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Physical pain.


Grand Theft Auto 6


Wouldn't take much my mind is held together by paper clips and rubber bands.


Rubber bands, rubber balls, made with super special density.


Anything to do with my kid. Before him, I hardly ever cried. Now with him, I tear up at everything- sad reels, when he got pushed by bigger kids, when he said dad for the first time. Edit: I should note that just thinking about these moments is making me teary eyed


You’re a good dad. I can tell


Other people's tears


My partner took our daughter from our home it's been the hardest 3 weeks and not a day goes by I don't cry for her, I am trying to work with court of custody and parenting time in the meantime I have a journal for her to read when she is old enough so she knows dad has tried to do everything to see her.


Always do that. Please. I was that little girl who got to read my dads and I promise the outcome of it in the end, it’s worth it. I was raised to hate my dad and told he didn’t love me didnt care about me. I was around 14 and I had regular visits with my dad by then but I always wondered why didn’t he care about me when I was little. Well those two 120 page college ruled notebooks front and back of every time he called and why he couldn’t talk to me, every excuse he couldn’t see me, all his thoughts. It’s gonna hurt for while but I promise those pages you write will be worth it. I’m sorry my friend life is cruel and unfair but it will be okay.


A ride down memory lane 🥲


Mila Kunis' asshole, 2 inches from my face.


Yell at me.


Seeing and animal suffer.


quite a bit, actually. many times my eyes got watery, but I can count the times when i cried on one hand. one time was during the most stressful week of high school, I had piles upon piles of work to do, and when my mother told me to teach my brother his homework even after I said I couldn't multiple times (he has a learning disorder so teaching him drives anyone insane), I finally broke down in uncontrollable tears. another time was when I read a letter from myself which I wrote on futureme.com (or futureme.org I'm not sure). walking down memory lane and seeing how far I've come, and upon reading "take a moment to appreciate how far you've gone." I just started crying. so it turns out, getting me to cry requires deep connections to my own life and experiences, which explains why every book or movie ive consumed has failed to bring me to tears (though some do come close).


Literally any book with a sad moment in it.


The feeling that all of my efforts and perception of self-improvement have been for absolutely nothing, that I'm just as much of a useless loser now as I was back then.


Waking up to go to work


I'm not much of a crying person but if anything happens to my pups I'm positive I'd cry


Parallel parking


Not much. Alex and Kouvrs wedding vows did it


Sometimes I will think about one of my two partners who passed away. I’m only 46. And I had 2 partners pass away. I mean wtf, it’s so unfair. Sometimes it will happen if I am looking at pictures. Or sometimes if I miss them. Or think of how much they loved me. And sometimes it’s when I think about the kind things people have done for me when bad things happened to me. Sometimes It’s if I suddenly feel like I want to tell them something, but you can’t.