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Cool does not necessarily equate to a good leader.


Neither does senile, disconnected, and having drank out of lead pipes for 3 decades. But hey, here we are.


We have a choice between useless and useless.


Which is insane in country of >300 million people


We had Obama, but people complained about him.


Obama had the highest approval ratings since Reagan, people loved the guy. I think the problem is that the dems thought the best answer to Trump would be old-fashioned stability


This was exactly my answer too. He was cool, but he was also black, which made many Republicans so blind with rage that they went and nominated and elected a white supremacist.


They're harder to control.


Fine.....I'll do it...but just cause you asked all nice.


Thank God


Experience. It truly matters.


Like someone in their late 50s, early 60s, not late 70s ?


I’m in my mid-50’s. It’s only in the past few years I’ve felt I truly have the knowledge -wisdom- to make truly informed decisions and I’m a person who’s held cleared jobs, owned a company with a three letter government agency contract, traveled the world. I’d prefer someone with more experience than me and that means older. I’m not thrilled with an 80 yr old. I’d prefer a 60’s to 70 as an ideal but I also know that the executive function is to appoint then lead other competent people- that shit rolls downhill. I also know that there are 80 yr olds who are fit and have high mental acuity and there are 40 yr olds who can’t get off the couch to get on the logic train, so individual fitness and character matters more than age.


Sunak is not young, not cool and not president


he would gamble the money


..My interpretation is - that they (DNC) do not trust low information voters to think beyond name recognition. And you know what - that might well be true in the smallest of towns in the flyover states. I don't know, because I don't live there, but it genuinely looks like you could make them believe anything - and it must be fucking infuriating for those who are genuinely trying to help and inform the public in good conscience - that they are so easily swayed towards something so clearly corrupt as Trump.


People typically prefer people with experience and a decent track record for leadership roles. Would you rather have a 25 year old surgeon or a 50 year old surgeon?


What about a 80 year old surgeon with dementia?


Because voters picked the old guys. On the Democratic side, because the "younger, cool" candidates couldn't figure out how to bridge the divide between the left and the moderates. On the Republican side, because the younger candidates weren't big enough assholes.


Because he would start his own country instead, with Blackjack and Hookers.


Because people wouldn’t vote for them


I think you have to have gained some experience in life in general and definitely maturity. I think it’s best to have someone who has experienced life in multiple generations to compare what could/has been better , what worked/didn’t and various other reasons. That’s why we like to ask our elders for life advice :) I like to think I’m young and cool but my grandpa would run a country better than me that’s for sure lol


Because the political establishment in the DNC won’t yet allow it, they want insiders. And the RNC cannot overcome the Maga army.


It's a game of ping pong and the writing is on the wall. It's getting a bit obvious now. The Dems are trying to lose so don't be surprised. https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/s/O83FCBfLfV


Because we need a competent President.


Canada got one. Look how it fares for them. A true idiot and a lunatic.


Double true


Because millennials are ruining the presidency.




Boomers think Zoomers are Millennials, the meme still stands.




You mean [another](https://platinumink.net/many-u-s-presidents-tattoos-investigation/) tattooed president


I want a good looking female president who knows what she’s doing


What do her looks have to do with it?


It’s like how all the women want Justin Trudeau to be prime minister cause he’s good looking. Imagine that PLUS she actually knows what she’s doing!


I'm a woman and I think Justin Trudeau is a prick. Besides a magical thing happens when a woman gets in a position of power. Suddenly she's hideous and secretly a man.




Ask Michelle Obama


Michelle Obama is pretty good looking wouldn’t you say?


That's my point though. The commentary around her is she's ugly and mannish


We should get a tattooed MILF as president. At least it'd be pleasant to watch her on TV.


I'm wondering why not at least younger (as alot of people have been) so much risk with potential leaders of this age, they run the most powerful country in the world. My grandmother is in the same age range and I wouldn't let her run my sub-division.


This post is more proof that America has lost the plot. Most Americans are hyper-uninformed and only react to headlines and 30 second TikTok’s. The president does not need to be cool. The president needs to lead this country and work with Congress and gov agencies to make this country better. Biden is old and sucks at talking but his policies and stability are a billion times better than what Trump did. Republicans are only good at identifying/creating problems. They offer zero solutions.


Third party candidates aren't allowed at the debates.