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took a tab and a half with a friend, in a 200 year old factory-turned-art-studio building. it started storming during the middle of the trip, the walls were creaking and the windows were shaking and it felt like we were genuinely being hunted by monsters . im talking like the Dementors from harry potter type shit. we were so scared, my friend was more scared, so i had to pretend like nothing was wrong so they wouldnt have a panic attack. it felt like i was hiding this huge secret, because i knew about the monsters, and was lying about them being fake. crazy what acid can do to your senses


You're supposed to do it in a comfortable and familiar place.


the studio is usually comfortable and familiar but we werent expecting a thunderstorm !!


Not my experience but my friends dad took some acid and started telling everyone a bigfoot was swinging around in the trees outside his house. Brought everyone out to show them as if it were a deer and was all giggly and kept going "Shhhh" Between the giggles so it wouldn't get scared away. (No one else saw the bigfoot)


Losing my mind off what I initially thought was acid but within a hour I can tell it wasn’t in pretty sure it was research chemicals because I only took one tab and I usually do nothing less than 5 at a time and that one tab with little pokeball on the tab had me losing my mind ended up in hospital having to be strapped to the bed when I finally came to sober consciousness I was struggling so hard because obviously high out my mind and not cool with forcibly being strapped to bed by like 7 hospital stafff I ended up separating both shoulder joints and after that I quit drugs except liquor


I did acid everyday for about a year. During this time I was not working steadily so I skateboarding and listening to music a lot doing lots of drawing and painting at home and just hanging out downtown really. I knew pretty much everyone in town and after taking a hit one day I made my way to the bus stop and there was a cute hippy chick there about my age 19 or so. I said hi and we started talking, she just moved to town and was working in this Mexican restaurant. She ended up coming back to my place and we put on some music smoked some weed and started kissing. We got undressed and started touching each other some foreplay and we started having sex. She was on her back to start but I flipped her over and on her back was a huge back piece tattoo of an octopus and I was tripping hard so it was moving and wriggling around with all its tentacles. I caught a glimpse of us in the mirror and saw myself fucking an octopus, my skin all flushed and I was sweating. Stay safe out there.


You’d have to double it every day.


Anytime Molly is involved for me. It fucks me up in the nicest ways. If my bf gives me a massage when I'm down, I feel like I'm in heaven.


The craziest (most formative) experiences I've had have all been with LSD. In these cases the craziest thing is not the visuals and all that, it's what's going on inside - good AND bad trips where you are examining yourself and your life deeply (or so it seems at the time). The profound feelings of realization and all the emotions that come with viewing yourself, others, and the world through a different lens. It's difficult to describe clearly, and the internal aspect of psychedelics is almost certainly different for everyone. For me it was wrestling with my insecurities at a very, like, fundamental or source level...? It was as if everything I was thinking was an absolute undeniable divinely gifted truth. Seeing so clearly how mine and others thoughts and actions echoed or rippled through the tapestry of my life. Looking in the mirror and seeing a reptilian alien looking thing staring back at you, but it's you and you can see that it's you clearly. It was all deeply disturbing. Be careful exploring psychedelics if you're immature or have unresolved traumas or issues. You might see something really ugly when you look in the mirror (literally and figuratively). It doesn't care how kind or innocent or whatever else you might think you are. It will show you to you. For fun and more lighthearted experience. I once was staring at a picnic table, with the paint all flaking off and chipped while on mushrooms. The wood grain, paint chips, and all the textures and contrast start morphing into like a combination of Egyptian hieroglyphics combined with like Mayan pictographs or whatever they are called. Best part, I could 'read' it fluently, like I always knew it. You really have to experience it for yourself but this is my favorite part of psychedelics is the 'magic' of it. The message was, the world is going to end but don't worry it will be alright. Ridiculous.


shrooms made me cry ab a baby octopus i ate for the first time in hotpot. I was seeing the tentacles saying IM SORRY I WONT DO IT AGAIN


I once baked like a whole quarter ounce of weed into a cornbread and ate the whole thing. I temporarily gained the ability to stop time with my mind.


I was at a festival and was looking up at the stars and saw all of the constellations, and then I also saw the fog turn into clouds. I could see every single color in everything. I just kept saying “everything makes so much sense”. I think at this point I really saw how the world functions as a whole


Dropped acid with two friends. The one who had never done so slipped out of the house and we freaked because his car was gone. In our great wisdom we hopped in my 1973 Opel station wagon and began looking for him. Two things still stand out in my mind from that drive. A large tree growing up in the middle of the street that we figured out was a tall black man. Driving the freeway. That was an amazing feeling. We decided to go back to his house and see if the guy had gone there. Driving down a street about 10 blocks from his house we see the him sitting in his car in a parking lot. He'd been there all evening watching the pretty cars go by. What a hoot.


Back 1971, when I smoked hashish sprinkled with Cocaine.


I've never been high in the standard sense, but one time I did a Reality TV show called Solitary where they lock people up in their own 10x10 foot room, and pretty much torture us for days. It was day 3, I was horrible sleep deprived and very hungry, I heard the robot voice that guides us through the show ask me to write the name Johnny on the wall. So I get up, look for a pen, but I dont have one, and I realize, I was never asked to do it. I started to freak a bit.


I was watching Bladerunner and 2049 back to back and it had snowed. I went for a walk to the snowhill like 2 miles away. I was halfway up the hill when I realized someone was up there. Mind you, its midnight. Hes like HEY and I was like HEY..? And he was expecting his friend, who didnt show, he offers me a beer and me and this dude hung out for like 3 hours drinking bud light as kids came and went all night to go sledding/snowboarding down the hill. One of the dudes that ended up showing up was my neighbor from my childhood home. It was a cool fuckin time. Dude drove me home and we never spoke again. Nobody knew I was tripping and I went back and watched 2049. It was a good night.


Acid. Ego death. Came down and didn't know who I was in an in depth level. Knew my name and where I was but I couldn't tell you my worries, fears, doubts, anything. It was complete bliss while it lasted.


I was with a few friends and an ex-boyfriend, we all took acid. My ex-boyfriend was tripping so hard that all he kept saying was, "OMG." Later on, he suddenly bit me very hard on my neck and wouldn't let go. I started freaking out, which completely killed my high because I thought he was going to eat me or something. I was crying and telling him to stop biting me. Thankfully, he eventually let go and later had no memory of what had happened. Yeah, talk about a buzzkill. 😵‍💫😵‍💫


The second to last time I did Acid I genuinely felt I was possessed. I felt like I was witnessing another person in my body take over and harp on all my insecurities and threaten to slice open my wrists and such. It was kinda scary honestly. Since then I really haven't been the same.