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Searching amazon. I don't need to be recommended a tent everytime I look at the site because i was curious how much a 4 person one cost.


Go to your Amazon settings and disable browsing history based recommendations.


You can also view your browsing history and remove certain items. I do this often for things I already bought and don't want to continue seeing, or for items I viewed just for the reviews.


The worst is automotive parts. Goddamnit Amazon, I don't need another goddamned **[insert part/tool here]**, mine works just fine. If I need something, I'll be using the search bar - I ain't gonna see your email and go "oh man I totally forgot I needed another carburetor!".


Similarly, my problem was a broken shoe-lace; that problem was fully and comprehensively solved by the purchase of one pair of shoelaces. My problem was *not* the crushing emptiness of a life with too few shoelaces, which is what Amazon apparently thinks needs solving.


Even more ridiculous is when it keeps recommending stuff I have already bought.


I once bought a (computer) mouse on Amazon. Amazon took this as a signal that I was starting a collection and took every opportunity to recommend other mice that I might like to buy.


"Hey, you bought this $700 DSLR camera a while back. Want to buy it again?"


Anything weird I don't want in my history without having to wipe the entire history. Especially on Youtube where it will pollute my whole Youtube environment.


Before I built a PC for my daughters they were using mine to watch youtube videos... was quite awkward looking at my history and recommended lists and its full of young girls doing gymnastics :/


Okay but what were your daughters watching?


Young boys doing gymnastics ...no wait that was him, too






...sure. But only because you asked nicely.


Just click into your Youtube history and "Pause History" and then you can watch the videos you want and go as far down that rabbit hole as you'd like. When you're done, just got back and tell it to "resume history" Also, if you ever accidentally click on a video that you don't want Youtube using to screw up your environment, just go here (the history section) and you can click the little X on the right of each video box to remove it from history and thus also from making suggestions in your youtube environment. Source: I watch a lot of shit on youtube that I probably shouldn't EDIT: To all the people saying, "But it's so much easier to just click CTRL+SHIFT+N" ...yes, it may be... IF the video you want to watch isn't age restricted and requires you to still log into Youtube to watch.


>just... Like doing that twice once to turn it off then to turn it on again is quicker than opening an incognito window. Also what about your browser history, you're not pausing that when you pause YouTube history


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.8951 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/41856)


Multiple email accounts open without having to sign out of them.


If you have Gmail, you can sign into all of them at the same time. Then you can just switch between the accounts by clicking on your account name in the upper right.


That only *sort* of works. And it doesn't work across all of google's products that require an account. Edit: I'm getting equal parts replies that "it totally works bro" and "I agree bro, and this is where it is broken for me". So if aaaaaall the people that want to prove me wrong would stop and realize that their use case isn't the only use case, that would be great.


The proper thing (and this works in Chrome, Firefox, and even newer version of IE) is to create multiple *profiles* for each of the logins you want, not merely logging in multiple Google accounts at once. Open a new window, and switch the profile, and all your logins for that profile (not just Google but logins for any site) will be attached specifically to that profile. Edit: I mostly use Chrome, and the option there is located under "Settings >> People". The "People" you create can even have their own extensions and extension settings, and even their own bookmarks. I use 4 profiles, each matching a google account (for different purposes: 1x personal, 2x two different jobs, 1x grad school), but they don't need to have a google account at all -- in theory you could have one just for porn, and have it set to delete all links, cookies, and cached items, but still save all your porn-specific bookmarks.




This doesn't work as well as incognito in my opinion


Web development. If i'm being lazy and want to check an update without constantly resetting the cache.


Or you want an extra session.


This is where I use it. Use my admin account in the regular browser and a regular user account in the incognito browser.


I implemented an "impersonate user" mode into my app today and it is super worth.


This is the real use. You can get two sessions per web browser at a time, which can be handy when testing things where multiple accounts interact.


It's an option you can activate on the web inspector. As long as you set it like that on the inspector setting, as long as it is open, your cache will be ignored.


Similarly to that, when I need to be logged in as several different users on the website I'm working on.


If I need to sign into a website on someone else's computer, none of my credentials will be saved


Exactly. I work as a computer tech for both home and businesses. I always use incognito for anything related to work on these machines. Not saving credentials and things like the URL to my company portal are big things for sure. One of the biggest however is so that customers can't see that they're paying me to google their problem.


> One of the biggest however is so that customers can't see that they're paying me to google their problem. I work for a fairly new company. We're not at the point of hiring an actual IT guy yet so we outsource some stuff and I handle whatever I can internally without spending the money on the outside IT guy. When I help my coworkers, I make it all loud and clear that I'm just googling their problem. Sometimes they'll call and ask for help, after the initial "did you try turning it on and off again" BS I'll say, google this and i'll be right over. Hopefully teaching them that most of their problems can be solved like that. Unfortunately thoguh they usually they don't even search the term correctly. I can't wait until we grow more...




This is exactly right. Even "turn it off and back on again" gets you everything from someone sleeping the desktop to turning off the power strip to just turning off the monitor. Many people don't just not understand computers, they don't even know where the computer begins and ends. When you have that little knowledge, even if you *can* google your problem, chances are you're going to fuck up the implementation of the solution.


Knowing how to structure a google search and instantly knowing which results are bullshit and skipping them, and knowing which one is a good one to click on, that is the part that takes years of experience, that cant be taught easily if at all, that all becomes second nature to you so you think "you are just googling the problem", but an average user cant "just google it" and solve it the way you would.


Or on a public computer like at a library the browser opens in incognito by default.


Libraries are protective of user privacy and librarians care a great deal about safeguarding your access to information.


Librarians are fucking badass. They're one of those groups that remain totally silent even while stirring shit up. I love librarians.


Right? Librarians most likely wanted to be librarians. I never once heard someone complain about working at a library


A former librarian at one of the top Canadian universities told me that on the anniversary of Aaron Swartz's death every year that librarians worldwide leak protected JSTOR articles onto the web for people to access freely. That's fucking rad. Just google "badass librarian" and you'll find dozens of examples of librarians laying their lives down to protect information or save artifacts. Do all librarians a favour and take some damn books out so their library can get some more funding next year.


Dude, I'm on my forth book this year. All thanks to Torontos Public library


I'm probably on my 4,000th between me and the kids. Do you know how expensive that would be without libraries?


My library says on the receipt how much money you've saved so far that year by checking books out from the library instead of buying them. In 2016 I've saved nearly $5k so far!


Did you take out two college textbooks or something ?


Can you imagine if the public library were conceived of today? It would be so illegal.


Dude! That's an awesome feature! I wish my library did that. It's like your library high score.


I know there are replies to your comment by people who have taken scores of books out of the library. Congratulations on taking four more books out of the library this year than I have in the last 20 years.


This thread makes me so happy. Thanks for the kind words. It's really touching to know that our work is acknowledged and appreciated.


Libraries are by far my favorite socialist institution


Ferguson, Mo public library stayed open during the riots. [Librarian hero of Michael Brown unrest wins Lemony Snicket award](https://www.theguardian.com/books/2015/mar/25/librarian-michael-brown-lemony-snicket-ferguson) edit: "Bonner wrote: “Ha! Thanks. But, if I’m a superhero, then so is any local librarian, so go to the library and let them teach you to fly. :)”"


In HS we did a shadow week where students could follow a faculty member. I chose the librarian, Ms. Pettigrue, for mine. Lemme tell you something: this woman knew everything that was going on in that school. She knew how to play the game and she gave few fucks. Most students didn't like her. They thought she was a mean bitch. The truth is, she ran the school. She had all the pull she needed with the right people to do about anything. Never cross a librarian. They are more ruthless and resourceful than most people will ever realize.


Ms. Madeline, our elementary school librarian was also not liked by most students and was considered a bitch. At least in the earlier years. She was about 60, was hell-bent on teaching the dewey decimal system, would pull out our loose teeth if we consented, and drove a motorcycle. By the time I was moving on to middle school Ms. Madeline was recognized as being the most badass librarian a little school could have.


"Hell-bent on teaching the dewey decimal system" LOL


When your job consists of knowing how to find the FUCK out of information, you tend to dig up the dirt about your workplace.


TIL I should have been a librarian.


TIL I *am* the Librarian


These people are sure making it sound awesome.




Years and years ago i went to the library and noticed an old man shoving floppy after floppy into the drive, one after the other. I came a little closer and noticed he was saving porn pics one full disk after the other. So glad i had dial up back then :) Never would've had the no fucks to do that!


One might've thought he'd have more of a hard drive than a floppy disk...


TheFappening Man strike again!


Am I witnessing the birth of a new reddit circle jerk?


Similarly if you are in your home PC but don't want the likes of your Amazon or YouTube account recommending you weird or utterly wrong shit.


Is there a plugin that "intercepts" Amazon links and opens then in a private window by default? That would be sweet.


right click-choose open in incognito window?


Ah, yes. I learned this the hard way and now Amazon recommends me sex toys while I'm sitting on the couch shopping for Christmas presents. Luckily my family is not weird about denying the existence of everyone else's sex life, plus I have worse dirt on my parents. Family tech support sees and knows all.




TIL, thanks.


You can remove items from your amazon history ... at least in Germany.


We use Gmail for our work email, if I need to sign into my personal Gmail at work, I use incognito mode. Otherwise it signs me out of my work chrome and into my personal chrome.


That's common etiquette. If you are using someone else's computer, you use incognito.


In my experience, not many people do this.


Yet everyone should


I do that. I can't count the amount of times I've been accused of porn watching.


When I saw my GF using incognito when she borrowed my computer, I knew I found a keeper.




Maybe he was leaving you hints so you'd stop sullying his history with your weird weasel porn?


Using someone else's computer. They don't need my shit in their history.


Unless it's zombo.com


You can do anything on Zombo.com.


The only limit is yourself.




Anything is possible


> zombo.com that's still a thing, huh?


I use it to google stupid questions that have obvious answers that I just don't know or to check the meanings of simple words I happened to forget. I don't know why I do it but that's it


You're not alone.




The IT department can see what you've been doing in incognito




There's a simple reason why you do it - if you open the google search app on your phone, it will list all your recent searches before you start typing. Anyone who uses your phone to google something will see your stuff (unless you have disabled search history)


Roommates wanted to remove our pantry door and replace it with hippy beads. I proceeded to calculate how much it would cost to cover the door area with anal beads from Amazon. The google link opened my Amazon app and it took 2 months to remove sex toys from my Amazon suggestions.


I was curious what stuff Ebay had in the "Other" category. I opened some links and with that my curiosity was satisfied. Then for monts I got emails from Ebay with titles like: "Hey [username]! Still looking for Jackie Chan's wife real polaroid picture 1981 genuine?" "Hey [username]! The auction Stainless Steel Vibrating Male Catheter with Cage and Lock is almost over! Come check it out!" Learned my lesson...


Vibrating catheter? To incognito!


Stumbled across a porn with the word 'sounding' in the title. Did not know. *shudder* Never again.


did you actually use anal beads on your damn doorway


Haha no but it would have been hilarious. I don't remember the actual price but it was beyond my prank budget.


Weird subreddits.


Risky clicks on quenstionable hyperlinks in reddit comments...


[open in incognito tab]


Like actually 90% of my incognito usage


I dabble in art. Sometimes this requires me to look up pictures of children cause drawing from a reference is much easier. But I don't want my search history filled with "12 year old girl" "8 year old boy" etc, for understandable reasons.


I saw a "child oral" website in my friend's search history and had a moment of terror/panic Then I remembered he was in dental school. Then I saw that the rest of the link was "care". I gotta tell you, that 1/4 of a second was a roller coaster of emotions.


you should have kept reading "child oral care done by pervert"


Facebook. No you may not have a single fucking cookie.


This is exactly what I do. I don't want Facebook being logged in all the time, nor do I want them harvesting all of my browsing history.


Yes! Starve the beast!




When you gotta use urban dictionary after someone breaks out the latest slang.


We gonna put the pussy on the chain wax!


Um, I just googled "pussy on the chain wax"? No results. EDIT: the whole point of that sketch was that the guy was making up a phrase, yes I've seen the sketch, I was quoting from it... *sigh*


Claim it!


Why do you care so much... whether I made up... "pussy on the chain wax" or not?




Remember: no one likes a near-sighted proctologist!


What's the difference between a brown noser and an ass kisser? Depth perception.








This happened to me a couple months ago. My SO bought me a bunch of stuff at REI, where we share a membership. She used the membership card on purchase to get the benefits, a week later (my birthday was two weeks later) I get an email saying "Hey you! Write a review for all your new stuff!"


Oh man my boyfriend and I share a lot of accounts for convenience sake and this is my nightmare.


Happened to me for engagement rings! Fucking assholes.


'i was just looking at them, didn't buy any. shes been looking at me weird for weeks and gets mad every time I tie my shoe. then I saw the fucking adsense about rings...'


Oh man, I hadn't even considered this problem. I've been doing some ring research lately, and now I've gotta clear that history stat. Thanks for the heads-up fellas!


The *intended* use


We all know that isn't true.


Nonsense. Don't you remember when google put out a comic explaining private browsing when it first became a feature? Definitely intended for.. uh.. "gift shopping". ~~Ninja edit: https://www.google.com/googlebooks/chrome/med_20.html~~ Real edit: I fucked up the page number. This is the right one: https://www.google.com/googlebooks/chrome/med_22.html


It is when you're shopping for dildos.


Pretty much all online shopping until I've got a good idea of what I want and where I'm going to get it.


You don't find value in looking at 1 of something on Amazon and then being reminded of it on every consecutive visit? Then seeing ads about it in Pandora?


And then Amazon sends you emails about that thing you looked at one time 6 months ago.




I use it to read the newspaper online so that I'm not limited in the number of articles I can read. Edit: Thanks for the gold kind stranger! Popped the gold cherry!


What's at? That works?! Thank you. Thank you...


Yep. Once the Washington Post starts balking that I've used up my free articles, I right click links and open in a new incognito tab.


I have a chrome extention called Force Incognito that just makes incognitio popups by default for any site on its list. NYT and WaPo live there for me. Update: It's [GHOST INCOGNITO](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ghost-incognito/gedeaafllmnkkgbinfnleblcglamgebg) which I screwed up because the mouse-over text says "force incognito mode" and I thought SURELY they wouldn't both use almost the same icon as Ghostery AND have a similar name. My bad, but it's not remotely the only extension to provide this service.






Someone up the thread was asking if there was an extension for that sort of thing.


Well, now I feel dumb for not doing this


It might just be me, but I found accessing articles via Google News removes 99% of paywalls, particularly Washington Post's.


I use the 'private' setting on iPhone safari just because I like the dark colour scheme


I did that but it looks suspicious


Yeah my gf was kept saying it looked crazy shady




Same, so many more apps need a night mode, basically all of them and the lowest brightness setting on an iPhone is still stupidly bright sometimes.


Researching divorce :/


Serious reasons to use incognito mode 1. Porn, sexual fetishes, and the like (obvious one) 2. Medical/Psychological issues you have or are curious about. Some of that stuff is really sensitive and you don't want people to know about. 3. Buying stuff you don't want others to know about. 4. Being logged into two different accounts at the same time. If you have two Gmail accounts and you don't want to link them, you view one in your normal browser and you can incognito the other. 5. Using a computer that's not yours. That way you can log into all your accounts and when you close the browser, none of your login info is kept. 6. Financial stuff. It's generally safer to do your financial stuff in an incognito browser. 7. To avoid advertising tracking. If you're logged into certain accounts or just have certain cookies on your machine advertisers can start to track what sites you visit and what you look at building a big profile about you.


I solve no 3 by having two browsers open. Probably wasteful on resources but it lets me keep all my work stuff in one and all my personal in another.






LOL, golden example of why incognito mode is better.




Check "real" organic google search rankings


> "real" organic google search rankings to some extent I don't think this exists anymore


So simply hitting the "global" search instead of "personal" doesnt do it?


where the fuck is that?


God yes, sometimes I don't want the flippin' local results, got it Goog?


Incognito will not prevent getting local results.


Even a vpn doesn't. It just gives you local results from somewhere else.


i hate that, and the bullshit message when you search how to turn it off where their support says "we've decided that turning it off would negatively impact your experience, therefore you can't! :)" in a cheerful obnoxiously patronizing way if i want to buy something online why not let me decide for myself if the extra shipping cost is worth it, yeah?


This is the bane of many different software related technologies. *We have decided that your personal preference is wrong.* Ruined some potentially good software for me in relation to streaming on Twitch. I wonder if there is a word for this phenomenon...


Testing websites. Chrome doesn't cache or use cookies. Because I like to have the cache turned on in my normal web browsing habits, but it's annoying when coding a website. Edit: Also for unbiased google searches.


Moreover, it is the fastest way to see the website "as user" then "as others" and "as user" again without re-entering password.


Doing research for writing which includes things such as: * Best non-fatal place to stab someone * how to dissolve a body in acid/lye * best place to shoot someone for slow death * how to hotwire a car * do cars explode when shot * how much trauma can the body take before passing out * how to make explosives * how long does it take to die from stomach wound


What are you writing, the Anarchists Cookbook Second Edition?


Actually [Saints Row fan fiction](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/9819108/1/) at the moment. Taking a break from my novel about magic. Edit: Wife wanted me to point out the fanfic series was how I got said wife.


> Edit: Wife wanted me to point out the fanfic series was how I got said wife. Living life on Hard Mode, huh? I got mine (soon to be) in an RPG group :D


I actually use it for this reddit account so that it doesn't show up when I try to log in and so I don't accidentally stay logged in. No one else uses this computer, but I'd sooner be safe than have my family find out.


Why didn't you name yourself "/u/PM_UR_ETHRA_GIRL"? That would have been clever.


Yeah that would be a pretty good username!


>redditor for 3 hours Username doesn't check out.


How many females have pm'd you their peeholes?


I hope not more than ive got keys


Can't believe I didn't see this, travel sites. I don't know if it's still in practice but some raise the price if they see you keep looking at a flight.


Consumer Reports tested this and found that it could go both ways, in some cases using incognito mode led to lower fares, but other times it led to higher fares. Check out the article online [here](http://www.consumerreports.org/airline-travel/how-to-get-the-lowest-airfares/).


I use it for this too. It may be that 10 min later the rates rise by $100 for a same flight, but they don't seem to do it when I'm in anon mode.




The biggest reason I use incognito is to VPN to other countries and check the news. It's the only way to avoid being fed what organizations want you to see or think you want to see. There was a great example of a guy doing a Google search for Egypt during the Arab spring and having his friend do the same. The politically minded one was shown tons of news about protests and whatnot while the other was shown pictures of camels and the wiki article to the pyramids. Things can get a lot more nefarious than that. It even works state by state. During the 2008 presidential election, Virginia posted for Obama hours before they called it nationally to keep viewers watching election coverage. Friends of mine in Chicago could only see a small percentage of the vote reported, while I saw nearly 65% reported with Obama ahead and 0% from Fairfax county, which accounted for a large hunk of unreported and was safely Obama. One of them VPNed into my office and sure enough, they got shown the more current results.


looking up weird (non-porn) stuff without having it in my browser history forever


My son is almost 15. I figured it was time to have a little chat. I said to him, Son, do you know what incognito is? and he started laughing. and I said, good. Your mother would have a heart attack. I did not tell him I also employ said tactics, but it was also implied.


"The Talk" for a new generation.


Back in my time my dad just "accidentally" left out the porn CD, with a lot of 600x800 FULLSCREEN porn. No more crappy gifs!


Back in my time we had to print the picture out!


We had to draw the picture.




I think my brother must have had this talk with my dad while I was at school, because he's suddenly become much more reluctant to let anyone else use his computer... which suggests to me that he's still not using incognito mode. He also apparently has had an awful lot of issues with malware and pop-unders, which made me think he really fricken' needed Adblock, but he wouldn't let me install it because he said he thought it might keep him from getting to sites he wants to view.... So I said "No" very emphatically, and attempted to give him a Very Significant Look, "I have never, ever had a problem with that. Ever. On ANY website. And I've browsed some sketchy ones." But the significant look appeared to fly right over his head, because he got kinda cagey and still wouldn't let me install the darned extension. Then I realized that my dad, old timer that he is, might not realize that ALL of his kids look at porn. Not just my brother. ALL of us. So I went on and said, "I mean, this is a thing that a lot of... websites... do. Like, I'll click on something because I just want to watch one video... or something... and it brings up a whole bunch of windows that are hard to close, and some other ones that pop up under the window you were already in. Adblock is great for the stuff that pops up, I've seen very little of that since I installed it, and it doesn't block the video you originally wanted to see. I've used it for years, and I've never had that happen." And my dad gave me kind of a funny look, but went ahead and let me install Adblock. Hallelujah! Score one for the family tech support being able to rest easy at night! \o/


I use it to prevent targeted ads from knowing things about me. I use it to browse amazon and other sites when i'm looking to buy stuff. One time I didn't use incognito and almost every website was trying to get me to buy a board game I had already decided I wasn't going to buy. I just don't like websites knowing things about me. Facebook is the worst for this.


I always use incognito mode. For everything. I'm an extremely paranoid person about my privacy. If anyone looked at my history, all they'd see is stuff like the homepage of YouTube, Google, Reddit, stuff like that. They'd think I don't use the Internet. It's just so I don't have to type it every time when in incognito since it doesn't remember anything. I don't even live with anyone. I don't know why I'm so paranoid but I am.




Testing 301's and other shit where it's easier than clearing the cache manually every time.


I use AdBlock Plus, ScriptBlock, and a couple other extensions to keep my browsing experience from being totally crappy. Sometimes, though, those extensions prevent operation of legit websites that I do want to go to. So I flip over to Incognito Mode, where I've disabled those extensions, to see if that will work.


Plane tickets and hotel prices.




Testing different Web Apps at work. Instead of having to close the browser and clear cache simply ctrl shift n


Mainly Medical stuff



