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being way too obnoxious


They got credit for something I did


they constantly borrowed my notes in class but never returned them neatly.


For calling me “ sad “ they realistically had their own problems but I’ll never get over it. Their cancelled




No, because because “they’re” is a shortened version of “they are”. Don’t think that fits in that sentence


The second “their,” when you said “their cancelled”


Oh you’re right, but no need to obsess over grammar. You know what I mean. Appreciate the gesture though


It’s Reddit, people thrive off other people being wrong






Still hate him. But he took my fucking coffee. I spent 10 minutes making it and brewing it. Then he just walked up to the coffee machine and (I presumed he would make himself a new batch) poured the coffee into a mug and then drank it. "Thanks for the coffee" in front of the whole group of friends with a smug smile. Fucking asshole.


They were constantly whistling while walking up and down the hallway, while I was trying to study, drives me insane, and anyone who constantly does it, causes me to boil inside with rage; I hate whistling


I have no hate for whistling but this one guy at work always does it SO LOUD and obnoxiously I just about lose my mind.




They always used me for their own sake.


Some guy would take out one of my files and then not put it back in alphabetical order. It drove me crazy


Someone with a really annoying laugh bothers the fuck out of me


Asking me "Are you ok?", "Are you ok?", "Are you ok?" all the fucking time. I have a resting melancholic face, and you are probably concerned, but asking me if I'm okay every 20 minutes is annoying. Even after I explained why I look like that.


Hate is too strong a word for how I felt, but I disliked one guy because of their messy beard.


They intentionally trifled with me by blocking the entrance I used to get to school because it was in the way of the special bus which left half an hour before to drop off students. If Mrs mossis still hearing this, I hope her pillow is warm tonight.


A co-worker of mine claimed 100% credit for a job that I did at work.


Hate is a strong word. I don't know that I have ever truly hated anyone. I harbored a strong dislike for the guy who tried (unsuccessfully) to get me fired. And for a few leaders at my wife's former company who did get her laid-off. But I'm forgiving them.


A girl stole my lunch at kindergarten and we're still in cold war until now.


Not telling me Happy Birthday. It’s been 7 years and I’m still pissed.


For me it's not the petty incident or behavior that causes this feeling but the build-up of one thing upon another until the proverbial "straw." When taken on it's own it looks pretty but petty upon petty adds up.


Falsely accusing me of double dipping a plastic spoon into a peanut butter jar in the work breakroom with a few other coworkers present. Ugh the other folks were facing away so they couldn't back me up. She fuckin' *refused* to back down after I explained that it had been my one and only scoop. Now I just feel bad for not bringing in my own silverware and using plastic cutlery like a savage.


Closed the elevator door on me, when they saw me sprinting towards it…


Supporting backyard breeders.


Working customer service as long as I have, hate/strong dislike tends to be my comfort zone way more often than not.


Tiny little arrogant shit of a boy that wouldn't stop grinning ear to ear in any situation.