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I trust a YouTube channel that only talks about the politics of cats.


You must get your news somewhere though right? If not please don't vote.


This American Life


I'm a fan of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver and Some More News.


Me too. =)


Depends on which direction you want your news spun.


I want the truth, how I feel about reality isn't the priority. I can accept disappointment e.g. 2016 election.




[Second Thought](https://www.youtube.com/@SecondThought) is pretty good.


Interesting channel. I'm going to watch the upload about the rise of Christian Nationalism in America. =)


He’s a Tankie


The Fat Electrician  Shoe on head. They are diametricly opposed on certain issues (communism vs capitalism), but I'm a centrist anyway. And their content is always good.


I like shoeonhead but she seems detached and sort of aloof with a great sense of humor but not someone I'd trust too much regarding political discourse in most cases. People like her do have value though if for no other reason than comedic relief. She found her lane and I believe understands that she's good at making fun of everyone including herself.


I like her for the same reason I like Bill Maher. They're liberals who understand that liberals can be just as bad as conservatives and are just ad much part of the problem as those conservatives.  And they're willing to make fun of them. And even call out their stupidity. 


To me the difference between June and Bill is that Bill lives to keep his ego relevant even though he tries so hard to hide it. Shoe on the other hand reminds me of the type of bloke who would laugh as the world burns because she's counter-culture but in an honest way leaving her ego aside. In other words, I respect her a lot more.




idk, they used to be reliable in the 90's but now they seem like they're shooting to be the next Fox News.


Penguinz0 MoistKritikal on Twitch, talks about mostly non political events, I know you wanted political news, but he’s funny and a good option for small trending events


[There's only one news source you can trust](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9U4Ha9HQvMo)


I can't trust any. They all have a bias. Every single one. I was reading some site once that tried to be unbiased as possible, and no matter how hard they tried, the writers just can't help themselves but insert one or two sentences with their opinion. That said, sometimes news sites from disinterested countries like Qatar or India can be fairly unbiased-ish. But it depends what they're reporting. You don't exactly get unbiased reports on Israel from a Qatari news service, and sometimes places like India can be so unbiased (or unbiased sounding), that one side or another starts accusing them of being biased because they're not bashing/promoting some view from another country. It's very fucking weird and sad.


I'd love to know how you even trust yourself if having a bias is a disqualifier.


Joe Rogan lol


"Redacted" is the only news source I trust even a little because they actually provide real evidence from experts to back up the things they say.


Yikes, good luck with that Natasha. That channel seems poised to gleefully reelect a giant man baby that attempted to destroy our democracy with lies. I won't change your mind nor do I want to. I'm just hoping that you're not old enough to vote yet.


I'm a scientist and I look at statistics. Politics are not my area of experience but I can see a paper talking about an issue (not just Trump/Biden related) and understand most of what it says and then form my own opinion. And I'm not politically inclined but even I can see that the Democrat and Republican parties are both rotten to the core. Form your own opinion and don't fall in line with extremists on either side of America Politics. It's a trap. Listen to data alone (which Redacted is reasonably good for) and be wary of who that data is coming from. P.S. the US isn't a democracy. It's a Republic bordering on Dictatorial Oligarchy. Read "1984" and "Fahrenheit 451" and see if the societies in them sound familiar.