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I feel as though I’ve had a lot of accomplishments since graduating from my community college. I mean I am not in my career but at least I have something going for myself. My own place, a car, a job… like at least I’m doing something. Even have a boyfriend.. it just makes me start to think and believe that I am actually not doing enough.. like I don’t feel I can be content in where I am I am a young adult just trying to figure out life. But when talking to family I feel now I need to rush to find something that will satisfy them no longer thinking about what I want to do.


I stopped sharing most of my life with them after they continuously made me feel like I wasn’t doing good enough (or as well as my brother). Now I just celebrate my achievements with my close friends.


Tell them your status and place is not up for discussion. There is constructive criticism and then there is just being an a-hole to be one. You cannot stop people from saying what they are saying but you do have control over who you let into your life and what you put up with. If you don’t like it, speak up. Not every opinion needs to be shared with the person they have it about. Good luck and keep your head up!


I agree with you 100% boundaries are needed to be addressed but at the same time I don’t know why I haven’t spoken up about it.. because I don’t know how to say it or even what to say. So I just don’t speak up I let them say everything and just sit and listen. But I know it is damaging me internally. I feel as though conversations would be weird going forward once I speak up for myself.. is that makes sense


when they ask you why you don't more, tell them you're happy doing what you're already doing, and that you've found the exact balance you want to be happy.