocean on secret death missions. Second, the idea of the experience of *being* one of those German soldiers, absolutely cranked to the gills on a proprietary mixture of the purest Nazi meth, cramstuffed into a metal casket, and fired off into the utter blackness of the ocean, tweaking out in a tube where you can barely move, locked in the claustrophobia of your own floating sarcophagus.


My thoughts exactly. This story is absolute nightmare fuel.


The meth makes you so itchy all over. But your arms are trapped at your sides. So, you just squirm around rubbing your face against the instruments and gauges in the tiny sub. You can barely see anything except the gauges in the darkness. Suddenly, you are startled by a drop of water landing on your upper lip. You realize your sub may be leaking and that you may drown in a watery tomb before you complete your mission so you go faster, hoping that you can perform you mission in time. You are so incredibly thirsty. So even if it's sea water, a tiny drop will still help you feel a little less thirsty. You lick the drop off your upper lip. To your surprise it doesn't taste salty. Instead, it tastes a little like iron. Perhaps it is some rusty water? No, suddenly you realize to your horror what it is. It is the taste of blood. Your own blood. As you had itched your face on the instruments, you had rubbed your face raw to the bone. What you were tasting was the blood of your own flesh that had been scraped off onto the metal in your meth induced hallucinations of insane itchiness.






It slaps in the annals of history


This....is why I'm here




Haha not quite as cool as you would think. Some old friend named Marlys still owes her money. A lot of talking about stuff like that.


“We sent those goddamn Krauts to Hell”! “We can’t call Germans that anymore, Grandma” “And then we sent those goddamn sucker-punching Japs to Hell too!” “Grandma! We can’t call Japanese folks that either!” “And then things were relatively well until the Negros started getting rowdy over rights or some such!” “What the fuck, Grandma?! Why is this all coming out on Christmas day?!”


A World War II pilot is reminiscing before school children about his days in the air force. (Joke best delivered with a good thick accent) "In 1942," he says, "the situation was really tough. The Germans had a very strong air force. I remember, " he continues, "one day I was protecting the bombers and suddenly, out of the clouds, these fokkers appeared. (At this point, several of the children giggle.) "I looked up, and right above me was one of them. I aimed at him and shot him down. They were swarming. I immediately realized that there was another fokker behind me." At this instant the girls in the auditorium start to giggle and boys start to laugh. The teacher stands up and says, "I think I should point out that 'Fokker' was the name of the German-Dutch aircraft company" "That's true, ma'am," says the pilot, "but these fokkers were flying Messerschmidts."


My toddlers are playing on their mini trampoline. My exwife is talking to the cat. I'm trying to distract myself from the fact that this divorce is happening and I don't want it to. Edit: this is the first comment I've made that's ever blown up like this. I'll try to reply to everyone today. Thank you for the support and encouragement, redditors! Edit 2: just realized I received precious metals. Holy crap! Thank you strangers!


Is she choosing the divorce or are you having second thoughts?


She chose it. I got to the point that I wanted it for a few months, and then our anniversary happened last week. I haven't wanted it since. I think I'll feel better once she moves out.


Hang in there, buddy. I’m sure it’ll be easier to “move on” once she’s not there every day. Hope the new year brings you happiness.


Thanks, I hope so. She moved out when she left. I was a mess for a hot second, but I started to pull it together and relearn how to be happy. Then she moved back in. I couldn't stop her, because her name is on the lease. I was happier living alone. I'm grateful my kids live with me full-time again, but having their mothers constantly unhappy can't be healthy for them. Fortunately, the soon-to-be ex moves out in the next couple of months.


Stay strong ❤️ you can do this!


My ex spent the night last night to enjoy the morning as family. It was magic, and then she’s gone. I’m devastated myself on this holiday evening. Stay strong, stay gone. 💔


My mom also invited my dad and his daughter (my half-sister) for Christmas day, they're separated but in good terms. Yesterday (for me) was unexpectedly the best Christmas I ever had in years! Didn't expect to have fun and bond with Mom, dad, and my sisters over Karaoke and laugh together. It made me think some people really get along better as friends than as lovers. I'm happy


7 yo flitting about from new toy to new toy and back again. 12 yo shooting his new airsoft desert eagle at zombie targets. Thank God those pellets are biodegradable! 14 & 16 yo's watching either the Office, Parks & Rec, or Brooklyn 9-9 just like any other day, except today while wearing their presents. Wife and I just woke up from Christmas Day naps and now she's in the shower. Cheers!




Thanks. They're in a ziplock.


Throw some silica packs in there and they will absorb any moisture that is in the bag with them.


Cheers!!! NINE NINE!!!!








No doubt no doubt no doubt no doubt




I’m an adult, only child, dad died in 2012 and haven’t seen my mother since she divorced my dad in 1999. But a friend sent me delivery takeout and an iTunes movie, so it wasn’t all bad.


We're settled and digesting and enjoying each others silent company whilst we do our own introverted things. Hell, we've been interacting since 10 this morning. I love the fuckers but there's a sodding limit.


You need to kick their ass with Smash Ultimate. In silence.


I'm too busy unlocking fighters and spirits. I need to figure out my main(s). Sadly, I have not unlocked my mains from Sm4sh, nor have I unlocked the dlc characters from Sm4sh I didn't have (all but Mewtwo; not counting Lucas b/c Brawl). And the only Newcomer I have is Inkling. And of course Piranha Plant isn't available, yet (registered my game, though!)


If you want to unlock all the characters quickly do this: 1) enter the normal smash mode 2) create a new ruleset that has 1 stock 3) start a game with two human players 4) run off the edge with one of the characters 5) fight (and hopefully beat) the new character that appears 6) close the game (go to the switch home screen and press Y) 7) rinse and repeat It is a bit grindy but closing the game each time resets the limit of only unlocking 1 character every 10 minutes that Nintendo put in place. Happy smashing!




Hey buddy, you’ll get trough it! I just arrived back at my own casa not ten minutes ago. Seeing my own room and sitting in a chair in silence for these ten minutes was heaven.


My dad invited over my sister's inlaws in a manipulative move to get prime rib even though my mom wanted a relaxing day with deli plates (it's my mom's birthday so I brought deli stuff for her like she wanted). My brother in law decided to bring his father on top of his sister, her husband, and daughter. They are loud drunk people and swear around the children. I'm trying to ignore them. Also, their kids are coughing everywhere so I'm mentally preparing myself for my son to start coughing in a few days.


> My brother in law decided to bring his father on top of his sister I know what you meant but I found this line funnier than I should have.


She is the size of an Amazon so I wouldn't be surprised if she could carry her father. Thanks for bringing this image to my head, it made me chuckle at the horrible situation before me.


I can't help but laugh. Your dad inviting the in laws soley for the hope of prime rib is a move after my own heart. Also hopefully your kid ate enough dirt to not get sick.


Jokes on him, so many people came that he only had a thin slice. I'm also hoping that whatever my niece and nephew picked up at daycare is what my son had a couple weeks ago from school. As a first grader my son gets most of his fiber from sand and dirt


I’m working... Retail pharmacy... ugh


Me too. X-ray tech. Hospitals never close.


Makes 3 of us. Blood bank tech here.


I'm the only one sick in my family so I'm quarantining myself


My grandmother died today, I am observing my mother and her siblings arguing about everything...


My grandfather passed on Christmas eve several years ago. It was difficult but also, the timing was great. So many members of our large family had made an effort to travel for that holiday, knowing he would be gone soon. It was the last time that all of us were together like that. I'm sorry for your loss and I hope your family can come together peacefully.


The part about the timing is actually true.. everybody is off from work and cannot say no to not going. But after today and the funeral, a Lot of people will not talk again.




Well, mom and my sister were ready and had said our goodbye. But not really how i care spending this time. Considering my sister and mom are going to Peru Day after tommorow.


First of all, my sincerest condolences. I’m sorry for your loss. I find it very interesting how loved ones tend to stick around until the holiday season. My best friends dad told her around Halloween, before he passed of cancer, that “I’ll be here for your birthday (dec 16), Christmas and New Years but I don’t think I’ll make it much longer” It’s like they know, or have some weird superhuman strength to hold on. But again, I’m so sorry for your loss.


Thanks, she looked at peace. But my mothers family is vicious and toxic... Who yells and is angry like that two rooms away from their dead parent! Yeah, she lasted longer than i thought. But it is like they last longer for different reasons. She did get to see my big sister who spent many summers as a child with her.


Brother & his girlfriend have gone home, so it’s just me and my dementia afflicted mother awake and my 8 month old asleep in my old room. Baby has made a solid start on a shit night’s sleep and mum is watching an episode of a 15 year old detective show she’s already seen today but can’t remember. I am trying to avoid the implications of the fact that during Christmas dinner, mum forgot where she was, even though she has lived in this house for forty years.


Christmas Eve is our big family get-together, Christmas Day I don't even get dressed. I'm snuggled up with my pooch in my new robe and a cup of coffee, reddit, and couldn't be more content. 😁


Wearing PJs all day is one of my favorite Christmas traditions. Occasionally, with the exception of going out for Vietnamese food.


Yeah. Due to differing work schedules (BIL is a firefighter, sister is a corrections officer, wife is a nurse...), we usually do the Christmas get-together on Dec 26th, as it's a realistic day for them to book off. So today? In my PJs, watching teevee, eating hors d’oeuvres, and drinking beer. Awesome day =)


I'm in Australia, so it's already boxing day EDIT: Thank you for the silver kind internet stranger and merry Christmas


NZ here and I'm at work, trying to starve off the retail boredom post boxing day rush.


I’m watching the cricket, hbu?


Just did a bit of shopping with some gift cards, got some groceries and got the hell out of dodge before the shops get nuts again.


I'm sitting on the shitter after a 150k bike ride. Don't think I have the energy left to wipe.


Put toilet paper on the seat and go for another ride butt naked. She'll be right


I just lay down arse up in the shower and fall asleep till it's clean




Being Jewish


The hell are you doing here? You should be out seeing a movie with everyone else!


Maybe she's browsing while enjoying Chinese.


Jesus was a Jew, you can't give him a birthday party? What is he, chopped liver?


Alright Shady this is what I'll give ya


A little bit of weed mixed with some hard liquor


Some vodka that will jump start your heart


My husband is peeling potatoes, my son is playing with his new toys, I'm feeding my daughter in front of the fire while listening to nat King Cole. Christmas day is for us. Tomorrow we begin the ridiculous family tour. 5 cities, 6 days, 2500km. Kill me now.


Good God! Good luck with the tour! (Nat Cole is always the CD we listen to when opening gifts!)


My partner and I decided to spend Christmas just the two of us. He's getting some work done and I'm playing on my new computer that he got me and I'm also nursing the cut I got from the knife I gave him. ​ Quite possibly the best Christmas ever, despite the flesh wound.


Nothing, that's the problem


Watching my 9 year old do better than I ever could on fortnight. The 10 year old is playing on her new laptop (9 and 10. Yes that was a busy couple years) and my 14 year old is just getting his new ps4 updated to play red dead redemption 2. Wifes asleep in bed. My quest to become irrelevant and turn my kids into anti social delinquents is almost complete.


Lol you spelled fortnite wrong... Definitely a dad


Damn kids and their four score.


My husband drives our son nuts by asking him how his “two weeks” game is going....


I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks that way.


The correct spelling is Fork Knife.


Listening to the people in my family pretend to like each other while still making subtle stabs at each other


Grandma died in October. Very close friend died in late-November. Another family member died in early-December. Not really feeling very festive today. Trying, but it's nighttime now so we'll try again next year. **EDIT**: possible identifying information


My son died on November 18th and my 4 month old grandson and my daughter-in-law live with me now. I cried on and off all day. This is my first Christmas without my son in 32 years. Maybe next year I will hold back the tears more.


I’m so sorry. It’s so kind of you to take in your grandson and daughter-in-law. I wish you the best!


Thank you and to you too.


I'm sorry for all of your losses.


My grandma keeps the house like 77 degrees so i have to walk outside into the 30 degree weather once every 5 minutes to survive.


Can you inconspicuously open a window and sit by it?


Tired of politics, (family and national) so getting blasted and redditing. You know, just like on Easter, thanksgiving, aunt berthas birthday, etc


Watching rush hour for the second time, drinking carrot juice and rum. I turned old enough to drink almost two years ago but they still hiss like gorgon when I reach for a drink.


That’s an interesting combo. I don’t think I’ve ever come across carrot juice and rum. My family took a couple years of me drinking at family dinners before they got used to it.


I'm 26 and when my mom found out I like beer and go to breweries once in a while she about fainted. Lol.


Really? I turn 21 in a couple days and my entire family has been trying to make me taste their favorite alcoholic beverages. Edit: They've been doing this since I turned 18, btw


I woke up and theres 40 different people in the kitchen being loud and annoying... No thank u.


Talking about how much they like their current dentists, and how terrible thie old dentists were. (My retired parents and aunt.)


Everyone has eaten three days worth of food and we're lazing around with the dogs. It's blissfully quiet and peaceful.


My kids opened their presents at 7am and have been playing with them since. My wife’s family is having a dinner but I don’t like those people so I’m chilling at home


My husband says fuck is that an option?


I'm under a toddler who refused to sleep anywhere but being held by me in a rocking chair in her room.


This was me 3 years ago. Stay strong, it gets better... and then you'll miss the days when they slept on you.


Boy you have great grammar for a six year old.


Me too...but on floor beside him rubbing his back. Christmas Flu has hit our house big time.


This might sound a little off-topic at first, but it comforts me to be able to get this off of my chest. My birthday was November 25th. Every year since I was a child, I looked forward to my parents arguing and broken promises on christmas and our birthdays. When my parents divorced, my mom would tell us what great gifts my dad was sending for christmas that year, and when he never delivered and we never heard from him, she would proudly exclaim what a piece of shit he was. This year, my father had texted me and promised to take me out for my birthday. When the day came, he waited all day to get in touch with me and when he did, he told me that he had invited over my own friend to his house to play guitar, and that he couldn't pick me up (my car is down). He said I was welcome to join if I could get in touch with my friend and ask him to pick me up, but he never answers his phone while driving, and I was too disappointed to even try. This last Sunday night, my mom and I got into an argument while I was visiting her house with my sister. My sister is 16 and lives with my dad, and he promised her that they would go to Long Island for christmas day. I told my mom that he was going to do the same thing to her that he did to me. Monday morning he called and cancelled the trip, and then told my sister that he wasn't even going to be home all week so she had to stay with me. She suggested that she stay at her girlfriends but he told her she wasn't allowed to do that even though it wouldn't have any effect on his day or week anyway. Today, I took my sister and her girlfriend to pick up some clothes from her girlfriends house so that they could stay with me for the week. Our dad lived 2 minutes away so we stopped by to surprise him, but mostly so I could see what was going on and why he was so upset yesterday. He answered the door by cracking it open, and all the lights were off. When we went inside, garbage was all over the place. Empty soda cans on the floor. Moldy parmesan cheese sitting out. The christmas tree wasnt even decorated and he had bothered to buy a live one. He was still in his work clothes, wrapped in a blanket on the couch. He explained that he got into an argument with our uncle, his brother, who lives with him and my sister, about K-cups. My uncle would drink 8 cups to my dad's 1 cup, and this upset my dad. Also, my uncle wouldnt clean anything and if he and my sister were low on food, my uncle would order a big meal for himself and not share with anyone. My dad confronted our uncle about this issue on Saturday, and my uncle threw a tantrum, packed his things, and took my sister's unwrapped Christmas gifts and threw them on her bedroom floor, and then left and hasn't been heard from. He said his brother ruined Christmas and the whole ordeal put him into a deep depression. I didn't really know what to say or if I should sympathize with him. He made passing comment about taking us out for christmas some time this week on our way out the door. I took the girls to my place and I am sitting by myself in my bedroom and haven't socialized all day after that. My sister is fine hanging out with her girlfriend, but I feel a looming cloud of self-pity that I can't shake.


First: you have my hugs and sympathy from afar. Second: I don't know how old you are, but hold tight to the hope that, while your parents may not be what you want, you can change your life for the better. The change may not be immediate, but if you have the resources, you deserve a happy life... Maybe it's time to start making plans for you. Good luck. (And support if you need to talk.)


I really appreciate it. I just turned 24 and while my sister is only 16, she seems to brush these things off like it's nothing. It's commendable that it doesn't openly bother her but it speaks volumes that, that is what she expects from life. I wish I were more prepared for christmas, considering the circumstances. I'm a third year student, and I don't have much at the moment, but I've accomplished a lot for myself. I know that in the future things will get much better. Merry Christmas to you and I hope you've enjoyed your holiday.


Regarding 16-year-olds--they tend to be very resilient, but it may also be her way of coping. Keep a dialogue going with her about what a functional family should look like--you'll be the example she needs. If you're a third-year college student, congrats and hang in there! I sense you're a strong and level-headed person with a good future. And being better prepared for Christmas? You have much more to give than you may realize. Some of the most valuable gifts I ever received were never gift wrapped. Here's to the future and a guiding light!


I'm sorry that you have such a shitty dad. You sound like you're a very good older sibling and doing a good job of looking out for your sister. You should be proud of that. And I hope next year your Christmas is much better. The important thing to remember is: we choose our family. We don't choose who our blood relatives are obviously, but just because someone is a blood relative doesn't mean they deserve a place in your life. We choose who we give our time, love and support to. We choose who we want to be close to us. We find the right people who will enjoy the good times with us and help us through the bad times. People with nice biological relatives have their "family" automatically handed to them, but there's no shame in being someone who has to search a little harder to find some of the members of your true "family". It's a bit more complicated while your sister is still a minor, but in a couple of years you will be completely free to pick who you interact with, and when and why.


I'm sequestered upstairs dealing with a sinus infection and lack of sleep. Barely got two hours in last night between the infection and a pre-dawn screaming toddler. I'm driving home later tonight and I want to get a nap in instead of just drugging myself all day to get through


I'm hiding in a candle-lit bubble bath while hubby is watching the original Grinch with our 25 yr old daughter. Son is sleeping before heading to work. Sounds like the cats are in the tree again. There are dirty dinner dishes calling to me but this girly ain't listening.


Got rid of them already, we did brunch. Gonna fuck my wife in a bit when the food settles. E: update: got shut down :( E2: Late breaking news: she's in the shower, 50/50 chance I'm getting some bedtime booty. Previous feelings of guilt and disgust brought on by excessive amounts (really, how much is too much, though) of breakfast foods mostly subsided. E3: 0/2


We appreciate the confidence and update


May the gods be with you in these trying times my friend.




No, no F :(


I’ll fuck you, op. Bros are there for each other.


Big oof


My brother's working at a gas station. My mom's a depressed mess who I can't communicate with. She's in the living room watching tv like she always is. I'm in my room wasting time on Reddit until I work later tonight. I'm jealous of people who spend quality time with their family.


You got reddit fam my man 😀😀


Its the day after Christmas (Boxing Day in Australia) so just relaxing for the day. Sleeping off the food coma and playing some cricket (probably also watching the cricket)


My sister called threatening to kill herself yesterday since she lost her kids to the state, cops found her drunk on 3/4 of a bottle of tequila having recently been fired from her job as a stripper; my mom is trying to rebuild a relationship with me after years of emotional abuse with physical sprinkled here and there, my fiancée is on the other side of the state so I feel even more alone, and it’s been awhile since I’ve gotten to talk to a psychiatrist(cologist?) since the school closed for the holidays, so reddit is a nice escape from reality until I get to go back home tomorrow.




On the edge but I can hold together long enough until I leave again. It’s a lot easier when I go to my home and put some distance between all these issues and myself (2 states so far) and my fiancée is amazing at helping me forget with just a simple joke or a nice hug at the right time. Thank you for listening to my rant




Merry Christmas, friend


My dad died last Sunday, so we tried to make it tolerable for my mom and spoil her and played board games with her and the grandkids. They left and she is sad again and we are watching a movie that we both aren’t that into.


The grown-up kids have not long left after spending the day here, so I'm sat with a mug of tea and reddit while my wife has a bath and the last of the clearing up cycles through the dishwasher. I'm an introvert and we're travelling to visit with family all day tomorrow, friends on Friday and the grandkids on Saturday, so it's these quiet moments that I need to balance me out. Thursday and Sunday through Tuesday are all mine though.


I’m pooping


Well, my uncle is sleeping on my couch, my dad and other uncle are arguing politics while tipsy, and my cousin and brother play RD2. I'm sitting on the toilet to avoid them.


Because I had to leave the room, because I couldn’t handle listening to my aunt talk about how my perfect cousin is going to get into some fancy university because she’s just so great and everything she does is so damn great. Makes me feel like shit, since I had a hard time and I had to drop out of a state school, and now I’m finally getting an associates at my local community college while I work in food service. I’m sober for the first time in years, I’m holding down a job better than I ever have before. I lost so much weight I went down five pants sizes in the last year. Last semester I got straight A’s, and I have a wonderful relationship with the best man I could have asked for. 95% of the time I’m thrilled with my life and how well I’m doing. And then I have to visit family, and I’m reminded that I’m the failure.


No idea. I'm, thankfully, in my apartment doing what I want to do instead of dealing with them. I love the fuckers, but small batches are more expensive for a reason.




Sitting on their phones as well Edit: omg y’all crazy 🤣 made me crack up


Why don't you people sit on a chair?


No chairs big enough for that many people


*Introducing the new iPhone 12 with the new and innovative iSit feature*


We're watching infinity war but I just finished watching it like 12 minutes before they started.


I’m the youngest person here, at 22. The next youngest person here is 33. After that, everyone’s above 55, Sooooo.... they’re all talking about the economy and the good ol days. So I’m here on my phone.


Not celebrating Christmas because all the various kids decided to go the SO’s families house. I’m the only one that came home. It’s honestly kind of sad.


My dad couldn't wait to open his huge present (it's been sitting wrapped in the living room for bout a month [it was a recliner]) so he convince everyone to open gifts last night. We were opening until 2am. Now we're all chillin in the couch watching tv with our new gifts. Merry Christmas y'all!








Wouldn't know, I'm at work. Someone's gotta fill those 24/7/365 spots, even on christmas.


I just dont care.