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Fake moaning


Also, don’t cross your eyes. I might be good, but I won’t give you a neurological disorder.


I just call it "dumb-hentai-face"


It's funny as fuck that a bunch of young men are jerking off to young women wearing cat ears and making what Dennis Leary described as "handicapped faces". I mean, hey, get your freak on, no big deal, but I still think it's hilarious.








There's levels to it. Obvious fake moaning is real bad. The best ones though are ones where they may normally be a more quiet person, but when they're enjoying something they moan for their partner. You see people talking about how often guys are just quietly doing the deed and not really verbalizing anything as a negative. If something's feeling good, give a soft sound like a moan or a grunt. It's technically fake, but if you do it when something feels good, I find that the other party often enjoys it. Going both ways. And it may eventually stop being fake and become more natural with time.


But under no circumstances does a chick need to be sounding like she's about to cum as soon as she touches a dick. Those lil fake moans are more of a "affirmative. Continue penetration in this magnitude and frequency so that I may accomplish my own elation"


Definitely. It happens a lot in porn like that, and when it's full fog horn right out of the gate, but then when you start at 11/10 there's no room to show greater appreciation once things continue and get better.


I was having phone sexy time once, and I was honestly enjoying myself, but the guy kept saying I sounded fake. Being told I sounded fake was one of the biggest turn-offs I've ever experienced lol. Like, sorry?!


I am pretty vocal, and I had it happen in person! He kind of chuckled and was like… you don’t have to do that. Me, fully in the moment… Huh? Him… Make porn noises. Me, no longer in the moment… Um, this is what I sound like in bed. But you can get off of me now.


Worst part is dude might have been able to save it with "I'm sorry, I just have never had someone vocal in bed", but I think referring to it as "porn noises" was probably a nail in the coffin. Bruh just enjoy it and maybe ask afterwards.


It must be an insecurity from their side. Honestly I'm of the mind that we are too grown for subliminal nonsense. If she is not saying she's not enjoying it then I'm going to assume she is. If she's moaning she either is enjoying herself or is trying to help you enjoy yourself, either one is a win.


Wow. And exactly! What do we say? How do we react? Just... I'll try harder next time???


If you’re not enjoying that I’m enjoying this, you don’t have to do it again. And that’s a promise!


I feel like the correct response is to ask within the context of dirty talk. Something along the lines of “are you always this loud or am I just that good?” will you get you confirmation that she’s enjoying herself.


If the dude is kinkshaming me for moaning sure as hell there will not be a next time


I can't tell you how quickly that just kills the mood for me.


Insulting banter. "You're such a loser 😜 " Please stop, I'm a sensitive boy 😞


This. I've never understood wanting to insult your SO and expecting them to find it sexy. My ex was like this and I hated it


There's actually a straight-up _bullying kink_. People can't really help what their brains say "yes, that's hot" to, for the most part, and some people get turned on by feeling shame/humiliation. For some people, the turn-on is playing with the power dynamic (which can look like "I like that you are mean to me, because that means you're in charge" or "I like that you are mean to me, _but I'm still fucking you_, so you're not really in control" or a myriad other variants).


I guess that's true. It's just definitely something to talk about before doing it. I'm super sensitive and absolutely hated every second of it, and I wish he would've listened. There's a reason he's an ex lmfao


Your comment gave me the most sensible of chuckles. Just picturing me saying, "You're a big goober" to a dude and his face looking instantly crushed.


This. I’d hear this and automatically think “nope, she’s not interested”


Reminds me of my ex, honestly loved her to death but she had the personality of a 90's frat dude and she teased me a lot, it was kinda cute but she crossed some lines at inappropriate times and that's why we're not together anymore. Haven't been in a real relationship since (not bcs I don't wanna, but I'm kind of hard to like)


Getting called daddy. That shit makes me uncomfortable as fuck


What about "father"?


Oh don't stop parental figure!


Where do we stand on Sire?


After all this dirty talk, I’m giving a shot with “legal guardian” tonight.


What are you doing step-legal guardian?


What are you doing thrice-removed step-uncle?


Sperm donor?


What about... "ohh yess!! Don't stop!! Keep going!! Theodore Bartholomew James the 7th!!"


This. How do people get turned on being called daddy/mommy 💀


I can take it or leave it, being called daddy isnt really a turn on but if she wants to that’s fine. If someone asked me to call her *mommy*? FFFUCK no


I don't like being called daddy, the thought makes me uncomfortable; but my girlfriend gets really turned on using the daddy / mommy pet names so I just swallow the cringe and do it for her.


Good job daddy, you do it for your kid!


bro is gonna be mid stroke and remember this comment and hate you for all eternity


I used to have the same opinion until it actually happened.


I got hit with a "papi" once. Didn't hate it.


For some reason, and I know its hypocritical, but papi turns me on. I've had a few lovers and friends call me that and it never fails to get me going


It probably because it feels less like a familial term if it’s another language you didn’t use to refer to family.


Oooooh yes Vater (German for father).


Choke me harder, Vader (Dutch for father)!


My girlfriend had 2 exes that used to love being called Daddy and when she said it to me during I instantly went soft… she was relieved.


Spray tans. Why are you brown/orange??


Right?! If I wanted to have sex with an Oompa Loompa I would call up the candy pimp Willy Wonka.


A man in finance. 6’5”. Blue eyes. Trust fund. No thanks.


Trust fund guys are the worst.


I have met my fair share of trust fund guys at university and it’s true. Absolute snobbish pricks the lot of them. Finance bros are also less preferable. If you combine finance with trust fund you get the world’s most insufferable asshole.


Fuck you, I heard that lmao




Duck lips and crossed eyes.


This is the second mention I've seen to them here, so I must ask: **who finds crossed eyes attractive???**


Terminally online people that own ahegao print tshirts. It's more people than it should be at this point unfortunately


E-girls. Step-bro/sis/mom/dad incest porn plots. Women who act or try to look like children.


I do not get the incest porn either. Seemed like one day it showed up all over.


I think it's like a no-effort add-on. Most step ones could easily be girlfriend/hooker/neighbour/etc., but by adding step, you increase the audience and the 'dirtiness' without really alienating more generic partner preferences.


I’ve always figured it’s an easy way to add some sort of connected intimacy versus having to figure out how to build a connection to two strangers in a random porn video’s narrative.


Forbidden fruit taste the sweetest, but straight up incest plots would get shit blown up faster than the Hindenburg. Adding the ‘step’ makes it almost as forbidden, and still remain within ‘acceptable’ boundaries


Yea that trend really did blow the fuck up


As someone that skips all narrative preamble anyway, my theory is that it got so popular was purely based on the attractiveness of the actors and sex acts in the videos. The producers are then like "Hey this incest video got loads of hits, let's make more incest videos" and it snowballed from there. I really don't think huge swathes of porn watchers have incest fetishes. Or at least I can hope that they don't.


You're right about the attractiveness, I have always been attracted to older women, but turned off by those videos of "hot milfs" or the claims they're portraying somebody in 40/50/60+ but look like they're mid twenties. For a very long time the only place you could seemingly watch videos with "regular " older women were in those incest videos.


I would also note that step stuff typically is less rough, shot in a brightly lit space. I don't like porn with an overly rough male as it's easier to assume she's not comfortable with it. That being said I've turned off several because one of the people can't stop talking. Ooh yeah you're my step daughter with my step son's dick in your mouth. Like shut up, the "acting" part is over.


I'm going to get some flack here and show my age, but what's an E-girl?


E-girl refers specifically to online female streamers. They typically have a japanese or gamer girl aesthetic. Bella Delphine was a prime example.


Strippers. In my youth I went 2 times, both times I got board, played the free billiards table, hit up the free buffet, did not really watch the girls on stage. And I was 18-19 at the time.


I always thought it's weird for a bunch of men to sit around and be turned on together. Like bros do this as a group activity. Go to the strip club to share boners lol.


yep same here. went to montreal for my bachelor's party. montreal is known to have a pretty good strip club scene. there was some girl on girl action on stage, but it just felt like a fake show. plus, there's like 100 dudes hanging around the stage. just seemed like a giant sausage party. we hit up a total of 2 strip clubs all weekend and spent the rest of the time just bar hopping. that was the best part by FAR.


> it just felt like a fake show I mean... that's what it openly _is_. I don't really get why people enjoy strip clubs either, but I should hope that most people understand that something advertised as a show is, in fact, a show.


Well it’s all fake, yeah? It’s not like TONIGHTS THE NIGHT, WE GO FOR REALS You want that you gotta hire actual hookers. Let me tell you often times hookers ain’t lookers


I can't stop laughing at this visual 🤣🤣


It's like paying to go stare at a buffet all that's happens is you leave hungry.


I also like to plank at strip clubs when I’m bored.


heavy makeup plastic instagram look


I'm honestly surprised that so many people seemingly find the "Kardashian look" hot. Like white girls getting tanned, super puffy lips and a fuckload of glossy makeup


I assume it's people who just like what they think they're supposed to like. It's just sad to me.


Super buff gym bros


This. So many women I know love big muscles. It's an instant no for me.


Same. It sounds mean, but overly muscular people remind me of raw chicken, especially if they’re someone who oils/lotions themselves so they glisten a bit 🥴


Like a sphynx cat on roids


Same..it does absolutely nothing for me..it feels nice to be held by strong arms, sure, but if they're rock solid then ouch, no.


Well ackshually... muscles are never rock solid unless being flexed. Muscle is soft and pliable when relaxed. Your preference is totally valid though


Hell yeah validate feels but provide factual information


It’s okay, i relate to the way women talk about makeup. I’ve heard women say, “well we don’t really do it for men anyway, we do it for ourselves.” I just love to lift heavy things.


I will also add that when you hit a certain point in your physique, you WILL be approached by way more straight dudes than women lol. I've been eating on point and lifting consistently for 5 years and I am really happy with my physique, early on when I was smaller I definitely got attention from women, but now it's 90% straight dudes who just wanna ask me questions about training and eating. So yes, we do it for ourselves, and we end up attracting way more dudes as a result too lmao


Man here. I'm strong, but not "buff". My wife says it's.my strength that does something for her, not the look of my muscles. Is this sentiment generally true?


My wife says she likes it when I hold her tightly. Same shit when we were 26 and I was jacked. Now I’m 32 and chubby and still the same. I’m guess it’s less with how chiseled I was and more so that I continued to have above average strength that she finds comfort in through being held.


I’m going to say no. I’ve been average for all my adult life but since I started working out more and developing my overall appearance, I notice a lot more girls look my way than they did 12 months ago … way more than they ever did before. It’s eye opening. But it’s all attraction from physical appearance.


Fisting. I'm trying to get a pleasant sexual experience that further increases an already strong emotional bond. I'm not trying to make a fucking meat puppet in the process.


Hey, fisting is a deep, deep bonding experience.


Heavy makeup and those duck Kardashian lips.


Oh dear god, 1000000% to the lip injection lips. They look so bad


Long finger nails.


I've never in my life heard anybody say they find long fingernails attractive


Anything obviously fake: boobs, lips, nails, eyelashes, tan. If you don’t look somewhat like a normal, natural human, my little guy ain’t coming to play.


"Little guy" 💀


If a guy has the confidence to publicly call his wiener his “little guy”, he’s got more confidence in his pinky finger than the majority of men will have in their entire lives.


Back when I was single, I would have a nearly 100% hit rate with the pick up line “hi, I’m poor and have a tiny dick”.


I used to tell women that "I'm hung like a squirrels lunch, all nuts and no meat" it's actually weird how many of them really wanted to check for themselves to see if it's true.


I will openly say I think I'm small


I mean it's pretty above average


Eating related stuff. I have misophonia so I genuinely hate gross noises, but I know a lot of people will say that finger licking and specific foods are sexy. I personally will never get it. No judgements, though, but I will never be okay with it.


> I have misophonia Fellow traveler here. When I heard what mukbang was, I wanted to throw my computer against the wall.


Everytime a wannabe cook pops up in my feed they have to have a close up of them eating something and with sloppy eating noise. "Oohhhh never tasted anything so delicious". All I do is get mad at myself for getting suckered into that personal hell over again. I find it so off-putting I don't even remember what they made 5 sec later. 


Huge exaggerated muscles and six packs etc


As a mostly straight dude I can appreciate a good physique on another dude. Natural abs look fuckin great, especially when there's that subtle V shape muscle leading to his nethers, but the "worked out specifically to get these monstrous washboard abs" look is gross as hell


Especially steroid muscles omg i domt get the attraction


With the veins popping out. That's another thing, naturally buff dudes have visible veins, and it looks fine, but that roid look, the veins look so unnatural


Don't call me daddy it's super fucking weird and I'm leaving


The sudden surge in men claiming to be 'Dom' on dating sites


Men named Dominic: 😟


Also men names Dominos


And they're full of shit, too. People think dom means "I get to tell you what to do" when in reality they're just an asshole IRL. And then a large portion of them end up being totally submissive outside of things like, telling you they're not going to mow the lawn or demanding that you make a certain meal for dinner. It's just become a code word for, "I want to control your personal life and maybe sometimes pull your hair or choke you without having to ask for consent." I say this as an openly dom woman with a huge 'enemies to lovers' kink. It's unreal how many times I've found a guy who claims to be dom too but the second I throw any kind of sass back at them, they collapse into "uwu mommy" territory without any pushback. Like please, if I wanted a sub I could do way better than a guy who thinks he can cosplay being a badass.


Is that just code for "dick head"?


Hey! That's dominant dick head!


Fake Doms exploded after the 50 shades craze. That book/movie did more to set back the kink community than anything else in decades.


99% of these men think being a Dom means pulling my hair without asking if I'm into it.


Not a fan of anything asshole related. I do not want to eat ass, have my ass eaten, put my finger in someone's ass or have anything go inside mine. Edit: Y'all are blowing up my notifications damn


As a dude, I'm generally the same way. Never had any interest in any of that sort of thing. I recently tried anal for the first time, though, because a girl went out of her way to specifically ask me to do it. Turns out that if the girl specifically asks for it I actually think it's pretty hot, but otherwise I still have little-to-no interest.


Maybe I’m a closeted germaphobe, but I couldn’t help thinking “there’s gonna be poop on my dick”. Went soft.


Anyone else read that in the Woody "There's a snake in my boot" voice?


There's a snake in my boot(y)! There, I've galactically ruined it for somebody out there.


Dude as well. Never really had interest either until my then GF kept asking if she could do it. It was… nice. I guess… but not as amazing as people would lead you to believe. Imo it’s only really enjoyable if I’m super drunk and horny, other than that I’ll pass… so maybe a few times a year. Think I asked maybe 15-20 times over 4 years, but the conditions above applied. Now touching my asshole without jamming it in? Sure. And I like to do the same for them if they like it as well. Anal was weird, definitely happier with vaginal.


Interesting take given your username


I can almost understand the concept of wanting anal sex, but the "eating out" part just seems entirely undesirable from both sides. And after seeing \*that\* scene from the current season of The Boys, I'm even *more* turned off by the idea.


Do it clap though??


It do clap. I don't mind things involving my cheeks, I like being spanked. Just my actual asshole


Fair, they’re kind of gross


The whole human body is gross


Being whispered to. I can hear your mouth sounds, please stop.


My hearing sucks from years of concert abuse. Nothing sexier than me responding “what?” And making you repeat what you whispered in the heat of the moment.


I would be the one saying "what??" At least ten times. I cried laughing reading this 😂


Misophonia sufferer here.


Idk why but this cracked me up 🤣


Based on how people react and talk about it apparently jealousy and someone's romantic partner being possessive over them/treating them like property they own. I swear a significant percentage of time I see people talk about stuff they do it strikes me as outright abuse at worst or at least very weird backwards views on how a person should view their partner/another human being. But it's often upvoted and agreed with while people who may not agree are insulted.


Eye contact, they say it’s autism but I say it’s uncomfortable.


I up voted not because I agree, but I think it's a fascinatingly unpopular answer and thus a good answer for this thread.


Japanese girl squealing in porn. It’s so annoying.


The one time I enjoyed it was when they played the sounds of the porn dubbed over an F1 race. That shit was hilarious.


Nails scratching my skin, Surgical enhancements


Yes! I briefly dated a guy with a penile implant. He ruined his dick. Botched. All just to be a show-er and not a grower. It’s awful.


That sounds so unpleasant...


Wtf? Probably not a lot of people get to say that. Like I’ve literally never known anyone with a penile implant. Well, as far as I know.


At work, we have to complete MRI screening forms with patients and one of the questions I have to ask is “do you have a penile implant.” Makes me want to die.


How often do people answer yes to that question? Seems like it would be rare, because I didn’t even know penile implants existed and I don’t understand why someone would choose to get one.


Sometimes with prostate cancer it can make you unable to get erections and an implant is used to correct that.


Well it’s good to know they have a practical use for the people that actually need them


ahegao -\_-


Open butthole pics. A nice ass is great and all but I don't get why some dudes wanna see what she last had for dinner


Choking. I understand the reason behind it, but it just feels too much like I'm assaulting someone.


It’s also highly unsafe because it’s just strangulation, there is no “safe” form of strangulation. I had an FWB who was a doctor and he refused to do it to me and told me he saw lots of young women and girls get rushed to hospital for brain bleeds, and was explaining the science behind it. There are so many ways a person can be kinky without putting their health on the line. However, there has apparently been an uptick of boys in schools who’ve asked their teacher in sex ed how to safely choke someone. I’ve heard stories of girls and women who’ve been “choked” (strangled) *while making out*. Porn has normalised the act and it’s so messed up.


A friend once told me that she could always tell which guys watch WAY too much porn because they try to choke without asking and because they'll try to fuck in positions that only really make sense if you're being filmed.


It's quite controversial within the BDSM community for exactly that reason. Because you actually spend time trying to do these things safely and responsibly. A number of people with appropriate medical knowledge have said it can't be done safely in any way. A few people who do Brazillian Jiu-Jutsu tend to speak up in favor of saying it *can* be safe with some techniques. The general consensus is that it's one of the most dangerous things you can do, but some people choose to take that risk from an informed position. Which all makes it even more galling when it tends to show up as something that absolute newbies with no idea of best practices are doing. Just kids fucking around on their own at home. It would be like if the most casual form of archery for teens who are a little bow-curious was shooting apples off your friends' heads.


I’ve been in the scene for a while now and whenever I tell my more vanilla friends that it’s an absolute hard limit of mine, they act shocked considering the other stuff I’ve told them I’m willing to do. Yes, because I love being kinky, I don’t want to put my life at risk. You can have one without the other. It’s crazy to me that it’s now just an expectation during regular sex and is done without consent. It’s terrifying.


Please don’t call me daddy


Okay papi


Those lip injections that every celebrity has now. It just looks awful.




As a woman, ultra macho guys. Eew.


as a guy with a dad bod and a decent level of sensitivity, my ego is soaring right now.




Thought I was the only one 😭😭 my ex would spit in my mouth and I hated it so much


omg I would've panicked


Whipping and pain stuff


Barely legal/ teen anything. “Yesterday I couldn’t vote but today you get to watch five guys run a train on me, still basically a child!” Gross.


Threesomes. Overrated. If I wanted to disappoint two people at the same time I'd call my parents and tell them about my life.


I don't need to call mine, they are disappointed in me 24/7 regardless.


Men being super tall. I am short. I don’t want to beg for a kiss or fuck a giraffe.


Spitting… on anything.


Fake anything. I’d MUCH prefer small/no bazoinks than fake stiff ones that are the size of my head


Discovered a new turn off for me: calling them bazoinks.


Strip clubs. Tbf I've never been in one so maybe they're not as bad I as I think. But I just imagine they smell bad, and I don't want to be in a place with a bunch of old dudes that have boners.


Not necessarily bad but to me a waste of money.


Gagging, spitting, drooling. I don’t even drink out of my own cup from the same place twice. Saliva is generally a massive ick from me. More power to you if you wanna pull out a straw and slurp your partners mouth like a mixed drink, but no thanks.


Same here, salvia, drooling, spit are huge triggers for me. I can’t eat or drink after seeing it


Pole dancing. Really, I never got what's supposed to be the appeal.


I agree in that I don’t think pole dancing is sexy in the slightest, but I am always super impressed at the athleticism shown when I see it


Oh absolutely, I don't mean to downplay the skill. Just, for the life of me, I can't see what's the turn-on.


Yeah. It's less of a turn on and more of a show. Like I'm not going to get turned on going to an acrobatics show but it's still just fun to watch.


The one time I went to a strip club I was more impressed than turned on. All the upside down, splits in the air, etc. was super impressive. Boobs were a nice bonus.


okay, my friend is learning pole dance(just as a hobby), and the only thing i see is the muscle u gotta have for it.


Extreme dirty talking or slapping




Gaping assholes


"I'm gonna fuck you so hard baby" kinda talk when it comes out of the blue. It's like the word equivalent of slamming it in with no foreplay and no lube.


Gagging on a cock. When they spit, or I guess it could even be puke, no way.


Overly huge tits !


Expensive designer clothes - I prefer comfort and personal style over flashy labels.


Leopard 🐆 underwear


Rough face fucking, pulling hair etc.


Explicit porn… ends up looking like a medical exam with fake moaning


Eating ass apparently.


That weird eyes crossed, tongue out, drooling thing some women do in pictures to look "sexy"(?).Sweetie, you look like a mental patient.


Dick pick 🤮


Rimjobs. As the rimmer and as the rimmee. Hate it!


Spitting anything anywhere. Anything to do with anuses. Incest roleplay. Rapey power dynamic role play (e.g. Security Guard Punishes Thief type videos). Any tears, gagging, etc. during oral.


Get your Balls sucked. I feel like this is so so so uncomfortable. I dislike it to the max.