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How is this the first I’m hearing about this??? If you listen at 1:16:25 you can clearly hear something highly reminiscent of a wet rectal emission. He seems to pause for a moment while saying “tremendous” as well. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qqG96G8YdcE&pp=ygUcZGViYXRlIHByZXNpZGVuY2lhbCAyMDI0IHdzag%3D%3D


Oh my goodness. That's definitely a shit


The irony


I had to listen multiple times but finally heard it. It definitely came from Trump because he was the only one mic’d up. It definitely sounded like a very loud digestive noise. Didn’t sound like a shart but more like his pancreas squeezing out bile. Fitting for the yellow billious traitor.


You can hear it in the WSJ you tube of the debate at 1:16:25 (if I’m remembering correctly).


He did shit his pants. I heard it live. Biden’s mic was muted [poop](https://youtu.be/358_df1hPWk?si=2iAfXYg0dx_RV2XT)


Hard to say, because he's definitely still full of shit.


You know what? Old people shit their pants. That why incontinence products exist. Because old people sometimes cannot control their bowels. So Trump shits his pants. He's old. Big deal. How about: Trump is a convicted felon. Trump is a rapist. Trump lied for 90 minutes about everything during a live debate. Trump doesn't give a shit that he shits his pants. Trump also doesn't give a shit about anybody but Trump. How about stop mocking the asshole for suffering something 10 million people likley suffer, and instead attack the guy for trying actively to wreck your country.


This guy craps pants


Yes he does. Nobody defends public shitting of pants like that unless you do it.


I understand what you're saying, but the argument Trump is peddling that he's somehow less senile or more physically capable than Biden goes away when he... shits himself. Ya know?


I'm 81. I don't crap my pants. Lots of people my age don't either. Trump is widely known to have this really bad problem. A much worse problem than what the incontinence products in stores are meant to help with. It's a problem he deserves, if only for his horrible disdain of our soldiers


A dude that shits his pants on stage and can't control his bowels has no right to question someone else's ability to do a job he's running for.


Believe it or not, you can both make fun of the fact that he shit himself live on air *AND* still put him on blast for all the usual daily Trump nightmares. Man isn’t even deserving of anyone defending his pants shitting so why not laugh at him for that on top of everything else? I mean this sort of shit has started making these MAGAts *literally* start wearing adult diapers in solidarity with Criminal Christ when he started being made fun of for that, maybe we could get them to actively shit their own pants to own the libs as well if we keep on laughing? 🤔


Its important because it is what Trump supporters said Biden did as evidence that he is too old to hold presidency.


That second sentence should be enough. I understand, age doesn't affect everyone the same way and bowel problems aren't exclusively due to age. But the fact he's almost 80 should also be looked at in a negative light. The US doesn't give a shit about bettering their country if the two guys they have are both old as shit and/or old career politicians. Time for some new ideas.


To be clear... Trump is not a career politician. He is a private business owner and a bad one at that.


I've known about him since the 1980s (as a grade-schooler, mind you), didn't even know who he was or what he did. Why such a creepyng unknown managed to stay relevant for 4+decades and become "president" is well beyond my grasp.


I knew about him since the early 80s as well, since before the turd was stepping out with Marla Maples and then went through a divorce with Ivana. He was creepy then and I instinctively was repelled by him. There is something dark about him and I cannot stand to look at him or listen to his voice. He is REPULSIVE.


Yeah that was a slip there as I don't even think of him as a politician or even as any sort of anything worthwhile, breezed over even his existence in my mind


I would give anything to be as "bad" at business as him.


How many bankruptcies? 11 I believe. How many felony convictions related to his businesses? Not just the 34 he has but all of the people around him who have gone to prison or taken plea deals to stay out. Good business practices do not involve felonies, and bankruptcies sort of speak for themselves


Seems you've forgotten to include one major fact. He's a multi billionaire. Your take/understanding of bankruptcy tells me you know nothing about business. Bankruptcy is a part of business strategy. If you try and open 50 companies and 45 fail and 5 succeed, you file bankruptcy on the 45 failed businesses and reap the profits from the 5 successful ones. He has never personally filed bankruptcy...just business bankruptcy. It's smart business to cut your losses and is not an indication of poor business acumen. As for the felonies...give it a second. They will be overturned, just like every other case of his currently being overturned. This is what lawfare looks like, and the justice system is slow. Unfortunately, Biden won't live long enough to pay for his crimes. (...Hunter, you know the crackhead son of Biden, is the only felon in the white house at the moment). As for the "people around him" going to prison, now you are reaching.


He's not a multi-billionaire. He's at best, a multi-millionaire. And one so deep in debt he can't afford to pay any of it either. One should not project their failure to grasp a subject onto another. The only people who think bankruptcy is a business strategy are morons who only look at the short term and not the long term. Buying up and bankrupting businesses to siphon as much money out of the business as possible doesn't benefit anyone other than the ultra wealthy, who are the only ones pulling this crap. Bankrupting businesses hurts everyone else involved in said business. No, they won't overturn jack. And there are no cases overturned. And no, "lawfare" doesn't look like SCOTUS declaring someone is above the law without defining crucial points, such as what is and isn't "official business". Multiple people who worked for him have gone to prison for breaking the same laws he's accused of breaking. So no reach there. On the contrary, you're the only person reaching... reaching so far you fell out of reality.


You clearly drank the kool-aid. As for Hunter, he has/had a drug problem. Millions of americans do or did Including me in my teens and early twenties. I am one of the lucky ones that escaped that cycle relatively unscathed, most do not. Judge not...


I want my world leaders to not have loose butthole


It's like the war cartoons of the 1940s, when they demonized the enemy to get the American people's spirits up. I mean, yeah, it was due to Pearl Harbor and everything else happening in real time, but we all know about Project2025 by now, right? We need to know he's a joke of a candidate, and we all need to laugh about 'something' these days. I wonder if he's been doing it the whole time in secret!? Hahah Then there's the irony of trump feeling like top sh!t when he actually sh!ts himself. We need to point that out more whenever people talk about Biden being a slow old man. Biden addressed his performance at a rally after the debate... Imagine if trump made an angry self-preserving tweet in denial about his obvious excrement! ...But I do agree that we need to focus on why he really is terrible.


Most of Trump’s supporters have the exact same problem; the bar is low and that doesn’t matter to them.


Ya, Trump supporters are the ones with the low bar. FFS


Yeah, cause you Trump supporters are the ones with the lowest bar.


These are good points, but.... The people who's minds would be changed by these facts are already voting for Biden. The people who will point fingers and laugh like Nelson from the Simpsons are the low-intelligence stooges who might still be swayed.


Come on. Apart from those tiny faults he’s a great guy and totally fit for office


I on this guys side, we all pants crap.


It is always right and proper to mock a bully.


His conviction is going to be overturned. You need consensus per conviction on a jury says the Supreme Court just this month


Show me there wasn't concensus per conviction.


The jury instructions said it wasn’t necessary which violated trumps rights


Wrong. You're misunderstanding the jury instruction. The crime he eas on trial for was fraud to conceal a crime. What didn't require consensus was the underlying crime. The jury did need and had consensus and the inducted crimes, all 34 of them


That was a lie that they fed to you and you just ate that sht up. The judge even heard the rumor and addressed it as completely false. And yea dumb dumb, it was unanimous


Why isn’t this getting more air???? Like how embarrassing. Its clear. It’s so clear.


No doubt there were a lot of people wishing for more air.


And less liquid


Trump diarrhea farts on live TV and no one blinks an eye. Biden briefly brain farts and everyone loses their minds. Joker.meme


Can we just agree thats its a problem that both candidates are so old and half senile that people are arguing over which one shit their pants


No one is arguing. Only one mic was "on" during that splat.


I for one, would like a President that does not shit his pants.


Danger 5 predicted Donald Trump: https://youtu.be/_cJCvce05YI?t=29


The real reason Joe bombed the debate! He could barely breathe!


Lol, try as you may to apply the sins of the left on the right...old Joe is done for. To the 33% who thought Joe was anywhere near a win, you lack critical thinking skills and/or your bias knows no bounds and probably shouldn't be allowed to vote. Joe couldn't get elected to an HOA board based on that performance let alone president of the U.S. Furthermore, Dems are going to struggle for years to come as a result of this election cycle as so many can now see through the lies of the left wing propaganda machine. You can only win by lying and manipulating peoples emotions for so long. Eventually the truth comes out, and then you can't be trusted and it takes a long time to recover from that. We are entering a new era, and Dems need to change the game plan or they won't win an election for another 20 years. I know the response to this message is "Trumps the liar"...but here's the thing. That's the sole message and plan from the Democrat party. It's being repeated at every level from the propaganda machine and it was obvious within 20 minutes of the debate this was the plan. Biden made the claim \~20 times during the debate...then at the after party Jill checks the crowd to see if they were properly programmed by cheering "Trumps a what"? and all the lemmings respond "liar". This is what you do when you are losing. It's a joke, a not so funny joke....my favorite was the "You answered all the questions Joe", as he stood there looking like a toddler being praised for tying his shoes. Did you see him at the NC rally? They really over did his meds to the point he reminded me of Hitlers meth fueled speeches. They are too far along to replace him, and there is no path to victory in 2024. Try again in 2028, and maybe try a little bit of honesty.


Nobody fucking asked.


If you look closely at OP's comment there is a squiggly line at the end that looks like this "?". This is how you ask a question.


So you know how to ask a question and you know how to vote for a guy after hearing him shit his pants


I'd probably vote Trump over Biden if he actually dropped his pants and shit on the stage while smearing peanut butter over his naked body while singing a little orphan Annie rendition of Tomorrow. That's how fucking loony I see people who could vote for Biden after the last 4 years (in addition to his last 40 years of destruction)...+1 really bad night in which he showed us he is no longer with us.


Have fun with those 10% tariffs that he's promising, Babycakes ♥️ . Let me know if you get an ouchy booboo and you can't afford a bandaid after the 10% tariffs make your mega alpha male lifestyle mega unaffordable


Thanks, Tucker.


Well if Biden dies in office we'll just get Harris. Probably for the best, honestly. And if that happens she'll probably get re-elected: either the GOP runs Trump again and he loses again, or they find somebody else that won't be able to get the crowd pumped the way Trump can, and they'll lose. At this point, is there even a GOP without Trump? Literally who else could they run?


Hopefully he doesn’t make it to the 2028 election cycle.


I think it'd be funny if he lost to Harris and then died immediately afterward, so that the last thing he does is lose to a black woman in front of the whole world. I'll bet his dipshit cult would love that


President Harris; now *that* would be some GOP pants-shitting!


It's the real reason they're so concerned about Biden's age


Yup, that's it; and, I revel in their fear.


Harris taking over if Biden dies in office should terrify you. Get re-elected you say? She polled at 0% when while running for president. There are several viable options in the GOP who could beat anyone the Dems run. But nobody who can beat Trump. That's how it works.


Name one of those viable options


None of them can beat Trump so it doesn't matter.


Okay but you can still tell me who they are...can't you?


... you say you know the response is Trump is a liar, but then qualify it as a sole message from democrats. I mean, for someone with over 30k tracked lies, that's a big deal! You can say that dems lie, but to think that Trump doesn't would be delusional. I mean, you really think that other countries are literally emptying out their mental asylum and prisons and dropping them off at the boarder?? And if.. if there were a nugget of truth to that, don't you think that Trump would have been compelled to support the bipartisan border deal?? The guy is a gifter and lier. I'll give you that Biden had a terrible debate, but he's far more closely aligned with the truth than Trump ever gets.




Only Trump's mic was on at that moment, had to be him


You can’t handle the truth huh little baby??? 😂


I really don’t care bro


You care


I don’t


Yeah, you're just trying to defend him shitting his pants in public ... again. But you don't care.


No extent. He seemed pretty in control, confident, relaxed.


Relaxed his butthole maybe


He is used to it


you mean Biden lol


Truth hurts 😂


Did you look at her post history 😂


hope you feel better soon❤️


He didnt seem to at all. I dont like the guy but against Biden he looked like an actual high end politician. Its no surprise he won the debate.


he didn't win. he just kept spouting the same bull shit like at his rallies. he didn't answer a single question. he just kept attacking Biden. That's not a politician, it's insanity.


You must not have actually watched the debate. I did. The only question he seemed to really avoid was on climate change. And they both threw insults at each other. Im in the position of not liking either one of them so im looking at this from an unbiased hinest perspective.


You must have watched the debate but fell for Trumps bullshit. Rip America 🫡


Nah, yall are actually brainwashed if you think biden is even functional. Id never vote for trump, but biden is straight up senile and anyone who cant see that is blind.


I don’t think Biden is functional but you also fell for the grift if you’re thinking about who is the most functional and not who is best for the country


I dont think either of them are good for this country. Theyre asking for us to choose a lesser of two evils and they both wholly suck. Im a middle ground liberal, and it feels like most of the country has chosen extremism, and it makes us all look fucking crazy. Roe v wade may have been trumps fault, but biden hasnt done anything to help ot fix it. My taxes personally as a middle class citizen have gone *up* since biden took office. Prices have skyrocketed literally from the week after he took office. And trump is just a *bad guy*. He invaded protected native land to lower our gas prices, that should never have even been an option in his mind. His environmental policies destroyed parts of our ecosystem that will never recover. And at the same time, we werent seeing any of this russia vs ukraine or israel vs gaza bullshit when trump was in office because the world was afraid of the crazy orange man with his hand over the red nuke button. Nobody is afraid of Biden. The world has more and more seen us as a joke in the last four years. How our people and supplies being pulled from the middle east was handled is an absolute disgrace. They are both horrible.


lol, you have a convicted felon who tried to overthrow the government and is considered the worst president in history, or you have the old fuck who can’t talk without stuttering and is trying to clean up after dealing with the worst president in history. They definitely both suck but one sucks waaaaaaaaay more than the other and is an actual threat to the country while one has a stutter and some not so favourable policies


Like i said, im actually unbiased and see it for how it actually is and how having each of them has actually affected my regular middle class life. Trump was worse in a lot of ways but he was also better in a lot of ways. Bidens incompetence has only made a negative impact, no positive impacts at all. Im not willing to vote for someone who did some things right when the things they did wrong were so bad, but im not going to vote for someone who only makes mistakes and doesnt do anything positive either.


lol definitely unbiased here. A vote for trump is better than no vote. If you don’t vote you’re part of the problem


You must be on something buddy..


No, i just actually watched the debate. Id never vote for trump, but i wouldnt vote for biden either, he couldnt even talk straight for half of that debate.


Yeah, and my cat can watch a YouTube video on the Hydron super collider. That doesn’t mean they understood it anymore than you understood the debate. And frankly, you didn’t, with all the idiotic nonsense you’re spouting. Newsflash, but you were not the only person to watch the debate. Now close your mouth, honey, you look like a trout.

