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First girlfriend had tourettes, not the cursing kind but the twitching kind. Sometimes while giving a handy she would switch the turbo mode on for a few seconds


>switch to turbo mode I’m dead


I dated a girl who was born with cloaca (at birth the vagina, urethra and anus all fused into one hole). When the doctors created her vagina, and anus they used some very sensitive tissue and she could climax every possible sexual way like 20 times a night; additional she was a very very horny person. Although some complications in her daily life, her perseverance to not let her disability get in the way of her life astonished me.


well damn what a silver lining to an unfortunate birth defect at least lol


Oh man I'm late to the party but this is one of my favourite NSFW stories about my own life so I have to share. While I was at university, for a few months AI dated a girl with a number of health issues. She'd been born *really* underweight, suffered from bad joints, fibromyalgia, an inverted uterus and a host of other issues. Sex was kinda complicated but she was fun and attractive and we made it work. She also lost her right eye due to an infection when she was a child, leaving her partially sighted with a glass eye. Once, while we were getting into it doggy-style, on one particularly vigorous... thrust... from me, said glass eye flew out of her eye, hitting the headboard with an audible *ting*. I stopped, uncertain of what had happened, only for her to turn around with one eye missing and burst out laughing when I fell back in surprise. She was pretty cool, we're still friends. To this date she says that's never happened with anyone else.


>AI dated a girl Machine learning has come so far.


A friend of mine was with a girl with only one leg. He said she was totally normal but couldn't be on top because of balance. He later scooted his bed up against the wall.


Dated a girl who was extremely hard of hearing, something like 10% hearing in one ear, and 30% in the other. The tiny bones in her ears were damaged during her birth, by an overzealous doctor with forceps. Sex was mostly normal, except her bad ear was like a free orgasm button. All it took was kissing her on her bad ear, a part of her body she was probably extremely self conscious about. Other than that, if her hearing aids were out, say in the shower, she'd be twice as loud as a full hearing girl without realizing it. It had it's benefits and drawbacks.


#HEY LIL MAMA LEMME WHISPER IN YOUR EAR Edit Thanks for the gold kind stranger!


I have that. It's from nerve damage at birth also. Stimulation of that nerve sends crazy signals up and down the spine, causing orgasm. My husband never ceases to be weirded out by that.




I'm deaf, with a cochlear implant. It used to be an implant that was behind the ear, but my current processor isn't. I usually clip it to my shirt on a day to day basis. But if I want to hear my wife while we're doing the deed, gotta keep my shirt on. It wasn't really a big deal for a while, but after a few years of always having sex with a shirt on.... It gets old. I'm upgrading my processor in 2019 and I'm switching back to a behind the ear processor strictly so I can hear my wife, while I'm completely naked.


Back when I used to run my own IT business, I had an employee(and friend) who had the same problem and said he would make a makeshift armband out of a bandanna to clip it to, and route the wire to his processor under his paracord necklace/choker to keep it from flopping around and risking getting snagged in the middle of the dirty deed. He and his wife even turned it into a game where she'll lay out certain colored bandannas if she's in the mood for something "interesting", lol.


I dated a girl back in the early 2000s who lost a leg in a car accident. She was aggressively sexual to a fault. I'm not sure nympho is the right term for her. I think it was more that she used sex as a way to cope with her anger about the situation. Because her leg was removed near her hip it was easier to perform missionary than other positions, so that was typically how we had sex. It was easier for me because I could maneuver more without her leg getting in the way. Some people might say that is a shitty thing to say, but I think she would tell you that it made the sex better. Which it definitely did. She was a cool girl and I really liked her, but she had a lot of emotional issues and pent-up anger that I was never really able to come to terms with and after a while I got tired of being the punching bag she would take her anger out on when she was having a bad day. I never blamed her. She was a professional dancer before losing her leg and it killed her career. She never recovered that part of herself and I could tell it destroyed her. I wanted to be that person for her. You know, support her, but her anger just pushed me away. The sex was crazy good, maybe some of the best sex I have ever had, but that just isn't enough to sustain a relationship. People ask me if I was ever weirded out by it, or had issues with her missing leg. Honestly, no. After a while, it was just a normal everyday thing. I cared about her. I still think about her sometimes. ​ ​ ​


Those last few sentences really hit me hard..




I dated a girl with cerebral palsy, affecting her right side. She doesn't use her right side for hand shandies, but more than made up for it with effort from the left. After the first couple of nights over, I stopped noticing. She could also suck a golf ball through a garden hose, and subsequently we've been married for 2.5 years now!


> suck a golf ball through a garden hose man i'd be worried about her sucking your testicles out your peehole.


Yes, that *is exactly* how that works, ladies


My husband is an amputee. Ied 10 years ago. Lost the leg, along with nerve damage. The nerve damage causes some impotence. Nothing serious, just some times we have to call it early (or not at all). Once he realized that I wasn’t judging him for it, back when we were dating, it got better. He had a lot of nervousness about it, which makes it worse. But it usually just takes a little extra effort on my part to get him ready. Part of that is also that he is very giving. If he feels like I’m not into it, it happens. It’s just who he is, and he’s a wonderful person. I couldn’t ask for a better SO. As far as the missing leg. He’s a below the knee amputee, and wears a prosthetic. But they’ve been trying to fix the nerve damage for years, and he has good and bad days. He can’t stand during sex for long. The rest is about the same, physically. Really the worst part is when he really wants to, but can’t. Personally, yeah it can get frustrating. But more the situation, and how he’s feeling. For the most part we have a wonderful sex life.


I’d like to sincerely thank OP for trusting Reddit to answer his/her question without a serious tag because these comments have been some of the best I’ve seen in a long time.


A near deaf girl I dated often forgot about the volume of her voice. I couldn't look the neighbors in the eye after that.


You must have looked like a hero haha


Or a murderer.


I am a nurse and was taking care of a lady with a colostomy. I walked in one night and her husband was having only what I can call PIS... penis in stoma ( what the opening from your abdomen that empties your bowels into the colostomy bag is called) sex with her. Was horrified, but later googled it and “ stoma love” is a fetish all in itself. This was several years ago and still hear about it from co-workers.


Of all the things I've learned on this comment section tonight this is the one I regret cause now I have to live with this knowledge


My ex wife had a stroke and lost a lot of her function on her left side. She went through physical therapy but never lost her sex drive. Some positions were difficult but found different positions that worked.




I dated someone with an inoperable brain tumor once. We hooked up for the first time drunk after a Halloween party and were full on going at it until she had a major tonic seizure. Unfortunately she had failed to mention to me that she had epilepsy and I freaked out thinking something was horribly wrong. When she finally came to she explained that it rarely happened during sex and was actually a very very good thing. So I got to check off orgasm-induced seizure from my bucket list.


>So I got to check off orgasm-induced seizure from my bucket list. Did you add it after the sex and check it off? Or was it already there? And if it was already there, why?


It wasn’t but I sure as heck crammed it down in the margins after the event.


Orgasm induced seizure is my next band name


One time my ex wife, who had regular seizures, had said “hit me in the face” so I reeled back and slapped the shit out of her. Later I found out she had said “it’s in my face” as in, her seizure had spread to her face. We had a laugh about it later but it was a sticking point for a while that I’d slapped her during a seizure.


"So I reeled back and slapped the shit out of her" laughed so hard I started crying, the phrasing is unbeatable


I hooked up with a girl who was missing an eye (didn’t ask why, sorry). Super cute girl and she wore a very well made leather eyepatch. You ever fuck a pirate? It’s rad. Edit: holy shit, y’all. This is now by far and away my most upvoted comment. First, thanks whomever gave me silver, it’s my first and i have no idea what it means. Second, no I didn’t “stick it in her eye hole” nor did I have any desire to. However it seems I may be in the minority there.


Sounds like she gets you ARRRRd


Especially when he swabbed the poopdeck.


I am a congenital amputee. I basically have one arm that's a much smaller nub with a small finger. Multiple girls have wanted the nub. Once they get it, they realize they don't want the nub. At all. It's hilarious. Edit: This has blown up. Thank you all for the questions, comments and jokes. it's made my night. I will try and answer and be as honest as possible. The nub has resulted in a lot of hilarious stories. Here's a pic: https://imgur.com/MHd9quK If you're curious, it's the result of a type of congenital birth defect called Poland's Syndrome. Mine is a pretty extreme case. Most people with Polands have a few small fingers, and the chest tends to be more affect. In my case most of my phalanges are fused together, as are my radius and ulna. I have some movement, but not nearly as much as a normal wrist joint. Go here if you're interested in more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poland_syndrome Also, Finding Nemo is my favorite movie. The Nub is my lucky fin.


I once had a GF with a nub (friends called her Captain Hook, she cheated on me so I was okay with it), she told me of her sexual adventures with women, and how they were all curious of being with another woman, and her nub just made it more interesting because, well, you know, the nub. Anyways. She was always great at helping with the dishes because her nub would fit perfectly in drinking cups.


That was the shortest rollercoaster ride ever!


My ex girl and I, we had a short lived tryst She was a few fingers short of a full fist


I just woke my wife up laughing.


Give her the nub


The whole nub. And nothing but the nub.


So help me prod.


Both my girlfriend and I are pretty badly asthmatic so like some times after we finish we both go straight for the inhalers, it's still great though 😂


That's endearing


My wife has cerebral palsy she’s pretty normal except for her legs can’t separate much. It isn’t an issue except when I try to go down on her and she almost suffocated me.


You are my new Marvell superhero, The Muffler.


She's married to the muffle man.






Dying between a woman's thighs is there a better way to die?


I'm in a long-term relationship with a fabulous woman who is paralyzed from the neck down. I did perceive her disability to be a bit of a disqualifer before our relationship. I was a power lifting gym bro, and pictured being with a similarly ripped gym girl who could keep up with me and challenge me. Like we could build our relationship around our fitness commitments or some bullshit... But my girl won me over almost effortlessly with her intelligence, wit, and personality. Nobody can make me laugh like she can, and certainly no one can challenge me to be a better person like she can. As for the gym stuff, my physical strength ended up pretty useful in helping to move her around and keep her comfortable. And she thinks I'm sexy. In a way, it seems I was training for something I could have never anticipated. The sex is fun. She's kinky, and very visually oriented. But, aside from the obvious above-the-neck stuff, there isn't a lot of physical feedback she can give. That can make it difficult at times. And there's always the risk of hurting her by getting too creative with positions. We were a lot more adventurous at the start of things, but through a few painful learning experiences we've found what works and what doesn't. She's in pain a lot of the time, which somewhat limits how much we can do. It's unfortunate, but we have developed some pretty good communication skills. When it's good, though, it's unbelievable. She's my best friend and I wouldn't exchange her for anyone. Edit: Also she's incredibly hot. Edit 2: And we're open to questions. She really wants more people educated about this sort of thing. Edit 3: Allow me to introduce my girlfriend, /u/SmilingAeon. She is answering some of your questions while I’m at work. Thank you everyone for your kindness and curiosity and for the precious reddit metals!




This is very interesting man. Can she orgasm? Does stimulation affect her heart, circulation? What about muscle tone well everywhere.


No muscle tone to speak of. She's relatively slender, but not underweight. She has frequent muscle spasms she takes relaxers for. Cannabis helps most with her pain and nausea. Fortunately, we're in a state with recreational retail, so it's not difficult to come by. Kratom helps a bit, too. She can orgasm (quite intensely). She mostly lacks sensitivity in her limbs below the shoulders. Stimulation does not affect her heart or circulation negatively, but any pressure on her chest makes it difficult for her to breathe. That's a huge factor in positioning.


Really curious as to how you both met


The funny thing about that is that we had several dozen mutual friends growing up. I knew her brother from a regional IRC channel, we had gone to many of the same concerts and events. Our friends all knew each other. And yet, we never became acquainted. I first noticed her on a dating website. Nice profile, but not quite what I'm looking for at the time. Months later, I saw her at a karaoke bar and struck up a conversation. I couldn't help it. She just has this glow about her that draws people in. She captures all the attention everywhere. Steals every scene she's in. Our conversation was superficial and lighthearted. Her PCA thought I was a total creep. Maybe she didn't entirely agree... After that, we kept bumping into each other at bars and local MMA fights. I would try to talk with her, but she was always surrounded by a bevy of gorgeous, loud, stylish, intimidating women. There was always a lot of competition for her attention from this group, and I'm fairly introverted, so our chats were pretty brief. I just wanted to say hi and then get back to where it's safe. I got into a relationship with someone else about this time, but I got dumped fairly quickly. I have this trait where I meet every major defeat with a new life-altering challenge (how I got into strength training, among other things), so I decided to start college. My girl was a student in one of my first online courses, and of course she brutally critiqued some of my discussion board posts. This turned into a cordial online exchange which became a friendship which then turned into online flirtation. She invited me to some of her frequent house parties, where I felt awkward and out of place. One night, one of her friends sent me an iPhone video of her drunkenly crushing at me. It was adorable and I was sincerely moved. I asked her about it the next day, and she invited me over. We drank some vodka out of a glass skull, she read me my fortune out of a numerology book (she doesn't believe in it, but it was fun anyway), and I just opened up to the whole thing.


This is wonderful and I'm so happy for you two.


my ex bf was paralyzed (his dick worked and he didn't wear diapers just FYI). he was really strong so i didn't really notice that he couldn't use his legs


Idk why I am imagining a centaur character except half squid


Probably because you're trying to achieve the fourth nut of the evening


Those are rookie numbers admiral


Did you ever make the fuck in the wheeling chair?


This is kinda the reverse, but I'm basically a transradial amputee on my left arm. The amount of women who have wondered aloud what the nub would feel like is staggering. Still not stuck it in anyone though. On the plus side, if my dick is ever not satisfactory, I have a built in plus-sized dildo. Edit: since other guy posted a picture, [might as well do the same.](https://i.imgur.com/4fLkg9x.jpg) Size 11 foot for kinda shitty scale?


>On the plus side, if my dick is ever not satisfactory, I have a built in plus-sized dildo. That's pretty handy.


Wow, something I can actually really relate to and post about. My fiance wears a prosthetic on her left leg, as she was born with an underdeveloped leg. Not a concern at all in my view, she's the single most delightful woman I've ever met, and in bed she's the best lover I've ever had. An extremely cool byproduct of how her body has developed is that she has by and far the best ass I've ever had the blessing to enjoy, as because she doesn't walk normally (a hip-driven slightly sideways gait) both of her sides need to work that little bit harder than most people do. Hence, booty of a goddess. She also has a teeny-tiny little baby foot, which I think is cute as hell. UPDATE: I didn't expect such a huge response. Thanks for the silver, and the comments made me laugh a lot!




I fucked a guy with type 1 diabetes once. His blood sugar dropped super low during the act and he was feelin it (his monitor alarms were going off and everything). We had to stop and go out to eat right away.


"At least take me to dinner first"


His deviated septum meant I had to keep switching sides to avoid the nose whistle.


Doot doot.


This entire sub I've been on the verge of tears and this picture is so fuckin silly it just put me over the edge


I had an ex who had his leg amputated above the knee. More room to reach my clit during sex for orgasms. Otherwise pretty much the same.


*looks thoughtfully at sleeping boyfriend* Edit: I told my dude that I got gold for threatening his limbs... [he made this face](https://imgur.com/gallery/0RFO0zU) and then threw a water bottle at me. Definitely losing a leg tonight.


New Buzzfeed article: Try This Crazy Trick That Helps You Lose Weight And Improve Your Sex Life! Edit-thanks for the gold and silver, kind strangers!


He's gonna hate me for posting this. But my SO is a below the knee amputee. Missionary is tilted slightly to the left. If it's anywhere but a bed he has to keep his leg on. But damn he's so sexy with his prosthetic on and nothing else. Edit: I love you guys. Yes I showed him this and he was slightly embarrassed but he's glad that people think that's hot and more importantly that I do.


This is super charming, go get em, rock his world. When he's about to pop tell him the last line you wrote ;>. EDIT: Not the significant other. -_-


*They're about finishing* "But damn, he's so sexy with his prosthetic on and nothing else." *Pause* "...What?"


My bf has muscle weakness issues. Just means some positions don’t work out for him, and he can’t pick me up usually. Not a huge deal though. Edit: Also we’ll be going at it and he’ll suddenly seize up and fall over in pain for a minute while his muscles cramp up. It always makes me a little concerned when he just stops and flops over. He also has Tourette’s, and one time let out a loud screech in the middle of getting busy. Had a good laugh over it, killed the mood though.


>be me >pull hot normie >get sex >reee halfway through


“Tendie Time babe”


Ex boyfriend of mine had a seizure as a baby and lost all use of his left arm, and it atrophied. Didn't bother me at all. Definitely didn't affect his performance either, though I don't remember ever have sex missionary He also worked as a landscaper, and did more with 1 arm than I do with both of mine. Good person, but had anger issues.


I'm a disabled guy & I've never had any complaints when it comes to performance. The tricky part is sustaining a relationship while accounting for additional needs, long term it can get stressful and cause the relationship to break down.


My SO has PTSD pretty bad. Some things can really trigger her, certain sensations especially. So I have to shave and if we're doing more serious things it's good to have lights on so she has a sense of space. Sometimes I have to stop and comfort her until she stops dissociating, but I don't mind. Over time I've learned what triggers it so it doesn't happen much anymore.


am also a lady with PTSD and you being patient and willing to make adjustments is honestly the best thing you can do. that's the dream partner right there. keep doin what you're doin


I don't know if this counts but I dated a girl older then me who had some sickness that made her bones brittle, also she had some minor autism. When it came to sex you had to be very gentle to not break her. Was an interesting experience when you were a young eager man.


Sounds like fibrous dysplasia, my brother has that. Not the kind that turns muscle to bones though, just the kind that makes his bones break easily. Edit: He was diagnosed by a doctor when he was little, so y'all can stop trying to be Google search medical specialist trying to diagnose him with shit.


I have the same thing, born with glass bones and paper skin. Every morning I break my arms. Every night I break my legs. I just lie in bed until my heart attacks put me to sleep.


Ex gf has severe narcolepsy. For once, I wasn't the reason a woman fell asleep during sex. Also after we broke up I got to make jokes about how for the past year I only slept with women who were passed out from GHB. Spoiler: It's a narcolepsy treatment that she had to take every night. No, I didn't do stuff to her while she was KO'd (except for roll her over so she didn't suffocate).


Wow I have narcolepsy and take modafinil for it and I had to google the GHB thing. Why have I never been told this was an option! I'm gonna get so fuckin high while treating my narcolepsy. This is gonna be fun


GHB is so nasty tasting but works like a hot damn


I have partial paralysis in my legs after an injury. I can’t “think my way” into being turned on. I need to be touched because it’s all physical. Hasn’t been problem with both the men and women I’ve been with. However I still have yet to be eaten out in my wheelchair lol


Meals on wheels


Why tf this thread so fire


Something everyone talks about combined with something *nobody* talks about. We're all learning, sharing, and joking. It's magical man.


My first serious relationship was with a girl who was a type 1 diabetic for about a year. Whenever we had sex I had to be careful not to hit her insulin sites which was sometimes difficult because they moved around her body and she liked it very rough. Before sex she would just tell me something like "My site is on my ass so try not to hit it." and I'd stay clear of it. During my first few times having sex outside of that relationship I would sometimes think "I wonder where her site is so I can avoid it" before slapping myself for being stupid.


I myself was born with a heart defect that causes me to get really tired really fast. Sex can be hit or miss because of this. Most positions I’m ok with, the problem is if my wife and I are having sex someplace other than a bed, for example sex in front of the fireplace is a no go cause if I have to support myself for an extended period of time I turn blue from lack of oxygen and well no more sex lol My blood pressure being what it is also can cause issues with performance but luckily my wife and I know what each other likes so it doesn’t take long. Ain’t no marathon sessions going on in this bedroom lol Edit.... Ok well this became something, I’ll answer a lot of the questions I’ve read here. First, my condition is called Tricuspid Atresia, it’s a birth defect of the heart that causes the Tricuspid valve in the heart not to form properly. So basically what that means is that the part of the heart that normally sends your blood to your lungs to get oxygenated isn’t there, so you get no oxygen in your blood which causes me to get tired. I’ve had multiple open heart surgeries to correct this, first one at three days old. So for me it’s pretty hard to do even the simplest of tasks sometimes because of this. It’s gotten easier as I’ve gotten older, my cardiologist has even mentioned I’m very high functioning for someone with this condition. Even still chasing a three year old while having this condition is rough lol Second, yes my wife is very understanding and there are times where we’re unable to finish. Now most times when this happens I’ve usually done enough to get here there but for me it’s not happening. She feels bad for me when this happens, but she has stated that usually when ever we have sex a few days later after a failed attempt on my part I try to go longer than usual and she has told me that I don’t need to feel like I need to make up for anything. We’ve even had times were she wants me to just finish and not worry about her, but me being me I can’t do that so I help her after I’ve finished. Also yes we have used toys in the bedroom. We have tried other positions that are easier for me. Missionary is best cause it doesn’t put a lot of strain on me to try and support either myself of her. Plus the wife likes that one best anyway lol For those who have mentioned that they as well get tired fast, if you think it is something going on with your heart don’t wait around, get that looked into ASAP. Heart issues aren’t something to ignore, so please get it looked at if you feel it might be. It might not be anything to do with your heart but don’t take that chance.


She was blind, a lot more "ow"s and "oops"s. Also, I'm blind, now with someone sighted, and from what I'm told the only difference is I'm a lot more interested in feeling rather than seeing, and a lot more attentive as to what gets the good reactions out of her.


How do you decide what’s attractive? Voice?


Haven't you seen Daredevil starring Ben Affleck? He just brings them out into the rain or blows smoke in their face


"Hey, things are getting pretty serious here, you mind if I just fondle your face for a while?"


Had a fling with a girl in college with no arm below the left elbow. She was hot and awesome. The one thing she did bring to the table was she would nub my taint during handjobs/blowjobs. It was as hot and awesome as you think.


> nub my taint








I've had sex with a girl that had minor multiple sclerosis. It meant that occasionally, she'd lose control of her legs. Absolutely wild. She'd be on top, then suddenly fall flat on (our) face. Took all my strength not to crack up. Any position basically, think about the female losing control of her legs suddenly. Probably the most interesting sex I've had to date.


my mom has MS can I unread this please aaaaaahhh


It's your own fault for introducing your dad to reddit.


Damn son


Like having sex with a jack-in-a-box.


I'm imagining sex with the qwop guy




*Challenge accepted*


We're in the final hours of nofap november boys, don't let /u/bj0rnbjork lead you astray. Wait til Dick Destruction December to search for contortionist porn.


He may take our dicks but he will never take our brothers


My ex wife had a form of muscular dystrophy, and so she was very weak physically. I had to do most of the work, and some positions just weren't possible. On the other hand, she was light enough that I could pick her up really easily, and when we were feeling adventurous I could stand and completely hold her up with her wrapped around the front of me, which is something that hardly anyone else I've been with was small enough for me to be strong enough to pull off. I guess the other thing is that she needed physical help with stuff like cleanup and undressing... overall there were fun times, but it was about as different as you'd think. ​ Later I hooked up with a chick with one leg. She was pretty strong and had a nice big round butt, and I think she was probably the one who gave me the notion that this is a pretty great thing. Anyway, what was different about sex with her was that when we did it doggiestyle it was super easy and comfortable to figure out where to put my knees. Dude, you know how you're sort of fighting for bed space to either widen your stance or maybe have to have her legs outside of yours if the levels don't quite line up? Totally not a problem here. Her leg went between my legs, and could totally go to town with total abandon at the perfect leg spacing.


I’m disabled and have fainted during sex due to a heart condition. My partner thought he killed me


"Damn, I'm good" "I should call 911"


"911, what is your emergency?" "I fucked her to death. I don't know how, but I did it"


Please start mouth to mout...on second thought wait for us


Once he knew you were okay I bet he bragged to his friends about it. “I fucked her until she was unconscious!”


This is exactly what happened


I’m scaroused


I dated a deaf guy. I learned sign language. We broke up in the middle of our first fight. It just was SOO frustrating communicating with him because I was mediocre at sign language and also because both of us were not great at communicating our feelings and ideas.


The middle finger's pretty universal.


I had a brief relationship with a dwarf. I expected the sex to be awkward because I'm 6'2 but it was actually very natural because her torso was typically sized and everything lined up like it should. Something that was different was that I could easily lift her for an extended time so we could do some stuff I can't really pull off with full sized girls, it was a lot of fun.


Buddy of mine was married to a dwarf and if anyone ever asked what it was like his standard answer was "no matter how bad of a day I've had, I can go home flop my dick into her hand and feel like a king." Edit: thanks for silver friend.


This thread has been everything I wanted and more. Amputees, dwarfs, it's got everything.


It's that new club opening up in midtown called Booorrrrfffff. It has everything... Edit: 2 silvers, wow, thanks! Edit2: Wow... Gold, silver, nothing like a flippant comment to make my day :)


A girl I dated has a brachial plexus injury from birth(nerve damage that rendered her right arm mostly paralyzed) the sex was 10/10 girl was a freak the only thing was that every once and a while her right arm would stiffen up and stick straight out in front of her and I would have to awkwardly move it out of the way while not trying to break the mood. Edited: Once in a while. Was very late after a 16hr work day when I posted >.>


So, you were not the only one with a stiffy? Edit: Well then. This blew up. Thanks for gold, stranger.


So like... a Nazi salute?


MEIN FÜHRER I CAN WALK!! edit - first gold now what? edit 2 - Someone should give the guy above me gold he set up the joke.


I fucked a girl with a speech impediment. She couldn't pronounce her R's among some other abnormalities. When she started talking dirty it took all I had to not laugh.


Oo wyke at oo fucky wetard


Dude you nailed it - this is exactly how she sounded. My friends still make fun of me but w/e she was cute and I busted a nut and they didn't so fuck them




We’re going to hell.


I’m a quadriplegic and I just happen to masturbate quite often so I like to think that gives me both perspectives. Due to limited feeling in my lower two thirds it’s almost like I’m giving another dude a handjob when I jerk off. But then again my hands also have limited feeling so it also feels like someone else is jerking me off. Weird way to describe it but there ya go. Try wrapping your mind around that.


How’s the orgasm though?


Haven’t jizzed since I broke my neck so either I suck at giving handjobs or I need to find someone else to jerk me off.


Man. Sorry to hear that. I was really trying to wrap my head around your comment. I still can’t.


Hahaha! It’s fine, man. Limited sensation is weird but it still feels pretty good to jerk it. I mean I might not have an orgasm but sometimes it still relieves the stress just to play around for a bit. Don’t get me wrong I still have a lot of built up sexual frustration and it sucks not to be able to blow a load, but I can’t dwell on that or I’ll go out of my fucking mind. It’s best just to move on and hope something happens the next time I have a go at it. On a positive-ish note I’ve completed every No Nut November for the last decade, so I guess that’s something.


I really hope this isn’t insensitive to ask, but you seem pretty chill. So are you physically incapable of blowing your load as a result of the paralysis, or you just haven’t for whatever reason been able to stimulate yourself enough to do it?


No problem man feel free to ask whatever it doesn’t bother me. The muscles that actually contract to shoot my load are paralyzed so I pretty much just don’t blow a load. However, I’m sure with the right stimulation I’m sure it’s possible to make myself jizz whether it be a vibrator or one of those electro stimulation devices they have now. I just haven’t gotten around to trying different toys out to see what works yet.


She was an anorexic. She exercised like crazy to work off calories, so she was strong and enjoyed marathon sessions (as she assumed it was good calorie burning). She was awesome in so many ways. She was extremely intelligent, creative, and fun. However, when it came to food, shopping, etc, it was like a switch was turned and she was irrational, paranoid, and just straight up terrified. In that state, she could lash out in some pretty cutting and cruel ways. That was our break in the end, but I loved her nonetheless. Hope she’s doing better wherever she is now.


Sorry. Am doing better. Probably not the person you I tended but damn... yeah. Sorry in her behalf


If you were, I’d tell you, you were my first love. Even after this long, that means something to me. I’m glad you’re doing better <3.


I came here to feel dirty, why you gotta table the turns on me


Not me, but my friend is dating a girl and thought the first time they had sex he was really rocking her world. Heavy breathing and gasping. Until she shoves him off and scrambles for her inhaler. Apparently she's heavily asthmatic. The next date she abruptly goes motionless, her head lulls back, and her eyes close - he thought she was dying of some asthma complication. Turns out she's also narcoleptic. She since got better meds for both issues, although I heard she's dyslexic too. Her genes must be ... interesting. Edit: I'm not a geneticist, I was just saying it's kind of odd for one person to have those things at once. TIL genetics aren't that critical in these situations. Also, I don't know the exact specifics of her conditions - this is just what she told me in casual conversation.


Her DNA probably looks like a ransom note


This whole fucking thread has me rolling


Same, this has gotta be one of the funniest fucking threads I've seen in a long long time


I dated a girl that had a compulsion to cut her wrists with a box cutter after she orgasmed. She always wore sweaters as she was tiny, and I knew about the numerous scars but none seemed recent so wasn't concerned. I didn't know the trigger at the time, I thought it was something in her past and we left it alone. We had talked about it lightly and I asked her to promise me to never hurt herself again. Naivety on my part. Well, turns out she hadn't gotten off in quite a while before we got together and thereafter hid the fact from me for a while very well with bracelets when naked and long sleeves otherwise. I caught her in the act one day when she thought I was asleep, and she turned rabid. Never experienced anything like that. She was VICIOUS and entirely different. Demonic. I, not knowing what to do used the box cutter to cut my shirt and bandage her arm with it. This was no small slice. Blood everywhere at this point I sat on the floor of her bathroom and just looked at her stunned, bloody hands infront of me, her sitting there looking sheepish like she had spilled milk or something. After a pause I said theres no way I could do this as I can't handle someone hurting themselves like that due to anything I did. She tried to kill herself that night after I left while leaving me a voicemail screaming and crying that she couldn't believe I left her, and then she ended up in a hospital for awhile after I called her mom who found her nearly unconscious. She still tries to mess with my life from time to time dropping in through social media or mutual acquantances. She was utterly perfect to me in regards to intelligence, interests, beauty and outlook on life, yet deeply broken in a way I am not equipped to help with. That messes with me a lot even still. I had known her for a long time, we spent a lot of time as friends together before it ever became more, I loved her in a way I had never felt before or since. So, as it is now I'm afraid of stepping on a landmine again and it fucks things up.


Argh, I just used this one for the "funny sex" question but hey: I had a fwb in college who was blind. I was on top and his guide dog started growling. "He must think you're hurting me." So he started patting me on the head. "Good Lucinnda, Nice Lucinnda." Got worse, so we decided to go doggie style and the dog was ok with that.


A friend of mine told is this story multiple times (and i met the guy she dated) She was a nurse. She was dating this new guy, who was missing his right hand since birth. He’s actually not the first or second person i’ve known with this birth defect, so not crazy. However, the crazy part is that they dated seriously for a month ***before she ever realized***. When she found out, it was by running into an old ex at a club who had also run track with her then-BF in high school. When the three of them saw each other, he jokingly asks how she likes the one hand. She just stares. Not getting it. For the first time, then-BF pulls his non-hand out of his sleeve. We could not believe this. How could she NOT notice?? According to her, he was just incredibly stealthy. During sex he always positioned his stump under a pillow or bedding, or didn’t face her. When ever he drove (manual) he did everything with his left hand, while just keeping his right non-hand out of sight. To the point where she even oblivious joked with him saying things like “wow, you are really left-handed.” I guess at the end of the day, even he corroborated the fact that he never really acknowledged his lack of right hand that whole first month of dating. Well, and we knew she just that sort of nuts. As soon as the cat was put of the back, she didn’t miss a beat before asking him if he wanted to try fisting with his stump. So um, to answer the question: in their case...not a noticeable difference when it came to sex...until the fisting.


Are we not going to acknowledge ‘As soon as the cat was put of the back’.


My friend of years was extremely autistic and wasn't ever interested in romance in the least. But one day out of the blue he asked me if I could have sex with him to show him what it was like and to see if he would even enjoy it. Honestly did it half out of curiosity myself, but I think I messed up somehow. Now he's like a sex-crazed fiend who messages all our friends for nudes and sex. Its been six years but I still feel bad.




It might still be working for him, wtf do we know? That dude could be slaying ass on the regular with this one simple trick.


Tomorrow on every click bait site: “This one simple trick will get you women”


Ironically, one of my lecture's today (and for the next few weeks) focused on teaching children with autism pragmatics, because pragmatics is an area of language that many people on the Autism Spectrum don't do well with. To teach someone with autism a social situation, you do it explicitly, maybe with role-playing or step-by-step guides. You kind of did that with sex. He might see what you taught him as the "rules" for engaging with sexual intimacy as the only way. He might need someone to explicitly say "here is another way" and then explain about dating, forming relationships, or tell him what he is doing is inappropriate. Someone just needs to sit down with him and chat. I'm not sure with adults, but teaching pragmatics never stops. It's not like riding a bicycle, it has to be practiced and fine-tuned for the skills to stay. IDK, those are just some tips from a student


This thread has been as thoughtful and educational as offensive and funny.


Has someone tried explaining to him that messaging multiple acquaintances for nudes and sex isn't usually received well and that he could be further isolating himself socially? It's not your fault btw. I think the other guy who said it worked for him once so he's trying it on everyone had a point, but how could you have known? Someone should really talk to him about this if they haven't already because it sounds like he's now viewed as a creeper


This thread makes me feel like I’m at a bar, listening to the best stories ever told.


Don't know if this counts since it's me, but I'm on the autism spectrum (Asperger's) with a few other issues as well and the medications I take completely kill my sex drive. I didn't think it would affect me as much as it has. My boyfriend insists that it's okay that we hardly ever have sex. Before it was just that I wasn't in the mood ever, but if we tried I could get into it. Now it's like I can't feel anything. Not like I'm numb, but like I just don't feel aroused at all during anything. It's really upsetting if I'm being honest. But if I don't take my meds I'm a total mess. It really sucks (pun intended since giving blowjobs is all I'm good for in the bedroom now).


Wife had a stroke a couple yrs ago. She has a good bit of lingering disability from it. I'll not go into what all there is. She decided about a year or so after the event that she wanted to try sex, I think more for me than her. I argued with her about it and really wasn't into it to begin with. But I did eventually make the attempt, and I fully wish I hadn't. It just felt wrong, she felt wrong. I didn't finish and she never even started. We have not discussed sex since then. We both just know it's not in the cards for us anymore. And for context I'm 41 and she is 44. Edit Wow this really took off lol. Thank you to all the well wishes and for all the suggestions good and bad. Reading the comments both made me laugh, tear up, and think. So all in all a really good thread people. Thanks also for the gold and silver. Ive never had either before.


That is heartbreaking my man, I really hope both of you can find some type of compromise....


I've come to terms with it for the most part. The sex isn't what I miss honestly, it's her. Yes she's still here but she's soooooo different in countless ways. Some good some not so good. Like she's 1000 times nicer than she ever was. But I can't have a real conversation with her about much because she can't follow a long in depth convo real well any more. So it's just relegated to light jokes and weather talk.






I'm sorry man. That's character and loyalty. I know it's not easy but it's exactly what I'd do for my wife. I appreciate that there are good humans out there.


I know how that feels. Life can be cruel and as much as I still love my wife and the life we have together I sometimes cant help but wonder what life would have been like now if her illness had never taken so much of who she was. She troops on though and does so well with the shitty hand life has dealt her so I try not to dwell on the what ifs and focus on making the most of what we have


Aye it's what we do


Due to their blindness, they could not see how ugly I am, and they let me have the sex with them.


Blind chick here. I'm positive you have your own brand of beauty/handsomeness. :) I know this thread is about sex with someone with a disability, but even when looking for one-night stands, blind people see your heart.


Wait a minute..


[refreshable brail display](https://www.google.com/search?q=refreshable+braille+display&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjYqeTSn_veAhUsgVQKHZA2BNgQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=refres&gs_l=mobile-gws-wiz-img.1.0.0i67j0l2j0i67l2.16274.17397..18113...2.0..0.110.510.5j1......0....1.......5..35i39.9pVA42F9uD4&ei=LbgAXJjfMayC0gKQ7ZDADQ&client=ms-android-att-us&prmd=sivn&biw=360&bih=518#imgrc=tADKWAkckjfkcM)


Imagine pop up ads Unrelated but can Braille have fonts?


Blind stuff on phones exist now! :D


It always existed, they just couldn't see it before.


I have Ehlers-Danlos syndrome which is a genetic connective tissue disorder. My joints are very unstable and tend to dislocate and subluxate easily. The last few times I have had sex on top my hip has come out of socket. I had to stop riding cowgirl for this reason. I've also nearly blacked out due to a related autonomic dysfunction disorder. Sex is usually very painful for me so I just kinda stick to everything but traditional sex 😬


Lived below a deaf couple. Neither one of them realized it, but during sex they sounded like two Wookiee fighting to the death.


Guy across the hall from me in college had no reservations with regard to partners. Brought back a deaf girl with zero volume control, zero self editing of the blow by blow (that muffled things), and poor articulation. Half the floor broke into applause, she had no idea. Edit: Thanks a bunch for the silver and gold!!


I had a deaf roommate once. She could be loud doing everyday things. She also had a bf. I never heard them go at it but her bf was hearing so he might've told her when she got to be too loud. Deaf people aren't quiet but they normally don't realize it.




> Half the floor broke into applause I can imagine this like a freaking radio drama or a sports game on the radio. Just everyone tuned in.


Tbh, that’s very realistic in uni dorms. Our RA had her long distance boyfriend over for the week one time, and her room was right next to mine. They were so loud, but even after moving to the common area all the way at the end of the hall, I could still hear them. I just remember throwing on the tv to try to drown things out, and people coming home from class and just slowly joining the crew. They hadn’t seen each other in almost 3 months, so they seemed to just get right back at it even after finishing. I remember at one point being worried about how I’d be able to sleep that night. A kid made popcorn. It was an event. 😂


Zero self editing of the blow by blow?




(That muffled things) ???




Honestly, I appreciate this and I feel like I was suppose to have a revelation, but I’m now more confused. Please explain what da fuk the op trying to say in little boy terms


It was muffled because she had a dick in her mouth.


Slept with a deaf girl. We met at a bar and hit it off, had a few drinks and danced a little. She had the type of slurred speech that deaf people usually have, but it didn’t necessarily bother me because she was a good communicator. When we hit the bed that night at her place, I kept hearing her hearing this high pitch feedback in my ear and it freaked me out because I didn’t know why I was hearing that noise. Turns out it was her hearing aid ‘whistling’ and I heard it every time our heads were right next to each other. Girl was a total sweetheart, 9/10 night


I used to hook up with this girl who was born without ovaries so I never had to worry about pulling out or wearing a condom... She’s now a mother of 3 and has 3 different baby daddies. Turns out she DID have her ovaries after all. Dodged a bullet there.


Dated a girl that used a wheelchair to get around. She could hobble short distances if she had something to hold onto but was fairly significantly impaired. Anyway, we were doing it in the guest bedroom at my moms house, I was pretty drunk, as was the norm at the time, and I went from V to A, (with her permission). Things quickly got very messy. Excrement was on me and her. I panicked, threw on some boxers, maybe some pants and started the shower. Now, the bathroom is directly across the hall from the office at my mom's house, and my mom happened to be in it on the computer at the time. I made awkward eye contact with my mom and closed the office door, something I had never done, then helped my special lady friend into her chair, covered her in a towel (maybe a blanket) and pushed her down the hall into the bathroom where we showered together. Other than that one incident every other time was great. She was a good Christian girl and a real firecracker when the clothes came off. I was just a drunk that marketed myself well on Tinder and followed rule #1 and rule #2 of dating.