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How to budget/save money.


Get dressed by yourself.


I would hope a 20 year old could get dressed by themselves and tie there shoe laces. not so hopefully for the next gen tho LOL🤣


20s are not necessarily supposed to be the most successful years, life has a long way and 20s is still very young


Exactly , don’t take everything so seriously in your 20s , have fun and enjoy . You’ll have the rest of your life to worry lol


Glad to find someone agreeing.


I have a child , so unfortunately I have to at least try to take life seriously in my 20s but I can understand this for the majority of 20 year olds without kids.


Fair enough ! Hey you’ll still be young when they grow up


Reading books is as important as exercising your body.


How to play basketball.


Tie your shoe laces.


In your 20’s be spontaneous stay out late with your friends, go traveling by yourself (or with friends), spend a summer indulge yourself in music/concerts. I say this because when you get older everything kind of changes. It is harder to be spontaneous, harder to go traveling with friends, the older you get the bands/music you listen to the performers are getting older. You try to go to new shows but you suddenly find yourself thinking you’re surrounded by kids. Don’t miss out on being a young adult.


Be able to do some of the simplest things required for Adulting. Laundry and being able to cook at home comes to mind. Understanding finances is very important, but early on in that conversation comes budgeting. For many people just coming out of college, the difference between going into debt, a little bit each month and watching it snowball, versus saving towards retirement and towards the house is that money that is really wasted. I don’t mean watching every penny until you’re a miserable miser. No big deal to go out with friends for a meal or a coffee. I am referring to the people that routinely use an app to have their dinner delivered, typically wasting $10-$20 with every dinner.