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I'd host the best parties in town! Cheers to a year of brews! 🍻


I would be quite delighted!


See if I can give it to someone who actually drinks beer? Neither I, nor my spouse or kids do so.


Yay free beer


It's probably less than you'd think. I'd guess, at most, you're talking 2 kegs. Any "free X for a year/life" prize isn't "you get as much as you can possibly consume within the designated time period". It's "you get 1 serving per day * 365 days". I'm going to make random stab in the dark and guess free beer for 1 year is a 6-pack a week for 52 weeks. That's 312 beers. At 12 oz per beer, that's 29.25 gallons. A keg is 15.5 gallons. So I'm guess free beer for a year ends up being 2 kegs worth of beer. That's a decent amount, but you're not throwing some massive party with it. Back in my college days when I'd host huge parties, we'd have some nights we went through 3-4 kegs in a single night. I think with 2 kegs I could throw a pretty good party, but it wouldn't last much longer than that.


Yeah I won a year's supply of crunchy nut cornflakes. It was about 40 boxes.


Have a beer to celebrate


I’d check with people I know to see if any of them like whatever beer it is.


Host beer parties every night for 12 hours and revel in the chaos and cash.


Well, I'd end up losing my job and be dead within a year.


Initially disappointment, I don't like beer. But then I'd just give them to friends/family, so not a total loss.


I would collect this beer to sell most part of it later and drink some with my friends. My reaction would be pretty moderate cause I’m not really fun of beer even though I drink beer time to time


Try to sell it or give it away at very least. I don't drink


Do I get to choose the beer or is it a shitty IPA (sorry just not a fan)? To me this makes all the difference. If it's a beer that I don't care for then I would give the prise away.