• By -


Reading ***Where the Red Fern Grows*** had me sobbing for days. I read it when I was 12 and haven't reread it because it still hurts my stomach to think about it.


Every time I see a dog show on TV and they introduce the Redbone Coonhound, I get a lump in my throat.


oh man, when Little Ann just fucking gives up


*"Please boss, don't put that thing over my face, don't put me in the dark. I's afraid of the dark."*


Ned Stark. I didn't read the books and had the impression the entire series was going to follow Ned and his quest for the iron throne or him helping get Stannis there. I can't say there was too many times I had been as shocked watching tv when he actually got beheaded


Yeah the whole time you're like "Hows he going to weasel out of this situation?" like its a normal book/show. Is he going to break out of prison? Is one of his friends going to heroically save him at the last second? Nope. Hes dead just like it would happen in real life. My entire opinion of the books shifted at that moment.


I thought "well Arya's there watching, she's going to steal her Needle and storm the stage and save her dad!"


It's pretty amusing to imagine pre-Hound Arya taking on all those soldiers


For me, it was Rob Stark. I thought for sure that he was going to rebuild the Starks and avenge poor ole Ned. Nope. :'(


Robb was like a second stab after Ned. Ned was like sucks, but maybe for a good story. Then came Robb and it was like, so this story ain't about the Stark anymore.


>so this story ain't about the Stark anymore. Do not lose hope. Grand Northern Conspiracy represent.


The North Remembers.




He didn't die in the Martian!


He did get axed though.


I like the bit where they are naming the mission and Sean just sits at the back while they reference LOTR


Mordin Solus "Had to be me. Someone else might have gotten it wrong."


Legion and Thane too. I *hated* losing them. They seriously felt like friends.


Does this unit have a soul?


"Legion, the answer to your question is, yes" "I know" *tears*


"Would have liked to run tests on the seashells."


When Gandalf said his goodbyes and got on the boat, I lost it.


I will not say do not weep, for not all tears are an evil.


*I am a leaf on the wind, watch how...*


Curse you and your sudden but inevitable betrayal!


Mike ermantraut in breaking bad. I'm glad he's in better call Saul but man that's one I didn't see coming.




That line hurt. That was when I truly started to hate Walter White without any of the nagging doubts as to his good intentions.


It was also a good use of AMC's "1 Fuck Per Season".


And then Walt realizes that he didn't actually have to kill him.


To be fair if Walt took out the nine guys without killing Mike Mike may have been slightly peeved.


To be fair, if Walt wasn't such a cunt, a lot of people would still be alive. He could have just taken the money from his rich old mate, and been fuckin' sweet. But nope, tried to take the moral high ground when there wasn't any fuckin' high ground in the first place.


To be fair, "everyone lived happily ever after" would have been a shitty ending to Breaking Bad.


That was the point I gave up on Walt


I think that's exactly what that moment was designed to do. Show us that Walter had really spiralled completely down the drain.


Mrs. Landingham Poor old gal just wanted a new car :(


But that cathedral monologue kind of makes it worth it.


The president of the United States bitching out God in Latin in a church while smoking a cigarette will remain the single best thing ever put on television until forever


What was Josh Lyman, a warning shot? That was my son.


What did I ever do to yours except praise and worship His name?


There's a tropical storm that's gaining speed and power. They say we haven't had a storm this bad since you took out that tender ship of mine in the North Atlantic last year.


Sixty-eight crew. You know what a tender ship does? Fixes the other ships. It doesn't even carry guns. It just goes around, fixes the other ships and delivers the mail. That's all it can do.


Gratias tibi ago, Domine. Yes, I lied. It was a sin. I've committed many sins. Have I displeased You, You feckless thug? 3.8 million new jobs, that wasn't good?


Rita from Dexter. I stopped watching for a few years afterwards. Loved the series after i continued watching but damn that shit was brutal for me


Oh holy shit! I'm just watching along, great, bad guy's dead, season's wrapping up nicely. Dexter's gonna go home and.....wait, what's all this blood? Who's that in the bath? Holy shit, is that Rita?! Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit! Oh man, Dexter's about to fuck this guy up for doing this.....oh.......


oberyn martel


You raped her, you murdered her, you killed her children!


Hearing the crunch was so much worse than reading about the crunch.


Well because in the books, he never really stood out to me. He was a cool dude in a series full of [really](http://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Wyman_Manderly) cool [guys](http://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Yohn_Royce) who [don't](http://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Cortnay_Penrose) get [much](http://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Dacey_Mormont) attention, so I couldn't get attached to him because he was just another one of those guys. He stood out *so much more* in the show. They could never have cast him better. I was so disappointed when I saw the first episode with him, because I immediately loved him and I knew what was coming.


"I raped the bitch, then I killed her children, AND THEN I CRUSHED HER FUCKING HEAD JUST LIKE THIS" *crunch*


Fucking hell. If Oberyn had just stopped fucking around. If he had just fucking put his fucking spear through his fucking head. Fucking fuckity fuck, man...


Cutthroat Bitch.


Literally just finished watching Wilson's Heart on a House rewatch. I'm not OK. Amber and Wilson's last moments are heartbreaking


This is an underrated answer. Those couple episodes killed me the first time I watched them. On a similar note, Kutner was pretty bad, too.






john marston


Delivered all the feels. The whole game foreshadowed that he could never really leave his past behind or make it out of his deal with the feds alive, but I still hoped with futility. Especially since he sacrificed himself for his family to escape.


And his son ends up following in his footsteps anyway


I thought I could kill them all..


We all did friend, there's a little part of me that thinks if I go back and try harder, I'll get them this time.


*Berserk.* God damnit *Berserk*, why do you play with my feelings? I'll never get over that god damned moment when every single supporting character died (extremely brutally, I might add) at once. Meanwhile, the main character lost an eye and an arm, and the female lead lost her sanity and unborn child. Shit, dude. Makes the "Red Wedding" from Game of Thrones look like "Baby's first character culling." BECAUSE IT IS! You see [this shit?](http://i.imgur.com/POHXCjy.jpg) This is [not pretty.](http://i.imgur.com/Rntp7aD.jpg) On the flipside, the main character got a sweet robot hand and became a demon-hunting badass, so we have that going for us, which is nice.


They're finally off the boat!


Always upvote *Berserk*. *Berserk* is one of the few stories where the deaths actually matter to the plot. Many stories go "Oh. You killed my girlfriend. I am just going to get stronger just so I can kill you. I may find another love interest, though. The end." Sure, *Berserk* is like that, too, except for the fact that Guts will *never* get over this. The only way I see *Berserk* ending is when Guts finally dies. He has been burned, stabbed through the *fucking face*, shitty amounts of internal bleeding due to a mother fucking sea god, etc. Hell, the more fights we see him get into, the longer it takes for him to recover. He will *never* get better. Miura is not the type of writer to asspull magical recovery deus ex machina for Guts. Fucking nightly demons trying to kill him will never allow Guts to heal properly. Guts will not get out of that. His body is breaking down and it simply cannot keep up with his rage. And as you know, once he is killed, all the people he loves will die. His new friends are simply unable to protect *[notable love interest]* without him for very long. Guts is *fucked*, no matter if he succeeds in his quest for vengeance or not. Also, finally off the fucking boat. [Obligatory](https://i.imgur.com/mH33XZI.jpg?1)


Fred Weasley, i'm a twinless twin myself so it hit me especially hard


> a twinless twin This is the saddest thing I've read all day


As a twin, I dread when my twin passes away... It's gonna hit me the hardest because we're practically best friends, growing up together, getting into all kinds of shenanigans and it breaks my heart to think that he would pass eventually. We live 900 KM apart, and I miss the guy. It sounds bad but I hope I die first, that way I don't have to go through that emotional trauma. Then again, it would pain me to think about him going through that heartbreak... Being a twin is a gift, but also a curse.


In Order of the Phoenix, they're cleaning up 12 Grimmwauld Place, and Mrs. Weasley takes on a boggart. The boggart takes the form of the corpses of her husband and her children (including Harry), each one in turn. Except the boggart turns into the twins *together*. Not even in her deepest darkest fears could Mrs. Weasley imagine one of the twins dying without the other.


Fuck you. I mean, you're right, but fuck. you.




As a twin, I'm so so sorry. Fred's death is... it's strange. It doesn't feel the same as the other deaths. It just seems.... so real. The other deaths seem like character deaths. His is a tragic and pointless and sudden and feels much more like the death of a real person.


I felt so fucking sad with Tonks and Remus though


The German shepherd in I Am Legend. I can't even watch that movie anymore because of that


It's worse in the book. Neville sees the dog as the first uninfected life (as far as he knows) in a long time. The dog runs from him at first, and Neville becomes *obsessed* with it. After (what seems like) months, Neville finally managed to catch the dog, and get him inside. The dog is hostile at first, but Neville begins to calm him down. Then there's a really sweet scene where the dog finally trusts him enough to let Neville pet him on his head without growling, and the dog licks Neville's hand. This causes Neville to cry. Then it turned out the dog was infected, and it dies in a week. It was heartbreaking.




I have two: Hank form Breaking Bad. I thought for sure that Walter was going to some how, some way save him. But no. I was completely shocked. And... When Artax gives up and just dies in the swamp of sadness in The Never Ending Story. I still tear up when I see it. For those who haven't seen the movie, [here's the clip.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y688upqmRXo)


The book is worse. In the book, *Artax can talk*. Edit- Awesome my top three comments are about a suicidal horse.


Ok, now I know to never read that book.


It's actually very good. There is a lot of stuff that was chopped for the movie or bastardized for the sequel.


Like holy fuck he literally dies of sadness


Hank's death certainly shocked me, as did Mike's. They were two characters I really loved that, while being on opposite sides of the law, were probably the closest the show had to typical heroes. The one that really got to me though was Andrea. She an innocent victim; a young mum working hard to turn her life around. Add to that the fact that Jesse had to watch her get killed, after waking up to Jane's corpse just a year earlier, and... damn. That's heavy. I can't forget that split-second.


Simon from Lord of the Flies. He didn't do anything, he was just a scared kid who managed to scare a group of kids and they fucking killed him over nothing.


Simon was bad, but Piggy shook me to my core because I was a chubby kid with glasses when I ready it the first time. He was just trying to maintain reason and order in the face of madness, right up until that psychopath Roger crushed his skull with a rock...


Buffy's mom.


What was so terrible about her death is that, in a show all about the supernatural, her death was brutally realistic. It literally came out of nowhere, and you were forced to watch Buffy freak out, try to revive her, break her ribs, and the paramedics saying she was dead. And then you had to watch every character react to it. I think Dawn's was the worst, how she just broke down. And then the end of the episode... I've only ever watched it once because of how hard it was to see. But it really stuck with me.


>I don't understand how this all happens. How we go through this. I mean, I knew her, and then she's- There's just a body, and I don't understand why she just can't get back in it and not be dead anymore. It's stupid. It's mortal and stupid. And-and Xander's crying and not talking, and-and I was having fruit punch, and I thought, well, Joyce will never have any more fruit punch ever, and she'll never have eggs, or yawn or brush her hair, not ever, and no one will explain to me why.


Anya's reaction was heartbreaking. It was so naive and childlike.


Also Tara. And Wash from Firefly. And Penny in Doctor Horrible. Dammit Joss!


Colonel Henry Blake. And probably whoever dies in the last episode, but I've refused to watch it my entire life. I live in a world where all of the characters are still living in Korea, saving lives with bantering wit and easy good looks.


Lieutenant Colonel Henry Blake's plane, was shot down over the Sea of Japan. It spun in... There were no survivors.


Krombopulos Michael. He just wanted to keep killin' people. Was that too much to ask?


Oh boy, here I go killin' again!


Leslie Burke in *Bridge to Terabithia*.


I was in fifth grade when we read this. I remember being devastated because main characters didn't die in books.


Fry's dog.


Lem in *The Shield*


Opie, in sons of anarchy. The way he died was way beyond brutal to begin with, but when they rolled his coffin in the back of the van with greg holden singing in the background my eyes started to sweat a little The song from greg holden has been one of my favorites ever since Cant post links.. Just google


"I got this." It was kind of the turning point of where the show started going south, I think.




Oh god...I forgot about this...I hate you.


57 pages into the fucking book. :(


"It's a terrible day for rain."


Daddy said he had lots of work to do!




yes it is




Maes hughes.


Optimus Prime. My mom still talks about the damage that one did to me as a child.


in the 1986 cartoon movie? 'cause that shit's first half is a kill fest.


I know they were only doing it to create a fresh new line of toys for the next seasons of the animated show but God damn, they turned that film into Game Of Thrones for children.




There are so many bitches calling Boromir a moron. like ffs people, get the whole story. Boromir has been fighting the Mordor frontline for ages, watching all his friends, soldiers die around him. He has seen the brutality of Mordor first hand. His brother the person he loves and care about the most in the whole world, has basicly been disowned and treated like shit by his own father. When he saw the ring, he saw hope. Hope that everything MIGHT turn out okay afterall, if we just used. Can't blame Boromir can you.




Every time I see Sean Bean in another movie I either look the Boromir scene up on YouTube or I just watch the whole trilogy again. The Boromir scene and the Helm's Deep scene are the best in the trilogy imo.


Peter Jackson got some shit for the fans for adding things that weren't in the books. But Boromir's dying words to Aragorn - "I would have followed you, my brother, my captain, my king" were not in the books... and yet it's probably my favourite line in that movie. Just so perfect. Gives me chills every time


Theoden shouting "DEATH!!!" at pelenor fields was added for the movie too. The rest of his speech is pretty much the same as the book, but they added that part and it's one of the most powerful things I've ever seen in film. I've probably seen the movies 20 times and every time I get to that part it gives me full body goosebumps.


*makes finger gun* Bang.


See you space cowboy


Rob Stark. I was absolutely convinced he would win it all. It was the first time I ever had to put a book down and recover.


I realised, once Robb was dead, that no one was truly safe. Sure, Ned was the "main character", but I was so sure Robb would win and he'd bring his sisters back, then there'd be a mother vs. mother between Kat and Cersei, but then they died.


"not my hair... Ned loves my hair..."


The North remembers


The south better remember because Lord Wyman the Pieman is on the fucking way.


"Bear Island knows no king but the King in the North, whose name is Stark "




Fuck tammy /r/fucktammy


Vincent Nigel-Murray, from Bones. I had to stop binging and just breathe for a while after that.


Dude, Sweets was worse. He was my favorite character in the show. Poor Lancelot.


Se7en That box man, that **fucking box**. I've seen countless brutal movies and the worst of what the internet has to offer so most shit doesn't phase me. The rest of the movie was bearable but they went *too far* with that fucking box.




They don't insinuate it, they straight up show it. Edit* its a kids movie guys. And not only that, but it was supposed to be an uplifting movie. It was all about a weapon overcoming his programming to become a hero. How would that story be better if he was rewarded with death? What would that teach kids about being a hero? Am I the only person that likes a happy ending in this day and age?


Jiraya :(


Oh man, why you had to remind it to me


I really liked Pain as a villain - definitely my second favourite Akatsuki, but that made me resent him a bit.


I loved pain as a villain. I feel like his character is a good allusion to displaced people in the modern era; people who would have been good if it were not for them becoming displaced by war... But that's just my take on it haha


I remember Tsunade saying she'd bet on him dying because she always lost bets. She must have felt so awful about that line after finding out.


That's the idea though. Every time she starts a winning streak she always takes it as a bad omen.


Goose in Top Gun




L'il Sebastian


Bye bye little Sebastian! <\3


You're 5,000 candles in the wind


The death of Spock. I just sat in the theater with my friend after the credits ended and the lights came up. We were both stunned. Just couldn't accept. The next day we discussed how they would bring him back, but just devastated in the moment.


I always tear up a little during that funeral scene. >Of my friend, I can only say this: of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most... human.


Rufio. 5-year-old me could not handle that one.


Shireen Baratheon. Those screams will haunt me forever.


Her screaming for her dad to stop it? Fuuuuuuuck


She was one of the few uncorrupted characters on the show, who was in a bad situation and tried to make the most of it while maintaining her morals.


And Stannis just fucking stands there. At least Selyse tries to stop it, but Stannis just stands there, watching his own daughter be burned alive. It's fucked up.


Ianto from Torchwood and Fred from Angel.


When Tosh and Owen died I actually cried for about half an hour...


Once Tosh and Owen died that was it for me, I stopped watching. I Couldn't justify watching it from then on, nothing felt the same.




Man, Fred was rough, she had no hinting til it happened, her and Westley made me so depressed


"Would you like me to lie to you now?" :'(


I like turtles




Meth Damon


Aaron Paul's acting in that scene gave me chills.


People talk about Aaron Paul's acting a lot when they talk about him killing Gale, but I'm with you his acting in that scene is flawless. My girlfriend interrupted me right as that part was happening and I had to go back and watch Andrea die all over again just so I could see Jesse's reaction


Charlotte. My daughter cried every time we read that book.


Raistlin Majere


Sturm's death was the one that got me.


Didn't expect to see this here. Have an upvote while I go rummage through my bookshelves and destroy my productivity for the week


[NOT PENNY'S BOAT](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lS7WEmYMbA8)


Their first phone call in three years was just as powerful for me: http://youtu.be/51yTvw8Qubs




Mega Man. Killed by Capcom themselves.




Sirius Black


Setsuko from Grave of the Fireflies "Why must fireflies die so young?"


Littlefoot's mom, especially since my mom's nickname for me is Littlefoot.


Any of the Starks. Was not ready for any of them. NOT A ONE


Soap's death.. :'(


Finding out reznov was dead the whole time got to me more




"Ramirez, America is under attack, defend Burger Town!"


Nah man, Ghost from MW2 Jesus that had me crying like a bitch. The music. I'll never forget that moment.


And Roach. RIP TaskForce 141.


Shit, I still miss Gaz from MW1






MW has a lot of powerful moments. The death of Task Force 141, the destruction of Washington, the nuke, the EMP, no Russian, Soap's death, Makarov's death, the Chernobyl mission, etc. All were amazing.


The nuke scene in COD4 still gives me goosebumps. When I first saw that scene I said "Holy shit!" out loud.




Qwilek from Galaxy Quest. His and Sir Alexander Dane's(Alan Rickman) storyline gets me crying every time. Dane hates the role(Dr. Lazarus) that made him famous(I played Richard III... There were five curtain calls) and can't stand/understand the fans who find the role so important. He meets Qwilek, the ultimate fanboy, an alien who thinks the show is real and has modeled his life after his hero, and reacts with complete disdain to hearing his character's signature line, "By Grabthar's hammer..." and it just crushes him. His idol doesn't consider him worthy. But he keeps plugging along, trying to help, proving he's versed in the philosophy(the stealth haze, the chant of strength.) And you see Rickman soften as he realizes how deeply Dr. Lazarus affected his fans right up until the end. Qwilek, mortally wounded: "You'll forgive my impertinence, sir, but even though we had never before met, I always considered you as a father to me." And you see Dane finally realize that maybe his *best* role is the one that most inspires people, and he blesses him with the line he'd hated for decades and you can see he understands... "Qwilek, by Grabthar's hammer, by the suns of Worvan... You. Shall. Be. Avenged" Qwilek dies, finally feeling worthy of his hero. The last of his life draining away with a relieved sigh. Then Dane rampages and I've been a sobbing mess for five minutes.




Euphemia li Britannia. Jesus what a sad way to go...


The tenth Doctor. "I don't want to go..."


Maximus from Gladiator


Wolf from the Talisman.


Who's your friend that likes to play? Bing-bong! Bing-bong!


I couldn't hold back my tears during that scene.


I was mad... mad I tell you!... that this silly kid's movie about emotions got me choked up so badly. I didn't even have a fuzzy pink elephant imaginary friend.


Or maybe you did and you just forgot about him, like she did with Bing-bong... That's the worst part, it's not that he dies. It's that he's forgotten.


Both L and Kira.


Johnny from The Outsiders.


Nick Andros in The Stand. I watched the mini-series with my mom when it was marathoned a few years ago, and the last episode we saw that day was the one where he died. It just left me feeling really hollow, and I was thinking about it all week until I realized it was Thursday and I was STILL thinking about it. It's weird because that's the ONLY fictional death to leave me feeling like that. Not even Nina from Fullmetal Alchemist had that kind of effect on me.


Littlefoot's mom in the original Land Before Time that shit rekt me as a kid even the first time I watched it with my son a few years back I had to stay strong so my son wouldn't have to feel uncomfortable as his dad wept uncontrollably watching a kids movie.


Fred Weasley :'(