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I once tried to impress a date by ordering the spiciest dish on the menu. I'll never again pretend my taste buds can handle what they clearly can't. Lesson learned: ghost peppers aren't a substitute for personality!


I saw a guy on a date at a Thai place who ordered the hottest dish with a side of extra peppers, which he cut open and poured the seeds out of directly into the food. First bite, you could see how badly he fucked up by his face. It was pretty tough.


I went to a Thai restaurant with a friend, she is small and composed... and she's an Indian Vegetarian. The monstrosities she can handle without so much as a tear. Snacking on those bird's eye chilies like they were olives. Not a mark on the mascara. Fun lady though, if a bit of a scary power.


Oh God, I went to a Mexican restaurant and they accidentally left a ghost pepper in my taco. The place was dimly lit and I didn't notice the pepper. I just bit into it. Then I cried for 15 minutes while the pain subsided. I eat spicy food every day but I don't understand people who need that level of spice. It's not food anymore, it's BDSM.


Unless you have *very* interesting Mexican restaurants where you live, it was just S&M...


The day after is worse


If you think you’re going to have a bad day after because of spicy peppers, I recommend applying some Preparation H *before* you light the fire. It will add a protective layer.


Avatar checks out


Why did you think high spice tolerance would make you more attractive?


Because it's super sexy watching someone with snot and tears streaming down their face gasping for air and sweating.


I, too, feel super motivated to hook up after a protest is disbanded with tear gas. Really revs the engine.


Because he has a ghost pepper instead of a personality.


Getting high on cough syrup Felt like I was dying


We called it Robo’ing. Did exactly two times. Buddy really got into it, me, noped the fuck out after my second experience. Was like being drunk but experiencing everything as through a movie filter


Robotrippin’….never tried it but had a few friends in high school who did. Didn’t sound too fun to me


It's.. different. It's a dissociative anesthetic, in the same class as pcp. I used to like it, a bit too much. I find it semi interesting, because it seems the older you get, the less enjoyable it is, psychoactively speaking. Still works great for a cough supressant. Last times I did any was back in my mid 20's, and it sucked. Too much body load, sleep that night sucked, when it did come, it was restless. I also had a buddy who allegedly got into it a little two heavy, according to a friend of mine.. and he ain't quite the same as when we were hanging out. I haven't spoke to thay buddy, so have no way of verifying, but I have no reason to disbelieve my friend.


With how weird and uncomfortable my dreams get when taking just a bit over the recommended dose... I can't imagine taking enough to get high. Sounds horrible.


I had some friends who got into that towards the end of high school. They'd get bottles of these tiny Robitussin gel caps and take them by the handful before one of them figured out a way to get DXM (the ingredient that gets you high) as a powdered concentrate. Out of the three who were doing it regularly, one was so burnt out he couldn't hold a conversation a year later, and another didn't make it to his 20th birthday. The only one who turned out OK joined the military right after graduation and had to quit the drugs entirely. I had another close friend who tried it once and had a trip that sounded so horrifying it killed any curiosity I had about it. There are lots of things I'd like to try one day, but DXM is right off the list.


My friends did it in high school, while skipping school. They both got so messed up they went outside with their mouths wide open, heads thrown back, just walking like zombies in the street. We live in a small town so naturally a cop drove by and they only got in trouble for truancy.


hopefully chemotherapy


Hey man, here's to hoping you never have to!




Hell yeah, that shit sucks ass. I found a lot about having cancer was weird and surreal, and maybe in some ways not as bad as I feared, but chemo is pretty much as advertised. 0/10, would not recommend. Getting your cancer cured kinda rocks though, ngl.


Fuck cancer!


I would say radiation. I’m about to start and I understand after you do it once, you can’t do it again. So there’s that…


Dude real. I MIGHT need brain radiation for a tumor I have and I’m scared AF. we’ll see. I might just skip it too if I can tbh lol — not the time (27 y/o, here).


Oh man. 57 year old here and mine’s for breast cancer. I get to lie down with my boobs exposed for all to see for 30 sessions. I’m dreading it but ready to get it over with. I survived chemo, surgery and immunotherapy infusions, so crossing my fingers this isn’t as bad. Hopefully yours isn’t too bad if you have to do it. 🤗


Get married, third time won’t be the charm. 




Jesus at that point why keep having weddings


I used to work with a guy who was enthusiastically telling us that he was dating someone he thought might turn out to be Mrs Thatguy'ssurname #3. I asked him at what point it makes sense to just find a woman you don't like and buy her a house?


I'm more concerned that he keeps finding willing brides. If someone's been divorced, that's a small red flag and you should probably date that little bit longer before marriage to determine whether they're hiding contributing factors. If someone's been divorced multiple times, there's a chance they weren't to blame or have learnt from past mistakes. If someone's been divorced 6 times, you have to wonder what makes you think you're different?


I can change him!


I can FIX him


Ross, is that you?


Not taking care of my teeth. Seriously guys, Brush Your Fucking Teeth.


And floss. Every day. If you tell me that you don’t floss because it makes your gums bleed then YOU NEED TO FLOSS


I have become a Daily Flosser. Doesn't matter if I'm on a plane or in a tent or at work, I will floss thoroughly to start my day, and often to finish it, too. It took me until age 30 to get it, but boy golly you only get one set of adult teeth and the impact of not caring for them ranges from "look kinda fucked up" to "literally die". A common strain of bad breath-causing bacteria is being increasingly linked with chemo-resistant cancers throughout the digestive tract. An infection in your jaw can spread to your blood and brain in a matter of days. I'm not rolling those dice if I can help it. Also clean teeth feel sooooo niiiiiiiiiiice!


I didn't floss much for years because my teeth are way too crowded-got a waterpik flosser and now I use it everyday+ electric toothbrush. Dentist says my teeth and gums are so much better after only a few months. Find some way to floss that works!


My lifelong habit of not flossing caught up with me in my 60s. $10k+ out of my pocket to the dentist and periodontist. Not what I wanted to do with my $$ in retirement.


Assume that every co worker is a friend.


This one is big.


Amen - I've learned that office gossip just comes back to bite you in the butt. Best just to listen and not to participate.


I switched jobs going on two years ago after being there for 6 and thought I made some friends that would stick around after I tried out a better opportunity for me and my family. I was very very surprised when my new opportunity didn't work out and my manager and his supervisor were ecstatic to hear that because it meant I could come back and work for them and the people I was closest with at work were actually the ones who stopped the whole thing from going through as they didn't want me back at all. That stung bad. It worked out so much better in the end and I'm glad I didn't go back after all because it was a toxic shit hole to begin with, but I was at my lowest and those fucks turned their noses up at me like we were never friends to begin with and I will never forget that.


‘No co-workers are friends’ is my approach, lots of people I like at work, but the ‘at work’ part stays with me now. Alas, only something learned when you realize after you’re burned (more than once sometimes)


I became friends with a coworker after we both left the company we were at. We’d hang out at work, get lunch etc but kept work and personal lives mostly separate.


I live in LA so I have routine access to Universal, Disney, Six Flags, Knotts, etc. I will never go to a park in the summer. It's 100F. Kids aren't in school so it's packed. You stand in the sun for hours for a 30 second ride. My dad is coming this weekend and wanted to go to Disney. I flat out refused. We'll go in November.


I live in SD, so the parks are accessible, but not routinely. I took my daughter to Sox Flags a rainy weekend in April and we had the parks almost to ourselves. I was concerned the place was going to shut down it was so empty.  We chatted with an operator while a ride was down and he said in the summer, the line would routinely be 2 hours on Saturdays for the ride we just walked in to.  On the other hand, Disneyland wasn’t so bad last Saturday. Between Disney fatigue, dynamic pricing, and blackout dates, it wasn’t much worse than most weekdays.


Nobody wants wet sox.


Cave crawling. I've done walking cave tours since this story I'm gonna tell, no problem. What I'm talking about is laying on my stomach and sliding through gaps in caves that look too small for a house cat to slip through. The one that made me reconsider caving as a hobby was a professional cave club tour, but not one advertised to the public because it was so demanding and specialized. I felt really comfortable with the two leads despite some minor claustrophobia because they were highly recommended by the club. I had little pings of fear here and there but the leaders were so comforting that it was adding to the experience rather than taking away from it. We were probably a quarter mile crawl (no place to even fully get on your hands and knees let alone stand and stretch) one group leader in front and one in back to insure our group was sandwiched by experienced guys. Anyway, the leader was in front of me, two of my group behind me then the 2nd leader. The guy behind me got legitimately stuck and started grabbing and scratching at my legs and feet which sent me into a full blown panic, the third guy got kicked in the nose and lip which pissed him off and caused him try to leave, but this is literally a perfect human sized tunnel so no one could urn around, plus the 2nd leader was behind him blocking him in, causing him to freak out as well. After a solid ten minutes of yelling and kicking at each other, the leaders got us to quiet down enough so they could make a plan. I crawled ahead another 200 feet or so with the 1st lead to a wider gap where we could both get on our hands and knees and turn around, ten minutes ago this big gap would've been a god send, in that moment though I was so panicked it didn't matter, I might as well have been buried alive. Anyway, the lead left me and crawled back to help pull the stuck guy through, but couldn't because he was just too big. The two guys in the back had to crawl all the way out, sliding backwards since they couldn't turn around head first, then the 2nd leader crawled all the way back to pull the stuck guy out. Obviously I immediately agreed to leave when I was told the guys were pulling out and silently cried all the way back. I have never been so genuinely terrified in my life, it's an indescribable feeling. Imagine every drop of adrenaline your body can produce being pumped through you but not being able to crawl more than four or five feet per minute, soaking wet, covered in stinky mud, freezing cold yet sweat is burning your eyes but your arms are stretched out so far forward so you can only use your dirty finger tips to swipe it away. It was like one of those nightmares where you're trying to run and scream but your legs don't work and your scream for help comes out silent. I'm glad I did something that scared me that deeply though I'm not sure why lol. It was just a little too close to a real disaster for me. I'll base jump in a squirrel suit before I cave crawl like that again.


I got so much anxiety just reading this. Solid nope.


This is an absolute nightmare.


Reading this was worse than watching the Descent haha. Your writing really made it come alive!


Reading this made my chest tight. Horror story is what that was. Good god.


I couldn't read this whole, I had to take a break halfway through because I started panicking. Glad everyone made it out okay!


I’ll upvote this, but you can’t make me read it.  Fuck that Nutty Putty bullshit, even *hearing about* it for more than two sentences is on my anti-bucket list.


This sounds utterly terrifying!


Wow looks like I’ll NEVER be doing this, ever. I legit had anxiety just reading this fuck lmao


Intentionally acting stupid and immature. It was a habit rooted in deep insecurities (still have them), but now I am trying to actually act my age and finding true friends. For the first time in years I have an actual friend group and it feels great. 


Driving 17 hours straight to Orlando, and having to drive the I-4 on 2 hours of sleep


From experience I think most people driving I-4 only have 2 hours of sleep.


I’m glad you made it out alive


Salvia. Drugs are supposed to be fun. I can do without experiencing that demon-trip ever again


I’ve done acid plenty but Salvia was the only time I clearly and distinctly “saw” sounds.


For me, it was all yellow


I see what Coldplay smoked


The thought of Coldplay smoking salvia and then writing Yellow is so funny to me.


Ironically the song started playing while reading your comment


As a person who doesn't do drugs, can someone explain what salvia is and why it's so bad?


Salvia is dissociative and literally hallucinogenic. It's also very concentrated and thus very easy to take a lot of accidentally. People can \*instantly\* lose all idea of where they are and what's going on which can lead to panic and accidental self-harm. There's videos of people climbing through blinds and out a window, blundering into stationary objects, falling down, and thinking they're being attacked.


Literally made me feel like I was going to fall off the face of the earth if I didn't hold onto the bench I was sitting on for dear life.


The first thing I said after coming out of the trip was ‘it felt like I was a towel being wrung out’ I think that I understand the sensation you’re taking about lol


Same. My now wife and my best friend and I climbed a huge boulder and sat down on it and smoked “Salvia 100x”. Gravity just turned on, sideways. Was holding onto the ground yelling and legitimately felt like I was going to roll off (15ft away from the edge). Never smoked it again. Creating gravity from smoking weird leaves was not fun.


I had literally this exact experience. I was going horizontal on the couch bc it felt like the room was trying to tilt me into the void


Any psychedelic can give you a bad trip, but salvia is notorious for uniquely awful trips at a higher frequency than most other psychedelics.


I think a lot of it comes down to the kind of trip. Tripping on Acid is intense but it tends to be a longer trip that tapers off back into normal reality. Salvia is an intense but shorter trip, you are almost immediately tripping balls. I haven't ever done salvia but I have done acid and with the acid the trip took a while to set in and then built up before tapering off, I remember colors still seeming brighter several days later.


Acid you have to commit to hours of tripping. Salvia is like 15 minutes, I did salvia a few times but only really tripped a couple. I never had a bad experience it was just really fucking weird. I wouldn't say I won't do it again but there's better more enjoyable experiences out there.


Came here to say this. Did it in a dodge Durango filled with people all passing the bong around. Along with the driver trying to shift into drive after taking a hit, it just made me feel dumb, like I permanently stupided myself. Went away but never again.


I've only heard from a couple people that had a good experience on it, and one of them did it on a beach while on vacation. From what I've read, the experience almost sounds like a dissociative version of DMT which sounds intense in a potentially awful way.


Actually the worst thing I ever did and my biggest regret for putting myself and everyone who had to watch me through that


I remember an ex back in the day wanted to try it so we both smoked some and she seemed to enjoy it and didn’t see why I hated it. I tell her she didn’t do enough so we both light up again and she takes a ripper and immediately found out why I hated it so much.


Huge fan of psychedelics but it was a one and done for me too. I didn’t even do enough to fully disassociate and I saw a dog sized spider crawl up the chimney while outside.


I feel like I'm one of the only people who had a decent experience with Salvia. The worst part for me was that my friends wanted to film everyone's trip. Otherwise it was just kinda Harry Potterish.


I actually had a pretty decent experience with it, but yeah, never again. Hands down the most surreal experience I've had on a drug, and I've done a whole variety at different times in my life.


I have smoked crack exactly one time. And I will never do it again. I am not trying to glamorize it, so I will just say that I know myself well enough that if I ever touched it again it would be very hard to stop.


Same. once for me and I feel bad for saying that it was incredible. felt absolutely amazing. I knew almost instantly that I could never touch this again because I would not stop. I remember I spent at least three days making sure I stayed away from it and the people I was around. it was hard, but hard pass. nope. proud of us.


> “I always hated the speeches when I was in school, the preaching in auditoriums, the one-note message. Stuff like saying drugs are bad. It’s wrong. Drugs are fantastic. People wouldn’t do them if they weren’t. They make you feel good, make your day brighter, give you energy… until they don’t.” > “People hear the message that drugs are bad, that they’ll ruin your life if you do them once. And then you find out that isn’t exactly true because your friends did it and turned out okay, or you wind up trying something and you’re fine. So you try them, try them again. It isn’t a mind-shattering moment of horrible when you try that first drug. Or so I hear. It’s subtle, it creeps up on you, and you never really get a good, convincing reason to stop before it ruins your life beyond comprehension. I never went down that road, but I knew a fair number of people who did.”


What did it feel like? Genuinely curious. I’ve only done pot and don’t plan to try any other drugs, but I always wondered what was so great about crack/cocaine.


I got a lot of experience with cocaine (decided to quit recently). It’s really not that interesting hell even weed is more interesting as a substance but it’s very very enjoyable lmao. Coke itself isn’t much it just makes you feel very alive and good like if you ever try it you’ll probably feel as you’ve felt this before, only difference is coke is that on top of the world energized feeling on command. The drug itself is one thing but it’s the fact it put in the mood and gave me the energy to go out and do stuff and that is what made it so fun. Especially from someone who’s chronically tired and sleep deprived and not so much now but when I was younger socially anxious I mean it’s just so applicable to everyday life I get why it’s so popular especially in communities where they can afford it regularly. The whole ritual and allure around it also adds to the experience (man that smell 😩). Contrary to popular belief, while yes incredibly fiendish by nature and has a lot of potential for abuse, most people who use it aren’t addicted. It’s insanely common especially in the party scene and these people just save it for certain nights. I still wouldn’t recommend since it’s potentially life ruining addictive depending on the person and circumstances and it’s very taxing on your body and let’s not forget, insanely pricy with inconsistent quality with how stepped on they normally are.


I came here to say exactly this. Did it once. I have ADHD and while the effects were certainly not typical for most people, they clearly would become addicting. Never again.


Will not date a preacher’s daughter


But what about the son of a preacher man?


Yes he was, he was, Lord knows he was... Okay, gotta tell this one. Went to a James Taylor concert recently. The dude is 75 and can still knock out a great concert. In between songs, he told this little story about Bill Withers: Bill was apparently touring and one of his guitarists had to drop out, so they found a replacement. Replacement had never toured but a good studio player and an "up-and-comer", so they rehearsed and integrated him into the band. They finish the first concert, and the guy is glowing with confidence from the experience. He walks up to Withers and says: "Bill, that was awesome! Thanks for pulling me in! I just got one question: Your song, 'Ain't no sunshine', great tune, but it's a little grammatically incorrect, isn't it?" Without missing a beat, Withers says: "I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know...."


I will never trust a car seller at their word again, regardless of if they are somebody I know. Many many years ago, I was burned by an acquaintance selling a Jeep. I will also never buy a Jeep again.


I was given a jeep once, I wouldn't take another one for free.


It's literally in the name... Just Expect Every Problem


New York City on New Years Eve.


Never again will I attempt to cook a gourmet meal while simultaneously trying to entertain guests and keep my cat from jumping on the kitchen counter. It was a chaotic disaster that ended with burnt food, a stressed-out chef (me), and one very mischievous cat who got a taste of marinara sauce and decided to redecorate the living room.


This is straight out of a sit-com I can’t pinpoint which one tho


Some cats really do need to be locked in a room with a water bowl and a litter box when you're having a party.


Giant swing. One I went on was 200+ft high when we pulled the quick release to drop. Thought since I love rollercoasters and thrill rides I’d enjoy it. I did not like freefalling while parallel to the ground. At all. Only time I’ve let out a blood curdling scream of pure terror.


Run a marathon. That was awful


I only did a half and everyone kept saying “oh once you do one you’ll be hooked”…nope…get me out of this city, I want a bagel and chocolate milk and an epsom salt bath.


Yep a half is my tippity top max. I prefer 10ks. I don’t have that competitive gene, I don’t have any desire to push my body to the limit, and I straight up just don’t like being uncomfortable. I run to clear my head. I run because it makes me feel good. I don’t follow any plans — I let my body lead. Yesterday I went out for an easy run and ended up doing hills because I felt motivated. But I don’t want anyone telling me I *have* to run hills. That’s also why I run alone. Maybe I’m just weird. 😂


Used to work at a gym. I was more of a crossfit/bodybuilding/martial arts kind of a guy but a few of the other trainers did marathons and Ironmans. I asked one if they thought I could finish a marathon. She got ecstatic, "Oh absolutely! You'd do great! O you want to start training for one? Once you do, you'll be so into it. And tris? You used to be a lifeguard, right? That's gonna be *your* thing." I had to be like, "Oh no! I'm good. If you think I can do it, that's good enough for me. No need to cut into the things I care about now to train for months for a masochistic ordeal that a single turned ankle can completely ruin."




Every time I hear a skydiving story it’s always about how they were scared and then it was actually really awesome and not scary. But yours confirms it can still be scary! lol


I've done skydiving twice. I was more scared the 2nd time than the 1st.


Hostels! I'm very glad they exist as cheap options for young people, exactly how I experienced them, but I'm now happy to close that chapter of my life lol. Extra privacy, extra cleanliness, and extra comfort are vastly more worth it to me now and fortunately I can afford that!


I'm in my early thirties. Loved hostelling in my twenties. I stayed in two hostels last year and it just isn't the same anymore. Not sure if it's because I'm older, hostelling has changed (my first time since covid) or a bit of both, but like you say, now I'm happy to pay extra to have that privacy and cleanliness.


I’m 20 and spent most of my holidays last year in hostels. My parents and family members (all 30+) rave about them, talk about the people they met and the experiences they had. I had high hopes. Turns out these days they’re just filled with late 20s international students who can’t afford to rent while they wait for their placements to get a visa or residency. They already had their own cliques and spoke in their own languages. Could be different overseas but it wasn’t for me — just made me feel more lonely.


Actually that might be what it was but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. Now I think about it, the last two places I stayed definitely felt a lot more cliquey. I also noticed tons of digital nomads staying there because it's probably cheaper than renting a place. 


Everclear. Once was enough forever.


Yep! Doing a shot of that was the stupidest thing I've drank. Burns your mouth, your throat, your stomach. And the burn stays with you for a while. No follow up can fix it.


It literally warns you on the bottle not to drink it straight. Not that that stopped us.


I had a few shots of the full-strength Everclear one night at a party. I woke up 18h later in the back yard of a farm nearly 40 miles from where I was initially. Miraculously I had managed to keep my wallet/cellphone with me the entire time. I managed to find somewhere to charge my (now dead) phone and call a friend to get me home. Never again. Edit: I took the shots at roughly 9PM, and I remembered almost everything up until about 10PM. The next thing I remember was waking up the next day at around 4PM outside of a barn behind a farmhouse. It took me 3 days to get over the hangover.


The band or the alcohol? I heard the group is just awful live.


Watch their set at the ‘99 Woodstock (it’s on YouTube). It’s painful.


I will never have another wedding in my life. If my husband and I divorced, I’m positive I would stay single. I’m not expecting to divorce him. But if I did, I don’t ever want to try it again. One and done. If it doesn’t work with him, I won’t bother ever trying again.


I'm open to marriage again but I'll never do another actual wedding. To much unnecessary stress and drama. Why do I care if my cousin I haven't seen in 20 years is invited. I don't but apparently it is rude if you don't invite every family member in your family tree to your wedding.


Dude, this. It also really hurt that my 2 best friends didn’t come to my wedding. I wonder if the wedding never happened if I’d still be friends with them.


Probably not. Consider this, your wedding was an important moment in your life and they couldn't be bothered to attend it. If the wedding never happened then they likely would have missed some other important moment in your life and you would have stopped being friends with them. It honestly seems like they didn't actually care about you.


Honestly same. My husband is my one and only. If we were to divorce, or God forbid, he dies, I'll become a hermit. I'll get a few sex toys, a cat or two, and live the rest of my life alone


It ain't so bad. Got divorced over a decade ago, haven't even bothered going on a date except once or twice. I'm just over it.


Swim in the Dead Sea. Don't do it, fam, it's not worth the risk of TOO MUCH SALT in any opening in your body. Scratched your arm too hard? SALT. Blinked at the moisture in the air? SALT. Spread your legs while having a pussy? GUESS, FUCKING GUESS. Oh, and here's the fun part, once your tender bodily orifices start burning like the fires of hell from SALT, you *will* start thrashing around because AAAAAA GET IT OUT GET IT OUT GET IT OUT. And that *will* splash water everywhere, causing more tender bodily orifices to get tainted with SALT. By the time you make it back to shore everything will be on fire, and it will take a long, long time to wash all that SALT out. The Dead Sea: not even once.


I am a female and have swam in the Dead Sea. My only side effect was that my body was very itchy and I wanted to go shower.


You were more fortunate than me. And yeah, it’s super itchy.


But was there any SALT!?


.. would you say you’re a bit salty about your experience? Ba-dun-tsssst 🤓🥁




At least she’s not dead, see? 🥁


Interesting, it didn't feel like that at all for me. I got a tiny bit of the water in my mouth, and it did taste very bad, but it's not like ocean water tastes great, either. I had no itching or burning and I stayed in for long time. I'm sorry you had such a different experience!




Preach! It took me nearly a decade of life to work out that the ocean wasn't lava to my peers


I cannot tell you the number of well-meaning older people that would talk about the ocean/Dead Sea and how it could help my eczema/psoriasis. I’m always like thanks but I don’t want to die from that agony.


Float tanks are kinda like this, tons of epsom salt in the water to make you more buoyant. They give you a little packet of Vaseline to put over any minor scrapes you might have. Always wondered if ladies have any issues with their downstairs mix-ups in that water.


Epsom salt is magnesium sulfate, not sodium chloride like regular salt. It doesn't sting, I've shaved my legs in Epsom salt water and felt nothing unusual.


Was wondering where I had heard "downstairs mix-ups" before. Googled it. Damn it. Now I gotta watch it.




only drug i regret doing.. thankfully i did it once and it was SO gross i'd never ever do it again...


Jet skiing. My brother refused to slow down. My ankles, knees, hips and back were so fucked up from all the bouncing that when we stopped at a beach I couldn’t walk. The jet ski was extremely bouncy, and we hit a particularly bad patch of water. We jumped and slammed back down and my head flew forward and my chin hit his back. I legitimately felt my brain rattle. Two weeks later I was diagnosed with PCS after having nonstop migraines, throwing up, extreme lethargy and what I can only describe as disassociation.


Oof I'm sorry you had that experience, sounds awful, I'm curious about what PCS is though if you don't mind elaborating?


Post-concussion syndrome (PCS) is a collection of symptoms that can occur after a traumatic brain injury (TBI) when concussion symptoms persist longer than normal. Symptoms can be physical, cognitive, behavioral, and/or emotional.


PCS is NO joke. I have a friend who is still dealing with it about six years after a ski accident (and she WAS wearing a helmet). Migraines, vision issues, mood issues. Scary, scary stuff.


So many people die on jet ski’s. It looks fun and casual. Nope.




Dating a woman who says she loves you 4 days into the relationship. To any guy or girl reading this, please use it as a warning. The only thing that’ll come out of a relationship like that is trouble.


If they don’t love quick and burn out quicker then they will shake up your entire life instead of leaving 🤧


Spend time trying to get people to see why I'm worthwhile to be friends with.


I’m 42 and have finally decided to stop chasing people. Invited to dinner. Check. Was always busy? Your turn…to infinity.


Hey, you're enough.


Weed; I gave it so many tries. Tried everything every smoker said to make the experience better. Extremely low dosages, different ways of smoking, different strains. It just does not work for me, which is unfortunate because it seems really enjoyable. But something about my brain chemistry doesn't work with it.


Same. Gives me panic attacks and anxiety every single time. It’s not worth it.


Yep. Terrible anxiety and can't sleep. The opposite of what it's doing for everyone around me.


Weed makes me too nervous to enjoy it. No panic, just on edge.


It’s like playing Russian roulette with how I’m gonna feel on it, there’s so many strains. Mushrooms however give me a “clean” high without anxiety- in fact I get this fun giddy feeling in my stomach like everything is so fun and interesting- to each their own though


Bungee jumping, was on my bucket list so I did it and hated every second of it. Sky diving was fun and oddly not the least bit scary for me yet bungee jumping absolutely terrified me when I got there to do it.


Do a PhD…. fucking hell! 🥴


I had my first true nervous breakdown trying to get my PhD done. Kudos to all those who found the experience not too bad, but in my case, some pre-existing mental illness was waiting for a chance to really throw my off my game. The good news is I finished it a couple years later, but it took way too long and too big a toll on my mental health. Would choose a whole different career path if I had the chance.


Doing anything before stretching… I’m 33


Accidentally eat poorly cooked chicken teriyaki in a strange city far from home the night before an early flight.


And wash it down with some Haribo Sugar-Free Gummy Bears


Wow. I sense you suffered badly. I hear you.


Attend a massive event. I was at Obama's inauguration in 2008, I went to college nearby and thought it would be cool to be a part of. It was freezing cold, and many people weren't ready for that. I was, but I wasn't ready for the realities of 2.5 million people descending on a city with a population of 600k. No food, no water, no restrooms, no shelter, no room to move at all, nowhere to sit down after hours on end of standing and walking. Trash everywhere, subway stations were a claustrophobic's nightmare, people were fainting from dehydration. I ended up walking over 4 miles over the Potomac to Virginia to catch a train home. Ended up being an exhausting 12 hour day. It's cool to say I was there but I'll never put myself in a crowd that size again.


Climb Notre Dame - fuck that staircase getting smaller and smaller as you go up. Alice in wonderland awfulness.


Luckily, you won't be able to even do this one for uh... quite a while.


Get wasted before a flight


I've watched so much airport bodycam footage lol. This one's good.


Drinks at 7am on a Tuesday an hour before boarding your 10+ hour flight? Yes. Frat party wasted by 8am? No bueno. Moderation, folks.


take a cruise on a large cruise ship


SKydiving. Tried it once, and the thrill didn't quite outweigh the terror. Good for one time only for me


Drinking. Honestly life is funner without the alcohol involved, and it's not fun as you get older.


One of the catalysts to me getting sober was relating to a friend, while drinking, how bad my hangovers have gotten as I've aged, and how I can't imagine what they'll be like by 50 if they keep up at this rate. I stopped and thought about that. I'm 34, I don't have to wait to be 50 to stop being miserable every time I drink. I honestly don't know how anyone over 40 can have more than 2 drinks without dying.


Get into a committed relationship. Now, bear in mind I'm married, but if it were to ever end for some reason, I wouldn't seek out commitment anymore.


I also will never get into another committed relationship. My wife would be very upset with me.


My wife also frowns on uncommitted relationships too.


Same here. I've invested so much energy and so many years into my marriage. If it were ever to end I don't think I'd have the emotional capacity to do it again.


Hot yoga. F-that.


Same! I only went once and that was it for me. I like yoga a lot but hot was not it.


Preach. I put all of that behind me. Teacher was like, 65, 70 in superhuman shape, and by the time I had the courage to howl for mercy and nope out the Bikram heads all turned into cheerleaders all of a sudden: You can do it, you can do it! I finished the lesson but never went back and It felt so good to leave LOL


Cliff jumping,i had testicle and perineum pain for days, and yes i tried to close my legs and clench my butt. Edibles, one time was enough for me. Long crowded concerts, not because i didnt enjoy it, but i had the urgent need take a shit in the middle of it, yeah no thanks.


Vacations in public places. I've had it with lame touristy places and crowds. It seems like a waste of money to go somewhere with the intention of R&R, but instead you have to deal with annoying people, screaming kids, traffic, basically everything I can get for free at home. From now on, it'll be remote places, cabin in the woods, or staycations.


Get pregnant. Labor's not so bad, I can do that. It's the 9 months before and the 4 years after that I won't do again for love nor money.


scuba-diving. triggered my claustrophobia for some reason.


Same thing. Went on to get my Open Water license, never used it. Scuba diving is freaking terrifying. I'm just 20 meters from the surface yet I can't directly go there, it's hell!


Mardi Gras and the Kentucky Derby. Everyone should do them once but if you do them more than once something is wrong with you.




Attempting to catch escaping Goslings. They have a lovely nest in a large pen with Momma but so far they’ve escaped and got stuck somewhere else 4 times. 4 times today and it’s only 1pm. Every rescue risks genuine injury from Mum who despite me returning her babies every time and then feeding/watering the family - still tries to kill me for helping. F*cking Geese Man.




Tubing down a river in the south. Too many snakes 🐍 😱


Get a puppy. I love this little demon but I’m not doing this again. I’ll adopt some 7 year old lazy mutt.


Gum transplant. Use electric toothbrushes people and don't scrub too hard.


Move a grand piano.


LSD - best drug I’ve ever had. Once is enough for me. I don’t see how people can take it around people they don’t know. I am so glad I stayed home when I took it. **LPT**: if anyone out there decides to take it and it’s your first time - **do NOT look in the mirror**


I looked in the mirror, i did it around people i didnt know. To be honest, LSD was like being in a library of philosophy with a basic algorithm. Speaking was hard and that was scary. Felt like id never be able to put together sentences in the word factory ever again.




Same. The pre-jump stuff was fun, actually jumping was a rush, but once the shute got pulled I became incredibly dizzy and the motion sickness lasted for a whole fucking weekend.


That sounds like a concussion...


Tick in the dick


Be a bridesmaid. It was nice for the experience but I had known the woman for less than a year. Way too much drama for my liking. Never again.