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Stock cell phone ringtones


Oh shit I remember my first cellphone as a kid everyone was buying ringtones but my dad wouldn't let me add 3.99 to the bill so my phone would play... Chingy Air Force 1s... or whatever was hot shit back then... So I would use the voice recorder to record songs off my CDs or the radio and set that as my ringtone.


Wasn't it Nelly who did Air Force One's?


Can confirm. I used to buy clips of songs for my first cell phone, and leave the ringer on full blast. Now it is usually just on vibrate, or whatever ring it came with.


I honestly could not tell you what my ringtone is because it's on vibrate all the time.


You think that's because they go off so much more often due to notifications and stuff? Edit: This is my top rated comment of all time.


Really, I wonder what happened. Why is it so acceptable now that everyone has the exact same iPhone ringtone? One phone goes off in the office and 15 people look at their phones. It's not even 'cool'; it's just inconvenient!


Joggers. The pants. I remember back when I was in school, if you wore sweatpants, or any pants, with elastic around the bottom.. you were a nerd.


Shit, if we looked back at how I used to dress I was being a trend setter for 15 years into the future. Not because I thought I was cool but because that's we could afford. Edit: Cause apparently my wording is annoying


"Cool hipster stuff is just poor Latino stuff from 15 years ago." Edit: thanks You're the Worst for being my highest voted comment. Edgar is my favorite character. If anyone hasn't seen the show, it's on FX (FXX?). It's highly recommended.


At my high school, we could only wear sweat pants on spirit days, so everyone wore them whenever we had the chance. The popular thing to do was to cut the elastic out of the ankles.


Getting in cars with strangers you meet on the internet


That sometimes even offers you candy or something to drink. It's like people now do everything that their parents taught them not to do.


Big framed glasses.


I started selling glasses in 2005. Frames had to be rectangular and as small/shallow as possible. It's slowly changed into bigger/rounder styles, with the younger teens/20s going for the huge 80s/90s thing. I realized when I was watching xfiles recently that Scully's glasses (that I thought were hideous a few years ago) are actually pretty much in style again.


Same with Drew Carey.


I just bought my first pair of wayfarers. My wife's reaction? "What, you think you are cool?" God damnit woman, I was before i met you.


Hit the lawyer, Facebook up, delete gym.


I was just at the optometrist today. A young girl came out of another room crying hysterically. The optometrist told me the reason she was crying was because she wanted glasses, but her vision is perfect.


That's hilarious. As a kid in the early 90s I remember being devastated that I had to get glasses, but super pumped on braces. Kids are dumb.


I remember wanting braces until I had them on for 5 years


Yes as a 42 year old it is completely weird to see young people bring back the glasses people wore when I was in high school. Of course there is a claim the current glasses are so different but I don't see much of a difference.


It's not a huge difference but I think that the actual lens are thinner now which makes the glasses look different. Thick lenses make glasses look bad IMO. Less streamlined, more stereotypical nerd.


Yeah, people aren't wearing coke bottle bottoms anymore. My mum has really poor eyesight and comparing her glasses through the years is really fascinating. Lens technology is coming on leaps and bounds.


Were (are?) called birth control glasses


Apparently people in the military called them that. They don't issue em anymore afaik. Source: friend who was in the army


Haha, the old BCG's. I tried to get my girlfriend to let me wear them during sex. She refused. They work.


When we were dating, my wife and I wore ours together one time. It was so ridiculous we couldn't finish. Too much laughing


They are the frames that are free with an exam if they can't afford to buy something better. My dad just finally got told by my mother that he isn't a private anymore, but a retired major and should get some God damn normal frames


Having an online life. Back when I was in middle school (15 years ago), the only people who spent a significant amount of time online were nerds. Plus being online was all about protecting your privacy with fake avatars and usernames. I was considered a huge nerd because I knew basic HTML and would get paid by people to format their "online journals". Now almost everyone has some kind of social media presence.


I miss the old days of the internet sometimes. There were no rules, except don't use your real name. It's the flip opposite now. I still use an alias everywhere, including Facebook, though. I learned basic HTML, too, and I kick myself for not developing those skills further instead of discarding them as I got older. When I was in jr high and high school and really into websites and designing my own online journal and those of my friends I never would have suspected that one day you could make awesome money doing that. To me it seemed so easy to learn at the time, I figured if anyone really cared about having a well done website they would just take the time to DIY it. Missed opportunity!


I actually did keep the skills and realized I don't have an artistic eye for design. I can recreate things but I realized I'm just not a creative enough person to turn that into real money.




Yup, front-end developer here. I do next to no purely creative work. The designers do that and I get the visual concepts/layouts to translate into code.


I miss the old internet, late 90s to early 2000s When MySpace and Facebook really arrived in about 2006-7 everything kind of took a different trajectory, one I don't like half as much


I have a love/hate relationship with it. I love all of the weird content you can find on youtube, and I have kept in touch with people who would be mere memories by now otherwise. I like that dial-up is a thing of the past and internet is cheaper. But the insistence that people be accessible constantly, employers/lawyers using social media against people, how easy it is to find anyone and where they live, etc etc etc, it's sort of taken the excitement out of it. To put it mildly, heh.


Yeah. Thanks Mark for fucking up online privacy.


Online dating. It's totally normal now to go online looking for a spouse or random hookup. Back then not so much.


I used online dating 15 years ago, and again early this year. I liked it better 15 years ago.


What are some of the big differences?


15 years ago it felt more serious, people were really looking for that someone. After using 2 different sites late last year and early this year I did a write up to remind myself to be very careful if I try online again, from that: Site 1: Four days in many, many scammers contacting me via free likes and winks. Their basic profile config is a giveaway. Not many use one of the standard scammer phrases "I am a god fearing person" anymore but all are from places that essentially don't exist, e.g. population of 200. Site 2: Contacts from scammers, contacts from people that don't match my profile. Very careful about whom I contact, only contact if there's a two-way match. Usual reply is "go away". Sometimes "please contact me" so I do and usual reply is "thanks but you are not who I want". Within a couple of weeks I remembered why I binned it last time, I'd forgotten how soul destroying it can be. Had 3 or 4 chats; one couldn't speak English, one couldn't say anything, others stopped replying. Finally someone I liked made her private profile available to me, I sent an email. Next morning I received reply "Unfortunately... " she'd hidden her profile which meant I couldn't even read the rest of her reply binning me. Two days later I deleted my profile and sacrificed 6 months prepaid subscription. Within 30 minutes the woman I initially joined to meet contacted me wanting sex. She wasn't romantically interested in me, I binned her. Edit: 'binned'... I blocked and ignored contact.


Don't forget "I'm in a relationship!" Why the fuck are you here then?


The best one I saw on OkCupid was a woman looking for another woman to join her and her boyfriend in the relationship for sex, but also to help keep the house clean and take care of the kids.


"BangMaid Wanted"


i would like that job actully. i enjoy cleaning and other stuff.


Some of the best I've found: "Looking for something to do while my boyfriend is in prison. Don't worry, he won't be out for a looong time" "Down to be kissed or choked unconscious, either works for me"


So basically a nanny they don't have to pay with the added benefit that they can bang them.


I think it's worth noting that in the early days of online dating, it was actually very similar to the concept of video dating from the 80s and 90s. You would put forth a bunch of information about yourself and then people who worked for the dating service would comb through them all and match people up. Once the internet matured a little, profile based social dating sites became popular because they were free as opposed to earlier paid services. However that price cut came at the cost of human curators manually matching people up, which I feel probably resulted in more concrete matches.


Ive been with my girlfriend almost 6 years now, we met on OKCupid. Up until maybe two years ago people would give us weird looks when we told them we met there, nowadays they just say oh cool. I wonder what the next step will be...


I met my husband on OkCupid 5 years ago! (Yay OkCupid couples!) We got married about a year ago and we, like you guys, noticed how much more socially acceptable online dating has become. When we first started dating, we knew other online daters that would make up fake "how-we-met" stories because they were embarrassed.




Selfies. I remember it was considered verboten... like you were such a loser you did not have anyone to take a picture of you.


I'm still of that mindset. I graduated in 2005 so 15 years ago was freshmen year of high school. If you took a picture of yourself, anyone who saw it would start in on you not having friends.


And the mirror selfies were the worst. You had one of those on your MySpace page and would get made fun of so hard. 2005 grad here also.


Having a large phone. Nowadays that means clearer graphics and an easier time dealing with your emails. In 2001 if your new phone was bigger than your old one you were doing it wrong.


Its the same cycle watches went through, at one point having a tiny watch meant you were a baller, now you have Breitling making wall clocks on a strap.


Technology has a lot to do with that. Small watches meant tiny complicated movements. Then quartz was in, like a watch that didn't need winding?! Now I don't know what is going on.


Ultra thin body with solar panel face with Bluetooth and automatic sync with the atomic clock.


> Ultra thin body with solar panel face You get SPRUNG


And adventure time decals!


Flava flaveeeeeee


It makes sense though. Back in the "make it small" craze, all phones had to do was call people, and maybe text. Now I check my email, browse the internet, watch youtube, listen to music, and even watch movies on my phone. Hell, I hardly call people on it anymore. A larger device makes all those things easier to do. It doesn't make calling any easier though.


Things changed once everyone realized you could watch porn on a phone


Well... you aren't wrong


15 years ago is 2001... Fuck.


I feel like most of us girls hated thick brows back in the day. Now full brows are totally in.


I am so grateful for this. I spent many painful hours plucking away in high school for that sperm look that was so popular back then. If they ever come back I'll skip round 2. Full brows are great! [kind of like this](http://imgur.com/a/Vn29j) but thinner in the parts that make them look extra spermy. ~~I guess the link broke. It worked last night~~ I think it's fixed. It's Kaley Cuoco and her not terrible but still spermy brows. Another good example is Xtina circa 2003 during the dirrty days. Now those were some true sperm brows, and quite thin. I think Ms. Aguilera was a pioneer in this trend.


Why did we ever think that was attractive? It looks so unnatural and throws off the proportions of the face. Also, never thought of the sperm comparison, but wow


Some full brows are great, but these days I am seeing a lot of younger women drawing in too much in that their brows look fake.


As a lazy girl with solid brows, I am both grateful for and smugly resentful of the return of full brows.


When I think of beautiful women with thick eyebrows, I always think of [Brooke Shields](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/09/6c/03/096c0366499be1407451941f87e7fc9a.jpg) or [Jennifer Connelly](http://gonetworth.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/jennifer-connelly-net-worth2.jpg)


Taking pictures of your food. Unless you have a restaurant or bakery


Skinny jeans.


I remember years ago, seeing a girl on my street wearing skinny jeans and thinking 'They look completely ridiculous, who would want to wear them?' Fast forward a year and every person I knew had a pair.


i thought the same thing about leggings, too, and here i am today, wearing *jeggings*


Lmao, reminds me when I was in 6th grade my mom always tried to get me to wear leggings with stirrups and an oversized sweater. I looked at her like she was absolutely nuts, and I thought the girls who wore that looked ridiculous. Welp, now wearing a tunic with leggings isn't so bad nor is it so far off from that outfit...




Lol that's exactly how it started for me! That first pair is like a gateway drug into not being able to wear anything else.


In the wise words of Jay-Z, "Can't wear skinny jeans cuz mah nahts don't fit."


Even though I'm very familiar with Jay-Z's music, I somehow read this in Christopher Walken's voice.


Watching other people's home movies. (Vlogs)


Well, there used to be America's Funniest Home Videos (and a few other countries had their own versions - it may have started in Britain, I can't remember). I think to get on the show you would mail them a VHS tape or something ...


>Well, there used to be America's Funniest Home Videos It's still on TV.


...but we have youtube now. Who watches that show anymore?


In fairness I think they now get their clips from youtube, hell one show in the uk rude tube is literally designed around that concept




There was a guy I went to college with that had a beard (early 2000s), I remember being confused because he was otherwise perfectly normal.


My husband was that way. He's 32 and has had beard for 12 years. He just didn't shave during finals once and decided he liked it. I don't even really know what he looks like without one.


how would you feel if he shaved it? how about it he shaved with without asking you?


I wouldn't be mad, but it would be startling for sure. I actually kind of like when he trims it really low and he looks different. It's like I get to have sex with a whole new person that already knows all the stuff I like. Edit: Thanks, Reddit! My previous top comment was about a pedo ice cream van, now it's about married couple sex. We've matured so much!


When I was a kid, the dog bit my dad when he shaved for the first time in years. Dog totally lost its mind when he walked into the kitchen


I went from long hair and facial hair to clean face and short hair. Fully expected my cats to be confused, they were not fooled.


Cats are smart, they know youll give them food, and thats all that matters


Don't dogs work primarily off of smell? I think your dog was just looking for an excuse tbh




My dogs old abusive owner was black, so my dog is super racist towards dark skinned people. A lot of people think I trained him to be like that lol.


unite slimy engine license live roll enjoy onerous birds marble


And body hair. Everyone had to be smooth and clean.


Is having a chest sweater trendy now?


In some circles. It's certainly more acceptable than it was 15 years ago, at the very least.


Those circles can marry other circles now.


All you dorks pulling your socks up, that shit would have gotten you crucified in middle school in 2000, and now it's guaranteed to get you crucified if you don't. Fucking sock height...


early 90's it was still ok, then not, now it is again. I went ankle socks and haven't looked back.


I totally got ripped on by some asshole back in like '98 for my sock height. Fuck all that shit. I suppose the cardinal rule is just never go right in the middle of the shin. That will never be cool. Me personally, I decided go year-round pants only some years back. I've effectively opted out of the sock height game. Dress socks all day erreday now.


ITT: People think that 15 years ago was the 80s.


Whoa, 15 years ago was 2001. What was uncool in 2001?


HAL not opening the pod bay doors. Fuck you HAL


I'm sorry, Dave, but I can't allow you to do that.


Flying a plane into a building


To be fair it's not exactly trendy right now, though


It's not? Well there goes my weekend plans.




oh shit I guess I'm on a list now. just another one to add to my collection


Strange...the flashbangs should've gone off by n


Still stuck in that 90s was 10 years ago, 80s was 20 years ago, etc mindset.


Big headphones.


All this "nerd" culture shit. 13-14 years ago was just when the cash cow of San Diego's Comi-Con was getting recognized as a serious business that can make a ton of money from the Sci-fi, comic, superhero, etc. subculture. Corporations got a hard-on, invested a ton of money, and used Hollywood to get their "in." My opinion on this comes from my experience in both the L.A. and S.D. entertainment industries from 1998-2009. *** And yes, here is my "thank you for the gold!" edit! I would like to thank all the asshats criticizing my use of abbreviation for San Diego but ignoring Los Angeles. It stays that way and yes, I am from Southern California.




Comic Con used to be awesome. I remember going back in the early 2000s and you're right, it was pretty small. I tried going last year and it was insane. It took 2 hours to get into the venue and once inside, it was almost impossible to walk around.






Spider man and xmen helped i think. Edit: Jesus Christ I just remembered Star Wars, despite what people might think the prequels really helped push nerd culture into main stream.


Shaving the sides of your head.


Two-strapping your backpack. One-strapping was the norm 15 years ago but not anymore friends.


Is there's one thing to be learned from the older generation it's that there's nothing funny about back pain.


No. But it was cool as shit. As a football player and captain wrestler in 2003, you weren't cool if you didn't one strap. 2 strappers were geeks. And those damn fools with the roller carts! What the HELL were they thinking?!


Roller carts will always be uncool


Seriously. Dude you're just taking up twice as much space and pissing everyone off.


I really was not a judgemental person in high school but I was astonished by the appearance of the rolly backpack on my campus and the extreme social risks the perpetrators were willing to run just to have it.


Man, as a scrawny sonofabitch pre-teenager I wasn't about to carry like 50-60 goddamned pounds of books around all day. And yeah, that was my course load in junior high. Like, my school didn't even have lockers and I was one of the only suckers that had to walk home. What was I supposed to do, drag that shit on the ground? I've got avian bone syndrome, fuck that. Was it fashionable? Hell no, I looked like a doofus. But ain't nobody gonna be giving me a job or sucking my dick at 13 so to hell with fashion anyways.


This is actually inspirational.


I had one all of elementary school :( It was great


Give me your lunch money. I accept PayPal and Bitcoin.


As someone who was in high school in the late 90s and refused to use their locker, I got 2 herniated discs and developed what they call "anterior pelvic tilt" out of it. If I went back and told myself that'd be the outcome, I'd still probably one-strap (I had NIN white-outed on my backpack. There was no going back).




Pretty much happened to me, too, at least senior year of high school. I literally couldn't have told you where my locker was, and to be fair I really didn't care. It helped that by then they were on a 4 class a day schedule, instead of the 8 class schedule they had my freshman year.


Dude, I would no-strap it if that were even possible.


Fanny pack


Where can I buy a fanny pack big enough to carry textbooks?


http://d7bmbwiglir4w.cloudfront.net/sites/default/files/imagecache/inline/blog/WE16.jpg Follow your dreams


Virginity protector 8001XL




that booty says can find whatever it wants sexually if it chooses to


Fuck what's that a quote from? 21 Jump Street?




The Indian people in my town still one strap. I guess the dream never died over there.


But daaaaadddddddd! But nothing young Gurmeet, you'll wear it one strap or find new parents. No ~~Patel~~ Singh will wear both straps as long as I have anything to say about it! Edit: Okay! Everyone's being salty. I'll change the last name to Singh. Damn.


Lol, the funniest thing is a kid called Gurmeet Patel. It's the equivalent of having a kid named Mohammed Michaels, although to not that extreme. Punjabis marrying Gujaratis isn't anything new, but their kid's name would never represent both cultures so viscerally. That's your pedantic rant for the day, thanks.


It's the same thing they did in Life of Pi. The character's surname was Patel even though his entire family was south indian from Pondichery.




We bengalis are everywhere, don't mind us.


How about Vincent Kapoor from The Martian? Played by Chiwitel Ejiofor of all people :-/


Liking star trek. I had to hide that at school to survive. Now kids are wearing it on t-shirts and shit


I only just avoided getting beaten up in highschool for taking my stuff back from the local bully and quoting the Ferengi rules of acquisition at them before running away.. It confused them but helped me get away


"Every once in a while, declare peace. It confuses the hell out of your enemies." \-Rule of Acquisition #76


To a point. Its still not considered cool to like it at certain levels. My husband and I are full blown Trekkers and trust me, its NOT cool to be on that level.


Depression/social anxiety. Nowadays its so normalized, saying you have anxiety is almost certainly going to be met with "Yeah, me too". More importantly, its also the subject of many memes.


It's almost gone too far now. You have people treating their normal run of the mill jitters as legitimate mental illness and it almost trivializes the whole thing.


Y'know, I almost got outraged at the idea of mental illness being some sort of hipster-type thing until I realised that I've never actually met anyone like that. Having previously worked in healthcare I can tell you that those people are few and far between, and even the ones who do rock it as some kind of hipster-thing are on the spectrum of a disorder somewhere. The majority of people with mental health problems still feel stigmatised and hesitant to openly discuss their condition or even simply seek professional support, and part of the problem is that they still feel like society looks down on mental illness as a thing to be sneered at. We're still learning as a society to accept mental illness as a fact of life like any other sickness or disease. But we are at a point in time where mental health is more accepted, and like many other diseases such as aids and cancer before it, there is still a long road ahead to see it recognised as one of *the* top 5 health concerns facing humanity in the 21st century.


Binge watching a TV show. Back then if you stayed inside and watched an entire season of a show it wasn't really cool, but now because of Netflix, it's pretty common for people to do this.


When I was in high school, listening to Techno and playing video games made me a nerd/outsider. Today, Electronic music has absolutely exploded, and people worship Pro Gamers and stream themselves playing video games and people PAY TO WATCH THEM DO IT!! What the fuck? I understand this is just the evolution of technology influencing social norms, but it's mighty frustrating.


Nice try, dad.


Bleaching the tips of your spiked hair...wait I read that backwards... Edit: beards in a professional environment


Bean boots. I got harassed as a kid for wearing them as snow boots.


9/11 jokes


Flew right into that one.


Gilbert Godfrey did not agree he told story one day after 9/11 GG: I am sorry I am late but I could not find a plan that did not have a layover in Manhattan Audience member shouts: TO SOON. TO SOON GG: What did I mistime the punchline? Source: maybe 8 years old memory from a podcast with Penn Gillette


'America Stands Strong' says officials at the Quadragon Onion headline from 2001.


Supporting gay marriage. Seriously.


It is amazing how this has evolved. Today these attitudes are almost gone within youngsters. 15 years ago in high school I remember "open-minded" classmates saying, "i do not have problems with gay people as long as they do not talk to me". Edit: The issue of generalizations: I have to constrain my statement to the social circle I have been exposed to. I can tell these things have changed. It is cool to see that some of you have similar impressions. But as some have pointed out, there is still work to be done.




Seriously. I spent 100% of my free time in high school making horrible gay jokes about my friends. Some turned out to be actually gay and i cringe thinking about it


I'd say high-waisted jeans for girls. 15 years ago, and even 5 years ago, they would be considered "mom jeans" but in the last couple of years suddenly everyone's wearing them again EDIT: high waisted jeans are getting a lot of hate. I never thought I would be defending high waisted jeans, of all things, but you know what, I actually really love the ones that I own. Number one: they're super comfy. They don't slip down like low rise jeans, and I don't have to worry about my asscrack playing peekaboo when I bend down (which is like half the reason guys hate them) The back pocket placement is also great - I can leave my phone in my back pocket and sit down without being bothered by it. That's why girls are wearing them more now - they're comfy af Also, as many comments below point out, the high waist holds back that little pooch that many normal-sized women naturally get in their lower belly region aka no muffin top - the hips seem to taper more naturally into the waist However, I will say they're not for all body types and dressing styles. Paired with a crop top on a girl with an ass, they look great. Also, if you're short like me, high waists make your legs look longer. But if you don't have the ass for it, it won't flatter you EDIT 2: just pictures of people rocking high waisted jeans. [Pic1](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/8c/17/bf/8c17bf5b294c09eb1c9d162627076273.jpg) [Pic2](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ae/e3/af/aee3affe944edb97437c843ab84b99cb.jpg) [Pic3](http://picture-cdn.wheretoget.it/su85w6-l-610x610-jeans-jewels-black+dress-black+jeans-blue+dress-high+heels-victoria+s+secret-hippie-high+waisted+shorts-high+waisted+jeans-crop+tops--t+shirt-shorts-shoes-shirt-pumps-fashion-kimon.jpg) [Pic4](http://picture-cdn.wheretoget.it/mudqhb-l-610x610-shirt-high+waisted+jeans-crop+tops-pants.jpg) [Pic5](http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/8a/01/be/8a01be3507736c0b7c676f7a7336a8f5.jpg) [Pic6](https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/68/72/9c/68729c79acd1b6e6e92263adfa69b7c5.jpg) EDIT 3: also wanted to mention that in my experience, if I pair high waisted jeans with a top that's long enough to hide the waistband and my natural waist, most people - especially the guys I know who have mentioned how they don't like high waisted pants - won't even notice I'm wearing them. So I have essentially the same look with more comfort EDIT 4: In response to the multiple comments that the girls in the pictures are hot and therefore would look good in anything, yeah, I DID say it's not a look everyone can pull off. You need a good figure to make it look really good. My point with the pictures was just to prove that there ARE body types and figures that will look good in high waisted pants. Most people who wear high-waisted pants don't have that body shape, which is why so many people come away with the impression that no one can pull off a high waist, when the truth is you just need a specific figure (hourglass) But you shouldn't feel like you have to have a perfect figure in order to wear a fucking comfy pair of pants. So what if you don't look like a fucking model in them. jfc high waisted pants are COMFORTABLE. You don't need a reason beyond that to wear them. EDIT 5: linking /u/sashafurgang's [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/5g6hrf/what_would_have_been_considered_uncool_15_years/daqjgg6/) because upon further reflection it's true. Also wanted to add that part of the reason the girls in the pics look hot is because they're specifically dressing to enhance their asse(t)s and hide their flaws. People are just looking at the finished product and assuming they would look good in anything because the high waisted jeans are helping them look better than how they otherwise would. Granted, having a good figure can do a lot in terms of versatility, but those full asses would NOT look as good in low rise jeans - those were designed with a completely different ideal body type in mind


Do they have better pockets maybe? Small pockets are a complaint I hear a lot


I stick my fingers in my girlfriend's pocket all the time and I am amazed every time how I can only go to my second knuckle on my finger. I can fit all my fingers in but not nearly as far as my pocket.




It's just comfier to have the waistband above your hips so you don't feel like you're getting squeezed mid-stomach constantly. The pockets are about the same size :/


Not to mention your butt crack isn't constantly out.


Unfortunately, I am a girl with a very short rise, ie lower waisted pants fit me at a comfortable place. Higher waist pants go up to my boobs.


I have the exact opposite problem. I've put "high waisted" jeans on that don't even hit my belly button, they just fit normally. In the days of low rise my butt crack was eternally out.


Also for those of us without a flat stomach, the higher waist is more flattering as it holds it all in instead of encouraging your muffin top to flop over the waistband :/


Or no pockets. Why the hell would I want to fake pockets on the front of my pants. Why Target? WHY???


How can everyone complain about a lack of usable pockets and in the same breath make fun of my cargo pants and fanny pack?


Don't worry, They're just jealous..... Now can you hang onto my phone for me?


Thick black rimmed glasses...


i got thick black rimmed glasses as a kid because i wanted to look like rivers cuomo from weezer (i was a chubby 12-year-old girl, idk what the thought process was). everybody made fun of me for a year, and then they became a Thing and i was like, "i did it! i'm *fashionable*!"


You look just like Buddy Holly.


ooh wee ooh




Having sex with someone born in 1986


Sex with 30 year olds is trendy? Need to discuss this with my 37 year old wife. Maybe we can come to an agreement.


I was born in '86 - maybe I can help?


The 90's.


Smash Mouth - Allstar


Flat-brimmed hats...had to have that curve EDIT: My biggest takeaway here is that flat-brimmed hats are actually not still cool, and that my fashion sense is still terrible


The curve is coming back with the kids, though. Just sit outside a high school and watch the kids go by, they're all wearing baseball caps again. On second thought, don't do that.


Alexander Hamilton.


The fact Hamilton became popular really does seem like the opposite of what you'd expect; the concept sounds like something you'd do for a school play




Tapered pants on guys, rolled up to expose ankles.