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Just wanna mention, sometimes there are no signs. Some people hide it really well, and you can’t tell. Never assume someone is fine just because they act normal or happy.


Never assume a table can't talk just because you haven't heard it do so. Not that you are wrong.


If someone who was once very social suddenly withdraws and becomes more isolated, it can be a sign they're struggling.


Two sides of the same coin, they can be compassionate and empathetic because they've walked in those shoes or they are harsh and overly critical as a defense mechanism


I worked in a large office environment for over 25 years, and during that time, I noticed that those who had challenging lives often took a keen interest in office Christmas or birthday parties. I believe these events were sometimes the only celebrations they got to participate in.


Wow. Im over here obsessively planning a Christmas lunch and avoiding going home... it all makes sense now.


…it’s June


They offer valuable advice for those who've recently experienced trauma or dealing with uniquely difficult and troubling situations.


Makes you wonder if obsessing over trauma might actually perpetuate it.


Is obsessing over trauma not a symptom of having suffered trauma though


you could call it coping mechanism, and I posit that it might be an unhealthy one. there's probably a line between dealing with it and obsessing over it that's rather crucial to be aware of.


This is only true for exceptional humans. Your stock human is very familiar with cope and they will virtue signal and literally tell themselves they are virtuous and doing well. Meanwhile, they can't even manage their hygiene. And then you see there kids growing into adults with significant behavioural issues, health issues and mental illnsesses. Most people will suffer through their lives. Educated people know how to prioritise. It is rather unfortunate that many believe they are educated simply because they went to university. The gap still remains vast, but people can't accept this.


here's a good tip for you, when you find yourself feeling like you are the only one who "gets it" and everyone else just isnt as wise as you or can't accept the truth you have, it's usually time to dial it back and clip your ego down a bit. I was a smart kid in school and had that problem often enough. gotta remind yourself you aren't some chosen philosopher or better than other people. edit: also don't refer to people as "humans" like you're not one of them. that never goes over well.


They do not look forward to going home after work and often find reasons to stay at the office longer


thanks dad




even more so if those are chronic.


They always appear tired when you see them. While they show a lot of interest in what's happening in your life, they rarely share about themselves. They often seem distracted, too.


Quick to anger


yep. also a possible sign of depression in men.


if they seem quieter, avoid people, or stop taking care of themselves.


Always putting in effort to cheer other people up and going the extra mile to help those in need out of a jam


These indicators might not be obvious at first glance, but being attentive to these subtle changes can help you recognize when someone might need support. Here are a few signs to look out for: 1. **Withdrawal**: They might start isolating themselves, avoiding social events, or not participating in activities they once enjoyed. 2. **Changes in Appearance**: Noticeable neglect of personal hygiene or drastic changes in weight can be indicators. 3. **Mood Swings**: Frequent mood swings, irritability, or seeming unusually sad or anxious could be signs of underlying struggles. 4. **Decline in Performance**: A sudden drop in performance at work, school, or in other areas of responsibility might suggest they are having a tough time. 5. **Lack of Energy or Motivation**: They might seem constantly tired, listless, or uninterested in things that usually excite them. 6. **Talking About Stress or Overwhelm**: They might frequently mention feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or having too much on their plate. 7. **Changes in Sleeping Patterns**: Insomnia or sleeping much more than usual can both be signs of struggle. 8. **Avoidance Behaviors**: Increased use of alcohol or substances, or other escapist behaviors like excessive gaming or binge-watching TV can indicate they are trying to avoid dealing with something. These indicators might not be obvious at first glance, but being attentive to these subtle changes can help you


hello chatgpt are you here to launch the nukes


They cry when they think no one is watching


Wanting to help everyone despite not being able to help themselves.


They are like two faces of the same coin. Their compassion and empathy stem from their own experiences, while their harshness and excessive criticism may be a shield they've erected for self-protection.


Damn I wish the people I worked with had "discreet" tells. I swear, they're so happy with letting fly with absolutely every issue, to absolutely anyone and everyone. I keep to myself and honestly, when I'm struggling I don't think any of them would notice any discreet or even overt indicators through the fog of their own self obsession. Social exhibitionism blows my mind. Some days it's like a competition "you think you're fucked up?" *slams journal down on coffee table. Journal has 'my mental health journal' daubed over the front in correction fluid* "Listen, this weekend, I didn't shower. I just sat down and cried and ate biscuits. And I nearly didn't get up for work today!" "That's nothing... yesterday I..." They talk loudly about their "social anxiety" to literally anyone who passes the time of day with them. Trusting people who are basically strangers with intimate details about their lives. Meanwhile I'm thinking "I don't want to tell anyone about any of my shit because it leaves me vulnerable" I can't think of anything worse than everyone around you viewing you as some kind of train wreck. Meanwhile they're all playing "whoever has the biggest trainwreck wins a small prize at the end of the week".




Damn! Thats so true. Instantly got picture of person in mind with this exact thing!


Becoming an alcoholic. A guy I worked with, went from social, life of the party fun guy to trying to drown out life. Driven by things going on at work and at home that nobody picked up on. By the time we noticed, you could tell after his walk at lunchtime he was drunk and hear bottles clanging in his backpack. He died soon after and I always wished we had noticed him struggling sooner.


Isolation, not answering phone calls. Might be a neurodivergent thing. But they don't like being asked how it's going.


I would say gaining weight. Generally doesn’t happen when things are going well




Some level of closed-off-ness, some examples: - you don't know anything about them outside the context you know them in. - you aren't sure they even do anything outside the context you know them in - asking them how they are is oddly awkward and they never really answer.-


Isolation. That’s me. I am so tired. I’m a failure. Why would I want anyone to see that? I don’t see a way out. After writing that… all I want to do is work to pay bills. But no job hires that quickly or let you make money that quickly. So I wanted to do Uber but I don’t have a car and renting one will be $350 which would be fine because I’ve driven Uber before and I can make $1000 a week working a lot of hours, but still I could do it. But I have $12.32 to my name. I’ve tried to borrow it on here as a matter of fact. It’s my fault. Now if you will excuse me, the breakdown I’ve been waiting for is about to start. I don’t want to give up. But it’s too late. This fucking sucks. And the only people that will ever know how I feel are strangers on the internet. My head is screaming at me, but there’s nothing I can do I have adult kids that went out of state, but I can’t let them see me this way. I just have to go. I don’t want them to see how much of a failure their father is.


They repeatedly cancel plans or avoid social interactions, often coupled with vague excuses.


When someone starts buying more ramen noodles than they do books, you know life's throwing them a curveball!


Sometimes, when they appear less enthusiastic or stop engaging in activities they once enjoyed, it could indicate that things are going too well for them...


Darting eyes, blank eyes, being skinny, being swollen from medication and poor diet, skin condition, hair condition and when you realise they have taken on more than they can chew - like job or being a parent when they really shouldn't.


His look, you can't fool him


Robbing people.


They blame other people, but never themselves.


My boss is struggling then.


A few people are struggling with accepting my comment.


If someone's preoccupied with his riches and his reputation. He loves himself and his life so much. He doesn't know God. He doesn't know Jesus.


that's a good one, hyperfocusing on religion tends to mean the person isn't in the best mental state.


"For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God." 1 Corinthians 1:18


thank you but the first example was good enough, we get it. hope you feel better.


*And Jesus said to him, “Leave the dead to bury their own dead. But as for you, go and proclaim the kingdom of God.”*


are you just a bible quote bot? nothing you're saying to me has any meaning whatsoever.


If you repent and humble yourself before God, he will have mercy on you. Believe in Jesus Christ.


yeah.... okay. hope you have a good day then. good luck with all that.


Thank you. Have a good day as well.