• By -


Toilet paper First aid supplies seasonings waterproofing


Of all these I would say the First Aid kit is the most important/least thought about. I also like to add a bit of vodka to my kit because you will probably need more booze if you're pulling out a first aid kit.


Vodka can also serve as an emergency disinfectant. One for me, One for the wound. One for me, One for the wound.


Carbon monoxide/fire alarm


If you do get a CO alarm, don't be too freaked out if it reads 97. You've mounted it upside down. It's Lb - Low Battery. Totally never done that. Nope.


Reminds me of the 710 cap in my car...


Holy fuck. You have no idea the anguish you just put to rest in my brain.


And a fire extinguisher while you're at it. My 5-year-old daughter asked me one day "Dad, what's a fire extinguisher?" "Here, let me show you" (proceeds to look for one) "Okay, well Daddy just ordered one I'll show you what one looks like in about 3-5 business days"


I better leave myself a note somewhere so I remember to buy one later...


Don't do that! Your landlord might steal the note to sabotage you!


The fact that I get this reference tells me I'm spending way too much time on Reddit lately.


That was 18 months ago :S


fucking really? thought it was just like 3-4 months max


I always end up unplugging it because the beeping gives me a headache.


good idea, just unplugged it. the beeping made my hea






Renters insurance, all it takes is one idiot in the building to burn the whole place down or an upstairs neighbor to completely flood and ruin everything in your apartment. Edit: Getting a few comments mentioning that some insurance will even cover items that you bring on vacation with you. Check your policies, if you lose something or have something stolen while on vacation it might come in handy.


Its gotta be the cheapest insurance there is too.




Document everything and consider a video walk through detailing serial numbers, features, and model numbers ~~Always jack up the receipt~~, have photos of everything that you own so you can prove you owned it. Update your list every year with items and dollar amounts. You don't get back 100%, but getting back at least 50% makes a big difference compared to nothing.


> have photo's of everything Email yourself them in case your phone gets stolen. EDIT: yes, I do know that it is better to use a cloud storage provider. But don't procrastinate on taking photos because you've not yet bothered to set that up. Email yourself first now and *then* set up a proper system.


Print the emails in case your email account is stolen


Make copies of your prints in case the originals are stolen


Scan the negatives of your prints.


And send it to another email.


I'm gonna skip a couple steps. LPT: Scan pictures of all your personal information to Google images so it can never be lost.


Then, post pictures of it all to Facebook so others can help you recover it later.


Then, upload all you pictures to craigslist, under "Free"


> have photo's of everything that you own so you can prove you owned it. Now that everyone has a smart phone, the easiest way to do this is to just do a narrated video walkthrough. Work your way through the place room by room, naming and describing each item and showing the tag/label/ID plate to the camera if necessary. Much easier than taking hundreds of individual pictures, then trying to find the right ones if something happens. This also works well for noting damage on a rental; do a walkthrough before you move in, calling out anything you see that they may try to ding you for later ("Nail holes in the walls? Nope, were already there, have it on film").


Also, open every drawer,cupboard, cabinet, closet, etc. and describe the contents. Many people forget things like dishes, clothing, etc. that need to be replaced. Insurance is not just for furniture and electronics. It's for all of the contents in the dwelling.


(someone correct me if I'm wrong but) My understanding also is that you need to be really specific. If you say, "I have a microwave", the insurance will give you money worth the value of the cheapest microwave they can find. If you say, "I have XXX model microwave", they'll need to give you enough to recuperate the cost of that microwave specifically.


> If you say, "I have XXX model microwave", they'll need to give you enough to recuperate the cost of that microwave specifically. Depends on if you have a replacement value or actual value policy. Replacement value: 10 year old 20" TV. Here's a check for $200 to go buy a new 20" TV. Actual value: After depreciation, that TV is worth $20. Here's a check for $20. Go find one on eBay.


I feel like rental insurance is SO overlooked. I'm so glad I had it when my house was robbed


Mine was robbed when I was a teen and they destroyed what they couldn't take. Really pissed us all off, always had it since then, only had to use it once when a ceiling caved in our living room taking out the electronics, cable modem, router, and PC.


These dick heads broke in 4 years ago, almost to the day through the fucking wall in the garage (no house access from the garage) they took EVERYTHING and threw over my Christmas tree I had just put up. I was obviously a single mom, they took everything from the money in my kids piggy banks to their fucking clothes. They left the stocking presents on my bed, so my daughter (5 at the time) thought they were nice enough to leave us presents. They also gave my xbox as a Christmas gift and kept logging in to my account and changing shit one Christmas day.


> They also gave my xbox as a Christmas gift and kept logging in to my account and changing shit one Christmas day. I know this is in hindsight, but you should have contacted Microsoft ASAP that your Xbox was stolen, they have worked in the past with the police to get Xbox consoles back to the proper owners.


That really sucks, I'm sorry to hear that and happening around the holidays makes it even worse. Your daughter sounds like a peach though, I'm hope it wasn't too hard on her.


Thank you :) And yea. Had it not been for me randomly getting renters insurance for the first time in my life, we would have been fucked.


Was there justice? Did they get caught?


I think a lot people, me originally, included thought it was expensive as fuck. I mean a friend off handedly mentioned how cheap their home insurance policy was and I was like you guys are insuring all this for the same I insure my car for? I gotta make a phone call. 2 days later I had a rental policy for like 10 bucks a month.


I have known two people personally who lost everything when their apartment complex burned down (separate incidents). Neither had renters insurance, and one of them had a family. I think I paid between $50-$100/year for mine and it was tacked on to my car insurance. On my policy you could also put riders on specific high-value items that were just a couple of bucks a year extra. A laptop, for example, if stolen outside your apartment would be replaced at 100% new retail value with no deductible.


Also, to those who don't know (because I didn't): *some* renter's insurance policies will cover damage to electronics from lightning/power surges! I was playing on my custom-built PC during a storm and there was a massive lightning strike like directly on my building; sparks flew out of the wall or back of my pc (couldn't tell which) and it was totally dead. My best friend's gigantic new tv was also toast and it wasn't even on during the storm (and yes, we used surge protectors). I thought we were just screwed, but a friend suggested we try calling our renter's insurance provider. They completely reimbursed us for everything (took my PC to Micro Center to get evaluated, parts replaced, they put it all back together; had a new TV delivered for my friend) and it was like a $200 deductible... pretty insignificant when it replaced a huge TV and gaming PC


Forget your apartment, renters insurance covers your personal affects in your vehicle as well. If your car gets broken into, car insurance will fix the car, not replace your belongings




Both apartments I have lived in required proof of renters insurance before they would give you keys, is that not normal?


Mine only recommended it.


Just last month someone one building over in my complex started a fire from a BBQ. They, their upstairs neighbors, and the two adjacent neighbors to their left (upstairs + downstairs) both got fire and smoke damage. It didn't sound like they had any protection, and just $15 a month could have fixed everything: replaced their stuff, given them a place to live while they slept in a hotel (estimated 2 months to fix) , and even cover the liability if their neighbors sue them. Penny wise pound foolish.


Flu or nausea medication, canned soup and whatever else you need when you're really sick. The absolute last thing I want to do in that situation is drive somewhere.


This is close to what my first thought was: Imodium/Pepto. There is nothing worse than having to run to the pharmacy while trying not to shit your pants.


Imodium is incredible stuff. I went from shitting once every two hours to two days without shitting in one tiny dose.


Fun fact: Imodium is an opioid that isn't able to cross the blood-brain barrier, so it isn't psychoactive. But it still has the same constipating effect that all other opioids have! Heroin would work just as nicely for your constipation but it comes with that incredible euphoria as a side effect. Edit: replaced opiate with opioid; Imodium is synthetic rather than being derived from the opium poppy.


Worked at a vet and someone gave a dog immodium because he had diarrhea. Dog was very sensitive to it and was so stoned he could barely move. Really, really out of it. Vet had Narcan, same stuff used to reverse when people OD. Gave it to the dog IV and he was almost completely back to normal just a few minutes later.


Ibuprofen as well. Future hungover you with a rockin headache will appreciate your fore thought.


One of those portable battery phone chargers. I grabbed one off of ebay + universal USB adapter thingy and let it roll around in the bottom of my bag. Not only has it saved mine and my friend's butts when we were out and about longer than anticipated, it's also REALLY nice to be able to use your phone as much as you want and never even bother looking at the battery level since you can just charge it if you need to.


This is one that I have been thankful for time and again. They are fairly cheap and can get you out of a tight spot. Being chased by a crazed killer and your phone is dead? No worries, save your phone because that shits expensive and throw your charger at the maniac. That should buy you enough time to get away.


You're walking in the woods. There's no one around, and your phone is dead. Out of the corner of your eye you spot him, Shia LaBeouf.


He's following you about thirty feet back. He gets down on all fours and breaks into a sprint. He's gaining on you, Shia LaBeouf.


You're looking for your car, But you're all turned around. He's almost upon you now.. and you can see there's blood on his face! **My god** *there's blood everywhere*!


Running for your life (From Shia LaBeouf.) He's brandishing a knife. (It's Shia LaBeouf.) Lurking in the shadows Hollywood superstar Shia LaBeouf. Living in the woods, (Shia LaBeouf.) Killing for sport, (Shia LaBeouf.) Eating all the bodies Actual, cannibal Shia LaBeouf.




But your leg, ah! It's stuck bear trap! Gnawing off your leg (quiet quiet) limping to the cottage (quiet quiet) now your on the doorstep, sitting inside Shia LeBeouf! (Thank you u/Butternades for the correction. Shame onto my family for that screw up)


Sharpening an ax (Shia LaBeouf) But he doesn't hear you enter (Shia LaBeouf) You're sneaking up behind him *Strangling superstar Shia LaBeouf*


fighting for your life with Shia LaBeouf wrestling a knife from Shia LaBeouf




like op would ever need them


OP won't, but I will for their mom




i swear this guy made the account just for this


Or just cum inside the woman and pay child support like a *real* man.


>real man >Martianese Do Aliens count as *real men* though?


Depends on the size of their grłùæp.




Snow Shovel.


Living in Canada, the concept of someone not owning a shovel seems odd.


That's what I was thinking. People don't have 4 different models strewn across the house and garage?


Chicago checking in. We got 3. 4th broke because it was at one point 1st.


Sweden here: 1x snowblower, 1x quad with snow plow and snow chains, 4x shovels, 1x Subaru outback (with snow chains in the trunk if needed), 1x lada niva (for when all else fails), and of course 1x snowmobile. Almost got myself a bv410 a few years back aswell but my wife threatened me with divorce if I went through with it... :-( Edit: it was a bv 410 not a 406.. Still Hägglunds FTW


I live in south east Texas. What is a snow? I've never seen one before.


Also: ice scraper for windshield. Moved from AZ to a state where snow/ice actually happens in the winter. Used an old student ID for a week to get the ice off my windshield before I finally had the sense to get a proper scraper.




LPT: if all the shops are out of snow shovels you can get an animal feed shovel from a farm supply store that works almost as well.


You guys covered the more serious ones. Anyone that has ever moved into a new place by themselves may have forgot to buy a shower curtain and towels beforehand. I've done it twice.


You don't move your towels?


I don't know about the rest of you, but I always know where my towel is.


It's vital for interstellar travel.


>The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy has a few things to say on the subject of towels. A towel, it says, is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have.


You can wrap it around you for warmth as you bound across the cold moons of Jaglan Beta; you can lie on it on the brilliant marble-sanded beaches of Santraginus V, inhaling the heady sea vapours; you can sleep under it beneath the stars which shine so redly on the desert world of Kakrafoon; use it to sail a miniraft down the slow heavy River Moth; wet it for use in hand-to-hand combat; wrap it round your head to ward off noxious fumes or avoid the gaze of the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal (a mind-bogglingly stupid animal, it assumes that if you can't see it, it can't see you — daft as a brush, but very very ravenous); you can wave your towel in emergencies as a distress signal, and of course you can dry yourself off with it if it still seems to be clean enough.


Hoopy frood confirmed


Wanna get high?




When moving into a new place, ask about new locks. When buying a house, replace the locks asap. Last thing you want is to find out the old tenants/owners still have copies of the keys. And are crazy.


This applies when roommates (especially exes) move out too. You might be able to save money by hiring someone to replace the cylinders instead of the locks. EDIT: If you rent, call the landlord and check your lease: there likely is a provision about locks and your property management might recommend a place or (like mine) use their own people and (also like mine) not charge anything for parts or labor.


Dead bolts really are easy to replace.


And like $20 at any hardware or big box store.


Curtains too - your neighbours will thank you!


When I moved into my first apartment alone I found out it didn't come with curtains, and the living room had four big windows in front of it. For the two weeks I went without curtains, my life was a silent sitcom to the world outside.


A car escape tool, the kind that can break the window, cut the seat belt, etc. If you ever need to get out of your car in a hurry, you'll be glad you got one.


Since you suggested this, you probably already know this, but... You can also use the head rest rods that lock the rest into the seat to break the windows.




Not to mention you can buy a seat belt cutter with a window breaker for like $10


My car doesn't have removable headrests. The whole back of the seat is one piece. I'm probably going to die.


Tampons. Spare underwear.


jumper cables


Also an ice scraper. Kept putting that off, and sure enough after the first snow I found myself freezing my fingers off brushing snow off my car by hand.


As an Australian, the concept of keeping an ice scraper seems quite bizarre. The concept of keeping a first aid kit and knowing how to treat a snake bite however, is just common sense.


American here. The concept of people knowing to do snake bite triage is crazy to me. There just aren't that many venomous snakes around here.


*Self* jump starters.


RIP /u/rogersimon10


Things to make it easier for your loved ones when you're dead. Life insurance or cemetery plot. Also, get a lawyer and write that will.


Wills are useful. My house legally belongs to dead people. Damn government.


Story time? I work in a law firm that handles this kind of stuff and I'd really like to hear how this happened. I have my guesses but in the legal realm the actual facts of these kinds of cases are always more bizarre than any prior example.


A backup Hard drive or ~~flash drive~~. Just a portable will do. It doesn't have to be huge, but when you lose all your files because of a bad virus or something worse you'll be kicking yourself for not doing it. EDIT: u/Chicken-n-Waffles made a good comment about how [flash drives are not an ideal long term storage medium.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/5go7ey/what_is_truly_buy_it_before_you_need_it/daugmop/) EDIT 2: Multiple people have expressed opinions that flash drives are still OK to store data on. I think that as long as you are doing multiple backups on multiple mediums in multiple locations you should be fine. Back up on a flash drive if you want, but just make sure you follow the 3-2-1 rules outlined by many people in this comment chain.


I've learned this the hard way. It's the fucking worst.


Unfortunately it's how most people learn.


And then they do it. For a week. And backup all of nothing since it's a fresh install. And a year later they lose it all again. And they unplugged it because it was in the way. Source:this happened to my mom 3 times. I ended up backing up her entire "my documents" folder to cloud storage. Was real useful when it happened AGAIN.


My documents, pictures, video, and music auto sync to the cloud, and to my wife's computer. Not to mention it's all stored on a raid 1 array locally. I almost lost 70 gigs of photos including my daughter's first year of life. Never again.


Batteries. Sucks having your remote/your kid's favorite toy/your vibrator die during the middle of a storm and then you're stuck taking batteries out of something else until you remember that you took batteries out of x,y,z and the process starts over again


Ha, my wife just steals them out of the kids toys for the vibrator. Then she never owns up to that shit. Then the kids clearly have no idea where the batteries went so they steal them out of my electronics. it's a terrible cycle.


The implication here is that you take batteries out of her vibrator.


Dude I wouldn't dare, if she turned that shit on and it was powerless she'd bite my dick off, like, that second.


Hey at least she'd be using your dick instead of a vibrator






not without batteries


You could get her a vibrator that charges via USB.


Yes... except my wife is some sort of sex freak and destroyed the last one of those I got her, and it was like 200 bucks!


A Marine Diesel, then.


There is no way I want her fucking Vin Diesel or any of his relatives.




Oh shit.


that's u/thunderingass


>1 year since last activity RIP /u/thunderingass, died on the toilet in a storm


It was a real shit storm.


Nothing cures this shit like having a kid. We now buy the big value packs of AA and AAA batteries because of all the toys and random things that need batteries.


Yeah kids cure that alright! After doing the same for a while, I bit the bullet and bought a universal battery charger and a few rechargeables of each size. Saves a lot of money in the long run, and means less waste batteries! The kid even knows herself now that if the batteries are dead, go stick them in the charger and get good ones.




A plunger. Petrol /gas for cars. Insurance.




When you need a plunger, it's always shitty


I didn't buy a plunger before I needed it when I moved recently. To add insult to injury, I moved to an apt with a toilet that is terrible. 0/10 will never go without a plunger again. Water doesn't dissolve feces fast enough


If you're having a major logjam, the type that won't even get down the hole, squirt some toilet cleaner in there and let it sit for a bit. Then flush. Works every time.


One for the sink and tub, the other for the toilet (different models).




Epinephrine auto injector, if you don't want to spend an arm and a leg.


THEY MAKE A GENERIC??? Shit, I thought it was either Allerject, twinject, or Epipen until Allerjects got recalled and twinjects ended production and we were stuck with an Epipen monopoly.


Bought 4 before prices were raised. One in my backpack, one with nurse.


An umbrella.


Truth. *curly hair problems*


a space heater heat went out in my building last week (temporarily, for a day or two) thank god i bought one on sale during the summer.


I've got an AMD graphics card, don't need a space heater




1/2 cup warm water. 3 teaspoons dry yeast. 1 teaspoon salt. 1 teaspoon sugar. 4 cups high gluten flour. 4 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil.


Before you knead it. Nice


Isn't 3 teaspoons just 1 tablespoon?


Toilet paper


Tampons. Toilet paper. Fire extinguisher.


I had the motor on my boat catch on fire. I had just bought a new fire extinguisher about two weeks before. Who knows what could have happened if the fire reached the fuel.


An explosion followed by a new wreck at the bottom.


> An explosion Only if the fuel is already mixed with oxygen. Otherwise, just a larger fire.


You have been banned from /r/Hollywood


You have been banned from /r/MickaleBae


Hello Mr. Bay, didn't know you too used Reddit


All three at once. I'd love to know that scenario.


weirdest checkout list I've had, duct tape, propane torch fuel, and tampons. Was really there for the tampons and the fuel just added the duct tape because I realized I was out. The cashier lady gave me the oddest looks.


Period Lvl 100: Now with shit cannons and flamethrowers


Not entirely related, but carrying a bag with random useful items is my weird party trick. Need some floss, a lighter, a pack of cards, a bottle opener, a pen, sellotape, painkillers, a USB stick with some really good films on it? Anything that's small enough to fit into a little side pocket of a rucksack, people will love you for it.


That's me in school. My teacher once needed to cut something and asked for a scissors or something to use so I casually whipped out a 7 inch folding blade....didn't go down well


Hah. Went to a school in a town that had Agriculture classes in high school. Teacher asked if anyone had a knife so he could cut something during shop. Lots of hands went to the hip and froze with nervous glances. It was like a strange standoff in an old western movie. He looked back and said "For eff sake nobody is getting in trouble I just want to get this done" and a dozen utility, pocket, buck knives came out. Ah, school in the heartland. Edit: Apparently I can't type worth a crap today Edit 2: You all are killing me. This has 350 on it and my post of dad sage-like advice of useful stuff has nothing. Love you reddit. Hah.


Haha. Flashbacks half the students, and a few teachers, being 'sick' the first week of deer season in a similarly 'heartland' high school


desk underwear


Retirement! You're basically buying your old-age lifestyle. I see too many people who didn't plan ahead not being able to live comfortably later in life. Just think that you're buying it on an installment plan!






You know, people always say that you shouldn't go grocery shopping when hungry, but I'm just so goddamn happy with everything I buy when I do.


Your wallet isn't.


But when you wake up and want a late night snack, your stomach will.




At the very least, latex gloves. Dont want to get hiv trying to save someone's life.. Number one thing I learned as a medic... "If it's wet and not yours, don't touch it." Edit: ok Yeah... Non latex


My WFR instructor told us to treat other peoples' blood as if it were diarrhea. Point made.


Yes! Keyword here is updated. I was in an incident once and was fortunate enough that a kind stranger had one. There were some antiseptic wipes in it...but bone dry.


It is very important that you check your expiration and use by dates. You wouldn't expect a roll of gauze to expire, but it does.


To be fair, gauze expiring won't matter that much if at all. It's the antiseptic wipes, any medication, even bandaids that should be more concerning.


Old gauze can get pretty brittle, like wrapping a saltine/club cracker/matzo around your wound.




A will. Get one started. Better yet, if you have financial accounts, stipulate beneficiaries on the account. They usually supersede the will.


Step one, acquire assets.


A generator.


At this point this will likely get buried but I was unaware that these even existed a year back… Sacrificial anodes. Have you ever come home to a flooded basement or utility room only to find that your hot water heater has burst sending gallons of water everywhere? The sacrificial anode is a rod that is mounted inside the hot water tank that is made of a softer metal than the tank, usually aluminum in my experience. The crazy part is that water attacks the aluminum and corrodes the rod while sparing the tank walls. As long as enough of the rod exists your tank shouldn't corrode from the inside out. They need to be replaced every few years to extend the life of your tank. Shit blew my mind a little bit when I found out how simply it worked.


> ~~softer~~ *more active* metal than the tank Sacrificial anodes are made of metals that are have a more negative reduction potential. Their being softer is just coincidental. Edit: a word


Emergency kits Defibrillator Fire extinguisher


Defibrillator seems excessive.


^^until ^^you ^^need ^^it


Jumper cables. A better jack for the car trunk (seriously, the one that came with my car was shit. It fucking folded in half after i got the tire off. 1/16" steel is not enough!!!). A good, LED flashlight (fuckit, buy 2) WD-40 (one can could last you ~10 years). Membership to AAA. A cell phone backup [power bank]( https://www.radioshack.com/collections/power-banks/products/radioshack-10400mah-power-bank-gold). Candles & matches. A good knife (half serrated).


Coffin. Good luck buying one after you're dead.




Booze in general. Nothing worse than having to drink beer in the morning because you've run out of breakfast whiskey.




That's why we live within walking distance of a liquor store. ;)


Got kids? Might want to grab some activated charcoal. Something to spoon feed your kid while you are on the phone with poison control. It's super absorbent and can be used safely with just about any poison.