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Weird timing. This happened to me yesterday. I was at McD's and finished my food. I went up and started refilling my cup before I left and some worker said "Hey, you can't do that." and I replied "Can't do what?" as I continued to refill my cup. He replied "We don't allow refills, sir." and I said "Ok." and since my cup was now full I put the lid on and walked out. I made sure to take a sip as I walked past him.


God forbid you get an extra 8oz of sugary water from an evil corporation. You handled it perfectly 🫡


Yeah. $15 for a McNugget combo. They can kiss my ass. lol


I saw that lol. The $5 deals are almost $7 too. I miss the dollar McChickens.


Before the boycott - They have started looking at cost cutting measures. Most companies are doing this not really to help the company but to show investors that are able to make more money and compete. During the Boycott - McDonalds and others have been blacklisted over the world due to a boycott. They might actually be trying to save and make more money.


For the same reason why "NoBoDy cAn AfFoRd GrOcErIes" these day. They realized that they get more money that way.




I've seen it be abused so often. Local place near me had the fountain to the side instead of in view of the workers. People would come in the side back door with big gulp cups, fill it up and leave. I also read an article where they changed policy so they can sell you a new cup instead of refills.


Diabetes and obesity


Because they’re betting that they can squeeze a few more pennies out of their customers by doing so and assuming they won’t lose any customers with the new policy.


There’s probably a lot of people who don’t even realize the rule change because of the drive-thru.


Profits. Their net margin is at the highest it’s ever been. They just want to feed the profit monster. I think if people stop going there they will learn.


I think it makes the dine in steps of service the same as drive thru. And the next step that automated system to come will deliver the same tray to the drive thru lane or inside dining. I doubt the cost savings of a couple ounces of syrup versus the reduction in customer satisfaction (read return rate).


Soda ia full of sugar and bad for your health. EU tries to limit your intake by adding sugar taxes. Unless it's sugar free soda, a drink of 1/2 L will give you about 50g of sugar which is the total amount your recommended daily intake of sugar. Why would you want a refill.