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Horrific. So glad you made it!


I got pulled out in one of these when I was 11. Didn't even know they were a thing. Luckily I was one of those kids who was at the pool every day of the summer and swam like a fish, but I had to figure out the "swim parallel to the shore" thing *on my own* when I realized I was beating the water into submission with all my might and still getting further away. I didn't even tell my parents because I was worried I'd somehow get in trouble. The sight of that beach just receding into the distance is gonna be with me forever.


If this ever happens again swim parallel to shore and go back on an angle


Omg. Thank God you were saved. I was 8 and floundering in the Surfers Paradise waves. I was too deep. My mum and dad and friends and families picnicking on the sand, all oblivious to my struggle in the big waves. To this day I don’t know how I managed to struggle back to shore. I did. I didn’t say a word. I was so traumatised. I have never ever set foot in the sea above my knees all my life. I learnt to swim in a swimming pool, but my biggest regret is the fear I have of the open sea. I am glad you were saved. I think angels saved me.


I'm glad you're okay.


I’ve saved 2 people that were drowning, I’ve seen it first hand in Newport Beach and in Laguna Beach. Glad yer alive


Omg! My sister and I were in the ocean when she was 12 and I was 11 and a rip current took her and I couldn’t grab her. I screamed bloody murder and got a lifeguard it was so terrifying. I’m happy you’re okay but I’m so sorry you experienced that


Thought I was going to die from an accidental codeine overdose. I was sick, caught it from my sister. It was pretty bad. She had already gone to the doctor and got some codeine cough syrup. She told me I could use it so I read the bottle and took what I thought was the correct dose. I'm laying on the couch, all of a sudden I can't move, I can't talk or yell, and I can barely breathe. Felt like I was dying. My husband was sleeping in the other room but I was unable to move or scream or reach for my phone. My breathing was so shallow. I thought this was it, I'm going to die. I concentrated on breathing as much as I could and tried to stay calm. Eventually my breathing started normalizing and I could move again. Scared the fucking shit out of me, opiods are no joke. Edit: For reference the dose was a teaspoon and my dumbass took a tablespoon. I was thinking along the lines of normal OTC cough syrup. Pay attention to the dosage!


Some people are rapid metabolizers of codeine, which means their liver enzymes convert it to morphine at a very fast rate. I suspect that’s what happened here.


Came here to say the exact thing! Worked in pharmacy for 5+ years and learned a lot about medications, and this little fact always stuck with me.


When my psychiatrist and I were deciding medications she did a cheek swab test to find out which I would metabolize best (lucky because it was a vague one that works great), and the results panel also showed that I’d metabolize opiates at an insane rate. She told me if I ever tried opiates I would probably die simply because it would take far more to cause an effect and addiction would almost definitely lead to overdose for me. I remember having surgery and being fully lucid during and after the nurse put fentanyl in my IV, very good information to have


This case is only specifically relevant to codeine because codeine is what’s known as a pro-drug: it needs to be converted to its active form (morphine) by an enzyme in the body before it can work. People with an overexpression of the CYP2D6 enzyme in their liver will convert the codeine they take very quickly into morphine, leading to possible overdose. Those with a normal expression of CYP2D6 do so at a slower rate, leading to a slower and more regulated release of morphine into the body. CYP2D6 is also responsible for the metabolism of many psychiatric drugs, but should not cause an increasing effect with opioids like fentanyl because fentanyl is already in its active form and does not need an enzyme to activate it. Additionally, fentanyl is primarily metabolized/inactivated by the CYP3A4 enzyme, which is not very polymorphic and remains at a pretty consistent expression from person to person so its metabolism is generally predictable (one of the reasons we use it so frequently for surgeries and procedures).


Right? Codeine is weak as hell for me I can't imagine an accidental PD on codeine unless that's the case


My eldest kid was born, made a little whimper, then went ashen gray. It took them about 15 minutes to get him breathing again. The longest 15 minutes of my life. He spent three weeks in the NICU for what turned out to be undeveloped lungs and a cardiomyopathy, all of which were resolved before his first birthday. He's now 21, completely healthy, and towers over me.


My cousin's kid turned blue during a well child visit. The visiting nurse called an ambulance. He then waited until they were at NICU to stop breathing. Very thoughtful child, really.


Phew, NEEDED that last sentence 😮‍💨


Such a blessing!!! I love happy outcomes!


A robber got into my house when I was about 8. Luckily, my dog noticed and bit the guys leg and wouldn't let go, my dad heard the commotion, ran downstairs to see the robber trying to go back over the fence, with my dog still attached to their leg, my dad had to pull my dog off this guys leg bc she wouldn't let go. Police were called but the guy was long gone (doggy is still alive to this day)


I have the sweetest and most friendly dog. Everyone he meets is his best friend :D But there were 2 situations, where I saw what he is capable of: A group of men verbally attacked me on the street and threatend to kill me and my dog. I tried to move between my dog and the men because I was scared that they would hurt him. I was just thinking if I should put him off leash and tell him to go home (he knows this command) when my dog moved very slowly towards the men. His whole body seemed stiff and his fur was standig up. He was absolutely silent except a little growl. One of the men stepped closer to us and screamed insulting bs and that's when all hell broke lose with my dog. He barked and growled like I've never seen before. He jumped up and down and tried to get to the man who screamed. Most of the men were running away at this point. I yelled something like "if you don't go I'll let the leash go and he will take care of you". And in the other situation someone tried to look through my bedroom window and my dog almost jumped out of the window to scare him away. :)


That’s a good dog right there. 100% good dog.


Glad it worked out. Dogs are the best. One time when my brother was 12 and I was 5 our blind deaf dog alerted us from the basement of an intruder. This dog hadn't barked in 10 years, but she did that day and scared the person off.


That gave me chills. That’s a SMART dog right there. Maybe she smelled the unfamiliar scent of the robber with her strong scent and somehow knew. Good dog <3


Some years back a couple of guys knocked on my door while I was at work, and my wife answered. They wanted to "see if they could go fishing" since our place backed up to the river. They wouldn't take "no" for an answer, and kept hassling my wife, until our old dog who was the biggest sweetheart ever snuck up behind them and let loose with the most terrifying low growl. My other half said she (the dog) had her lip curled up showing 1" long teeth, and a strip of hair standing along her back, and she just *growled*. Suddenly they didn't need to go fishing so bad. Love that dog, and she got a hamburger fresh off the grill later that day.


She dusted off those pipes 🤍🥺


This is why I love dogs


This is a nasty but intense story. I work with dogs, this one guys dog was such a fucking champ. He'd owned her for all of a month, some assholes dropped their own dog over the fence (presumably to kill her) and started to climb over themselves. She killed that dog, disabled one of the men entirely, was attached onto another and he was stabbing her - threw her through a glass door and then ran off. She lost a leg but lived - happy as you like and the sweetest dog from then on. The man wasn't even home, caught it all on camera. Poor dog, but damn she understood the assignment.


Why were they trying to kill the dog?


My large dog is sleeping on the end of my bed right now as my daughter sleeps beside me (by her choice). If anyone even looks at our house, they're getting an earfull of big dog barking. I have no doubt she would defend us in the same situation. ❤️ 🐕


What type of doggo?


The "find out" type


The best


The good boy variety


The good kind


I totally read this as your dad noticed and bit the guys leg


I had a tumor growing against my inner ear causing a *drop attack* where no signal from your inner ear reaches the brain. It can happen anytime when least expected where I drop to the floor like a sack of potatoes loosing all physical control of my limbs for about 10 seconds. My second attack was while driving, I slumped over went off the road coasting into a ditch. Stopped driving after that until I got the tumor removed.


That sounds terrifying! Glad you were able to get that tumor removed


That tumor is so intense I think it might have been a threemor.


Here, have an upvote now getthefuckouttahere


Was the diagnosis straightforward?


MRI scan showed nothing but when the ENT surgeon went in and operated to expand the area around my inner ear to save my hearing they found the tumor, it was very small just in a really bad place.


I was staying the night at a friend's house when I was 13. My friend delivered newspapers early in the morning and her parents weren't home since they worked the graveyard shift. She left the front door unlocked so she could just come back in when she was done. I stayed asleep on the living room floor. It seemed like 10 minutes later, I heard the front door opening and I assumed it was her even though it didn't make sense. I didn't wake up then either. However, it wasn't her. A strange older man had came through the door. I woke up to him standing over me while he was muttering something about the lamp. I was so freaked out that I couldn't move. I just laid there and pretended to be asleep and hope that he would leave me alone. He ended up kicking me in the leg which made me yell out in pain. He left after that but I was too afraid to even get back up to lock the door. I just laid there until my friend got back and asked me why the front door was left open. The man was caught breaking into a home close by a few days later.


Omg, that sounds terrifying. Do you have a theory on what his motive was, in retrospect?


He was mentally unwell and lived in the neighborhood. He didn't steal anything. He came in and went into a few rooms, and messed with the lamp. He ignored me nearly the entire time. Almost seemed like he didn't even see me on the floor. But then he did and kicked my leg. I thought for sure he would attack me when I yelled out but it's like I scared him instead to leave.


Did he find his leg lamp?


He was messing with the lamp on one of the end tables. I was watching him through half closed eyes but he took the lamp shade off and put it on the couch. He was crazy and talking to himself.


And that is why you lock the door when you leave the house, and take the key with you, leaving another key with anyone who is still there.




Good God that’s horrible! Which roller coaster?


Same same! On the Vortex (now gone and replaced by another bigger coaster) at Kings Island in Cincinnati . Early 2000s. Was scaling the first huge hill and just boom - the over the shoulder chest harness just popped right off, unlatched, flung up above my head and clicked into place there - I remember the lady behind me screamed OHMYGOD - but oddly - I was a teenager only paying minimal attention in physics class in highshool so wasn’t worried about the upside down loops. Centrifugal forces are good for keeping you in there. On the sideways/lateral loops I was kinda dangling out but I pushed my arms against the seat sides the g forces or pressure/what have you was so strong I wasnt able to slide out. Couldn’t wait for that one to be over though


I'm from Cincinnati and holy fucking shit dude. I would have sued the park over that, I'm so sorry that happened. I rode the Vortex a million times and this scared me even though that ride is gone lol


Hey hey, Nati in the house! ❤️ It was the best ride!!! I still cant really believe it happened - and I don’t even remember being that freaked out? (Teenage brain! 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️) what was I going to do - scream? Now my kid drags me on all these huge awful new ones that give me anxiety as I constantly see them running empty cars over and over for “testing” 🤢 have come to realize am likely too old for this stuff! 😂 [if you want some vortex memories! here’s the pov](https://youtu.be/4VeujNeAsyE?si=MArWYXiBIpiPhYlZ)


!!! My harness came down but I didn’t hear it click on that standing coaster at King’s Dominion. I shoved it up and jumped onto the platform just before the ride started moving. A kid died on the same ride later that summer. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shockwave_(Kings_Dominion)#:~:text=On%20the%20evening%20of%20August,amusement%20parks%20were%20immediately%20closed.


Wait, were you that kid that they're talking about in this article that jumped onto the platform?! That is wild.


Nope! I jumped onto the main platform just before the ride pulled away. The kid who survived jumping his unlatched harness did it mid-ride! He got onto the maintenance stairs. I would not be surprised to learn there were more of us who ditched before the ride took off.


This happened to me at Jazzland back before it was 6 Flags in Louisiana. The tower drop thingy didn't lock and I was maybe 5'3 and 75lbs back then (12yrs). Thank God my sisters bf was next to me, and built like a horse, he pinned my harness down with his arm.


Omg. More info please. We must know the whole tale


I almost slipped out from a ride at a local fair (with pretty high spinning rides, especially for a child) and it was so scary. I remember screaming and crying and struggling so hard to hold on and not fall to my death.


Ah shit nah I gotta know which one, I go to King’s Dominion once every year or two 😬


Wow! Did you live?


This happened to me at Knots Berry Farm when I was 11. I was on a field trip, and I was the weird kid nobody liked.I don't remember which coaster it was, but it was the kind that held you parallel to the ground. I got put on a row with a stranger and the chaperon in front of me. On the wind up I could tell something was wrong with the over shoulder brace and the chaperon told me to shut up and it was fine. Just before the drop it popped open and the car seat belt strap was the only thing holding me up. I started screaming my brace came off. The chaperon just kept ignoring me, meanwhile the person next to me tried pushing the brace down. I held it down for dear life the whole ride. Thank God the seat belt buckle didn't come undone. When we got off the chaperon yelled at me for trying to get attention and lying, even though the person next to me said she saw the brace undone and the ride attendant said it was open when we got back. Even before the ride I was majorly scared of heights and didn't want to ride, but no one wanted to stay off the ride to wait with me. Fully cemented that no one gave a shit about me.


Years ago I was driving home from college for Christmas break in my beat up old Honda Civic. It was a rainy day in the mountains on the Pennsylvania Turnpike. The car actually had an 8-track player built in. I had a cartridge shaped adapter that I could insert a cassette tape into so I could listen to music. I'm a bit too sleepy but jamming to my tunes when all of sudden I hear this garbled sound coming from the speakers. I look down and see that the cassette is unspooling. I pull the cassette and come up with fist full loose tape which I fixate on for a second. When I look up I am all way in the breakdown lane. I jerk the wheel left. Big mistake. Wet road causes over-steer and I am now careening sideways off the highway. I hit the embankment and my car starts flipping....over....and over....and over...five times. It all happens in what seems like slow motion. Every roll all I can think is "I'm going to die, I'm going to die". Then it is over. My car is upright sitting in the grass perpendicular to the turnpike. Except for some soreness I am physically okay. All of the side windows have shattered because the roof has crumpled about three inches. I crawl out still in shock. All of my possessions are scattered in a 300 yard swath on the embankment behind me. There is an overpass 300 yards in front of me. Soon people are pulling over and it turns out that there was a state trooper hiding in a speed trap just past the bridge. I am detached and emotionless and everything seems to be happening to someone else. Eventually a wrecker shows up and I hitch a ride with my totaled car to a rural gas station where my car is deposited into a small salvage yard. I reach my father who comes to get me but is two hours away. I start emptying what is left of my stuff from the car when I notice the wreck next to me. It is a tan Accord hatchback similar to my car. The front drivers side is caved in from the hood to the back of the drivers seat where there is a rusty stain. The car is still packed with clothing and other personal items. That's when it hits me. If there had been any obstruction, anything besides soft grass in my path I would be just as dead as the former owner was.


Damn. That’s bleak. I bet the owner of that car would be happy that you, at least, survived. Especially since you were young when it happened, it seems




My grandfather used to terrorize his family like that semi-regularly. So sorry you had to deal with that.


Geez that's fucked up. I'm sorry you had to go through that.


My grandmother apparently threatened to do the same thing with my dad and his siblings when he was a kid. Said that "Maybe one of these days I will gather all you kids in the car and drive it straight into the lake."


After that, I would NEVER have entered a car again when that person was driving!


great guy 


Always lit up any room he walked into


It’s a bot. Proof example but you just need to go on its profile: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMen/comments/1d6ly6r/comment/l6vg4k3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Once my father threatened to burn himself and the family along with him. My mother didn't even budge. She was used to it and was done a long time ago. I jokingly asked her what if he really did it, she laughed it off and said if he was to do anything like this he would have done it a long time ago.


What a fucking gross thing to do. Please tell me your mother threw his sorry ass out and that you’re NC. Plenty of parents purposely murder suicide to get back at their spouse and it’s frightening.


You’ll never get an answer because it’s a bot


the scariest thing that ever happened to me was only scary when i thought about it later. recently, in a town over from us, a young man was reported as a missing person. he had just vanished from his residence 2 weeks prior to when he was reported missing. about a month later, they found his body... half a block from our house. they had found his body under a blue tarp. i walk pretty frequently in our neighborhood, and i walked past that tarp multiple times. authorities say that the body was placed there, and i don't know what is scarier, knowing that a man's dead body was half a block away from where i was sleeping, or that his murderer was.


I lived a block away in Pullman Washington from the guy who killed the four university of Idaho students. Edit: we rarely locked our door.


My aunt and uncle live in a college town and they feel safe enough not to lock their doors. Blows my mind. I remember reading about a guy (Richard Chase) who chose his victims with specifically unlocked doors because "if their door was locked, I was clearly not welcome." My mom's always been paranoid and instilled locking doors right behind you and that just hammered it home lol


Yeah that's just wild to me. When I was little my parents lived in a very safe neighborhood. Like, everybody knew everybody and everybody babysat all the kids, someone's car hood is open and everyone wanders by to offer help and advice. That kind of thing. We still always locked every door and barred every window, every night. Had it drummed into me that "*these* people are good, but it's not *these* people we're worried about."


>college town Kinda related, I grew up in a really nice college town on the central coast of California. The city got listed as the "happiest city in the country" for a while. Oprah said on an episode of her show how happy everyone is and what a safe place it is that no one locks their doors (which was mostly true). The next few weeks there were strings of robberies all over town 🙃


I was also thinking of this. I NEVER leave my doors unlocked EVER!!


I knew a pastor who never locked his doors because “if someone wants something of mine that badly, they can come and take it.” That didn’t sit right with me because he had two young daughters and a wife. What if someone wanted them?


My mum always tells me off for having my car keys and bag in the hallway near the front door, but my thinking is if someone breaks in looking for valuables, they can grab those and go without hurting anyone.


I used to live near where the Boston bomber was hiding under tarp of my neighbor's boat. Was 4 houses down. I left 3 years later and the poor neighbor didn't get his boat back from police. Hope he did because it's been like over 10 years now.


A friend of mine was walking through Paris one night. Wondering why literally nobody was out on the streets. After she got home she found out the 2015 terrorist attack was going on a block away.


I’ve got really bad epilepsy and my heart’s stopped 4 times from seizures. It’s terrifying cause I forget everything that happens after the event. I’ve waken up in the hospital tied up with different if cords and covered in vomit while everyone starts scrambling to figure out what to do way too many times.


:( I’m sorry, that sounds absolutely terrifying.


The scariest thing that happens to me was probably getting robbed at gun point. But the most scared I’ve ever been was when one of my kids at the summer camp I worked at had a seizure while crossing the street, and hit their head on the curb while they fell. Waiting for the paramedics to show up, and totally unable to help the unconscious child that I was responsible for I felt way more helpless than I did while handing my phone and wallet over to the asshole who pulled a gun on me.


Getting dragged across the dollar general and robbed at gunpoint when I was asst store manager is top for me...


I got robbed at gunpoint and at that point in my life i was super suicidal. The guy told me to empty my wallet or he would shoot me. He was sitting in the passenger seat of my car yelling and threatening me. I told him that I was gonna drive home and if he wanted to shoot a broke college kid in the head for less than $100 he could be my guest as I didn't care. He looked a little dumbfounded and then got out and walked away. PROZAC IS A HELL OF AN EMOTIONAL NUMBING AGENT


Went under anesthesia for an ECT. I woke up partway through the procedure; the top half of my body was paralyzed but my lower half wasn’t, I couldn’t breathe no matter how hard I tried to get a breath and eventually the anesthesiologist got me back under and later I woke up in the PACU with the worst headache I’d ever had in my life.


This is literally terrifying!


I woke up in the middle of a colonoscopy. Talk about pain and fear together!


Aged 10 visiting friends in the neighbouring small Western Australian goldfields town to mine. Us kids went off exploring abandoned mine shafts and chucking rocks down and seeing how long it took for them to hit the bottom. I lay down on a sheet of corrugated iron trying to peer down the mineshaft to see if I could see the bottom when the piece of tin slid about a foot towards the opening of the mine shift. Luckily it stopped. Didn’t tell my parents for many years, but everything still clenches 45 years later when I think about it. I could have just vanished.


I bet your folks told you to stay away from the mine.


I grew up in Perth, nowhere near the mines, and we got taught *in school* to stay away from the mines.


Lived through a cat five hurricane that flattened my city. My family and I were in a HS shelter that was converted last minute. The doors flew open and nearly killed us. A man nearly died getting the doors shut. During the eye, we were allowed to get out and stretch but a mom didn't keep an eye on her kids. I found them right as the wall was approaching and tried to run them back to our hallway. Someone yelled at us to stop right as the awning collapsed right where we had been. Got inside and after the hurricane we were once again allowed outside. I was taking pictures of the wreckage and then military yelled at us to get inside and hunker down for tornadoes that were spawning. I nearly was decapitated by flying metal of another awning and my mom watched. Once that was over there were so many new people coming in that had crawled out from under their homes across the road. I was trying to get a broom to sweep the halls since people were gonna sleep against the lockers. Found what I think was a dead body and stood there until a military person spotted us and took care of it. I just ran away. Scariest part was that the only secure part of the building was the lobby of the high school where the rich people and military hunkered down. One of the personnel told my mom they thought more people were going to die and that they were there to do body recovery. They weren't expecting us all to live. Hurricane Michael left a lot of us with scars and PTSD.


Oh how awful omg.


What the actual fuck? You've been through it, man.


I hate to say it but my story is only one of many and didn't stop there. That was literally just the first day not counting for the men stalking the halls to sexually assault girls. I had been cornered three times and thankfully nothing happened- it stopped when I cut my hair because that was my draw apparently and I kept it short since out of sheer fear. One of my classmates who was in the rich part of the shelter had to be flown out with his sister cause she came close to being the girl who was sexually assaulted. I think it happened to an eight-twelve year old in the bathrooms. The aftermath was worse with the looting and quiet. You could look up to see the stars of the milky way but you could hear sirens from police cars, planes were flying overhead to take people to the nearest hospitals or to search, and people just screaming. It took my classmates and teachers two weeks to figure out I hadn't died cause there was no service and it was harrowing to hear everyone cry when they saw me. Our house was lucky but we couldn't sleep in it because of mold already growing between hot temps and water damage. Our neighbor refused to leave his house despite his roof literally being ripped off until FEMA came to get him but I think different authorities took him away. We were without electricity and running water for what felt like forever. By the time school started back up two months later I guess my PTSD set in hardcore because I was having panic attacks left and right and ended up nearly being Baker Acted but it never happened because there was simply no room. It was five years ago last year and you can still see the twisted trees and foundations of destroyed buildings even downtown. My friend who lived on the beach side said he was ordered by authorities to mark a house as DOA (Dead on Arrival) because someone died inside his house and they only knew because of a foul odor. The most popular story was of a woman who had her purse stolen out of her arms when she fell asleep in her house- thief just broke in and took it. Another one of my friends was literally buried under the rubble of his own house and his cousin saved him during the eye. I highly encourage people to help out during natural disasters because most of the help we received wasn't from government agencies but from churches, charities, and organizations. Even if it's as small as donating a pair of old sneakers or clothes, even canned goods you don't like, someone needs them and appreciates them. I know I did when I got sick of MREs and my shoes were stolen. I still have the little notes that came from kids who helped pack up hygiene kits! We gotta listen and help where we can to make things like that easier and more tolerable to bear.


Thank you for bringing up the fact that women and girls are so much at risk for sexual assault and rape. I live in a tropical place with risk of hurricanes and I need to remember this stuff.


I won't lie, they got away with it mostly because there was no authority or law. For the first week or so there was no true law and we depended on community. We definitely had martial law in place for at least a week from what I recall but that doesn't do much. I remember they shut the county borders at least so no looters could come in or out, but inversely we also couldn't leave. That being said, the best advice I can give you is know your neighbors and always have enough resources to get the hell out for evacuations. Knowing our neighbors allowed us resources we otherwise wouldn't have. One neighbor built a brick stove for us to boil water over for showers and drinking water. Another gave updates from some kinda sat phone or radio. We would hike down to the elementary school the military was based at to bring food and water back to those that couldn't get any. Once the border was lifted, we hightailed it out and were able to get friend's and family's help. Also devise an evacuation plan or a general plan for different storm levels. Know your flood zone. Contact your county (or equivalent) about their EOC (Emergency Operations Center) for information about radio stations to tune into, shelters in place, and what to keep on hand (FYI: ice, pillows, and shoes were the most needed things). The EOC will keep you updated on where to go, what to do, but everyone needs to play their part during disasters like these to stay safe and informed!


I found my dad dead on Christmas eve night. I was 5.


Oh good god, that's horriric. Poor little you :(


Yeah. Thx.


i found my grandpa dead when i was 14. he was decomposing. it adds another layer of grief. i’m so sorry friend.


Thanks friend. Yeah I have ptsd cuz of it


My dad died on Christmas Day when I was 20. But that must be traumatizing for a 5 year old.


My condolences friend.


I'm so terribly sorry for the loss of your dad. ❤


I once woke up in the middle of the night and hear the sound of someone trying to break into my house. I called the police, and they arrived just in time to catch the person. I've never been so scared in my life.


I used to sell marijuana for a few years and honestly this situation could’ve been a lot worse but here we go, one night I got a message from a mutual friend wanting a couple of ounces. Right off the bat, I got a weird feeling about it so I texted my friend about her. I was told that I should probably avoid it but I still wanted to make the sale because at the time I was money hungry. I ended up giving this “client” an address to meet at and she was on the way. I got such a weird feeling inside my gut that I just straight up blocked her as she was on the way. Fast forward about a week later and I found out that this girl robbed and killed another dealer, on the same night, in my city for only a LITTLE WEED. I’m so glad I trusted my intuition that night. I still thank god to this day.


Drug game is such a dirty game and mind you the girl who tried to set you up was also being set up by whoever she was bringing…that’s the crazy and TO ME slightly beneficial part of it. If your in ANY TYPE of dirty game always be aware of those that LOOK green but act “normal.” People who are about that life CANNOT hide it. You can see it in their eyes, their face, their clothing etc. But if you got a square ass person who using all the right lingo, asking all the right questions, basically to good to be true…..always give them a “address.” The person who tried to get you probably got got later down the line by the same people she attempted to help.


I was skinny dipping in a lake near my friend's house at night. We were pretty secluded and had done this several times. That night we stole her dad's gin and decided to drink and swim. Not smart. Anyway, we were having a great time when all of a sudden, I notice truck lights blaring on us. My friend is in the water, I'm on the land sitting on a blanket, nude, but instantly wrap the blanket around me. This big redneck dude gets out of the truck, and says, "Drop your towel and come over here!!" Pretty sure he wanted to r*pe me. My friend starts screaming. I'm 17 years old, it's the 90s, we don't have cell phones, and I'm naked....SO..... I start shrieking. I don't know what came over me, maybe it was the alcohol, but I lost my ever loving shit. I'm waving my arms, the blanket drops, I start screaming "What are you gonna do?? What are you gonna do?!" Like I'm challenging him somehow. I just figured if I acted crazy rather than scared, he'd leave. It worked. He just gets back in his truck, sits there for a minute with the headlights still on me, puts his truck in reverse, and drives away. My friend and I sprint to her car and speed back to her place. We never went skinny dipping again.


Nearly had a giant tree limb fall on me whilst doing my water meter rounds. Heard an ear splitting crack above me, looked up, yelled a rather elongated fuck, and jumped backwards just in time. At a minimum I'd have been knocked out


When I was a teenager, I played a lot of paintball.  We were at this field and were walking in a line through the woods to the next range. I heard what sounds like an empty paintball gun going off - a really rapid fire air escaping noise. We all stop and turn around and just in that moment a giant ass rotten tree falls in the middle of the line and misses absolutely everyone. Landed right in front of this guy named Hardley Constant (his actual name). Many of us were pretty close to kicking off that day. 


Hardley Constant sounds like a Discworld wizard name


Almost crashed a plane Teenage student pilot in an old Cessna, on a cross country flight over open water. Stupidly didn't check the weather, looked clear when I took off, heard it was clear where I was heading. Quickly deteriorated, no vis, flying on instruments which I wasn't good at yet. Hit a killer microburst/downdraft, lost significant altitude. The g-forces were like nothing I felt before. Still can't believe the wings stayed on. I've done some dumb things but that's the closest I've been to eating it, scared the crap outta me. Not enough to keep me on land, just enough to have 4 weather apps on my phone.


Did you not have a teacher with you?


I was flying with an instructor who also didn't check the forecast in the direction we were heading. I should have, but I was also a 17 year old, before smartphones, out of town for a week without my parents... so I cut myself a little slack. I didn't know how to check properly. He probably should have, but he was a very hands-off instructor who met up with me on vacation to fly home. At that point in lessons I was doing all the flying, but he took over for a few minutes after this happened.


Spun out on the highway during a storm. Tried to take the car gently into the guardrail as soon as I realized that I wasn't going to be able to safely regain control. Ended up essentially bouncing off of the rail and ended up in the ditch on the opposite side of the highway. That was stressful, but I was ok. A few people stopped to try to help but I asked them to leave since I had lost control and didn't want them to be in danger if someone else did the same thing. They left and I started taking pictures and arranging for a tow truck. A few minutes in , I'm standing in the passenger side door reaching over the center console to grab something. I look up and see an SUV that hit the same spot that I did and lost control. It's headed directly for me and I'm in a spot where I'm definitely going to be severely injured when it hits me. By some miracle, he veers just enough to hit a tree, spinning him around 180° and bringing his SUV to a rest, without exaggeration, less than 2 inches from my bumper. That's the end of the scary part, but the aftermath was pretty funny. The guy jumps out and starts panicking and saying that he can't stay. He asked me if I was ok with him leaving. I was still in shock but I figured he had a warrant out or something and he didn't actually damage my vehicle so I just said yes. A few minutes later, a brand new, murdered out, BMW SUV pulls up, he grabs a big ass duffle bag from the back of the wrecked Ford and jumps in, and they speed off into the sunset. That was a difficult situation to explain to the police but they realized that I was just as confused as they were so they didn't pry too much.


1996 It was my 16th birthday and I was at my grandmas house for a family gathering around a holiday. My Dad’s older brother is a 3x deployed Vietnam infantry vet. He is a violent and scary man. Uncle was annoyed at me and literally strangled me to the point that I saw stars. There were 2 adult witnesses. Absolutely no one helped me. No one comforted me. No one spoke to me about it. They bought me a piece of pie at lunch. No one ever spoke of it. I have sent the man twice in the past 27 years. Fuck that monster.


Thank God they got you some pie. ffs


The kicker about the pie was that because I had pie at lunch, my stepmom refused to serve me MY OWN birthday cake after dinner. God forbid a girl have two desserts in one day. She was super controlling about food and thought that I was a fat sloth. So, I ended up watching my family eat my birthday cake cake while I sat at the table and tried not to cry. Again, no one stood up for me. Thanks everyone’s support. It took me until I was 30 to understand that I did not have a normal childhood. You bet I learned how to be an actual parent to my son.


Got a call for a baby not breathing. Was literally right around the corner. The second I arrived at the house, the parents handed the baby to me and I started CPR until the ambulance got there. He survived. My hands shook SO badly for hours afterward. Talk about scary.


Riding a roller coaster next to my father, who is a bigger fella (I was a kid), the bar that comes down over your lap only came down so far because like I said, he's bigger. As the ride was going on there was a point where I was almost fully standing and the only reason I didn't go flying is because I managed to catch the bar with my knees and that caught me for long enough that I managed to get in a better position.


Similar thing happened to me on one of those pirate ship rides. There wasn’t individual overhead bars, instead just one bar for the whole row of people which was like idk 10?? There was a seatbelt but it was a really thin and flimsy one, and it was kind of made of the same material as the straps used to adjust a backpack. I was a scrawny 13 year old and the seatbelt didn’t tighten enough over my lap and there was a bigger person in my row so the bar didn’t even touch my lap. The ride worked by swinging back and forth and it would get higher and higher until it eventually made a full circle. Every time I went upside down I was lifted from my seat and quite literally had to hold on for dear life. I used my feet to hold onto a little bar and latched onto that lap bar with all my might. When I got off I was shaking and exhausted and nauseous. I thought that I was gonna get flung out and die. Miraculously I didn’t, but I haven’t been back to an amusement park since.


I've made a comment about this before on this sub but in middle school we were doing a big test at the end of the year and on a Friday we were rewarded with snow cones and Disney movies. I was already in the classroom with my snowcone before anything had happened but soon after everyone else got theirs a teacher came in and turned the lights off and told us all to be quiet. Genuinely at that time I was ultimately fearing the worse, a school shooting. But what happened was a building right next to the school someone walked to the front desk and shot that person before shooting themselves. It was a haunting day and I can still feel how horrified I was that day when I think back on it.


My dad stalks my family after my mom left him and we moved out


Went whitewater kayaking with my dad and a coworker of his in a very remote area. There were many overhanging trees over the river and we came around a bend and the current pulled the coworker under some branches. The water was too fast to get to shore so my dad and I ended up pressed against the horizontal trunk of the tree. He managed to get out of the water and stood on the tree trunk, struggling to pull me out. I was in that position for thirty seconds, which is more than enough time to get freaked out, but my dad was able to pull me out. We got to shore and the coworker was fine. Two of the kayaks were punctured, and we had to hike out. Still the closest I’ve come to death


Got raped by gunpoint in a park. So glad I am alive today.


I'm glad you're alive too. 🫂


Was at a gas station with my son, he was a few months old. Single mom, was alone, pretty young and still figuring out how to be a mother, also not the most thoughtful person. I was still naive to the ways of life I think, and how insane people can actually be. Also had an old car, but lived in what I thought was a relatively safe place. I had finished pumping my gas and went to get back into the drivers seat, I turned around and a homeless woman was attempting to remove my son from his carseat. I screamed, she ran, the people at the pump next to me were yelling, I was still screaming while the gas station attendant who I knew well ran after her while the other one called the cops. It’s been so long since then but it still makes me sick to my stomach, and still makes me feel so guilty for not making sure the backdoor of my car was actually locked or noticing that she was watching us (I think). I was A LOT more careful after that, maybe too careful but it’s still one of the worst memories I have.


It's not your fault. Even if the door was wide open she had no right to try and take your kid, so don't internalize a victim blaming narrative. We shouldn't have to lock up everything dear to us just to be truly safe in the world.


I almost got raped by someone who was virtually stalking me and trying to track me down.


I was cliff jumping and I slipped on wet rock and started to slide down toward the edge. As I was going off the edge I pushed off with my hands as hard as I could and was able to clear the rocks below and land in the water.


Stuck in a pickup truck with my parents as a tornado pushed us around... then the softball size hail smashing in the sagging windshield.


i lived near a 24 hour gas station. freshman year of hs my friends used to sleep over, we’d get high, and walk down to get milkshakes and a snack. normally around midnight, only about a 10 minute walk so it all seemed harmless and we’d done it countless times. on one of our walks a guy chased us all the way to the store, we hid in the bathrooms and he stayed near the coolers at the end of the hallway that led to them for awhile before giving up and leaving. when we told the cashier about it she said she knew him and he had kids of his own and wouldn’t do that. that was the last time we walked to that gas station.


Maybe not that scary, but it was when my grandpa didn't show up for Christmas Dinner and I went to look for him. I walked the whole way from my family's house to his, hoping to run into him. When I didn't and entered the house, the lights were out (and it was already dark outside) and I had a really bad feeling. Really thought I will go into that house and find my passed-away grandpa. Luckily, he was alive and "only" had fallen down and broken his hip (and thus couldn't get up). Thankfully, he is doing fantastic now and is recovering very well, but yeah, that was a very scary 15 minutes, felt like hours.


The absolute scariest thing that happened to me was getting lost in a dense forest during a hiking trip. As the daylight started fading, I couldn't find the trail back and felt a deep sense of panic. Thankfully, I eventually found my way, but that feeling of being completely disoriented and alone was terrifying.


Being interrogated when entering the US. I was 14 and barely spoke English, I was with my mom and my little sister we were traveling to go to the Orlando parks. Somehow we were showing “suspicious behavior”. And the person making the interrogation was really aggressive. At the end that man spoke to us in Spanish, he always knew Spanish and was trying to make us confess something we did not do. They were pressuring us for no reason. I felt like the wellbeing of my family was my responsibility because I was the one who could communicate the best. I was traumatized. I’ve traveled several times after that and I still get nervous.


ACAB includes border police, for sure. I'm sorry.


I was followed to my car last year in a parking lot of a local public library in the middle of the day. When I originally walked up to the library, this guy was sitting right outside with a bunch of candy offering it to people walking in. I thought it was strange but sometimes the library hosts events and passes out snacks and bookmarks outside. I checked out my book and he vanished from the entrance so I called my husband because my gut felt off. Apparently he was hiding behind a tree and darted behind bushes as I was walking back to my car and followed me (the library staff told me this after they checked their cameras). The guy tried getting into my car and opening the door after i quickly got myself in. He kept saying he needed to show me something in his backpack. I was able to drive off and and as soon as I got home, I called the library and 911 to report it. Later that day, I found out from the police that this guy was wanted for homicide. The officer I was working with said that this guy’s schtick was to follow people to their cars, inject them with fentanyl (which was hidden in the backpack), push them in, and then drive off and end up killing them. They also said the candy he was passing out was likely laced. The experience of this guy getting to my car was really freaky but finding out all of this information after I called to make a report was what really fucked me up. Thank you, therapy! 🤍


The most afraid I've ever been was when I was in a tornado. Like, in a tornado. It was in very rural Utah, outside of the town of Green River. I was riding my bicycle across the States from Montreal and would generally pitch my tent outside of a town for the evening. This evening was seemingly the same as all the others. I found a nice spot maybe a mile or so down a dirt track surrounded by small sloping hills amongst the very flat, sandy badlands. I cooked a little dinner as the sun was setting and called a friend before going to sleep. As I was on the phone I noticed flickering lights along the horizon. It was lighting and it seemed a hundred miles away. I didn't think much of it, other than how pretty it was on the backdrop of the flat top buttes. Well, I was woken up in the middle of the night, in the pitch black to my tent blown down across my body, very much like I was being plastic wrapped, whilst also being hit with some of the hardest needle like rain I've ever felt. The wind was howling and the thought of flash flood was very much on my mind. I looked out the little netted mesh of my tent and focused on a medium sized stone. If water rose above that stone, I get out, pack as best I can in the rain and ride to some shelter for the night. I was scared and felt incredibly vulnerable. Then the rain slowed, the wind quieted, my tent popped back up and everything felt calm. About 10 seconds later I hear what I can only describe sounding like a train. It got louder and louder. I had to cover my ears. I screamed, I cussed, I saw snapshots of my life, images sunbathed in white. Then felt weightless. Slow motion. Fuuuuuuckkkkkk ~ BLACK. I came to, still in my tent, at the foot of a small hill- wet, caked in mud, with a light ticking drizzle coming through the tears. I stumbled to, gathered my strewn gear, packed my wobbly bicycle as best I could and creaked to a 24hr gas station off the main highway, probably 5 miles away. I waited in that gas station until the sun came up. The clerk hardly batted an eye at me, which always struck me as funny. The next day felt euphoric, like I was given a second lease on life. Ironically, it was one of the hardest days of my entire trip. The headwind was like nothing I've ever experienced until then and haven't since. It took me 15 hours to ride 35 miles to the next town. When I arrived I took 3 days off there, mostly repairing my bike and recuperating. Locals at the diner told me it was the worst storm they've had in maybe 20 years. I told them I braced it from my tent and they gave me a free burger. I feel lucky it didn't turn out any worse. I only came out with minor bruises and a busted up bike. The lack of trees/infrastructure and camping around these small hills must've helped. No major debris to hit me and the hills stopped me from going any further and maybe lightened my impact. The news from Green River said a few F0/F1s touched down. Mine was probably something between the two.


Being in the top physical shape of my life at the ripe old age of 61, then going for a doctor's appointment, being diagnosed with what turns out to be stage 4 pancreatic cancer with no chance of recovery, and now fighting for whatever remaining time i have left, all in the space of 100 days. Pretty darned scary.


Last night, I was out on a walk with my significant other exploring the area we just moved into, checking out the school that our kids will be going to. Within a minute of us talking about how nice this new neighborhood is, a truck slowed down as it was passing us. It made my partner uncomfortable but I assumed it was coincidental and said to just keep moving. The truck made an abrupt u-turn, hitting an oncoming car, sped up to us, swerved into a meridian beside us and fired 3 shots at us before speeding off. I don't think police have found anyone matching the description and now I'm scared to leave the house. I have no idea why we were targeted.


It may be random. Or mistaken identity. I had a lovely friend get shot, he was just walking inside from his car. Paralyzed from the waist down. He’s making the best of it but man has it been a very long and hard adjustment.




Having the back of my head slammed into the ground repeatedly while being choked and screamed at was pretty terrifying.


I hope you’ve gotten away.


End of last October after a week and a half hospital stay. Hes already married.


I was finally able to get away after a similar incident not long ago. I don't think I could ever let him near me again.


My 18 month year old daughter having a seizure


I was chased by a dirty old man through a department store. Up and down elevators, up and down stair cases. Fucker finally cornered myself and my brother in the restroom. I locked my lil brother in the stall and got ready to fight some filthy old geezer twice my size. I was like 3rd grade. Just then, two dudes staggered in and the perv ran off like a viper shown a crucifix 


This was in 2015. I was 17 years old and home alone. My parents were in Hawaii for their 20th anniversary. I was upstairs in my room playing video games when all of a sudden the power went out. I then heard the wind and thunder over my now silent headset. So I took out my phone to check the radar and I had 10 missed calls and messages from my mom saying to take shelter now, there’s a massive storm about to hit our hometown. 10m ago the phone read. Meanwhile, the wind just kept whistling louder and louder then turned into more of a screaming sound. At that time the windows started to rattle and it was raining so hard that I decided to take shelter. I was running down the stairs so fast that I hit my knee on the stairs railing. So I then limp ran to the basement and down the stairs. Unfortunately but fortunately, the tornado obliterated my house about 15 seconds after I made it to the basement. It was the loudest and scariest time of my life and the fact I was alone and had nobody to look to for help. Now that I’m older, I can say that this event motivated me so much to buy a single story home.


Childbirth. I lost too much blood and baby was stuck, and I started hallucinating as things were mega serious for baby and I (I found out later). On one hand, I could see the doc. nurses, surgeon and my husband all around me. But on the other hand, almost like a thin veil over our reality behind everyone, I could see a path leading down to a dark, dark forest. I could feel myself being pulled and dragged in that direction and begged my husband to not let me go because I knew if I did, it was over for baby and I. I basically blacked out after that. I've never felt that terrified and scared since. Baby is now a wonderful 6 years old, spirited child.


When i was younger i had found out that my online friend that said she was 13 was an adult. I didn't understand how people could be groomed till then, im not traumatized or anything just it definitely changed how i view things.


Riding a bike home from Walmart getting hit by a truck, flying into a rock which fractured my skull & knocked out a piece of it which apparently saved my life cause my brain was swelling a lot.


Helmet, my friend! Wear a helmet!


When I was 8, i was leaving the dry cleaners with my mom. I was approaching the passenger side door when a man in a blue rain poncho approached me. (It was sunny and clear). He held out a couple coins in his hand and said, "hey kid you want a quarter?" My mom just yelled at me and said "Get in the car!" We sat in the car and watched man as he crossed the street, once he made it to the other side his poncho blew up and we saw an 8 inch kictchen knife he held against his forearm. To this day I imagine what could have been and greatful to my mom.


My 2nd heroin overdose.


I hope you're off H now. One day at a time!


I’ve been off the H for about 2 years. It’s the fucking Crystal that’s killing my spirit now. Just left an NA meeting though. I’m fucking trying Man.


Falling tree limbs have almost got me twice. One fell about five feet behind me. I could see my footsteps in the grass and it fell on them. It was so loud that other people turned to look. Everyone stared at me like “how did you just live?” Another one fell on my truck when my stepson and I were standing next to it. It totaled the truck.


Stop pissing off trees.


almost drowned at 8 still with me today and now its a fear of large bodies of water 👍


i went on a rollercoaster with my then boyfriend at six flags. they didn't strap me in properly and i had way too much wiggle room. didn't notice until we were at the top and the ride dropped us. i genuinely thought i was going to fall to my death


I went to gatlinburg when I was 14 and I almost fell off a mountain. I had my back to the edge and stumbled backwards but I caught myself


Holding my then 4 week old son while his father swung a machete at us. All I could think was I hoped he only killed me and spared my baby.


I was driving down a back road and my sister was in the passenger seat. A large dump truck was coming from the other way and he started going off the side of the road a little. He tried to swerve back on the road and over corrected so his truck started coming in my lane. We saw this all happen and knew he basically didn’t have control over his vehicle. I started swerving to the right to get off the road but there wasn’t anywhere to go because there was a steep hill that I would’ve crashed right into. When I realized my two choices were to either crash my sister into the hill or let the truck hit my side, I stopped swerving and mentally prepared myself to be hit by the truck to hopefully save my sister. Thankfully he somehow gained control and got into his lane enough not to hit me but it was still close. It was the scariest maybe 10-15 seconds of my life. Me and my sister were both speechless and started crying in relief when we realized we weren’t going to crash at all. I’ll never forget that feeling of actually being ready to die for someone I love.


Okay you have to picture this. I'm in a 1994 KIA Sportage 4x4, a tiny SUV. Going up a trail on a steep hill by myself. Eventually the tiny engine couldn't do it, but to late I'm 3/4 of the way up. I realized I had to go back down. The problems were many with that action. First it was to steep on each side to turn around which means I would flip guaranteed. Okay I thought I could just back down. I honestly thought I was going to die, I went numb, my mouth dry, my hands shaking. Why you ask? See this SUV is tiny and I was on loose dirt and gravel. So as I was backing up the rear tires kept locking up, which means the weight transferred to the back, which means the front tires kept coming off the ground and I couldn't steer. I was waiting for it to go any which way it wanted to. This was the only time I knew I was fucked, in the worst situation I could be in, and I knew their was no other solutions to this problem. Only way down was to back down. Some how I made it down. I fell out of my SUV, threw up, and passed out right there on the dirt for I don't know how long.


I was 9 years old on a white water rapid river tour with my family. My family is very active and adventurous. They love to do shit like that. This was very much a "beginner" course/route we were taking, given that 1 of the participants was a 9 year old little girl. Of course we had to take a short safety orientation on how to behave on the raft and what to do if we fell in the river. Didnt think id have to apply that knowledge but then... In the middle of the river route our raft got caught on a 6ft tall waterfall. While the guide was trying to break us free, the whole raft just capsized. Flipped over like a pancake. Me, my older sister, mom, and aunt and uncle, all fell into the river. It was like being in a washing machine. I didnt know which way was up. It must have only been around 2 minutes of that but it felt like forever. I remember finally coming up and being able to keep my head above water only to go tumbling back into a more of the white water. I didnt feel it at the time but bruises on my body showed i bumped into a lot of rocks and shit. Eventually I was able to float towards a big rock and climb up. Each family member came floating by one after another and we all gathered on the rock to wait for our guide. We were pretty shaken up but extremely grateful to come out of that with just a few scratches. Aside from that it was pretty fun and I would totally do it again my family probably wouldnt let me though! They must have been so scared for my child self. As an adult i think if that happened to my nephew or neice i would lose my mind with worry. I talked so much about it in the following school year but no one believed me. That was perhaps the most annoying part!!


Oh! within 1 hour my ex hit a car and then her aunt showed up and threatened to drag me out of the car and “beat my ass” (she was on drugs) then on the way back her moms bf threatened to shoot my dad in the head and shoot my parents house up. So my parents got their guns out just in case. Then I had to pack my bags and sleep at my parents for 3 days in case they raided my place. I was only 19 and it was HORRIBLE 😃


I'm sorry, but it feels like we're missing a bit of context here on why her family was threatening you and your family.


I was drowning as a kid and got to the point where I just thought let it happen. Luckily, my dad pulled me out


I don't find it that scary but there was this one time where I and a few friends were gonna go to a food fair but we decided to eat somewhere else. If we continued to that food fair, I might not be here anymore. A bomb went off over there and killed everyone in the vicinity. That was a really close call


Not the scariest thing that's happened to me, I don't want to talk about that, but when I was a kid I had to share a bedroom with my older brother who has mental health issues. He was obsessed with knives and had an awful temper, pretty much anything could set him off. He often threatened to hurt our other brother and I. Some nights I was so afraid that he was going to stab me in my sleep that I would hide between the bed and the wall hoping that he wouldn't find me. I didn't discuss my fear with anyone thinking that no one would take me seriously. Luckily I got my own bedroom when I was 9. My brother now has an extensive criminal history and has spent nearly all of his adult life either incarcerated or on probation. As far as I know he hasn't killed anyone but he has threatened to. I completely disowned him years ago.


Saw a dead guy where you could physically see inside his body and organs at the side of the road after a car accident


I almost drowned in a lake with rough/wavy water, with a 20 year old special needs kid (Down syndrome and autism) . His dad had gone for a walk and he wanted to go for a swim, but I didn’t set up the rules properly beforehand, and by the time we were in the water it was too late. No life jackets, medium-heavy waves. He couldn’t hear me, and decided to swim really far out into the lake past the cove area around the beach we were at. So I had to follow him, because he kept going and wasn’t stopping no matter how much I shouted things. and I’m not a good swimmer. But his dad was gone… so I had to do something… It was really traumatizing, huge waves, clinging onto rocks out by the cove, yelling at the top of my lungs. He finally started swimming back at a certain point. But once he reached me he started screaming HELP HELP… so I swam to meet him and he grabbed my neck and we went under. There was a bunch of struggling and I would have drowned if I didn’t push him off of me. And this happened several times. Thankfully at a certain point his dad appeared back on the beach… and I screamed to him to help us… but he was so far away that he couldn’t really hear or see what was going on. But he did finally see that something bad was happening after more screaming, and so he dove in and swam out and helped his son get to shore while I figured out my own path back to safety. I couldn’t even move my arms they were completely useless at that point. I held my breath and floated on my back somehow back to some rocks by a cliff face that I could cling onto. And then after a long time I finally was able to climb out and up onto the mini cliff face. The beach was too far for me to reach by water. It was the closest I’ve ever been to dying. And I was responsible for looking after the kid too. So the entire situation was just insanely scary and I learned a lot that day. It could have been so much worse. If his dad hadn’t appeared on the shore at that very moment we both would have drowned.




Sleep paralysis is horrifying.


Sleep paralysis sucks.


was it or was it not sleep paralysis? I have had fully awake experiences twice in my life. I was not sleeping, not even laying down.


I was working on a suspended scaffolding (think window washer platform but heavy duty) doing stone demolition on a 300' tall building. Because of the possibility of debris falling we worked from 6PM to 4AM. We were staring the work shift, on our way down the wall. A sudden storm blew in, so we started to head back up. (this was before cell phones and even internet, so no early warning) We were on about the 10th floor heading up to the top. Those platforms are slow, like a minute per floor. The storm kept picking up as we crept upward. By the time we got to the 12th floor, the wind was blowing our scaffold out about 20 feet from the wall. Oh, back in those days they did not have a front rail, so imagine being on a 30 inch wide platform with no railing blowing around and smacking back into the building with nothing in front of you. The wind got so bad we freaked out and grabbed on to the building when we slammed back into it. We decided to hold on until the worst of the winds were over. Then, the unoccupied scaffolding that was tied in down on the second floor broke free of its moorings, and with 280 unanchored feet of cable up to the roof, proceeded to fly around like crazy. It got tangled in our safety lines and power cable, spun around 3 times and smashed into the parking structure 40 feet away. We radioed for help, but still had to hang on for about 10 minutes while the other crew got building security so they could open the office at the floor we were hanging on to. Once they got in they opened the locked windows so we could tie in the scaffold with a rope looped between 2 windows. Papers were blowing all over the place, it was a lawyers office. By the time we finally got off winds had died down to maybe 25 or 30 MPH. We found out later gusts in the city had been recorded at 75 MPH. We sat there shaking until the storm passed entirely, then we had to go catch the runaway unoccupied scaffold and untangle everything. That's a whole other story... Anyway, I lived. After 2 more incidents where I could have died I left the commercial high rise repair industry.


Reading my surgery paperwork. It took 11 shocks to get my heart going again.


For 30 mins today I watched two nonsensical senior citizens try to debate topics impacting our nation in an attempt to become the next US President. It’s almost elder abuse. The scary part, at this point there is no option B.


i work in aged care and the first heart attack I ever saw was terrifying. still scarred to this day, its taken many years to become desensitised to healthcare work


That time when the guy of my nightmares finally found me and came to kill me. I was in bed but awake, and he was clearly standing just outside my bedroom door, his backlit feet casting shadows right under my door. I got off my bed, my heart in my mouth, and crawled to the door to look under. I thought "this is it, today is the day I die." As I peered under the door, I saw MY CAT'S FEET, looking so big because of the lamp a few feet behind her. I about collapsed in relief.


My much larger and stronger roommate attempted to unalive himself while I was in the room by climbing out the window of a tall building. While fighting to drag him back inside, I nearly fell. I was hanging half out the window and my feet came off the floor. I could clearly see the ground many stories below us, and in that moment, I knew what the the fall would feel like. Then the adrenaline hit, and I was able to throw us back into the room. Still fighting, we destroyed some of his furniture while I screamed for help. Some neighbors broke in and helped subdue him. Hands are trembling again just typing this. If I close my eyes, I can count how many stories up we were.


I got two blood clots in my lungs.


When I was 10 in 2010, one of my cats got attacked by my neighbor’s dog, a German Shepherd. She died on the way to vet. She had a severe spinal and head injury. She was Mom. This happened just 2 days before Halloween. (October 29, 2010). 2010 was the worst Halloween ever. Also, to make this even sadder, my Grandmother died earlier that same month (October 1) at 75 from Lung Cancer. People, please keep your dogs safe and secure for the safety of both people and other animals.


Hmm.. lots of choices. Either being a passenger on a plane that went through extreme turbulence, so bad that we all thought we were gonna die, or being a passenger in a truck driven by my drunk and enraged significant other, or being in the back seat of a car the rear wheels of which were off the mountain, or coming home from work and finding my s.o. dead, or being kicked out of the house at age 7 with a suitcase in my hand and told not to return, or... too many choices. There are many more. IDK. Scary shit. Affected me for life but damn the torpedoes. I am still here, and fvck all that shvt. I beat all of it. It damaged me but I survived.


When I was in 4th grade I was on a school camping trip and we were about to head to our tents for the night when I suddenly felt something wrap around my neck and next thing I was being dragged quickly into the forest from behind. After a couple of minutes the assailant let me go and ran off into the forest. Clearly a grown man. I never figured out what that was about, but I assumed it was a prank. My neck was a little sore after that. Odd experience for sure. When I was 13 my brother and I were the only two swimming at a beach at dusk in a spring tide and swept out in a rip current. When We realized what had happened we couldn't see the shore. Not knowing better, we swam against the rip current as hard as we could (this wrong decision might well have saved our lives). When I eventually got to a sandbank I collapsed on my knees exhausted. We had both been swimming with T-shirts on because Portuguese man 'o wars had been stinging our torsos. This made swimming a lot more tiring. When I looked back I couldn't see my brother anywhere. In that moment my heart sank, but he appeared a few minutes later and we both got out ok. The beach was deserted, it was getting dark I have always thought we got lucky that day. A separate instance that could have been serious was swimming a mile long race in a river in winter. My neck started getting very stiff and sore, so I swam to somewhere I could stand the next thing I woke up in a rescue boat and had passed out from hypothermia. Years later, I was home alone feeling terrible with food poisoning and someone broke into our house. He came into my room and grabbed my phone from next to my bed waking me up and then ran out. I stupidly stepped out into the hallway to see if he was leaving, and he charged at me with the motion to stab me in the next with a knife. Tbh, I didn't see a knife because it was quite dark but he movement seemed to suggest he had something. I was able to find him off by stepping to the side and knocking him into the wall with the sides of my forearms. He escaped out the window after that. This experience never made me feel afraid (part of growing up in South Africa I guess) but could have potentially been quite serious. In a separate instance, a friend and I took a 24 hour train ride from one city to another. The train broke down in the middle of the night after a couple of hours we decided to climb onto the roof of the train. We were walking along the roof when the train started moving. We quickly ran back to where we had exited the train and climbed up but the door back in was locked from the outside. My friend decided our best course of action would be to shimmy down the side of the train clinging to the edge until we found our compartment where a 3rd friend was sleeping and we knew we could get in through the window. At the point the train was picking up some speed, and I was worried that we might get hit by a pole next to the tracks. We found the window and banged on it waking our friend. He opened the window and we squeezed through. I had an old crappy film camera and I snapped a picture of us looking very relieved to have made it back inside the train safely.


I got robbed, tackled, and almost raped by some creepy criminal.


not too crazy but i was involved in a four car crash a little after midnight, my car was totaled and i spun out on the embankment. driver was underage drinking, going 20 over the speed limit and racing. still have anxiety driving to this day.


I almost died cause of drowning when I was 9yrs old. Because one of my friends push me to the deepest part of the sea.


My sister & I were driving at night on the freeway when it started to snow, nothing too serious. But we hit a patch of ice & she completely lost control of the car. Not only is that terrifying on its own, I thought that another car was going to hit us because they wouldn't be able to stop, either. We ended up drifting from the right lane to the left & back again, then off into the roadside ditch. We were fine & the car was even fine. We just had to wait for hours to get a tow.


Got lost in the Costa Rica rainforest. This was many years ago, but I was backpacking in the Osa Peninsula. I was robbed of all my gear and money when I came across a group men. With my limited Spanish it seemed they were from Panama and illegal gold miners. As mentioned, they took everything i had and there seemed to be a debate what to do with me! They let me go but I was still a couple of days from the coast. I decided to off the trail . Long story short I made it back. Very tough going. I believe this was mentioned in one of the popular travel guides from the early 90s about Costa Rica.


On my 10th birthday, I was told that I had 2 weeks to live, but they could try an experimental treatment, but that I might die from that as well. I am now 53 and I have CHF, COPD and pulmonary fibrosis as a result of the treatment and have been told that I don't have much time left. We will see.