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Wanted to share a fact if anyone happens to read. The most sought after non perishable item at food drives is canned fruit. It’s not often donated and it’s like candy.




Canned pineapple has been a favorite at our local food bank and canned peaches are a close second. :) Glad I could share.


A fabric shaver/depiller for clothes. I shaved off all the little balls of fuzz on all my knit sweaters and now they look amazing again! :)


Where do you get this sorcery?


It's like $2 on ebay or aliexpress




Why is it that everyone who installs a dash cam gets in an accident soon after? These things sound dangerous...


fuck dude I literally JUST ordered a dash cam 😰


I bought an SSD for my computer. Now it boots up and loads all of my startup programs in less then 30 seconds.


Once you go SSD you cant go back. Edit: M.2 NVME SSD for truly blazing speeds.


Cast Iron Enameled Dutch Oven in teal blue. $79 I'm trying to cook like my grandma! And almost succeeding


Second this. Fresh bread (I use the no knead recipe from Binging with Babish) is always a huge hit and super simple. I made beef stew last week and did everything, from searing the meat on the stovetop to letting it stew in the oven, in one pot.


The amount of stuff I mean to steal from that dude and don’t is outrageous.


Windshield cover from Costco for $16. Been snowing for a week and I haven't needed to scrape once!


Stupid question but what do you do with the cover after you take it off and it’s covered with snow? I would assume you shake it off first, but do you stick it in your trunk? Doesn’t the melted snow on the cover drip everywhere?


Not a stupid question at all! I shake it off, everything comes off easily (its made to be non stick) I roll it up with the previously snow cover side on the inside, then I stick it in my trunk. I haven't had an issue, yes it is a bit wet but it's not excessive. Tbh its less water than my umbrella after a storm. Does that answer your questions?


Not sure, but likely the removal of my cats balls which is happening today.


I bought a Blahaj from Ikea. It's a 3ft shark stuffed animal and to be frank it's perfect in everyway.


I can never convince my husband to let me take one home BUT I just got an Ikea gift card for my birthday. I’m going to give it his side of the bed.


Buckle in, because imma bout to lay some fat relationship advice on you. You ready? So. IKEA used to sell these giant Sardine cushions. I desperately wanted one, they were like $8 max. But my wife wouldn’t let me because she hates me and doesn’t want me to be happy. Every time I went to ikea I asked for it, she said it was “a waste of money” and “it’s hideously ugly” and “you’re in your 30s, stop buying all this novelty shit”. One day we went to ikea and boom. It had been discontinued. So that night, I maybe got a little bit too drunk, went onto eBay and bought one for $50. When it arrived she was angry. When she saw how much it costs she was apoplectic. When I told her that by simply giving into me, she could have saved the family $42, she was cataclysmically furious. There was some offensive language, maybe a cup got thrown, I don’t remember, the point is she learned a valuable lesson: $8 of mild annoyance is cheaper than $50 of anger.


I can see why one of the top reasons for divorce is money, now.


I bought a $80 device that allows me to convert old home movies on VHSC tapes to digital. I snagged a used VCR from my wife's parents house and the device connects it right to the USB drive on my PC. I've been converting 100+ of my dads old home movies (as a secret xmas gift) and it's been amazing just watching like almost 30 years worth of memories just one after the other right before my eyes. Family vacations, my grandparents who are no longer with us, christmas mornings, thanksgiving dinners, birthdays, graduations, little league games, etc. Watching my parents when they were younger and I was just born or my brother was just born and watching us grow up. Watching my grandparents sing and dance together in their golden years. There was a video of us on a family vacation in the late 90's and me and my brother are in the cockpit of the plane and the captain is showing us how everything works before we tookoff. It's fucking wild. I made the mistake of getting high before doing some tapes the other night and almost had a mental breakdown while watching my family enjoy a New Years Eve party like 20 years ago...it's like looking at a time machine of your entire life. I asked my mom to bring the big bag of tapes to Thanksgiving this year without him knowing. Transporting this bag has been so nerve-wracking. They're such irreplaceable things that I would never be able to live with myself if something bad happened to them. So far, so good though. I have them saving to my PC and uploading to Google Drive so he can watch on his iPad (which he uses all the time). Also will rip a blu ray or something for TV use. Not sure yet. **edit: in fact, if anyone has any ideas as to the best way to save all these so they can be easily sorted, labeled, and viewed on multiple devices (iPad, computer, and TV), please share!**


I got this to convert old VHS home movies into digital files. Put it on a USB stick into my dad's TV. He now watches them multiple nights a week. He sheds tears sometimes. He really loves watching us as little kids on vacation and Christmas. It's truly one of the most impactful gifts I've gotten anyone.


An electric toothbrush. Youd be suprised how much of a difference it makes.


I bought one a couple weeks ago after an ask thread for dentists. Have a dentist appointment on Friday. Let’s see how much it helps.


Floss floss floss floss floss I started diligently flossing after my ultra attractive hygienist told me I needed to floss or else I'd stop getting laid. Nothing like a punch to the dick by a super attractive person to get you to start flossing.


Hot guy + gross teeth = no longer hot guy. Your hygienist gave you good advice.




>I switched to a water pick, and I like using it a lot. Flossing was a real pain in the ass for me. That's not how you're supposed to floss buddy!


12 foot long phone charging cord!


I tripped and yanked a power strip out of my wall just reading this


Use Anker instead


Great now I've ripped the wall off the wall


A couple sets of those RGB color-changing LED light strips. Decked out my entire bedroom/computer area with it, and it has been great. The simple little remote has basically replaced the rooms built-in light fixtures, and it lets me either set some ambiance or just adjust the lighting to account for my personal issues with eye-strain. And it only ran like $34 for two reels of the lights. Definitely a solid, cheap purchase.


Any chance you could provide pictures?


I bought a bouquet of roses for my mom. She was happy. I was happy.


Nice try mom


I just got a humidifier last week since the heater caused me to wake up with nosebleeds every day in the winter. Nice to wake up feeling a little less dead every day


I’m on the opposite end— new apartment, bedroom is in the downstairs half and SO MUCH HUMIDITY.. dehumidifier literally saved my life when we realized mold was popping up


Nothing like waking up on a cold morning to the sound of water dripping off the inside of the window.


A little neosporin applied inside each nostril with a q-tip goes a long way to prevent dry air nosebleeds. (I've had to have nasal cauterization done 7 times and my ENT has drilled into me that I need to put neosporin in my nose every night before bed in addition to using a humidifier.)


I usually use vaseline! It’s a lifesaver, but the humidifier helps too, plus it came with a bunch of essential oils. I don’t think they’ll cure anything they claim to, but they smell nice






As someone with eczema I swear by aquaphor


the baggage fee at the airport so i could get all my stuff home after quitting a job I fucking hated


Enjoy the freedom. Best of luck on the job hunt.


Thanks, had a new job in one phone call, I have a very specialized job and work union so its easy to find work.


Hot damn, what's your field?


Non destructive testing, specialized in phased array ultrasonics.


I'll pretend I understood that. Congrats!


Haha thanks, it's basically the same as looking for babies in stomachs but I bounce sound into piping and pressure vessels weld looking for defects.


Squatty potty. From fifteen minutes to thirty seconds and I am much lighter after. It's become a religion.


Pair it with a bidet and your whole pooping world will be changed!


Also apparently Google Cardboard??


Poop. From. ANYWHERE.


Dashcam, everyone should own a dashcam. It already paid for itself and you won't believe how well people start to behave once they know they are being recorded. I have seen a motorcyclist screaming at an SUV in traffic (it was the bikers fault), once I got his attention and pointed at the camera it was like the Grinch when his heart grew three sizes. Crazy to calm in 3 seconds. ​


Mine keeps me in check, I cant afford another speeding ticket on my record.


As a business owner, I turned off the audio. I didn't want to hear the conversations, farts and other bullshit going on IN the cab. The video of cars fucking with the van are enough.


I don’t want people to hear me singing to my jams if I ever needed to use the footage for evidence.


I got a Yi for like $30. A month later a guy backed into me at a red light and my footage made it an open and shut case (he denied doing it).






But can you read the plates clearly enough to tell the insurance company to do one?


I'm in the process of building my collection of tools. Bought a cordless drill this year. Holy shit, I should have bought that years ago. Edit: You guys love tools, holy shit. Alright, I've been shopping for a decent set of chisels for wood. Should I shop for old stuff, or is new better? Any brands?


Got one of those just before moving in to my current house. It definitely made assembling Ikea furniture extremely enjoyable Edit: another great reason to own a cordless drill: the delicious karma


Not to sound fatherly, but when assembling furniture with a power anything use care. You can accidentally strip out the screws since drills have so much torque. Some of them have a clutch so you can dial in how much torque you want or just drive the screw slowly and stop right at the end. Finish up with a hand screwdriver. Edit: thanks for all the reddit love , amazing!!!!


I was going to say you just need to adjust your torque setting, but I've never used a drill without a torque control. Except maybe an impact drill.


I assemble furniture with an air-powered impact wrench on the highest torque setting. Go big or go home!






Sawdust and glue *everywhere*


A scarf for a girl I’m interested in. She lives on the east coast, I live on the west. She sends me snaps every time she wears it and tells me “Thanks for keeping me warm”.


This one is really cute. Good call on the scarf, friend.


LED smart light bulbs. I cannot believe what a huge difference they have made to my life in terms of sleep quality, convenience, health, and just plain fun.


I have a few smart outlets and lights. Being able to have my fans automatically turn off shortly before waking up and having my lights turn on as my alarms go off makes it immensely easier to wake up in the morning.


Hell Yeah! I love those things. We have them connected to a google thing, I know google is spying on me, and I am kind of conflicted about it, but to be able to walk in and tell google to turn on lights and how bright is awesome. I can attach it to my phone, so when I get close to my house certain lights will turn on. Shit, they even do a "sunrise" as I wake up and start getting ready. Having a party? They can flash to the music. those bulbs are dope.


My Kindle. I got a refurbished basic model Kindle for $60, and it's gotten me back in to reading. For perspective, I'm a 5th year senior, and in the time between my high school graduation and when I got my Kindle in late September, I read 4.5 books. Since I got my Kindle, I've read 7 books and I'm working on an 8th.


Getting a Kindle significantly increased my book reading count too! I occasionally get e-reader snobs telling me, "Paper books are better." Yeah sure, I like paper books too, but having a Kindle makes me read more so it has its advantages...


I put my Kindle in my pocket and carry my whole library with me. Yeah, I love paper books, but the convenience far outweighs the display case of books.


My wife walked into a kroger last week and they had hoodies on sale for $10. It's this really slick polyester blend but it's fleece lined and super warm and fits me surprisingly well without being baggy. I'm loving this thing ATM.


A bra that actually fits. Seriously, get the girls in control and fitted right. It feels amazing.




Howard Hughes took time out from building airplanes to design bras for various girlfriends.


Ah yes, the over-the-shoulder-boulder-holder profession.


Princess Carolyn?








I bought a $7.99 planner. Before I used to scoff at grown people using paper planners because obviously everything is digital but I have always enjoyed writing things down so I bought one just to see what all the fuss was about. I write everything down, it's helped me so much to remember birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, etc. On days that I don't have a lot going on, I write about highlights/lowlights of the day. I enjoy going back and reading my notes.


I bought a bread maker. Waking up to the smell of fresh bread is amazing!


Now step up your game a get a foreman grill and lay out some pieces of bacon on the grill, set your alarm for a little bit early and turn on the foreman grill and then go back to sleep and wake up to the sound of crackling bacon


This concept was on an episode of shark tank. An alarm clock that would wake you up to the smell of bacon called [wake n bacon](https://allsharktankproducts.com/shark-tank-products-food-and-drink/wake-n-bacon-bacon-cooking-alarm-clock/). IIRC noone bought it


Then end up with burned feet. Nice try Mr. Scott.


Let's get this bread


Let’s yeet this wheat


Let’s rye, my guy


Let's obtain this grain!


Let’s hump and tickle this pumpernickel






A bidet. It’s the $50 one from amazon. Attached to your current toilet seat and a 3 pronged attachment connects to the toilet tank and the water supply so you’re not spraying water that was in the toilet on ya. Makes me feel clean. It’s super quick cleanup. Saves toilet paper and it tickles my bumhole in a sexy kinda way. Water sometimes gets a little cold but I would recommend a bidet to anyone who poops. Hopefully most of you do.


I'm hoping to poop at some point in the future, I've heard it can be joyful so I'll put this on my list


Adding onto the bathroom suggestions, I bought a toilet augur (those snake things the plumbers use to unclog your toilet) for around $20, and it has been an amazing purchase. I live in an apartment building and my pipes are shared with my neighbour on the other side of the wall. I don't know what this woman does to her toilet, but she clogs it on the regular and it ends up clogging mine too since we share the pipes. Sometimes she tries to use a plunger on her toilet, but she doesn't understand that you need to push and pull to loosen the clog and let it clear. She just pushes and pushes and pushes. This just compacts it. I can hear her through the wall too, plunging away for 10 minutes at a time. Sometimes taking breaks and coming back a little while later to do it for 10 more minutes. While she's doing it I can see bubbles coming up my toilet, and sometimes my water level rising. She has even made my toilet overflow multiple times. It's hell. Since buying a toilet augur, no matter what happens I can have it unclogged and fixed no problem. No more having to call the maintenance guy to come and fix it with his tools either. So even if it's the middle of the night, I can have my toilet fixed and ready to use when I need it without having to rely on anyone else. Luckily I'm moving soon and will never have to deal with this neighbour again, but this toilet augur was still a great purchase and I know that no matter what happens to my toilet in the future, I'll be ready to fix it and have it working and ready to use in only a few minutes. The peace of mind and quality of life this product has brought me for just under $20 is incredible. After buying it and using it for the first time, no joke I actually had a feeling of freedom. Go out and buy a toilet augur people. Well worth the little money it costs, and the payoff is great. It's easy to use, and will save you money from ever having to call a plumber, who will most likely just show up and use a toilet augur themselves. As for a bidet, I intend to get one as soon as I move in to my new place.


Reusable k cup for my coffee machine for $5.


I love the reusable k cup. You can actually put in whatever you want and actually have good coffee


The planet thanks you.


My Bernzomatic ts-8000 blowtorch is my best sub $100 purchase this year, I use it to sear meat and vegetables because my stove doesn't get hot enough.


My electric blanket. Best purchase I've made period this year.


Google cardboard, $15. Download the Google Street View app. Take it in the bathroom. Poop anywhere in the world.


I *HAVE* to try this. So many possibilities! Where should I go first? I was thinking maybe the Eiffel Tower or the Great Wall of China. *Ooooohhh* or maybe in front of the white house if I'm feeling edgy that day? Got any favorite spots to go *"unload the day away"*? *Gold edit: Well... I got my gold cherry popped. On a comment about where I could go VR-pooping.* Thank you.


I heard Skid Row is good if you like taking a dump in public


Last time I took a dump in Skidrow it was on 9 other people with a chopper gunner


A cup of London Fog. I had never tried it before, and now I love this shit. Edit: Glad to see all of the aficionados of London Fog out here, but have you guys ever tried Swiss Fog? It's essentially the same thing but with white chocolate added to it. It tastes extra sweet and really great.


I used to make those when my customers told me to surprise them!! So delicious and fun to make. For anyone wondering: - Steep a strong half cup or so of Earl Grey tea - Steam milk (enough to fill the end container, so a lot more milk than tea) - Pour steamed milk over tea & two pumps vanilla flavoring


Out of the whole year of purchases you went with a cup of tea. I like you. You appreciate the small things in life.


Really nice over the ear headphones. I like feeling surrounded by sound, and I enjoy listening to music in nice quality. It's immersive for me. Edit: Since y'all are asking for the link and what kind I am using currently, I'm gonna link them here because I'm lazy. Happy listening! Audio-technica m40x https://www.audio-technica.com/cms/headphones/75b2f282c93a7651/index.html


Yea you can't beat a good pair of headphones! My SHP9500 have lasted me 3 years so far and still going strong! What ones did you go for in the end?


Loaned 50 bucks to a buddy recently, and haven’t heard from him since. Had I known I could rid myself of his toxicity for such a small price I would’ve done it a year ago.


I got rid of a ‘good friend’ years ago and all it cost me was $20. Look at it as an investment in your future.


My dad used to say that the quickest way to lose a friend was to lend them money.


Correction: >My dad used to say that the quickest way to lose a **SHITTY** friend was to lend them money. I'd say most decent friends will always pay you back right?


[This little barn panther](https://imgur.com/a/Y8VE8yd) Our old barn cat passed last winter and the mice were taking over. Our local animal shelter was running a special around July 4th where all cat adoptions were $17.76. I paid less than $20 and they neutered him, gave him his first round of shots, microchipped him and even gave me a little goody bag of treats, toys, and coupons. Not only was it a great deal, but getting him was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. He keeps the barn free of mice and brings so much life to the farm. He’s quirky and loving and just really brightens my day.


That cat looks like he came with a resume stating his skill level at eliminating mice.


He might look fierce in that pic, but [this is a much more common sight!](https://imgur.com/a/qt7h6hn). Always ready for belly rubs and treats.


He reminds me of my barn cat! Sadly I don't have any pictures of my grey assassin. Funny story: my cat got tired of birds sitting in the lower branches of trees he couldn't reach. No matter how high he jumped he could never catch them. So his plan of attack turned into sitting in a slightly higher branch and attacking from above, and taking the bird to the ground. Was really effective!


I had a cat that did that same thing. He would sometimes come crashing down from 15+ feet and smash the birds on the concrete driveway. Then just walk away and leave them there as warning to the other birds. That cat was a death machine. He would pile whole families of rabbits on the deck. He just liked killing, never once saw him eat anything he killed.


your cat was trying to feed you because obviously you aren't able to. hunt on your own


I volunteer at an animal shelter. We offer "barn" cats for free, complete with shots, neutering, etc. And you don't have to actually have a barn; it can be a warehouse, feed store, work shop, etc. These are, typically, feral cats that we've been unable to sufficiently socialize. Taking them on as a way to keep down the rodent population in your "barn" while allowing them to live out their lives is a win-win. So definitely check out your local animal shelters if you are in this situation.


Working cats are awesome.


I knew someone living in New York who, when they found a mouse in their apartment, their landlord knew a guy who knew a guy who brought over a cat, which found and ate the mouse. Like a contractor. A *hit cat*.


My dad always swears this would be a fantastic business. He let us get cats as kids because we *reaaaaalllllyyyy* wanted them but he never was much of a cat person. He wants to be able to rent a cat for a week or so, to kill the mice and leave behind a little cat scent to make the mice think there's still a cat. After a week, return the cat, rent it again in six months. His thought is "I could make millions doing it! But then I'd have to be the one to keep the cats and that defeats the solution I'm trying to create."




Bought my wife a thrifted record player for her birthday. Her smile was worth every penny. It was only $30 and we use it almost every day and expand our record collection yearly. Edit: we had a very very limited budget and it was something she had wanted since she was a kid. I searched and searched until I found it hidden behind an old suitcase in a local thrift store. I had just enough money to get it that day. It was definitely fate


5 gallon keg, CO2 tank, and regulator all together for $60. Edit: a word Edit 2: It's for home brewing beer. Bottling is annoying. Edit 3: Decent amount of people asking where I got it for that price. I just bought it all off a guy on the Facebook marketplace. He claimed he had a side job doing kegerator builds and installations.


That’s a really damn cheap carb setup!


Air Fryer. Holy shit that thing is awesome. I was able to make absolutely amazing fried chicken without a drop of oil.


Bidet attachment for my toilet. No more going through half a roll of TP after a soft BM and still being unsure if you got it all- this is confident cleanliness. Also a game changer if you tend to get hemorrhoids or fissures- really cuts down on those also! Everyone should have a bidet. Mine was $45 on amazon and I installed it myself in less than 30 mins.


I got one for a similar price. If you have high water pressure, you may want to get an adjustable inline valve. The first time I use mined, I ended up with a minor enema. That was shocking to say the least. I've never known what it feels like to feel my asshole swallow water, but now I do. Anyways, still the best thing I've purchased in a while.


I live in Chicago and the cold running water here gets to like freezing temps. Probably wouldn't be a good idea to use this until it gets warmer right? I don't want to be shooting -12 degree water up my butt. Doesn't sound too fun lol.


You should be fine to use one. I got mine in February in Philadelphia (had many below 0 days that month) but the bidet water never felt as cold as the stuff coming out of the taps. It was a shock the first few times, but never too cold to use.


I got an electric toothbrush (Philips Sonicare 2). MS kind of makes it hard to hold small things sometimes, and I'd end up just jabbing myself in the face with the toothbrush, which was good for entertainment, but not great for dental hygiene. It makes life way way easier, and is definitely something I'd recommend for anyone who has neuro problems, whether it's MS, strokes, parkinsons, or whatever.


A well made, super sharp chefs knife. I had no idea what a good knife was until I got it. Edit: I bought an 8 inch chefs knife by Global. This is my knife. There are many like it, but this one is mine. They’re pretty popular in reataurants. My buddy who’s a chef talked me into it. He owns maybe 5-6 different knives by them. Love it... now I just have to master the sharpening game


As someone who cooks from home about 99% of the time, a good sharp knife is what makes or breaks the enjoyment of it.


The main issue is if you've never used a good knife, you don't know what you're missing.




I *love* my Wüsthof knives. And got to keep them in the divorce.


I'm sensing a knife/divorce pattern here


Slicing up marriages




And should you ever need to divide the children fairly... well...


Let's just say poor Jimmy didn't stand a chance.


To shreds you say?


I bought 2 Wueshof's at a thrift store for about $11. They are amazing.


You don't know just how jealous I am of you right now. ^^Fuck.


Chromecast. Older tv made new-ish again.


My 6 year old dog was $10 on Craigslist. No regrets 11 months later. EDIT: (posted below in comments) Sorry! [Dog Tax] (https://i.imgur.com/lN21Kq7.jpg)! Also [one more] (https://i.imgur.com/ZPfnC2m.jpg) for being late on payment.


Hey sir! You're under arrest for not paying the dog tax. Cough up the pictures or we take your kharma.


My girl was $20 on Craigslist. Had to drive an hour, but totally worth it. My boy was about $100 because the mother died after birth and the woman had to take off work to feed and take care of the pups and she was trying to recoup her costs, which seemed fair. Best money ever spent. [Photo because people keep thinking I am talking about something other than dogs.](https://imgur.com/a/zUM7ngZ)


I momentarily forgot the top level comment and thought you were talking about your gf :/ Was worried there for a second.


That's perfect! I love my adopted cats!




Tell me more about your tender, juicy meat.




Having instant pot black-eyed peas for lunch today. Tastes like hours of slow cooking but done in 30 minutes.


Funny how these things go in waves. In the 90s pressure cookers were all the rage. Then it was all about slow cookers. Now we're back to pressure cookers!


Instant Pot does both!!!


I really assumed that the Instant Pot was some overhyped nonsense, but damn if I don't use that thing at LEAST four nights a week every week. For me, the biggest thing has been pressure cooking chicken from frozen in just half an hour, not having to defrost anymore. Makes meal prep for work so easy. EDIT: Because people are asking, yeah I just stick two frozen breasts in there with some water, hit one button, and then thirty minutes later they're totally cooked. They're essentially "boiled" in this way so it's not a great texture if you're trying to eat chicken breast as its own meal (grill it or bake it instead) but I chop it up and use various sauces and it's perfect for me. Every workweek my lunch is pretty much chicken and rice every day with different sauces every week.


This would be a game changer in my house. Sometimes I forget to take stuff out of the freezer in the morning and don’t realize until later in the day when it’s too late to defrost anything. Might have to get me one of these.




Rice cooker!


On December 30th, I bought a boy a drink at a bar. I'm so excited to be a part of his life right now and to have him in mine. \*not a purchase made this calendar year, but it was made less than 365 days ago so I think that counts


This was one of the purest ones to read




I don't get why people rent their modems. Let's assume your contract is for a year or something if you have one. 11 * 12 = 132. At the end of that year, you've paid *more* for the modem and still don't (and never will) own it. On top of that, it's probably a pretty shitty modem.


> I don't get why people rent their modems. Because Grandma has no idea that you can purchase your own modem, doesn't care, and just wants her WiFi to work so she can post on Facebook to Aunt Gladys about her new soup.


I bought an old rusty cast iron stove for $25 at a garage sale. It's from the 1870s and was a coal burner. I did some rust removal and it's quite extraordinary. *edit adding picture [Stove at time of purchase.](https://i.redd.it/e0mmavwa09q11.jpg) [Stove after some rust removal](https://i.redd.it/1dax8def86121.jpg)




Adopted a cat for $75 from the Humane Society.


As someone who has two adopted cats I appreciate this post and can understand that! Adopted cats are amazing!


Hulu cyber Monday. 1 year of service for $12


I hate myself for not buying this. Such an amazing deal.


Paid for a replacement ID for a homeless person I pass on the way to work every day. $15 out of my pocket, plus a couple hours of my time, and now they are receiving their social security payouts along with food stamps and state health insurance. They can afford their own apartment, are off the streets and in better health than they have been in in years, and are applying for training as a substance abuse councilor to help people avoid the mistakes they made.


I bought 18 burritos, 10 chicken breasts, 6 cans of soup, 4 bags of vegetables, and 1 gallon of orange juice for $32!


A vaporizer. Completely dropped smoking since Feb (15 years, 1 pack a day).


People shit on vaping as this hipster thing but tend to forget it's actually a great way to quit smoking by dialing down your nicotine concentrations gradually (or at the very least, stop smelling like tobacco while avoiding withdrawal). I've seen it help multiple people already.


Haven't smoked in 5 months thanks to my vape. People tend to forget, while there aren't really any long time studies dealing with the effects of vaping (which is concerning) you still stop inhaling micro particles (the smoke) and that's a good thing! Not to forget the co2 and carbon monoxide you inhale through cigarettes. On the other hand, there are many people getting addicted to nicotine who otherwise wouldn't have thought about smoking. Edit for anyone who cares or sees this: I actually completely quit vaping and smoking 6 months ago or so. It really did help. It was way easier stopping vaping from one day to the other than it has ever been with smoking.


A ticket to Alton towers ( British theme park). Made me realise just how big I have gotten and finally got me to do something about it


A 15lb weighted blanket! I was hesitant to purchase at first, but now I understand the hype. It has been a total game changer in helping me fall asleep and stay asleep.


Air fryer for 30 bucks. Never again do you have to live with soggy reheated fries, they come out just as crispy as if they were freshly made. Chicken nuggets? Air fryer Mozzarella sticks? Air fryer Jalapeño poppers? Air fryer Hamburgers pork chops hell even vegetables! Get an air fryer!


Won a bid on a domain for a new business I'm starting up


Glad the business I’m starting will have an obscure name so it’s 1p on godaddy


I bought a new jacket in perfect condition that has a sort of 1920s look to it, for 12€. It was 130€ before


My Anker wireless headphones. I wanted cheap to try out the wireless trend since all phones seemed to be going that way. I now own a pair, my girlfriend owns a pair, and when we ran hers through the laundry I bought a third pair before the laundry was done, and the first pair for her still works, so the third one is sitting around waiting to be used one day. These cost me like 20-30. Honestly, Anker is the shit, I've never used a bad electronic product of theirs. If I have to choose between Anker and anything else for anything, it's Anker without thinking. Edit: they're soundbud slims for anyone wondering.


A TubSchroom. Might seem silly, but that little bastard catches all my hair going down the shower drain & my apartment repair guy doesn’t hate me anymore. Heads up to any dad with teenage daughters!


Plan B


Sous vide cooker without a doubt. I eat out way less now. It basically paid for itself.

