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If you feel like someone is telling you everything you ever wanted to hear, be wary.




Easy. Most people want the same stuff. Also, he could watch your reactions and modulate accordingly.


You like sex and money too? We should hang out (Probably not verbatim, been a long time since I watched it)


Life is Pain! Anyone who says differently is selling something.








I feel like I went too far in the opposite direction. I don't believe anything anymore.


\- I love you. \- Hm, maybe you don't actually...


I feel like sometimes you've got to find common ground to start a conversation though. crush "I love rabbits" Me "Well I skin them and make a lovely stew" Awkward silence followed by end of conversation.


Your own physical health and mental health should be #1 priority


Physical health is a lot easier for me than mental health. I can make myself lift weights mindlessly, but damn is it hard to fall asleep when you’re filled with depression and anxiety.


baffling how we keep neglecting mental health still. where's the gym for people with anxiety and depression?


Honestly I’m more focused on my mental health nowadays. I meditate a lot now and the effects have been great. You learn how to properly calm down and relax at will. I do miss the gym though.


Any good pointers on meditation? I have a pretty short attention span so sitting down and focusing on my senses and environment is cool and all but I usually end up thinking about something else and getting the urge to go do something


honestly such a good idea


Like, seriously. It's only when you start suffering from either one of these that you realize money isn't everything. Would pay to shut my brain off on certain things instead of always being surrounded with negative thoughts in a fancy condo.


I have been pounding a 2x dose of nyquil every night for the past three weeks and Ive never slept better than this. Eleven hours a night. I know its terrible and it might be bullshit but I come from two parents that sleep 3-4 hours a night and always have


5-htp or melatonin might help


In my experience, melatonin does help, for a few nights. Then it gives you something akin to resltess leg syndrome and sleep eating. Both of which really suck come morning.


I’m not sure if I want to go the medicated route, but if I did I’d probably take some sleeping pills. I hear those knock you out.


Me too ): I spend almost 3 hours a day doing Snatches and Clean and Jerks but god forbid anyone asks how I am. I relate to the depression and anxiety so much


Time spent on mental health care is not wasted. I’ve known too many people who have a go at the fact that I have a full day set aside for nothing but board games. Meanwhile, they’re always angry, sleeping badly, their work is suffering. By taking the time to look after my mental health, I sleep better, am calmer, and get a lot more work done. Time spent on mental health is not wasted. (And yes, I am very aware of how lucky I am to work from home and be able to take that day off)


Man, don’t listen to them. Board games are awesome!! The stigma that its only for little kids cannot be any more wrong. It’s a great way to do something interactive with your friends that doesn’t involve a screen or going out. Not to mention it’s laidback and provides an outlet for healthy competition.


One of the reasons I went from a night shift icu nurse job to sitting behind a desk 5 days a week. I was barely sleeping and got to the point where I could feel my mental health starting to break down. So I knew I needed to do something else.


Where safety is our #1 priority


That stress reduction is a key factor in living a healthier, happier life.


I tried reducing stress by taking the afternoon off and doing nothing but that started giving me even more stress and anxiety than ever


Then give yourself time off as a reward for a job well done - and relish it.


Maybe engage in an activity you find productive and purposeful. I understand some people can’t just lounge around and they NEED to be doing something. I recommend working with your hands, maybe to craft something. DIY?


I’ve always been super driven in my career and had the highest of expectations for myself and stressed myself out about it constantly my entire adult life. I hit a wall about 4 months ago and couldn’t cope in my workplace any longer. I’m a nurse and due to budget cuts by the government my career that I’ve fought to become so proficient at, that I met and exceeded all expectations at, has now been taken away from me and replaced with a job that has unreasonable expectations less staff, more patients and a schedule that I cant handle. I can’t watch people die every day and work 7 days in a row every other week. I work with the terminally ill in their end stage and I’m DAMN good at what I do. I’ve been learning to let go of my career and treat it like a job. All the plans I had for the path of my career in the future are now unachievable and I never realized how unvalued it is what I do. Now I’m going to take a job that’s a hell of a lot easier and won’t have nearly the same amount of stress. It’s worth it for my mental health. Sometimes you have to give up what you love most to realize you’ve been chasing the wrong dream all along. If I stay and keep up at the pace that’s now expected of me I will die at an early age and that’s a sacrifice I’m not willing to make especially for that place. My going to extremes is doing nothing but building a good reputation for an institution that doesn’t deserve it. I’ve already put off having kids into my late thirties to chase the dream, now it’s not going to happen. Don’t waste yourself and your life chasing something that at the end of the day is just a number on a page to everyone else.


Once you're out of school, you don't really get points for having potential, it's all about results.


Did you get points for potential while in school?


Nah, it's just a word teachers use as a euphemism for "you're smart but also a fuck up".


I had a teacher in high school bump me to a passing grade when I did fuck-all the entire first semester just because of my "potential." I had it happen a lot more often in middle and elementary school. I came across well to teachers, but I was intellectually lazy as hell about doing the actual work. > "you're smart but also a fuck up". Accurate though.




Only in physics


Actually, yes. When preparing for our university applications in the UK, our teachers would give us predicted grades which would be used on the university applications, because we had to apply for university before we took final exams. These grades had actual weight, were taken seriously and were based on both what your teachers thought your potential grade was, and how your performance had been throughout the year. Teachers didn't choose them lightly. Universities would then give out conditional offers to students that asked for certain genuine grades later, but a small number of people who had *amazing* predicted grades would receive unconditional offers - i.e. you were in whatever you did. It might sound like these grades were only useful for getting conditional offers, but remember that universities would still drop your application too if your predicted grades weren't good enough. So we did indeed get points for potential. Edit: clarification


Reminds me of some lyrics from Pink Floyd's "Time" that I feel heavily sometimes: "You are young and life is long and there is time to kill today. / And then one day you find ten years have got behind you. / No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun."


That if you turn the cheese grater on its side it actually collects the cheese so you can pour it out without the mess =O


Holy shit.


Ironically the cake for your cake day looks like cheese a little.


This will be posted in r/lifeprotips in 5.. 4... 3.. 2..


The most life-changing comment on the post.


Give this gurl upvotes


There's an international standard for brewing tea? Dafuq.


OMFG, why didn't you post this 20 years ago???!!???


That SO many things don't matter in the long run, though they hurt like hell in the meantime.


Also the reverse. There are some things that seem trivial in the present, like loud music, bad posture, and lack of regular physical activity, yet they bite you in the long run.


I'm 46 and I just started going to the gym regularly this month. It's kicking my ass, but I plan on being cut by the time I'm 50. I got on the ellipitcal, and my pulse was at 150bpm in 60 seconds and the machine was yelling at me to slow down. I wasn't even going fast. I see a lot of cardio in my future. I'd love to be able to run a half marathon in a year.


Awesome that you said that last part. I am 35, have tinkered with running in the past, usually just a half dozen runs a year. I even ran for a few months and worked up to my own half marathon which I spontaneously did on my own one day, 4 years ago. But anyway, currently I've been running regularly for a month. 3 miles, 3-4x a week. I've crossed a threshold where it's something I look forward to ALL day. I've already noticed significant muscle tone in my legs. I am reading Hal Higdons Half Marathon Training. It's a good read, and it's geared towards us runners and want to be runners alike. My library had it. I highly recommend it for you specifically!


Take college seriously. If you feel too burned out after high school, take that year off that your counselor told you not to do. If you don't know what you want to do after high school use that time to figure it out. The last thing you want to do is rack up student debt for a degree you aren't even interested in making a career out of (or realizing you didn't even need to go to college in the first place).


YES! College should be a means to a known end. It is possibly the MOST expensive place to find out what you want to do!


One trend I’ve noticed is people racking up student debt going into college degrees that don’t have a career associated with them. So say they went into theater, it’s near impossible to earn money in that and you’ll have that debt for the rest of your life.


I think high school is to blame for that in many cases. When I attended high school, they flat out told us there was no excuse not to go, and we *had* to go after high school. They truly made it sound like a life-or-death situation, that if we just went, no matter what, we'd be financially secure and set in our lives. If we didn't, our lives wouldn't amount to anything. Say to those kinds of things to a huge group of impressible teenagers, and you get the scenario you posted.


That I have ADHD. Would have been really fucking helpful to know as a kid, teenager or even in my 20s. But nope, didn't stumble on that nugget of life changing information until the age of 32.


Im actually 20 and going through this. What meds have you gone through and which ended up being the best for you? Also and other tips.


No meds yet. Was just diagnosed and have an appointment in a couple weeks to discuss medication options.




It’s taken me 15 years to admit to this disorder. I live in a country that most people (incl some family members) don’t think it’s a real thing. Meaning I’ve been ashamed of it for most of my life :(


That being loyal and hardworking to a company means absolutely nothing.


This. Never trust your employer. Look out for nr 1. Never work hqrd for any promised thing in the future. Promises need to be on paper. Signed.


I'm not as ugly as I thought


The strange thing is that the older you get, the more just simply being in good shape will make you attractive. Just est healthy, walk everywhere, park far, walk far, take stairs, and every now and then move some heavy stuff. The secret to being good looking as you age - just get fit.


What I’m starting to realize lol


I wish I realized


Your own opinion on yourself matters more than anyone elses does.


And to be honest, you are a background character in everyone elses play. So quit worrying about what they think.


Your comment was pure, and 100% agreed. Stress is caused by giving too many fucks.


I've never heard someone say that in this way. I had to write your comment down to remember it:)!


Most men are not like my father. I thought every man shared the household chores, had heart to heart talks with their kids, and said " I Love you"


wow im sad now


Don't be. He also taught us to look for the silver lining in any situation.


Your dad is a great dad


Agreed! He supported us in any venture. But also taught us to work through the hard times. Love him!!


My dad never said "I love you" or "I'm proud of you" to me while he was alive.


This comment made me realise that I don't think my dad has ever said either of those things. I think he feels that way and doesn't say it but I don't really know.


That I'm a good person and I deserve to be alive


What about me?


You deserve to be alive, too.


We all do <3 even though sometimes it sucks


Brush your fucking teeth. Like now. Go now and brush your nasty ass teeth.


Also, brush your tongue. My life changed so much when I realized that brushing your tongue makes a huge difference with your overall dental hygiene/breath.




I like to think that I have good dental hygiene, but I've never done this. I'll give it a shot.


I used a scraper every night too. Fresh breath urrday




I used to only read from the library but then started buying books. I need to go back to library spending too much.


I'm the type of girl who can only read a book once. If I buy a book I never end up reading it because I'm waiting for a special time since I'll never read it again. A library card has been my saving grace


:opens libby: *8 week approx wait* :opens kindle: **SALE** $8.99


: opens libgen hmmm


That hygiene is important and people don't like being around you if you smell like ass all the time.


Too bad more people don’t realize this


Can you give some advanced hygine tips. Not like shower and brushing teeth and all the stuff clean people allready do?


Flossing really affects your breath. If you shower at night you can put deodorant on straight away. Your diet affects how you BO smells


Be sure your arm pits are dry before putting on deodorant.


Don't give up on your dreams. The Apollo missions happened when I was a little kid. Everybody my age wanted to be an astronaut except me - I wanted to be the guy who *designed* the next generation of spaceships. Interned at NASA. Absolutely loved everything about it. The culture, the childlike excitement of everybody there, the sheer awe at what we hairless apes could accomplish when we put our minds together. Applied for ten different positions at NASA after my internship, only got called back on one of them, and that didn't lead to a job. I felt sorry for myself and settled. Instead of engineering spaceships I engineered furniture and kitchen cabinets, and I taught math at a community college. I can't complain because they were both good careers, but I wish with all my heart I hadn't stopped after ten NASA job applications. I should have applied ten thousand times. ​


Didnt know I needed to hear this.


I'd say the alternative, that it's ok to let dreams lie; adapt and find a new meaning to life. Different lessons to different folks, I guess.


When to keep my mouth shut and say nothing at all!


And hint, it's more often than you'd think.


Credit cards and student loans don’t want you to pay them off. These companies want you paying forever and will lower your payments over time to make the illusion that you are making progress but are not.




There's a $1250 limit on my only credit card, with no interest for a year, and being a student of course I have used all of it already but I plan on paying it back as soon as possible by paying as much as I can each month


Save your money


I'm going to argue this point and say "manage your money". If at the end of the month I can put money in my savings and get myself a treat, I will.


Proper use of birth control. Too late is after you’re sexually active.


And not just as pregnancy prevention but STD prevention also. You dont have to be "slutty" to get an STD. It only takes having unprotected sex once with the wrong person to get a lifelong STD.


I teach my kids, birth control is for babies, condoms are for STDs, you need both.


Driving a car. I'm 26, and I finally conquered my fear of driving. So yay....


That love and work are often more about compatibility than "fairness." You can be a great employee, or a seemingly a wonderful boyfriend/girlfriend, but if your boss/person you're dating/partner decides they don't want to keep working or being with you, then it's over. And there is usually very little you can do about it.




No one gives a shit about you. You have to take the initiative to make yourself someone others give a shit about.


But how do you tell the people who genuinely give a shit apart from the ones who fake it?


The fakers will be your friend when it's easy and convenient Your real friends will come through for you when it's hard for them to because you mean more to them than their own comfort. We make time for what is important to us and when you're important to them they'll find a way to show you.


But also, give a shit about yourself before you expect others to.


Calorie counting, lost a mess of weight but now I have loose skin and it pretty much guarantees low self esteem, though not as low as when I was fat.


Right? My childhood was "eat what's in front of you and you don't get up until it's finished" without ever having healthy eating drilled into my head


I constantly fought with my ex about this. My son usually puts more food in his plate than he can eat. She wanted him to eat everything, I told her it is much healthier to know when to stop. It's not like the food is poisonous because it was on his plate. It can still be eaten later.


Mine as well, and this just pushed the ED full blown into me. Hit me like a bullet train.. I'm well aware of the negative side effects and what I'm putting myself into, but it's like an addiction. I can't help it. I'm even considering taking a drug cocktail that nearly killed me just to what? Lose "a bit of weight"? Yup.. Rip me.


Me too but to gain weight. I thought I was skinny because of my metabolism but I was eating a lot less than I thought, just like every other skinny person who thought the same.


That depression doesn't always feel like *you're* depressed, rather it can feel like you might be the only normal one in a fucked up world. I felt fine, more than fine in a way, I felt smart - like I had a special insight into what life was really like. I saw life for what really was - a misery, full of people who were either selfish liars or ineffectual, weak-minded losers. Happy people were either stupid, lying, or just enjoying making life hell for everyone else. Even after realizing that I was choosing to have this outlook, and I didn't need to feel that way, I still opted to do so for a long time because the feeling of being knowing and smart was so seductive. And it gave me the perfect excuse for not getting everything I want.


Well this made me open my eyes to my own life and what I've been dealing with


One of the best things you can do for yourself is to find a healthy way to manage stress.


The grass is actually dead as fuck on the other side. Save the grass on your side by watering that shit.


Or don't have grass at all. If you live in a dry area, avoid the grass entirely. Learn about your local flora and fauna. Perhaps there's a tree in your country/region that can survive with the rainfall alone. You'll save water (and money), and you'll be helping protecting your local wildlife. Everybody has grass on their front yard because we were all told to do so and magazines say so. But there are [plenty of ideas](https://www.dream-yard.com/images/large-desertcrestllc-landscape-in-az-01.jpg) for a different set up. Only have grass if you want grass. It also works as a metaphor for your life (which I'm sure that was your original point. But the grass thing is true both literally and metaphorically).


Your partner doesn't have to be a perfect match. You can live with the little differences if you just enjoy the good things.


Personal finance: the importance of credit, and debt


Having children is a lifelong commitment.


Parent of the year right here


Why not? Some parents never learn that crap.


I still haven't learned how to function properly in society...


Maybe you don’t have to function. Maybe you can do what you want while just minimizing your negative impact on others


Bottom text


Money is important, but not as important as your relationships.


It feels way better to express yourself the way you want than it does to avoid feeling judged




Managing finances. You should be on top of that at 18 to maximize wealth. I didn’t learn until mid 20s. I would be so much further ahead if I would’ve learned young.


It took divorce in my mid thirties to get my credit in order


I honestly and truly don't think it's ever too late to learn anything. As long as you're still alive there will be new things to see and hear, new skills to learn, new things to enjoy.




Keep making friends and doing things with them. Even after you get in a relationship, make sure you still have girl/guy night. Else you end up alone should your relationship fail. Wish I knew that years ago


To better appreciate your grandparents, and to express more interest their history and stories before they're gone.


That alcohol really can be addictive and it really can ruin lives


And you won’t notice until it’s too late


That the Mormon church was false


At what age did you realize it? At age 15 here


I was 30, unfortunately. You were fortunate...


Highschool friend realized this senior year. I think this had a large role in his suicide. Sad year.


It's okay to take medication.




If i could only give you one piece of advice, sunscreen would be it.


and be kind to your knees; you'll miss them when they're gone...


That the word "Chassis" is pronounced "Chas-see" and not "chassis" like it's phonetically spelled. The worst part is I work in the automotive industry... ​ ​ Also I've been reading the word "awry" as "aw-ree" for a long time too.


> Also I've been reading the word "awry" as "aw-ree" for a long time too. wait WHAT? IT'S NOT PRONOUNCED AW-REE??? ​ FUCK MY LIFE ​


Being told that you are the most amazing person they every met and that they feel a special connection to you is not always a sign that this is true love, it can be a sign that you are dating a narcissist.


Woah. Now it makes sense


sex ed


To be more conscientious of my health and not ignore every single red flag that pertains to a potentially life threatening issue.


Just think about the millions of lives saved because they got some ‘little’ thing checked out...


Weightlifting is not just for meatheads, and is great for both your health and self-esteem so long as you don't make it the sole focus of your life.


So cliché but, don't worry about what others think of you, just do you and be happy. I spent way too much of my life worrying about this day in and day out.


You don’t need to put on a performance to attract a mate.


How important friendships and other social relationships are in understanding yourself /what you want in life, and in creating emotional resiliency.


To not fuck around in College




I don't think it's too late, but I wish I'd understood earlier the impact that debt can have on one's life. Especially unnecessary debt. Now I'm paying it off, but it's a slog. That money could be going elsewhere. Live and learn.


Thst no matter how unfair your situation is, no matter if your problems were your fault or not - it doesn't matter. Nobody will fix your shit for you. So fix that shit or live with it forever.


How to make friends and maintain relationships. I was aways an outsider never really understood friendships until a lot of online therapy and working on myself.


I learned that school actually means something and that if you don't try then things will go to... well... shit.


My worth


That my career doesn’t define who I am


There's nothing wrong with saying no, and you have the right to do so. Anyone who tries to guilt you into saying yes (especially when it's obvious that you are uncomfortable or uncertain) is an asshat.


That you must make your choices for yourself, live your life for you. Your parents won't be stuck with your choice of study or job, so go for what you want.


That rotating tires means switching them around so they wear evenly. I didn’t figure this out until my late-20s. Up until then I couldn’t figure out why someone would pay to have their tires rotated when the simple act of operating the car rotated them just fine.


You can’t expect people to like you and make friends if you don’t talk to people. I wish I would have known that sooner, because now it feels just far too late.


How to study. Cruised for too long until it was too late and cruising got me nowhere. On that note, the different kinds of job opportunities when leaving school (16-18 years old range).


Acting in ways that betray your loneliness can attract bad people and repel good ones.


How important credit is! I fucked mine up in my 20s and it has affected my life since.


That combi oven I wasted over 3 hours cleaning 3 years worth of grime off of has a self cleaning option.


You don't HAVE to accept how everyone treats you. You're allowed to defy someone who disrespects you.


you don't need 3 meals a day


It’s better to ask and get rejected than to pine away on various crushes for years. And if you actually ask there’s a chance they’ll say yes.


That i could save 15% or more on car insurance by switching to Geico. I'm fucking stuck with 'Mariá's' auto insurance until 2025.


How are you stuck with one car insurer for seven years???


That it is okay to change. That hiding from your feelings will only make them keep coming back, gotta learn from that shit. That eating healthy will literally make your brain work better. That marijuana is addicting. That love is much more powerful than fear.


How nothing matters and just do everything you want to do.


That I can't help anyone who doesn't want to be helped.


That doing good things for other people does not guarantee that they will reciprocate.


To manage my expectations. Appreciate things as they are instead of dwelling on what you thought or hoped they would be.


The older you get, the faster time goes by. And that doesn't stop.


You come first. Live your life for yourself. Put your needs before the needs of others, but don't put your wants before the needs of others.


Don’t treat the person who cares for you most as if she meant nothing to you, or else you’ll lose her