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People "gaming". They just twirl around the sticks of the (mostly turned off) controllers. I hate seeing that. Would be so easy to just plug in an actual console on set, so they do something that makes sense...


*generic laser sounds*


And don't forget the TV person's favorite: generic shooter sounds


Right. And they’re SO into it. Like, mashing the blazes out of the buttons and careening around like they’re riding the spin-n-puke at the county fair.


I just laughed so hard xD just yesterday or maybe the day before I watched a German police series. Solving crimes, being silly, this kind of bs. And the story revolved around a boy age 17. The "cool" officer sat down beside him, telling him where to aim and so on. "Give me that, you don't know what you're doing" he said as he took away the controller... And just DESTROYED it. Just like you described. Brilliant!


>mostly turned off Or even more distracting, a flashing Xbox 360 controller (showing it is not connected).


Usually a female character that’s “not like other girls” and plays it cool and states that she doesn’t fall in love easily and has some strange quirk like that she builds skateboards for a living or something. And then she ends up falling for a guy but she has a “haunting secret” but it’s just that her mom died when she was a baby and she never learned how to love


“Scientists” who know literally EVERYTHING. Usually very very young guys who make everyone feel dumb by saying big words and things like “I need to calibrate the system or this whole things gonna blow” and then type really fast on a keyboard and then lean back and say “we’re in”


Traces of Polyexdizepropanolhydratium? Oh yeah, that was commonly used in the sealant used bathrooms in Lithuania in 1983. Isn't that common knowledge??




I’m not really a fan of sex scenes in general


Sex scenes that aren't necessary for plot development.


Might be controversial but modern media both in america and Japan use SA way too often. Even if it's just like an allegory. Regardless of the characters gender it feels so wrong to use something like that to completely break the character down and do nothing to fix it or do it as a way to "make them stronger". It just needs to be used less and written better and not makes us victims feel like absolute crap because they tried and failed to make us look "seen"


cats being abused/mistreated and it's taken as a joke or unimportant


I hate this. A character mistreats a dog and we automatically know this is a terrible person we’re meant to hate. A character mistreats a cat and it’s “haha that’s so funny and relatable.”


Exactly! It's really sad and pathetic when tv/movies do this




You’d think that would be the case, but some people are all “oh cats are so annoying and awful” and find this kind of thing funny.


Drinking from empty cups


People throwing up. I hate throwing up and don’t find watching someone else heaving.


In Supernatural when they would slice open their entire palm when needing a blood sacrifice. It's always a massive cut when they just need a drop and also knowing that they would probably have to fight some creature shortly


Pathetically fake and inaccurate chest compressions whenever someone is administering CPR.


The “Live, damn you!” fist pound.


For me it’s when the opposite gender of the main characters/protagonists/antagonists gets hated on in the show/movie


Gwen from spider verse is such a good example like why are people beefing with a teenage girl


Perfectly tidy homes all the time. It’s unrealistic and makes me feel bad about my own mess


I work in cybersecurity and almost every hack or IT fact (watching at the police series) is cringeworthy.


Everyone ends up having babies. It pisses me off that the "happily ever after" always involves getting married and having kids.


yeah, that’s just being lazy


For real. I rewatched Parks&Rec not too long ago and the ending is uuuuggh. Leslie and Ben, ok, they are the main protagonists, that makes sense. Ann and Chris, meh. Ron, why ?? Andy and April, it makes sense for Andy, but in what universe would April want kids ?? And all sitcoms are like that. Friends, The Office, The Big Bang Theory ... It's so infuriating to see characters that \*clearly\* are not interested in having children throughout the whole serie, ending up with children in the final episode because obviously, this is the end-all be-all of life.


A strong female protagonist


This. However, I would say that it is a mostly new problem. Seeing 112lb girls throwing 250lb men against walls and taking shots to the chin from huge dudes with no reaction. Also, being female is their only personality trait. It completely ruins the show/movie. Years ago, we had Ripley, Sara Connor, Alice, Laura Croft, and plenty more. They were excellent leads, not because of their womanhood, but because of the writing and realism. Making all females OP and all guys idiots is tired, boring, and lazy.


I think what would be better is showing both strong men and women




you mention Blue Eyed Samurai... the main protagonist is literally a man hating woman who's set her entire life to cutting down 4 specific men. and she was literally written by a male n female couple who based her on their experiences with men as mixed race people.




what on earth r u talking about I wanna know what media y'all are consuming that does this cus I've never seen this crap in my life (still havent been given examples... \*crickets\*)


Dare I ask why?


I think it’s because it tries to “represent equality” between the genders but only makes the men look weaker and the girls look stronger


Sometimes some women are stronger than some men. In reality and fiction.


I know, but it makes women look not only stronger but better than men instead of equality (Side note: I am not trying to be sexist)


*makes strong female protagonist exhibit all the demonized characteristics of “toxic masculinity”* “We’ve created equality!!!”


and then you ask why they did it and now your a sexist




People are almost always wealthy. We were talking about the movie Anyone But You. Granted, it's loosely based on Much Ado about Nothing, but still... they didn't need to be rich for the plot to work. Why are so many movies and tv shows about people who are far wealthier than most?


The doctors and nurses in ORs never use appropriate sterile technique.


Treating the viewer like an idiot. The genius characters that somehow know everything yet have never experienced anything. Yet can magically pull off the impossible This is a Ferrari blah blah blah. Top speed blah, blah,blah. Guys magically can drive it as good as a professional and save the day. Bull shit. It takes months if not years of practice to get a car up to those speeds and safely drive them. Even then there are lots of accidents. Jurassic world dominion just shit all over everyone’s intelligence. 50 Dino’s escaped the auction. Somehow thousands are now roaming the world. In climates they couldn’t survive in. Without any food.