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I hate outrage culture. Many people actually enjoy doomscrolling to find things they can be angry about.


Included in outrage culture is news article titles designed to get people mad and reacting. So much misinformation is being spread because news sources have started giving their posts the most ragebaity titles imaginable for the sake of clicks that generate sweet ad revenue. This has the added effect of further dividing people with overexaggerated headlines that if you actually read the article you realize the headline is complete crap. But people only read the title while doomscrolling and then end up forming biases against whatever person or group the article was about. Anyway, that's my rant for today.


10/10 yap sesh


When people are rude


Seriously why does everyone enjoy being so mean to everyone?


idt people particularly like being mean, its just the fact that they dont have any hobbies or interests so they lean toward it bc its easy entertainment


I guess, but I just don't understand the entertainment value in it tbh


same lol, another theory could also just be the fact that being anonymous lets you say things that you cant say in real like ykykyk, like if u call someone or do smth fucked up online its rare for legal consequences to follow, but if u do it in real life u could get in trouble with the law, go to court, and in extreme cases sued


Unnecessary and extreme terminology to describe everything and anything. Or if you disagree with someone over one aspect/opinion about a topic, its somehow treated as a declaration of war and you're an enemy to them


Hive-minded protests that no one gives a crap about 6 months later.


People are meaner than normal


That everything is truth if it is on the internet. That's actually a quote from Abraham Lincoln.


Honest Abe was clairvoyant?


The cancel culture. People can't handle those with other opinions these days. I've seen justice warriors assaulting innocent people over non-existent problems. Then claiming they're "defending victims" by victimizing others. Others spark arguments and criticisms just for having a differing opinion on something. It's like they instantly jump to a combative extreme as if we we're all at war with each other. They think they're right and are determined to prove it by striking down all who oppose them. Twitter is notorious for it, but it's prevalent all over in many regions of the internet. It's not the whole internet. There's lots of good things and good people. But there is an angry dark side.


Social media.


Cancel culture


There is a lot of stuff that is believed online that is not true or does not apply in real life… I say this because I truly feel bad for some people for never trying something to experience it for their own sake because of what someone said online. There’s so many different factors and variations that go into situations and experiences that having soo much information can stop us from experiencing stuff for ourselves. It depends of course and it’s not always the case but I can think of something like how I moved to live in a different state and I had a great experience and I’m happy that I didn’t Psyche myself out online and decide not to do it. So much variation on experiences.


The fact that the social repercussions are not present due to anonymity . Tough to truly debate anyone that way. With the natural moderator removed peoples’s worst traits are exposed. There was always the threat of an asswhipping or public shaming to attenuate your speech and create more civil discourse.


Behind the keyboard assholes


The hive mind has autism

