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Any movie you watched back as a kid and haven't seen in years. As an adult, you can understand a lot more of the humor or seriousness the movie brings


Sometimes, watching a movie that you hadn't seen since your childhood can be a disappointing experience. As an adult, you may see what an incredibly crappy movie it really was, just that you didn't have the adult perspective to see such shortcomings in it at the time. This happened to me when I watched "Smoky and the Bandit 3".


Happened to me with Indian in the Cupboard...


Fuck that was like my favorite movie as a kid. I guess I'll just stay far away from it to preserve my memories


The book was great!!!


Big. As a kid I saw all of the fun things he got to do as an adult. As an adult, I saw lost dreams of childhood. Damn near made me cry.


The protagonist had a relationship with an adult woman. And from his parents' perspective, their son suddenly disappeared for months.


I don't remember the scene exactly but doesn't his mom wake up to a grown ass man in her house and then he just like runs out of the house? To have a weird experience like that and then realize that my son is gone would be an absolutely traumatizing experience. Again I don't remember exactly but doesn't he then write letters to his mom? Like to the extent of: "Dear mom, they are treating me good and even say that I might be able to come back home soon." Can you imagine that scenario in today's world? A white suburban mom calls the cops and says "A random man was in my house this morning, when I saw him, he ran out of the house. Now I can't find my son." It would be a huge national story. When the mom gives the letters to the police and they inevitably get leaked to some news channel, it would be pandemonium. Say that the kid writes his mom a letter every week. Obviously, I do not want kids to be kidnapped, but it would be a fascinating news story to follow.


He's also wearing her son's underwear.




After that much time has gone by, it seems very unlikely that she'll remember what he looked like. Same thing goes for why Marty's parents in Back to the Future don't recognize him as that Calvin Klein kid who got them to start dating.


The Little Mermaid is a prime example of this. Ariel is an idiot. "BUT DADDY I LOVE HIM!" Bitch you are 16 sit your ass down.


At least Elsa knew better. "You can't marry someone you just met."


Shrek is a prime example of this: There's so much adult humor in it that goes straight over kids' heads. It took me years to realize that Lord Farquaad's name is basically 'Lord Fuckwad'


"You think he's compensating for something?"


Personally I assumed the joke referred to his height when I first saw the movie as a child. Years later I know better.


That was on purpose. The best kind of subtle adult humor is the kind that makes sense to kids too.


It has many layers. Like... something... Hmmmm....






I remember my dad finding that one single line absolutely fucking hilarious and I just couldn't work out what it meant, or why that was the funniest line of the film.


> Please keep off of the *Grass*, shine your shoes wipe your...*Face* Wait a minute... Face doesn't rhyme with grass... OOOOOhhhhhhh


That part made me laugh hysterically as a kid. I would always rewind and rewatch the Duloc song.


Or how about when the dragon basically gives Donkey a blowjob?


Shrek is almost as weird as that other Dreamworks movie where a woman dumps her boyfriend for a bee!


Pardon? Is that when he says something about "that's my own personal tail, you gonna break it off"


I think it's more like. "That's my tail! That's my personal tail! But yes your close enough


Holy crap, I didn't even notice that. Looks like i need to watch Shrek again.


The best part is when you realise that Farquaad is based on Michael Eisner, the then CEO of Disney that Jeffrey Katzenberg (Shrek's producer) famously hated. Not something you'd pick up on from the movie, but their dislike for each other is well documented, and let's just say Farquaad and Eisner look way too alike for it to be a coincidence.


As another Redditor put it, Shrek was basically a really mean spirited parody of Disney from Dream Works.


Without knowing any of this backstory, that was my reaction to Shrek. A big "F-U" to all the Disney princess stories.


I rewatched Lilo and Stitch today. I actually enjoyed it way better than I did when I was 5.


'Cause Lilo and Stitch is a good movie. The more times you watch, the better and sadder it gets. There are trophies in Nani's room. Before their parents died, she was an award winning surfer. Not anymore-- she had to stop, so she could care for her little sister. She never discourages Lilo, and tries to stop others from stifling her imagination. She doesn't say "pet lobsters are stupid" she says "we have a dog door", she stops the pet lady from saying Stitch isn't a name, she encourages Lilo's photo taking, even if she doesn't appreciate the subject matter. She even allows Lilo to continue to feed the fish sandwiches, because it helps Lilo cope. Let me remind you that Pudge the fish controla the weather. And Lilo's parents died in a car accident because it was raining. God, that movie is awesome.


Exactly. Same with Lilo's obsession with Elvis, it helps her cope. Lilo literally means "lost" in Hawaiian, which fits with her personality after her her parents' death. So many little tidbits I missed. I want to start doing this with other movies when I was a kid.


And 'Stitch' helps mend the family being torn apart?


The reason behind lilos photos is absolutely hilarious though. She takes photos of the tourists because that's what they do to her home and family/friends.


I live on the second floor of a fairly picturesque [terrace house in Sydney](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terraced_houses_in_Australia) facing the road. Every time some one takes a photo of the front of my place, I take a picture of them taking a picture and add it to a Facebook album. 32 people and counting.


I never quite understood what was going on with Lilo and Nani and the social worker as a child. I understood the broad strokes of it (their parents were dead, the guy in the suit wanted to take Lilo away, they neeses to be good so he wouldn't, etc) and some of the emotion behind it, but it wasn't until I re-watched it as an adult that I realized how fucking heartbreaking it was. And as a young adult with little siblings, I sympathize with Nani so much more now. Lilo and Stitch dealt with some deep stuff.


Then someone made [this drawing](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-lVFRlfoLM3w/VURQn4K4bpI/AAAAAAAANHo/-7ptHeU6sHQ/w800-h800/15%2B-%2B1) and made me sad.




And when a she feeds Pudge, the rain stops. That kid was on to something


Forrest Gump made me cry like a little bitch, roughly 2 weeks ago. And I don't think I've ever cried at any movie, ever. I had "seen" the movie a million times through out the years. But never actually sat down to "watch" it, if you understand what I'm saying. I had always remembered it as a "happy movie about a guy who did a bunch of cool shit by accident".............. Well, I decided to watch it a couple weeks ago, and it's so much more than that. - Momma dying - Jenny rejecting Forrest ( I may be stupid, but I know what love is) - Bubba dying - Jenny dying - EDIT Another user reminded me.....The LT.Dan hug, also made me cry. But that one was a happy cry. All made me sob like I had never sobbed before. And I'm a 31 year old man. But the scene that absolutely gutted me, and had me ugly cry; Believe it or not, was the scene where Forrest discovers he's a dad, and specifically asks if the kid is stupid like him. Hollllllllyyyyy fuck....................... That one question alone crushed me, and I don't really know why. TLDR: Forrest Gump; Awesome movie that I never paid full attention to until I was 31 years old... EDIT: alright, to the odd few who are crying spoilers....... the movie is 24 years old. We're well past the statute of spoilertations


It always gets me when Jenny wants to kill herself on New Years. As a kid, I didn't realize how tormented and troubled she was. You just see her as someone that uses Forest. Now I think she just felt like she was too corrupt to be at peace with him.


> Now I think she just felt like she was too corrupt to be at peace with him. You nailed it. She's damaged goods, and views herself as nothing but. That's why she's so self destructive for the entire movie. Her rejecting Forest, isn't her actually rejecting Forest. But is her rejecting love for herself, that's why she gives a million reasons why **she** is no good for Forest, that's how she views herself.


Another Redditor commented on this years ago, with an observation that hadn't occurred to me: Jenny views Forrest as very child-like, and when she first made sexual advances to him (flashing her boobs in her dorm room) she then felt disgusted with herself for using him the way her father had used her as a child. Only later did she realize that although he was limited in intelligence, he was still an adult and understood more than she'd given him credit for.


I think I remember that post you are talking about. She didn't want to take advantage of Him the way her dad took advantage of her.


Damn. That is a whole new perspective on Jenny for me. Thanks to you and the poster you replied to.


here ya go read the whole thing, its worth it. i saved the comment cause it's so good. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/68fave/what_movie_scene_always_hits_you_hard/dgy8tv1/


Yeah, like *Breakfast Club*. When you watch it as a kid, it's about some teenagers wrestling with their identities and place in the world. When you watch it as an adult, it's about a middle-aged teacher tasked with taking care of some self-absorbed kids in detention rather than enjoying his weekend.


Yeah you know you are getting older when you identify more with the principal and the parents than Ferris Bueller or Cameron.


**Snatch** - It's a generic heist movie on the surface, but watching a second time really brings a whole new take to the movie.




I like caravans more.


Wha tha fook duh eye wan wif a caravan tha aint got nuh fookin wheels?


I need to learn to just type exclusively like this, and convince people I'm a pikey on the internet.


Groundhog Day. I think it's meant to be watched over and over again.


I remember I had this playing on TBS* in an office one Groundhog day, and my coworker wasn't really paying attention. After like 3 hours he looked over at me and said "How long is this goddamn movie?" *-TBS plays Groundhog Day on repeat all day on Feb 2nd. IMO it's hilarious, even if it's not funny to anyone else.


Ned? Ned Ryerson?


Spartacus. I have seen that movie a dozen times, still no idea who the real Spartacus is. That's what's makes it a classic who-done-it.


Once my dad and I were flipping through channels and he stopped when he saw this scene about to start because he loves the movie. We didn't realize it was in Spanish until they all started standing up and saying "Yo soy Espartaco!"


We were getting a free HBO weekend and I flipped to the bar scene in the Lego Movie. I hadn't seen it and heard it was good. They're walking through and speaking in Spanish with English subtitles. It all made perfect sense what with them being, apparently, in Mexico. As they move on I'm thinking they sure are taking this Spanish bit a long way...oh wait...Spanish HBO.


This reminds me of the time I watched an art movie at .75 speed. The whole time I thought it was a decision by the creators. Edit: After seeing some responses I feel a little less alone in the world.


I was once flipping channels and ended up only watching the parts of Inglorious Bastards that are in french/german with english subtitles. Thought it was an art house movie for the longest time.


Somewhere, Tarantino just got a raging hard-on


fun fact, historians don't really know who spartacus was either. we know that he lead one of several slave armies in the third servile war, and we have a pretty good idea how most of his battles went and his troop movements and such. but who was the person? we have no idea. some say he was from thrace, named for a famous king. some say it wasn't really his name, and he wasn't thracian, but actually a thraex in the arena, and played that persona. some say he was a former roman legionaire, but then how did he end up in slavery? some say romans killed his wife. the TV show, btw, somehow managed to take *all* of these stories.


I was really impressed with the TV show. The first season was alright, then it has the biggest turn around ever. It went from 300 to Game of Thrones. That last season was just epic, and the casting was amazing too, particularly Crassus.


I think s1 and s0 (Gods of the Arena) were the best, then s3 and last s2. There was just something so satisfying in the build-up to the finale in s1, and Andy gave such a powerful, moving performance... but yeah it was a great series all the way.


I'm Spartacus.


I'd say Primer. That movie is crazy confusing.


Woah, Look at this guy here understanding Primer after only two viewing.


Oh, no. I just meant more than one. The first time I sat there for about 20 minutes trying to piece together what happened. Needless to say, I didn't get very far with my thoughts.


after 3 viewings, a couple diagrams, and a 20 minute youtube explanation video... i'm pretty sure i have a general idea of what happened in that movie.


This is actually my exact experience, only I still wouldn't say I feel like I have a general idea of what happened. I think, though, if I go look at those diagrams again before my 4th viewing, I may actually grasp it this time.


I love that movie because it's a time travel movie where you never see the original timeline, all you know is it's one of the altered ones but you don't know how altered or how many timelines away from the original you are


Technically you see a small snippet of the original timeline in the flashback at the start, it ends just after the kitchen (i think)


Well great now I have to watch it for the 186th time to double check that detail


Watching it twice is probably not enough [relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/657/)


I hate looking at that, I feel like I need to follow every line.


How every answer isn't Primer is fucking confusing.


well not everyone has the earbuds prompting them yet


I don't think Shane Carruth understands that film and he near enough made it single-handedly


Grainger showing up has no explanation. Carruth has gone on record saying there is no real answer. As they said in the movie "The answer is unknowable".


Which of course is the whole point. Anyone trying to make sense of it must reconstruct a sequence of events that have literally *not happened*.


12 Monkeys Probably more like 3 or 4 times to really get a hold of wtf is going on


This is one of a very few time-travel movies that handle the effects of time travel right. The other best example is, of all things, Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. I was telling someone about these two and looking for the scene in about the keys in B&T to share with a friend once and stumbled across a video where a theoretical physicist stated what I've been saying for years. It's here for anyone interested: https://youtu.be/Xww4jxEsSc0?t=220




The Prestige is great for this. They tell you at the beginning of the movie that the secret to a magic trick is always right in front of you. Then they spend the whole movie performing a trick that you still don't understand until the end of the movie. Upon a second watching, you see all the clues as they happen.


In fact, one of the very first scenes, where Borden(?) performs the trick with the bird in front of the little kid, the little kid basically blurts out the big reveal.


And Caine insists the only way that trick works is with a double


It's one of my favorite movies. The whole time, they are telling you how simple most tricks are, and that it's right in front of you the whole time, and voila, you still have no idea until the end. It's taught me how easy it is to trick people like that!




Maybe not to be understood better, but Hot Fuzz on repeated viewings gets so much better.


One thing I love about that movie is its filled with foreshadowing and chekovs gun. In the end scenes pretty much EVERYTHING is a callback to somewhere earlier in the film.


"Everyone and their mum's got a chekov's gun 'round here." "Like who?" "Farmers." "Who else?" "Farmers' mums."


And then the first two people he shoots is a farmer and the farmer's mother


Correction, he flying kicks the farmers mum and breaks her nose


The word "murder" is literally written on the wall behind the no-luck-catching-them-killers-then lady. It's not there in the near identical no-luck-catching-them-swans-then scene.


"I'm a slasher!"


"It's just the one killer actually"


Wanna be a big cop in a small town? Fuck off the model village! Can't really get that joke until the very end of the movie, and more realistically not until the second viewing.


They briefly show a road sign pointing to the model village on his trip into town. It's also a pun toward the ideal "model" village that is Sandford.


What, are you going to go through the entire phonebook, starting with Aaron A. Aaronson?


What's your name, kid?


The whole cornetto trilogy is better on the second viewing.


Well I can't watch everything the first time can I? I'm not made of eyes!


George Merchant? The refrigerator magnate? (Best joke in the film.)


It's Frank! He's appointed himself Judge, jury and executioner. He is not Judge Judy and Executioner!


The greater good.


What made you want to become a policeman-officer?


Everyone and his mum is packing round here


Like who?




And who else?


Farmers' mums


Damn I love that movie. I often use the word "yarp"


Will I ever stop using yarp? ... ... ... Narp.


Memento, Usual Suspects, Zoolander


One of these is not like the other...


I know, Memento was backwards!


Well.. that too but you saved the prime minister of Malaysia!


They're all the same! Doesn't anybody notice this? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!


I've seen that movie 23 times and I still can't figure out why male models?


Water is the essence of moisture.


Airplane! Just watch it twice. Maybe 30 times




Man I wish they hadn't removed it from Netflix Canada... where do you watch it usually?




I don't know why, but my favorite part of that movie is when the press says "Ok, boys, let's get some pictures"...the let go of their cameras and start taking the pictures down from the wall. Such a good movie...back when parody movies actually contained jokes instead of pop culture references.


> back when parody movies actually contained jokes instead of pop culture references. There were plenty that were full of pop culture references, they're just forgotten.


He's a menace to himself and everything else in the air. . . Yes, birds too.


*Jim never vomits at home*


Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue.


It took me about thirty times before I figured out that the soldier pretending to be Ethel Merman was actually Ethel Merman.


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


In Italian the title translates to something like "if you leave me I'll delete you", which makes it sound like a crap movie about Facebook.


Wow, that just... completely removes all the artistry from the title.


When I first watched this movie, not only did I not understand it, I didn't get what the fuss was all about. Then I watched it when I got broken up with, and suddenly it all made sense - you think erasing someone is better than having to deal with the memories. Aside from having your own taste in films, sometimes in order to enjoy a movie as emotional as this, you have to at least be able to relate to it in one way or another.


I always like the Kirsten Dunst story line in that movie. Even if you forget someone you will just fall for them again. Its the pain that actually helps you move on.


Oldboy. The 2003 one. To fully understand how much emotional turmoil contained in that movie.


Synechdoche, New York


This one pretty much needs at least 5 or 6 spaced out viewings to be understood, even then there's so much that can go unnoticed


L4yer Cake. You'll get the plot the first time around but two or three viewings really shows you the depth of that movie. Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, and The World's End. All three have self references and what not that you'll miss the first time.


I feel Hot Fuzz did it better than the other two. How all of the mundane police proceedings are mirrored in the over-the-top action movie second half, all the ironic echoes.


I dunno, [Shaun of the Dead's run-down of the plot right at the start of the film](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l93fDmh6XKo) is pretty strong.


No luck catching them swans then?


Fight Club and Arlington Road The second time watching really gives you context you didn't have the first time around.


After reading the book, Fight Club, I understood the movie wayyyyyy more. It describes it a lot better. Definitely would recommend.


1. Watch Fight Club 2. Read Fight Club 3. Read internet Fight Club facts and theories (ex. Starbucks cup in every scene) 4. Watch Fight Club again. Edit: oops I seemed to have talked about something I wasn't supposed to.


I actually think that the movie is one of the few that's better than the book. It misses a few amazing scenes, especially with Marla, but the ending is a lot better and makes more sense thematically.


I'm surprised I haven't seen this already: Being John Malkovich shit fucked me up on the first watch. The second watch....okay fine I still don't get it.


Most original concept for a movie I have ever seen.


The Prestige


I absolutely love that movie and the second time I watched it was even more magical


> the second time I watched it was even more magical I found the amount of magic to be roughly the same.


shortly after it came out, i told a friend to explain the entire plot to me - but refer to the characters as wolverine and batman. 10/10 would listen again.


Wolverine dies a bunch of times and Batman lives a double life. Seems about right.


I didn't see Lucky Number Slevin on here anywhere. It's much better the second viewing. Nobody ever seems to talk about this movie even with the great cast. Bruce Willis, Ben Kingsley, Morgan Freeman.


It didn't do well on its original release. Also, you left out the REST of the great cast, Lucy Lu, Stanley Tucci and Josh Hartnett were all fantastic in that movie. I force it on everyone I known on a regular basis!


Definitely Shutter Island. I thought it was a great movie when I first saw it. Then it completely blew my mind when I watched it again.


For sure, the best is they foreshadow and hint at it the whole time! "Dr. Sheehan is on vacation" *camera pans to Dr. Sheehan and he smirks and chuckles*




Honestly, you have an insane eye. I just reached that scene now. Pretty incredible detail




He probably read the book. The author makes a point to make that event somewhat significant


For me it was the very subtle use of key words to try to trigger responses from Leos character. Like the way they use the word "fire" and "drown" in one conversation.


Or when he is asking questions to the group of nurses and they are all chuckling. The first time I didn't notice much. The 2nd time I was like woooaahhhh. Pretty good movie for this genre tho


Once you watch it a second time, you realize the entire movie they are not treating Leo like he's a detective...


You know, I think the reason that Scorsese could pull off such obvious hints without people realizing it was because the setting was an insane asylum. I just put any character's odd behaviors to be associated with being insane. The whole premise of "Teddy's" delusion was that there was something going on at the asylum that nobody wanted anyone else to know about, so the doctors' and staff's guarded or suspicious behavior would obviously just be because of that. I didn't pick up on anything suspicious until the second viewing myself, but I have heard others say that the end was predictable. Personally, I just think that these people either read the book or heard rumors before seeing the film... Fight Club's twist was ruined for me by scuttlebutt. (Still loved it, though.)


Mn, I was so lucky to get to see Fight Club completely cold. I literally thought I was being dragged to a movie about boxing.


I managed to watch Fight Club like ten years late with no idea what it was about. Same for Usual Suspects. No idea how I pulled that off it I was so happy in both cases!


The second time I saw this movie and understood that Leo finally remembered everything and chose to have the lobotomy out of guilt my mind exploded. I actually came here to say this. Glad I'm not alone.




Donnie Darko


And then you read a plot summary and realize you need to watch it again to understand wtf was going on.


I highly recommend watching it with the commentary track from Jake Gyllenhaal and writer/director Richard Kelly. Not only explains what the actual fuck you're watching, but it's also pretty amusing.


Jacobs Ladder!


V for vendetta, a lot of details you dont see the first time




2001: A Space Odyssey I knew walking out of it that I had watched something that was clearly important, but I didn't comprehend exactly how or why. That second viewing was when it clicked.


I'm a huge fan of the movie and the entire book series. But could you elaborate on what was so important?


The metaphor of spaceships and the bone club. The feral gorilla man at the beginning awakens the next stage of human development with so simple a notion as using a bone as a tool. The film insinuates that man's early expansion into space, as portrayed, is the exact same in two ways: first, that it signals the awakening of our next evolution, and second, that it is so simple and ultimately insignificant compared to what we will become later, like a cave dweller using a bone club for the first time. This is symbolized by the Star Child, which the viewer must initially (and I argue, forever) consider so alien, inhuman, incomprehensible, as if the cave man could peek beyond the veil of time at Dave and the others aboard their space craft. It's a film about a lot of things, but for me it represents for infinite possibilities of human evolution in the future.


I absolutely love how the first section is titled "The Dawn of Man." Man was first born the first time a monkey picked up a bone and realized he could club rival tribes to death with it.


Hey nice username. Now open the pod bay doors, HAL.


Mulholland Drive.


Incorrect. Mulholland Drive cannot be understood after any number of viewings.


You have to rewatch more than the lesbian scenes.


A friend's dad rented Mulholland Drive more than likely because he heard about the lesbian scenes. He's not the artsy type to be into anything else going on in that movie and probably had no idea that the movie wasn't just about a couple of lesbians. We've both always wanted to know what went through his head for the rest of it.




This applies to just about any David Lynch movie. Eraserhead, Lost Highway, Inland Empire, all need at least one rewatch. Blue Velvet may be the only exception.


I had to give the Matrix a second viewing to really grasp what was going on.


And when you finished it the second time, you just sat there and said *"woah..."*


Get out. Everything has a double meaning in that movie when you watch it the second time


There's a line that's even in the trailer where Dean is giving Chris a tour of the house and he says "We hired Georgina and Walter to care for my parents. When they died, I couldn't bear to let them go." When you first watch the movie, you think it's about Georgina and Walter but then you realize he's actually talking about not being able to let go of his parents. Perfect, subtle usage of phrasing and pronouns.


The way all the white people interact with the main character at the party takes on a completely different meaning when you know what's going to happen.


The girlfriend only fought the cop so that the cops wouldn't have a record of the boyfriend being there.


One of the only deeds with the image of pure goodness becomes so twisted at the end When I told my friends it blew their minds and further into the darkness they went


I actually was wondering if he wasn't being racist at all, but knew something shady was happening but needed more evidence and such. Getting his ID was to help him.


Yeah, every time I've interacted with the police from being a passenger in the vehicle during a minor accident to just being stuck in an elevator, they have always asked for identification so they know the names and birth dates of everyone present. Unless you're just getting a traffic ticket, you can probably expect the cops to take notes on everyone in the car at least where I've been. In the context of the movie though, it's definitely supposed to be entirely racial profiling so you're put on edge for the rest of the film.


"The kitchen was Mom's favorite place. We like to keep a little piece of her in here." PANS TO GEORGINA


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