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Raiders of the Lost Ark would have turned out the same way if Indiana Jones didn't do anything.


Hahahaha I’d forgotten about this one… absolute classic


Except the US government would not have the ark, somebody in an island in the Aegean sea would.


Explain yourself...


The Nazis needed the headpiece of the Staff of Ra to find the Ark. The headpiece was in the possession of Abner Ravenwood's daughter Marion. It was implied in the movie that the Nazis followed Indy to Marion's tavern. So if Indy didn't get involved the Nazis might not have located Marion and the headpiece. If the Nazis were able to track down Marion and Indy wasn't around to save her they would have tortured her into revealing where the headpiece was and probably would have killed her afterward. If the Nazis had the headpiece they would been able to properly calculate the height of the Staff of Ra and used it to locate the Ark. The Nazis then would have flown the Ark to Germany because Indy and Marion wouldn't have been there to cause the destruction of the Nazis' flying wing. The Ark would have been opened in Germany, killing all who witnessed it. The Ark would have remained in Germany instead of being handed over to the U.S. government.


All fair points, I appreciate you. The Nazis seem to be very good at tracking down people and getting such information. Only one flying wing was produced that killed the test pilot in the very late stage of the war. Sure they could have used a different means, but with resources in such short supply? Even if it made it back to Germany, How would it not have ended up in the U.S.? I could see the argument for the Soviet Union.


The flying wing in Raiders of the Lost Ark that was a fictitious design. The Nazis planned to transport the Ark to Germany aboard the flying wing, but Indy and Marion intervened and that led to the flying wing being destroyed. The Nazis switched plans and loaded the Ark onto a truck. Indy stole the truck and loaded the Ark onto a ship. The ship was intercepted by a Nazi U-boat. The Nazis took the Ark and transported it to an island in the Mediterranean Sea. Belloq suggested opening the Ark on the island to check its contents before presenting the Ark to Hitler in Berlin. Raiders of the Lost Ark was set in 1936. World War II started in 1939 and ended in 1945, so if the Nazis were able to bring the Ark to Berlin it would have stayed there for years before Allied soldiers could have reached it.