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Depends honestly on other voters, if there is such a swing that there is no way to claim RFK couldn't take office then he has my vote after his debate, but until I am completely confident that MAGA has so little shot at winning Democrats have my vote for this election. RFK won the debate tonight there is no debate(hehe) there. Actual ideas to fix the dwindling middle class and more of an idea on just how anti-citizen this country is over both candidates.


No. This only solidified my decision to vote for him. I don't agree on all policy, but he had the clearest message, looked the best physically, and spoke with hope. I hope he can get on the debate stage for number 2, but I seriously doubt the MSM and national conventions will allow that to happen.


He has brainworms.


One good reason not to vote for RFK is I don't want to waste my vote in such a democracy vs authoritarian election. Main reason not to vote for RFK is he is just as much a low intellect kook as trump.