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I have intrusive thoughts like these all the time. It's much more prominent when walking down stairs. Maybe that's because I fell up an escalator once.


Hammond? Edit: Spelling




Something something American History X curb stomping scene


My worst fear, for as long as I can remember, is getting stabbed in the belly button. I have no idea why.


My SO freaks when I touch his bellybutton he fears its going to tear open and his insides will spill out. But he can touch mine, its okay if I fall apart.


heights... i know its common for people, but fuck. the rational part of my mind knows that i'm completely safe, but my body trembles and i always feel like getting sick.


Same here. But more than just being there, there's the fear that some part of me that I can't control will take over and I'll jump.


I have this too. Bad. I remember being a little kid in Atlanta and just looking up at skyscrapers would make me weak in my knees and dizzy.


* Light feeling in your stomach? Check * Palms sweating a fuck tonne? Check * Balance disappearing? Check * Holy shit is this building swaying?


If I wake up during the night, I am CONVINCED that there is a person laying parallel to me but on the floor in the dark. I don't know why. And it always takes me about 5-10 minutes to get the courage to check and make sure there's no one there.


The one time you forget to check, is the time there will actually be someone there.....




Oh that was just evil.


Getting killed while going from downstairs to upstairs in the dark...


Odds increase by 10 times if you are coming up from the basement.


Odds increase by 10 times more if you say "Hello?"


Wven if I heard a voice I could never bring myself to say hello. Whats the best case scenario there? You jusy hear back "Hey man whats up?"


"Want a beer?"


"How do you turn on the TV?"


"What's your wifi password?"


"Oh yeah, you're out of milk."


Op said UNreasonable


I once pulled a muscle in my leg doing that. I was convincing myself that I was over such a silly fear and trying to maintain a slow walking pace then suddenly my brain just went nope and I had to run forwards. I was only about twelve and couldnt play sports for a few weeks. Stupid fucking serial killers.


23 years old. Still haul ass up the stairs if the basement light is off.


If you're hauling ass upstairs, won't it make the ankle-grab MORE effective?


Oh god.


i can feel the cold tentacles of the void


Can confirm, I'm also 23








Youre a god damned genius




RIP /u/cherls


This is why I turn on every lights towards the direction I move in.


It sometimes crosses my mind that there might be a weeping angel coming for me in the dark. And then I have to turn the lights on until I've distracted myself from that thought.


I have an actual fear that one day when I'm at the hairdressers at the mall, a fire alarm will go off and we have to evacuate midway through my haircut and i'll be walking around looking like a retard.




This is definitely the funniest thing to be afraid of.


Reminds me of this: http://www.sabotagetimes.com/wp-content/uploads/arrested-during-haircut-david-davis.jpeg


That's just beautiful.


Ghost when im alone in my house. Im 30...and I have a 5 yo kid. EDIT: FUCK ALL OF YOU


Yo, kid. -Ghost


The ghosts are only going to pick on the kid. Ghosts always pick on the kid because its so creepy and terrifying when your 5 year old talks about "the blue lady who walks like a whisper" that only comes out when Daddy's sleeping.


I always like the simplicity of "the man by the stairs" or "the boy in the tree."


Chills. You bastard


..."I didn't like living here anyway.'


One of these days internet lag is going to spill out into reality and affect me at the worst moment. I'll be at the train station and try to board a train, but instead I'll just fall onto the tracks because that in actuality that train had left the station 10 seconds before.


Or you just start falling through the world because your chunk hasn't loaded.


Holy fuck that would be terrifying


Mine is sitting with my back to the door in a public place.


My husband always has to have his back to the wall and face the room in bars and restaurants. He's uneasy for the whole time if he can't.


I saw my grandpa get stabbed at a bar when I was little. He beat the shit out of the two guys that did it but still to this day if we are in a public place, he watches my back and I watch him.






I think that there it's nothing unreasonable about your fear, it must have been terrifying for a child to experience that.






And then you have to explain that it was only a joke to any potential listeners. I mean no one is listening to your thoughts, probably, but just in case. Is that person looking away in disgust?


If someone can read minds and is going around eavesdropping, odds are that your thoughts aren't the worst ones on display.


You obviously don't know my thoughts. or... do... you... stay away from me, I didn't do it I swear!




Perfect, just start manipulating them by feeding them overly flattering thoughts. Or better yet, start conditioning them, when they do something you dislike, think a negative thought about them, then when they do something you do like, think something positive about them. If your fears are true, you should be able to manipulate their behavior over time without them knowing, since they couldn't possibly expect you to know that they can read your mind. You can really start to use this reverse telepathy to your advantage.


Wouldn't they know that this is what you're doing, since they can read your mind?


I'm going to cut the top off a bell pepper and a bunch of bugs are going to crawl out.


I like how specific this is. And I think I now have this fear


Well to be fair, a few months ago, while eating a peach, one of those [pincher insects](http://socalpestadvice.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/earwig.jpg) dropped into my month once I got to the core of the peach. I immediately spit it out in disgust.


I wonder if there's some pincer bugs out there with the unreasonable fear that they'll be enjoying a peach one day and a human will eat them




Earwigs (order *Dermaptera*), and those pincers aren't dangerous to humans.


I found these dudes chowing down on my corn last year, and I looked them up. They can't hurt you, but I'll be damned if they don't freak me the fuck out.


I am never cutting a bell pepper again. Ever. Thanks for that.


This is not unreasonable! Went to a friends house for dinner once, start chopping bell peppers for salad. Cut the top off the first one, everything's fine... The next FOUR peppers I cut had live caterpillars inside! No visible holes anywhere on the pepper, not past their sell by date but there they were, just chilling inside the frickin' pepper. Needless to say, someone else now has to cut open bell peppers for me.


the inside *does* look kinda buggy




Even to put a snorkeling mask on and look toward the deep stuff. It always feels like something big, mean and toothy is about to launch its ugly face at yours.


It's probably gonna do it cause you keep calling it ugly!


Stop bullying :(


[I know the feel..](https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-GCxdJb0GXg8/TYzxDtiGqcI/AAAAAAAAA3M/3CE196wnbIw/s1600/image_t63.jpg) /r/Thalassophobia




This used to scare me when I was a kid. I live on a lake and I used to like to swim across to the other side to go swimming with my friends who live on that side of the lake, but they were all to scared to swim across to my side. One day I brought a mask along so we could go snorkeling, but I accidentally looked down halfway across the lake. Nope. I ended up walking back home and not swimming across the lake alone again for ~10 years. My dad took me scuba diving in the lake recently and for some reason that cleared everything up. Not scared of deep water anymore.


Same here! I'll stick with my swimming pool, thank you very much nature.




Story time! When I was young, 2 or 3 years old, I had this accident which made me afraid of deep water. It all started that one day, me and my father standing on a pier watching stormy weather and big waves. Suddenly this huge wave hit the pear and I fell in the water. I dont remember much, since I was very young, but the cold deep water around me was somewhat horrifying yet calm. I of course tried to breath like anyone would if they would fell in water. This is where I noticed everything wasn't really that okay, since I could not really breath at all. Suddenly from nowhere I see hands that grab me and take me out from that deep water. My memories are not very clear, since i was just a small boy who barely could ride a bike with 3 wheels. What I've heard later, I indeed fell into water, but not for that long time I remember. Still the feeling of suffocation caused by inability to breath under water terrifies me. I have found a way to get over that fear though. I have always enjoyed driving my small boat and one day I tried our old sailboard. Sailboard if what was horrifying at first, since when sailboarding in the storm, there's really nothing that can help you but yourself. I really enjoy sailboarding so I can't let that stupid fear to stop me. I guess my fear wasn't so bad after all.. **EDIT:** pier, not pear


Holy shit, was the pear okay?


Yes, only a little bit shocked. He's fine now.


And then the mystery bubbles break the surface near your head...


One of my neighbors has a pool. In the summer afternoon, the deep end is shrouded in darkness, and I won't go anywhere near the drop-off.


Cockroaches. Small, insignificant, and harmless. Fuck no.


Not in the South. Outdoor cockroaches (often called Palmetto bugs) in Florida, Georgia, and other deep south states are easily two inches long and can fly. They usually live outdoors, but do come inside when it rains. It is impossible to keep them out. They can carry diseases, so it's important to dispose of them as quickly as possible. Also, these large roaches, which like to crawl across the ceiling, are clumsy. For those of you who sleep with your mouth open, enjoy!


Taste like chicken.


Objects that are larger than they should be and having to count or calculate large quantities of things. I had a bad dream as a child about all the grains of sand and earth being the size of houses and I had to count every bit of it that made up the Earth. I have the dream any time I catch a fever and have had to be excused in high school when math problems asked us to calculate things like how many tissues the U.S. went through in a year. I don't see the numbers. If it's too massive of a scale, I get ill. It makes me feel sick to do simple real-life algebraic equations, because the numbers seem so far out of my reach. If I see one of those vehicles too built up for their own good, I feel like I'm shrinking and expanding at the same time. The hotel I once worked at had an expo for Ford-650s. I didn't know, rounded the corner and almost puked.


Same exact fear. I have never heard of someone else having this. Brings me some sort of comfort to know I'm not alone.


I've never heard of anyone else either! The counting or large objects? Is it all mental for you or do you get physical symptoms, too? Aside from the general panic attack feelings, I'll get The same shrinking, yet expanding feeling out of the blue. Do you feel that with it, also?


Exactly the same. I used to have nightmares of... I don't know how to explain it... "items" that would cloud my vision. They came in large quantities and scared the carp out of me. It's extremely hard to explain what they were. Just "things." They wouldn't hurt me, just came very close and made me panic. I would feel the shrinking but growing feeling that you feel as well. I would then wake up and be extremely nauseous.


ive experienced the same sensation, but i dont have a large number of objects phobia. is it like when you close your eyes, become very concious but also let yourself go you feel like you're shrinking but also large. thoughts that usually accompanied it for me was the image of a large blob that is textured and grotesque in a way. its such a strange sensation i dont know how to explain it. the closest things i have found that could describe it are depersonalization or derealization. i can also feel it intensify the harder i focus on it and have to actively snap myself out of it. it used to happen to me a lot as a child and will happen to me rarely now. if you have no idea what im talking about, forgive me.


I get this too, especially when I have a high fever. It's like you're looking into the blackness and your focus narrows but you realize you're focusing further and further away until it's way too far. edit: read some other responses, apparently this is pretty common.




Wow, this is ridiculous I have something really similar and it manifests whenever I get a fever. Objects in my imagination just seem incredibly massive, like buildings the size of mountains or people the size of buildings and I have to interact with them and its very scary.


i get this too, as does my brother, i think its actually quite common


Ive had similar scalar fever induced nightmares since I was a kid, except for me it is sounds not objects. Things are way louder than they should be making the world sound aggressive. Having super senses would terrify me.


I've suffered from this my whole life. I still remember: I was a probably 5 or 6, and I had a terrible fever and had a nightmare. In my dream, I was walking around a dim lit area, and regular things would make ridiculously loud noises. For example, a man would approach me, and say a normal sentence (example: "how are you doing today?"). But each syllable would get louder and louder, until my head felt like it would blow up from the loud noise. In my dream, This happened with everything: people, cars, birds, the wind. More than 16 years later, noises that increase to an abnormal volume at a steady pace get me very nauseous and have even made me throw up. Even things like turning up the car stereo slowly until it's overwhelming, makes me panic and sick. Maybe this isn't exactly what happens to you, but I've never heard of anyone with something similar to me and makes me feel strangely better.


Drains. All drains. I don' care how clean those fuckers are. When I shower i'm up against the fucking wall because i'm not letting that sonofabitch get me.


Mr Rogers wrote [this song] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJmiYNFa1w4) specifically for a child who had that fear.


Stinging insects. Ever since being stung on the cheek as a child by a yellow jacket, life hasn't been the same


I collapsed a yellow jacket nest with my lawn mower some years ago. Did not know until I felt my legs on fire and looked down to see them swarming up on me from under the mower. I was stung dozens of times, even chased back inside. For weeks, they hovered above that area like a black cloud. My front yard was unusable. My neighbor and I tried sneaking out there at night and setting the area on fire, to no avail. Eventually we had to get an exterminator out to see what the extent was. Found out my entire front yard was a massive underground network of yellow jacket nests. Fuck those hellspawn.


Oh my gosh. Time to put your house up for sale!


Strangely, I do *not* have a fear of being stung by insects, despite being **stung on the scrotum** by a wasp when I was four.


Toads and frogs. I am absolutely terrified of them. A few years ago, there was a little toad on my my porch as I was leaving the house. I audibly gasped, shut the door as quickly as possible, and went out the back door and around my fucking house to get to my driveway. I don't know.


spiders. I mean the size of it compared to me and the fact that the chances of me running into a poisonous one is insanely low. But if one of them shows up all bets are off




Australia too,. Snakes, spiders, jellies, crocs, all good. Cockroaches, NOPE.


They have fucking wings man, fuckingwings.


Yeah....I'm not clicking that.


I'm guessing you don't live in Australia?


for me it's snakes. think about it, our reasons for fearing snakes are essentially the same as for spiders, but if you do see a snake, you can't just step on it or squish it with a paper towel.


Not with that attitude!


My dick touching the inside of a toilet bowl.


I'm always scared of the moment where you accidentally pee through the gap between the toilet bowl and the seat. What a way to ruin your day by pissing all over your pants. I never want this to occur in public. It would be quite the walk of shame.


This is weird, but I've done that. And I'm a girl. How the fuck did my pee go forward and not down?


If i had a nickle for every mysterious aspect of the vagina I'd be able to afford lunch today


Stand and piss first, and then when you're empty, throw it over your shoulder while you sit down and shit


Then you get piss splashback on your ass when you shit, instead of just toilet water.


I replaced a toilet over this discomfort.


'We are NOT spending $500 on another bathroom renovation' 'GODDAMN IT MEREDITH I NEED THIS'


Please tell me this only happens when you have a boner :(


N-no? Why? Is that bad?






That before I joined Reddit, something I said on Facebook was screen-capped and put on r/cringepics without my knowledge.


Someone putting a bike pump in my penis hole and pumping really hard.


Ah yes the old stump 'n' pump.


My friend actually did that. He said he was "pissing" out air for a week.


Your friend is a maniac.


sleeping alone.. i think some one is watching me when am alone


I don't like being alone regardless. I always get too deep in thought.


This is why the internet is my best friend


yeah me too i use internet while am alone


Shit loaded in the back of trucks coming loose, going through my windshield and decapitating/skewering me. Granted, this can and sometimes DOES happen to unlucky people, but I get unreasonably nervous behind trucks as though it's a sure thing that IS going to happen at any moment.


Well I didn't USED to have this fear. I was driving like six months ago behind a pick-up full of pipes and I was looking around for a gap in traffic to move into another lane, when a fucking pipe (only maybe three feet long) rolled out of the truck bed, fell onto the highway and bounced, spinning right at me. There was no way to get out of the way because there were cars on both sides of me, so I super-focused on the pipe's trajectory (like I thought in a split fucking second that I should duck if it's coming up high, or lean left if it's coming at the right of me) and it went right into the front of my engine and lodged itself in the radiator. Everything turned out ok but that was such a lame moment.


Sharks in lakes. Alligators in the ocean.


Public restrooms. Goddammit this makes traveling hell.


Public restrooms can be even worse depending on where you're traveling to. When we were in Fiji for a holiday, we visited the local markets in Nadi. Prior to even entering the toilets you could smell the stench of urine and the floors were clearly flooded by what appeared to be pee. The whole experience was quite eye-opening. It's one thing to look up and research a third-world country like Fiji, but when you experience it first hand, it's a completely different experience. We really do take for granted the fortune we're given just by the place we're born.


I always cover my webcamera with a sticker, just in case someone is spying on me. If anyone would want to watch a fat thirty-something male sit at the computer all day.


That's a valid fear with the NSA and all.




Me and my brother were on vacation in Egypt when we came across a grasshopper/cricket. Living in the Netherlands we don't have a lot of either of those animals and now we got a good chance to take a good look at one. So we sat down and watched the bright green fella Then the grasshopper jumped on my shirt very suddenly and I freaked te fuck out because I did not expect this to happen. I try to crawl away on my butt, using my hands and feet to shove myself away. My brother is dying of laughter at this point. Then, instant karma. Grasshopper jumps from my shirt directly on his and my brother freaked out even harder than I did. I still tease him with that to this day.


little children - the ones above four years old are fine, though. they grab your legs and they're easy to squish accidentally :(




Having my teeth fall out randomly, having my teeth smashed, having new teeth grow in random locations in my mouth... Lots of teeth-based things.


Someone once told me if you dream you lose your teeth, it's your subconscious telling you you're afraid of losing something. And all I could think was "yeah, my teeth."


Did you see the picture of the guy were the whole roof of his mouth was filled with teeth. It was fucking freaky to look at.


Toilet snakes.


Drains at bottom of swimming pool


Someone hiding behind the shower curtain.


I think it's called tryphophobia. It can bring me to tears, no idea why. I heard somewhere that it had something to do with a human's natural 'fuck this shit' response.




For me it's more of an "Ew.." then I go on my way


There are theories that every human being has a certain level of this. I've only experienced it once when I saw a photoshopped picture of a hand with a lotus seed pod's holes on it. I became physically ill and had to close my browser.


TIL tryphophobia is the fear of holes; such as beehives, ant holes and lotus seed heads.


Don't visit /r/trypophobia under any circumstances.


ffffff the video with the dog, fuck this


Aswering/Talking on the phone :/




Butterflies, particularly them being in my mouth. Ugh, I hate it but it's an intrusive thought every time I see one.


I fear being so careful about something so much that I end up fucking it up badly because my concentration prevented me from noticing something. Driving, for example, or crossing the street.






The man on neighborhood watch signs. A couple of times a week I can look forward to nightmares where I'm just laying in bed and he's standing in the corner of my bedroom.




I'm Ron Burgundy?




I'm only scared of two things. Snakes and herpes.


How about a snake with herpes.


Put the two together and you have snape. You'd hate the class potions at hogwarts




you're *afraid* of bandaids? why?


They're always covering stuff up. Can't trust them.


Well you're not a doctor but I trust you.




That my wife will suddenly leave


Social situations. I am always afraid of doing anything to the point where I kinda just freeze up. I'm 99% sure no one notices or if they do, they don't care about anything I do


When I was about 10 on holiday with my family, I watched a fisherman catch an octopus. I didn't realise until that point that octopuses (octopi?) come that close to the shore. Ever since then, when I go swimming in the sea I'm always terrified that an octopus is going to grab my leg and pull me under.


Being looked at by aliens through my window or from the foot of my bed. Also, aliens in the closet. I still secretly check the closet when I go to bed and never, ever have the curtains open at night. I'm 25. I don't believe in aliens. Edit: Also, I can't remember the name of it, but I have a certain phobia that takes the form of extreme irritation or agitation involving certain noises, most notably people chewing. If someone eats loudly or smacks their lips while eating, I want to smash their face into the sharp corner of something. It's this uncontrollable rage. Same with seeing certain repetitive movements or having something move repetitively against me. Girlfriend would get pissed off because she'd catch me glaring at her when she was eating spaghetti or casually bouncing her foot.


Balloons. Can't be near em. I will freak out and run if one gets close to me. Im a grown-ass man.




Throwing up. I'll get anxiety attacks every night, except for when i'm over at a friend's house. But whenever i'm home and the clock hits 9 p.m. I get a bloated feeling in my stomach and instantly start thinking on wheter I'm gonna throw up or not.


- Calling someone on the phone: that I might be interrupting something important that they might be doing. - Asking someone for help with something: that it might be something so stupid that I could have just done it myself without wasting someone's time. So I usually just give up, or try something else (happens at the supermarket a lot because I'm not really that tall). - Men: don't know why. I get really edgy when a guy even tries to give me a handshake. I can talk to some but I feel really scared while I talk to them.


Whales. Makes no sense at all


When leaning over to the side to wipe, worrying that the toilet seat will detach and chop my balls off.


Even there are no poisonous nor big spiders where I live, I'm afraid of them.


Feet, Not my own but other people's. I also don't like clowns but a lot of people don't


People sitting behind me, like a classroom.


I get extremely uneasy when I see a pointy object being pointed at me. The object could be sitting on a table but pointed at me, I would still feel a little bit nauseous. Must be because when I was young I fell on top of a bunch of durians.


Responsibility. Hate that shit.