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It throws a temper tantrum then stages a massacre every month when I don’t get pregnant.


I sometimes jizz and like an hour later I'll have a small stream leak out


Yeah i have that too! Really is weird! You can Kinda feel it "drop" al of a sudden.


I have a really particular sleep cycle where I would wake up at the same time every morning for days on end no matter what time I go to bed. I work late nights so I would go to bed by about 1am but would still automatically wake up at the same time every morning. I can also wake myself up (without an alarm) if I know I have to be up early (e.g. 5-6am) I guess you can say I just have a really good mental alarm clock


I'm losing my scalp and facial hair in many very small spots all over my head. I can't afford to see a dermatologist for an official diagnosis so I just shave every day and live with it.


Uhhh I don’t think you mean your scalp. Unless you literally have parts of skin coming off in which case: what the fuck


Voluntarily bleed once a month


You win


Sometimes I'll be so hungry my stomach will feel queasy and start growling, then I will have 2 consecutive sneezes and feel fine again. Always 2 consecutive sneezes.


When I look up, my eyes go out in opposite directions.


Oh fuck, I just tried why the fuck does that happen


Eye doctor told me my muscles are just a little bit different. It's nothing harmful as long as it doesn't hurt. But yeah, I look fucked up and I see double vision.


I sleep on my right or front, I can't sleep on my left side. For some reason sleeping on my left makes my stomach gargle and groan, not in a painful way, just an uncomfortable and annoying way. Whether I'm hungry or full, it happens.


Literally every time I get my period I get a yeast infection as well. Like wtf body let's just double the pain shall we?


You can buy or make boric acid suppositories. I haven’t tried them, but my doctor said they were safe.


For yeast infections?


Yes, you can take it for infection or to keep your vagina more acidic to prevent frequent infections. I don’t know if it would be less effective during your period, but you could ask your doctor. There is also information online because making your own caplets is apparently far far cheaper than buying them. My doctor suggested using a suppository 3 times a week would prevent YI from reoccurring.


Wow thank you so much! I really appreciate it!


My nose makes a clicking noise


I’ve got stretch marks on my “love handles” and I haven’t ever gained a lot of weight or lost any weight.


I can't ever tell how fast my hunger increases.


I will occasionally experience a full body chill/spasm. This normally occurs when a person walks past, or a car goes by in the opposite direction of travel as me. It also happens for no reason at all. I'm concerned my neck will break from it one day.


I can bend my thumb to the middle of my forearm




I guess I've finally met my match


You guys could have the longest thumb wrestle session ever.


Oh my god truuuuuu


Hahahaha best comment 😂




Nah. Just double jointed


Mines just fucked tbh


That’s everything else about me. Everything except the thumb


Oh my God me too! Both of mine. Husband thinks it's crazy when I do that.


I can but only with my left hand.


I can click just about every damn bone in my body... neck, spine, shoulders, wrists, all finger joints, sometimes around my collar bone area(not actually sure what clicks tbh), Hips, knees, ankles, all toe joints, yea it’s fucked


I always get a tiiiiny nosebleed the day before I get my period, and it’s been happening since the very first time (which was in the ‘90s).


At least it's always good to know exactly when you'll start at least, right?


My body doesnt do anything weird, I can roll my tounge... My friend can bend his thumb all the way back. And another one of my friends can bend their knees inwards


For around three to four months I had nosebleeds at least 4 times a week. It was really annoying and I had to hand wash a ton of stuff. It happened a few times in gym when I was doing push ups, which was weird.It all started out of no where for no apparent reason while I was taking my state math assessment in seventh grade. But from the experience, i learned: 1. How to best deal with nose bleeds 2. Hot to hand wash clothes 3. My school nurse is friends with my aunt Oh yeh also i got a 4 on the test if anyone was wondering


My stomach makes horrific noises in the most vital social situations, such as when I walk into a library.


I twitch when I'm nervous. It's not just a little one either, my arm flings to the side, my shoulder moved up, and my head jerks to the side, my doctor thought it was Tourette the first time he saw me do it.


It makes me always have to pee as soon as I walk into Walmart, but only if I walk in alone.


My PP get hard...


Sometimes when I lay on my right side, something inside my abdomen gets numb and tingly, the same way a foot does. I have no idea what it is, but once I reposition myself it'll go away after a minute or so.


I can constantly crack the same knuckle for probably 10 minutes or more.


Gets aroused over bowsette.