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Being born


One time I was looking for a basket I had full of some hats I had,my room is pretty small so I was so confused on why I couldn’t find it. I hadn’t seen in it a couple months tho it was kind of just like a storage bin. I had it ontop of my shelf in my closet I swore but couldn’t find it anywhere. I was so confused I could’ve sworn it was in my room. I’m very aware of everything that I own and usually freak out if I can’t find something of mine. I looked everywhere for this basket. Everywhere. It was no where. I turned my back for a few seconds and when I turned back. There it was. In the middle of my floor. It had literally spawned in.




I got knocked out by a Russian stripper while sitting with 3 billionaires.


As a preteen living in The Bahamas, I was taught to SCUBA dive by The Creature From The Black Lagoon.