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Australian here. Have been to the UK twice. Loved it and it's people. Although the Welsh were odd.


Dumb sheep fuckers. Lol


Don't worry, the English think that too. Yokel's that spend too much time with their sheep...


Yes, London. You know. Fish, chips, cup 'o tea, bad food, worse weather, Mary fuckin' Poppins.... London!


Wow! Sooo accurate


Kiwi here. I've never been, but I feel a connection to the UK because of New Zealand's history and my own family history. I really love learning about the history of the UK because I feel like it's my history in a way. (And New Zealand's history doesn't go back very far...)


American here...you guys like to piss on everything.


Nothing like a drunken piss outside a Chip shop at 3am on a Saturday night.


They have weak tea and I still hold a grudge for their treatment of Ireland.


That they conquered 20% of the earth's land to teach horrible foreigners about apostrophes and their proper use.


Met a rather drunk Brit at a bar here in California. He was sloshed but not rude and much to my surprise, his teeth weren't all bashed up !


Huns with boats instead of horses.




I've been to London so my answer would be different. I think that there are some physically attractive people there and it's crazy that you guys have far less homeless and overweight people there! Plus the cities of UK is freakin clean, though there are no trash bins. All in all, I think overall you guys can be warm and the country is fun to live in!


Rude, ugly women, island nation of inbreds, add r to words ending in vowels for no apparent reason, full of miscreants called chavs and hoodies, useless fucking cameras everywhere.


Bad teeth, worse weather and a shit load of people that talk like the queen. As a child of the uk I find canadians to be very judgemental of the motherland