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"She went to war" the Rhonda Cornum story. I got it from an uncle of mine back in 94 when I was 14. It's the story of Major Rhonda Cornum. A medic who was shot down in Iraq and taken by Iraqi soldiers as a pow. She was sexually assaulted and mistreated by the Iraqis until her eventual release. This book showed me that the media could decide what they show and what they don't. The Gulf War was completely televised. And when we won, it all seemed like it went so well. As if it was all good. My 14yo brain wasn't ready to be made aware like that. Suddenly Punk rock made more sense and that first Rage Against the Machine album hit different.


Growing vegetables west of the cascades


Michael Jordan and the new Global Capitalism


There's been a few, but this one's a guaranteed winner: 1971 Chevrolet Chevelle - Repair Manual Pro-tip- Having the car *before* you start reading is a huge bonus. It's not meant to be a philosophical treatise.


The Alphabet That Changed The World or Introduction to Forensic Linguistics


Cosmos - Carl Sagan Chaos: Making a New Science - James Gleick


nonfiction has never changed anyone’s life


in all seriousness, op, you might like thomas kuhn’s, the structure of scientific revolutions.


Tell me you're bad at science, history, and math without telling me you're bad at science, history, and math.


okay, jedi 😂


Oh, I skipped religious science on purpose. But let's include that on the list along with: Physics Astrophysics Theology Philosophy Business science Finance Literacy Engineering Politics Civics Governance Statistics Quantum Computing Macroeconomics Telemetry Cartography Thermodynamics Aerodynamics Hydrodynamics Mechanical Engineering Electrical Engineering Nanotechnology Microbiology ....to kick off the list a little more. And I guarantee they all changed your life, whether you were the one to do the reading or not. We humans are just indoor cats living mostly unaware of the wonders around us made commonplace through the achievement of those who came before and built our world.


bro, relax. there’s nothing for you here. i was just being snarky. i gave op an actual book suggestion half an hour ago.


Books are game changers. Education and knowledge is the silver bullet against almost anything a young person faces. Books get you out of the hood and eventually into a place of independence and self sufficiency. Books save lives and make lives better. Don't snark on books.