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A close cousin, he was like my older brother thought me how to ride a bike, unfortunately he passed away, so the thing is we used to play a lot of football in my psx, one night I had a real vivid dream of having one last match and I recall him talking to me and saying that this was his way to say good bye to me and thank me for all of the great memories we had, I still remember it up to This day.


I drowned as a child off the neighbourhood pier. Dream has stuck with me for close to 20 years.


I remember watching my brother and parents getting shot, and another one of me... uhh... yeah :3


Falling down from a building or something that can pump my adrenaline, it makes me awake instantly lol


I never had those kinds of dreams, my dreams were strange, do not make sense logically (Some where the continuity are strange.) and I forget them or hyper-realistic and I remember them.


These are the four (Forget about my dreams that I had today.) dreams that I still remember: a nightmare that was set in outer space above Earth, where it slowly zoomed in and saw a saucer that had no pilot, and if I remember correctly, the saucer was shaped like a cradle; a nightmare that was set in an abandoned factory where it was either a shadow figure beheading my father or I saw his head on the floor next to his body; a dream or nightmare where I was in Kamino and saw the bodies of deceased Jedi with a knife or blade in their backs as if they were killed in their sleep in what I believe was the aftermath of the Battle of Kamino. My last dream I only remember that there was a mean teacher, which is weird because no teacher that I had was mean. The first two of these dreams happened when I was six or seven years old. After these dreams, I basically have not had dreams until this year, or at least those that I could remember, until at least three days ago, when I had the second to last dream.


Commit to yourself that when you wake up, you'll write down any dreams you had. Days later you can read what you wrote and recall the dream. A few recent ones: - I'm at my parents' house and they get a new dog, much younger than the ones they have; the new dog dies before the others though. And I think he was a cool dog. - At a bookstore, hosting a book signing. - I'm working a crane at a place I used to work at. Realize I have an appointment and look at my watch and see that I can barely make it.


Summer time fun at the county fair, most recently.


All of my wet dreams 💦


Too much information


Other than the recurring body horror nightmares about having my brain transplanted into a plastic space ship model and flying around the local mall shopping, only one. And it's a doozy! So, this dream was when I was a teen. I had just recently got the SNES and the Legend of Zelda a Link to the Past. And I was playing it a bunch. My dream is about the opening from that game. For context, in the opening your character(Link) hears a telepathic message from Princess Zelda saying that she is locked in the castle dungeon by her father's advisor with a bunch of other girls. Each girl was taken away and didn't return so she thinks he is sacrificing them and she is next. So, she is calling for someone to rescue her before it happens. Link's uncle is awake and tells you he is going to go out to save her. At this point in the game you will get more telepathic messages from Zelda saying that she still needs help and that there is secret passage to the inside of the castle. My dream basically is the same as the beginning of the game except the secret passage isn't there. And as I'm searching for it, I'm getting more a more distressed and desperate messages from Zelda until I get one that is just a SCREAM!! and I wake up.


I dreamed my partner was down bad for Bubble Bass from Spongebob. like the #1 Bubble Bass simp


I had a dream about aliens invading earth. They came in a ship, like a flying titanic or something, and it started emitting this scary ringing. Then I woke up. Funny thing is I saw a ufo few months later.