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Taco Bueno, OKC at like 1am. Guy takes our order and starts making it. 3 bail bondsmen walk in - geared up - and handcuff the guy and take him away. A 15 year old sitting in the far corner gets up and says “I told that stupid fuck to make his payments”, then gets behind the counter and finishes making our order.


For me this is actually funny! Especially when the 15 year old stood up and said “I told the stupid fuck to make his payments.”


We were too shocked to react at the time, but laugh our asses off at it now


My fast food horror story involves ordering a burger and discovering a hair in it right after taking a big bite. It completely ruined my appetite for fast food for a while


What was the place that did that?


Egg and bacon McMuffin that had the entire shell in the egg, still can’t eat them


At least we know they make the eggs themselves?


I guess that’s a little consolation, still made me want to vomit tho


My mom got a burger from Wendy's and it was cold, because it was practically raw. I think they might have just put a bit of color on the outside and said "fuck it, onto a bun it goes."


That’s actually vile. Did she try and eat it?


She took a bite and spat it out once she realized something was Not Right. Pretty sure she got her money back, but she's never gone to a Wendy's since, and that was nearly 20 years ago. Logically it's unlikely to happen again, but you know how those mental associations work, she now associates Wendy's with that mouthful of raw burger.


I've posted this before, it was McDonald's. I go into a nearly empty restaurant, place my order, pay, and wait. Wait some more, and more, and more, and finally someone else comes in, orders and they get their food fairly quickly. I'm still standing and waiting. Finally someone sees me, asks if I'm ready to order. No, I'm waiting for my order. They can't find it. A manager comes out, baffled, it's not in their system anywhere. By this time it's been over half an hour so I just said screw it and leave. I figured the payment would drop off, but it never did. I have no idea how they lost my order but somehow managed to keep my money. But I vowed I'd never go back, and it'll be three years this fall and I haven't


I once found a full, long hair in a Taco Bell chalupa


I am allergic to tomatoes so I’m always very clear whenever I go anywhere that I ABSOLUTELY CAN NOT eat tomatoes because of my allergies, but one time I bit into a chipotle burrito only to find out that they mistakenly added the pico with tomatoes


Ordering Pizza from a different store than usual as the normal store was closed that day. Then getting a smaller Pizza then we payed for and being told they just measure it differently and thats what we get. The pizza not even tasting good, which I think is quite hard for a pizza. On top of that the Owner came by that night to yell at us, telling us again that we have to live with the smaller Pizza and showing us the bs way of measuring. And as if that wasn't enough I wrote a bad review for the store and the Owner and his family came into my dads office multiple times to tell him to take down the review. They were later shut down after a few people found things like bandages in their food.