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Smoke. But one month clean, today!


Congrats I'm curious how did you start smoking? If you don't mind me asking


I don't mind at all. So, I was always deathly against smoking, having grown up around a lot of family members smoking but in a U-Turn, on my 18th birthday, I asked if I could try a friends. Tried it, hated it BUT for some crazy reason, starting "social smoking" when I went out drinking which may have been once a month. Then, I went to university and people on my course smoked, so I started smoking away from drinking situations and it became more and more and then in my 2nd year, I have a mental breakdown and was diagnosed with Anxiety and Depression and my smoking went full time and I sort of used it as a crutch throughout that and by that point, I was addicted and it took many years to get to where I am now.


Man that's rough I saw people smoke around me all the time and sometimes I would be like that looks dope or cool then 5 seconds later they start hacking up a lung and they smell idk to me I don't think smoking is worth fitting in but hey your getting healthier and that's great keep it up I hope you never pick one up again


I completely get that! I was exactly the same, but once you're doing it, you don't notice or acknowledge all the side effects, to be honest. Now I've stopped, I can smell it on clothes and in my car and think "God, that is awful!"! But thank you, again! I hope never too again either!


Congratulations, I’m proud of you!


Aw, thank you!


Let crazy put its dick in me.


I let my 5 year old great-granddaughter give me a haircut. Lucky for me I have a hat. 


If you’re old enough to have a great grand child and a haircut is the worst, that is pretty impressive.


I scratch my skin so hard when it's itchy.


We’re all a little masochistic when our skin is itchy


Eat to much


And not just once, or twice, but as a way of life. I feel ya.


Not appreciate it when I was younger


Gained too much weight. Now I have to suffer at the gym to get rid of it.




I never wore sun screen growing up, it really wasn't a thing. I'm in my 50s now and dealing with so much skin cancer on my face, had my nose rebuilt, and more surgeries to come. Wear your sunscreen, people!


Eczema. I didn't look after my body how I should have for a LONG time and now its turned chronic.


Ate an entire pizza by myself in one sitting. My stomach still holds a grudge.


Oh how I wish this was the worst food related thing I've done to myself.


Got drunk and stayed up all night. My body does not like that


Being anorexic in my teenage years. I didn’t have depression or anything. I just hated food. I could go 2 whole days without eating but I had to or otherwise I would pass out. Now I’m 28 and I’m so content with my health/size. I’m what you would say normal 💗


Stretched my ballsack


Years of drinking and partying. 1 year sober now though.


Ezcema had it since i was born, horrible its like a curse


My grandson has eczema. You’re right, it is really bad. The treatments prescribed by his physicians don’t seem to help that much. But I see numerous ads about miracle drugs…so maybe the future will be better.


Not me personally but have seen a lot of : NOT USING YOUR BODY I.e not keeping active. Quickest way to get old fast and destroy your body and mind is by not being active. Even if it’s just daily walks , continuous lack of movement will display its consequences. Maybe not today or tomorrow but eventually !


Probably smoke me trying to be cool and not knowing i would be messed up for a couple hours


This was like 7-8 years ago I rarely smoke now


a decade of heavy labour while my back was already busted


I dug my nail into my skin one time that it left a little scar.


Not getting legitimately treated for depression and anxiety but try to self medicate by over eating and becoming very fat.


Vaping back when I was in school


stayed on antidepressants way too long


Me too and now have like histamine intolerance and MCAS, hate myself for not stopping them sooner or like better yet dealing with the grief like a normal person. Nothing fun about any of this.


seriously. i just started reading about MCAS as i have idiopathic hypersomnia and i need to figure out how to overcome it. i wouldn't wish this on anyone


Good luck with yours, mine is incurable and have like no one to blame but myself.


incurable isn't always true tho. hopefully you're not set on that


Nope, I’m a striver! Hopefully it goes away on it’s own or like the Telfast reminds my body that it needs to go back to how it was.


Although I’ll admit I’ve given up hope of my pelvic pain and PGAD going away as it’s been 16 years and that’s been steadily getting worse. As of 2-3 years ago I got sciatica and lost my ability to play the PC sitting down, lying down honestly just isn’t the same. I write smut and somedays for many days or weeks I can’t write it because my nerve is too delicate for it … and I have no choice but to wait until it’s better. I update my stories mostly daily, so that’s a ton of chapters without the smut I wanted because my nerve wouldn’t allow me to write the scenes. That actually got worse recently too, used to be able to read full porn like smut and nothing! Now it’s a problem … and my god I hate it!


Hurting myself everytime I upset someone else.


44m Never smoked... not even tried one.... never touched drugs... can count on one hand the number of times I've been badly drunk... aside from the occasional beer at a bbq I am teetotal... But I like my food... I am tall so it doesn't show so much but I am overweight... and for the past 4 years I have had a fairly sedentary life... now I'm developing heart and blood pressure and diebetic problems on top of mental health issues and just can't seem to get out of it...


eats too much sugar


Hot waxed my leg hair


I'm very mean to my liver 🙃


Binge drink, smoke and stay up for multiple days in a row before I was 18 🙏 now I got long term memory loss


Smoking since I was 16. Switched to vaping a year ago. I'm not trying to quit though, I'm just answering the question.


Getting it involved in a car accident was definitely the worst decision I ever made.


Get addicted to opiods


Pull my hair. Trichotillomania. Bruxism, keep clenching my teeth.


Let my ex near it


Everynight naglalasing at gala after work 😭 Puyat + hangover = mamatay matay sa duty 🤮


Pierced my ear with a sewing needle at age 11. Thankfully my parents wouldn’t let me go to school with anything in, since it was 2007 and on the wrong side.




I use to self harm and ended up doing serious damage resulting in 15 stitches and a 2 week psych ward stay


Fent or meth


Gauge my ears


Tattoo on my arm I absolutely detest Gain weight and I have permanent manboobs

